Mueller Gets CAUGHT !!!

Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.

Normal people with logic

Knows what treason is and what high treason is

China has bought off America's crooks in order to weaken America

China now is rising to make us stop our ways

China bought off the bidens

China working to promote harm to America by weakening America thru liberalism

Our enemy has been help by America's traitors

That folks Is HIGH TREASON !!

If anyone disagrees that proves low logic by not having the ability to understand ..

Just reading a statement may not mean what it seems to be saying

That is what logic does

Logic brings the correct understanding of anything including statements

Use logic to break down a statement to get to the truth

Enemy-- War-- aiding and abetting

A whole bunch of deep state people is guilty of high treason
We write our laws down so that political opponents can't suddenly claim that views they disagree with are capital crimes. Our Framers, so recently been under despotism where views the crown didn't agree with could get you hung for "High Treason" very tightly defined Treason in the US Constitution. In fact, it is the ONLY crime defined in the US Constitution.

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. Specifically limited to levying war against the state, "adhering to the enemies" of the state, or aiding the enemies of the state, and requiring two witnesses or a confession in open court. Fewer than thirty people have ever been charged with treason under these laws.

The earliest records about treason mention the Whiskey Rebellion, a 1794 protest over excise taxes in Pennsylvania, where two men were convicted of treason and eventually pardoned by President George Washington. After World War II, poet Ezra Pound was arrested for treason, and subsequently hospitalized as insane, for his belligerent, pro-fascist propaganda. Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally, the Americans who broadcast propaganda for Japan and Germany, spent years in prison on treason convictions.

Since WWII no one has been charged with treason though if Jane Fonda had not been Henry Fonda's daughter she very likely would have been charged after her visit to Hanoi in 1972.

The Rosenbergs were convicted of espionage, for example, they were sentenced to death on April 5 under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, not for treason.
As defined the basics of treason has been met with these actions

And being so wide. The treason is indeed high treason

Helping the enemy is met

Trade wars with the enemy is met with wars

Spying and stealing has been met

All logic says this is high treason

Just like all logic says abortion is indeed murder
America is at war with several nations

Cold War is the same as any war

A Cold War enemy working to weaken America thru an American citizen

Is treason by the citizen

And many citizens being bought off to
weaken America

Is indeed high treason

Only logic can bring the correct understanding of any law or statement !!

A high logic test for voters will bring the greatest and most powerful nation ever

The highest logical thinkers of the world would then stampede to that nation to make it the best ever
Tokyo Rose charged with treason

Is no different than being bought off to push the poison of liberalism to weaken America

Many deep state people are guilty of this

Helping to strengthen our enemy while helping to weaken America
Anyone who pushes liberalism weakens America big time by bringing the death sentence of this monster imbalance of young to old

Also pushing low logic people to vote also destroys a nation

Many deep state people guilty of

Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Maybe keep them down to two or three a day? Maybe create a section for them?

Life isn't a Mark Levin radio show.

You must know nothing of history

History shows how suddenly it seems wars and Great Depression comes

There is no sudden change .. They all change for certain reasons

Those certain reasons are right here and NOW

Wake up and stop the sleeping .. All this is right in front of you
Get back to me when the "logic tests for voting" are implemented.


Again there is no Sudden changes

All sudden changes comes from certain domino set up change

Wars come from overlooking the harm and it becomes too late
Is this like, Japanese poetry?
You dont need to read the full Mueller report. just the executive summary makes the case for impeachment
You dont need to read the full Mueller report. just the executive summary makes the case for impeachment
Then what's the hold up?

Impeach him, we dare you.

The hold up for the impeachment is that the men of America supports trump and the men of the military

Because the men have held strong and getting stronger for trump. There is Nothing that the deep state can do to stop the will of the men

A logic test for voters is coming
Someone tell Mueller's spokesperson that we want answers...imagine that...Mueller with a spokesperson.....can you say guilty as hell....fucking seditious clown....
MUELLER GETS CAUGHT! Devin Nunes Just Caught Dirty Cop Mueller Lying to American Public about Joseph Misfud (VIDEO)

From the very beginning of this hoax probe mueller proves to commit high treason

Mueller brings all prosecutors who are all Hillary supporters

Then he lets that leak to get the news to trump

That act was trying to scare trump into over looking the serious democrat crimes

But now the serious crimes have turned into high treason crimes and mueller himself right in middle of all of this corruption
Do people forget this Turd Personally erased all the Data on Strozk and Paige's Cell Phones to hide their text messages from The IG?
MUELLER GETS CAUGHT! Devin Nunes Just Caught Dirty Cop Mueller Lying to American Public about Joseph Misfud (VIDEO)

From the very beginning of this hoax probe mueller proves to commit high treason

Mueller brings all prosecutors who are all Hillary supporters

Then he lets that leak to get the news to trump

That act was trying to scare trump into over looking the serious democrat crimes

But now the serious crimes have turned into high treason crimes and mueller himself right in middle of all of this corruption
Do people forget this Turd Personally erased all the Data on Strozk and Paige's Cell Phones to hide their text messages from The IG?

Corrupt to the core !!!!!
this insane desire to destroy everything related to Trump is actually destroying america. THIS MEANS WAR!
this insane desire to destroy everything related to Trump is actually destroying america. THIS MEANS WAR!

Yes... And this is the deep state totally stopping we the people from their power.Stopping the power of the voter to decide. The voter votes in a president to do his power and do the job of a president Until 4 years

The deep state is not letting the people do its job!!
If Nunes is correct about Mueller lying about the Misfud video, then we'll point out that the Michigan address that links the Clinton crime family is also a CIA link to the Queen's table via honey from apiarist familial DNA linking to the address. This is about as close as it has gotten for the Steele dossier connection, though it would be in poor taste for Trump to outright ask the Queen about the honey during these ceremonies.
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Maybe keep them down to two or three a day? Maybe create a section for them?

Life isn't a Mark Levin radio show.
Speaking of good journalism, Consortium News pointed out that Jimmy Dore covered the latest I.F. Stone winner.

Jimmy Dore Gets the Last Laugh on Russia-gate
The harlequin duck (Histrionicus, a la Dore) links to histrionics (commedia dell'arte). We have already mentioned that Downer DNA links to harlequin duck country. By not posting any Christopher Steele chrons in this thread, there is no way to prove nor disprove both Steele's and Downer's presence on Cyprus at the same time. duh.

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