Mueller Declared Russians He Charged With Crimes “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”--But Not Trump!

Mueller is a joke who was hired by a joke (Dem party) and investigating a joke. For $35 million of American taxpayers money, and that is (unfortunately for the entire country) NOT a joke.
Mueller ran and hid like a scalded dog!!

He now knows he will be charged with high treason

Mueller the coward would not take any questions because that would prove he is guilty of high treason

Barr must take his passport quickly while he investigates the unequal and hypocritical justice from
Pretty stunning to hear him say that he would have exonerated him If there was enough evidence to do so. I mean he just threw presumption of innocence out the door. After hearing him say that, why in the world would anyone take him seriously!
Mueller can't hide from Lindsay Graham's Senate subpoena. That will be "must see TV".
Jesus, no Russians did anything. Mueller is such a fucking, democrat douchebag. Surprising he did not have semi stroke like Fat "Code Blue" Nadler did the other day. No wonder Mueller the douchebag ran off the stage after 8 minutes of reading his democrat script.
Let me see if I have this right, Trump is Japan, Barr is in Alaska and Mule is at State flapping his yap and commiting treason? That about it? Oh, and by the way, someone said he needs a job. No he doesn't, he is retiring to private life, I mean, if he gets the chance.

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