Mueller Gets CAUGHT !!!

Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
Dirty Bob Mueller is rotten evil vile bastard, that's for sure.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?
You got it!
name one hitler like thing trump has done.
Filled the courts with lackey judges. Made Germany feel like a victim. Broke Treaties, ala non-aggression pact with Russia and ethnic scapegoating.
What's a "ala non-aggression pact with Russia"?
'Pears so.

"Made Germany feel like a victim"

I wonder what the hell that is?
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point.....

"I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole..."

Thank you for demonstrating ONCE AGAIN you completely IGNORE the existing evidence exposing their collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and criminal acts intended to affect the outcome of the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton, EVERYTHING THEY HAVE FALSELY ACCUSED TRUMP OF DOING.


Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report. He was BUSTED!

Why don't you just STOP pushing the traitors' / criminals' exposed false narrative / lies and attacking those courageous / with enough integrity, unlike you, to acknowledge what really happened?
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.
There is conspiracy, sedition, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, Leaking Classified, and other crimes...that several on the Left / in Obama's administration have already been proven to have committed.
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.
And that was my point.
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point.....

"I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole..."

Thank you for demonstrating ONCE AGAIN you completely IGNORE the existing evidence exposing their collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, and criminal acts intended to affect the outcome of the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton, EVERYTHING THEY HAVE FALSELY ACCUSED TRUMP OF DOING.


Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report. He was BUSTED!

Why don't you just STOP pushing the traitors' / criminals' exposed false narrative / lies and attacking those courageous / with enough integrity, unlike you, to acknowledge what really happened?
What in the world do all those talk radio talking points have to do with my point about Trump, his followers, and goofy hyperbole?
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.
There is conspiracy, sedition, FISA Court Abuses, Perjury, Leaking Classified, and other crimes...that several on the Left / in Obama's administration have already been proven to have committed.
I suspect these dirty bastards are petty good at covering their asses, I do hope that in their cocky self-righteousness that they were sloppy enough to support felony indictments.

I have a feeling that we are going to be shocked at the degree at which really vile misuse of Federal power is an Administrative violation, so handled as employee discipline, rather that felonies resulting in indictments. I look forward to Barr's and the IG's reports.
What in the world do all those talk radio talking points....
You just can't stop, can you. AGAIN you attempt to disregard / play off existing evidence of Barak Obama and his administration's involvement / being the source of the false Russian collusion BS and evidence exposing their crimes...

'Talk Radio Talking Points'? You prove you are not only a traitor-apologist and a reality-denier but that you are a JOKE whose word is just as unreliable as Steele's, attempting to warp reality and spin false narratives...for anyone ignorant or biased enough to listen
What in the world do all those talk radio talking points....
You just can't stop, can you. AGAIN you attempt to disregard / play off existing evidence of Barak Obama and his administration's involvement / being the source of the false Russian collusion BS and evidence exposing their crimes...

'Talk Radio Talking Points'? You prove you are not only a traitor-apologist and a reality-denier but that you are a JOKE whose word is just as unreliable as Steele's, attempting to warp reality and spin false narratives...for anyone ignorant or biased enough to listen
Sounds good, thanks!
I suspect these dirty bastards are petty good at covering their asses, I do hope that in their cocky self-righteousness that they were sloppy enough to support felony indictments.

I have a feeling that we are going to be shocked at the degree at which really vile misuse of Federal power is an Administrative violation, so handled as employee discipline, rather that felonies resulting in indictments. I look forward to Barr's and the IG's reports.

Mac tells everyone that Comey, Feinstein, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Lynch, & Baker all pointing fingers at each other, declaring the others were the ones who insisted the Dossier be used as a large part of the investigation and in the FISA Court warrant requests and renewals (notice they are no longer denying it happened, just accusing each other as being the culprit) and does his best impersonation of Baghdad Bob declaring, 'There is nothing to this....these are all right wing conspiracy radio talk show talking points...there is nothing to see...move along.'

Unfortunately for Mac, we can either choose to listen to his propaganda or actually read the transcript s of DOJ's Ohr's and former FBI agent Page's testimony under oath before Congress that completely proves the opposite of what Mac is claiming.

I don't know about anyone else, but I will stick with sworn testimony, verified notes from the Deputy Secretary of State / Director of the State Department, and other verified / reliable sources.
Mac is wrong again

Mueller saw that the men backing trump is not backing down but increasing

And now he knows Barr will expose the deep state

Mueller now is running for his crooked life

Nothing can be done if the men goes for trump

The men always wins

Europe is also showing the men waking up

Liberals and globalists will all be charged with high treason !!
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.

People must rate harm in the correct priority order way. Not doing that causes great harm in a million ways

What the deep state has done is totally shocking

The education system now is covering up and lying on science

America is at a point of no return if it keeps letting in low iQs to vote

With low iQs multiplying like rabbits
Now is the time to save this nation before it's too late

When crooks does their harmful acts all of them wants to hide with saying why the uproar

The uproar must come to save the nation

The men being on trumps side will not let this go

The men will win
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.

People must rate harm in the correct priority order way. Not doing that causes great harm in a million ways

What the deep state has done is totally shocking

The education system now is covering up and lying on science

America is at a point of no return if it keeps letting in low iQs to vote

With low iQs multiplying like rabbits
Now is the time to save this nation before it's too late

When crooks does their harmful acts all of them wants to hide with saying why the uproar

The uproar must come to save the nation

The men being on trumps side will not let this go

The men will win
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.

Normal people with logic

Knows what treason is and what high treason is

China has bought off America's crooks in order to weaken America

China now is rising to make us stop our ways

China bought off the bidens

China working to promote harm to America by weakening America thru liberalism

Our enemy has been help by America's traitors

That folks Is HIGH TREASON !!

If anyone disagrees that proves low logic by not having the ability to understand ..

Just reading a statement may not mean what it seems to be saying

That is what logic does

Logic brings the correct understanding of anything including statements

Use logic to break down a statement to get to the truth

Enemy-- War-- aiding and abetting

A whole bunch of deep state people is guilty of high treason
When the former President of the United States and the highest members of his Cabinet and Directors of his Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies are exposed as having initiated / engaged in a conspiracy to protect Hillary Clinton from indictment / prosecution so that she could run and win the Presidency in 2016...and that they created a knowingly false narrative regarding illegal collusion with the Russians by Trump in order to prevent him from winning and to 'take him down' - overturning the results in the election in the process, does the difference between 'TREASON' and 'HIGH TREASON' really matter 1 tinker's damn?
What in the world do all those talk radio talking points....
You just can't stop, can you. AGAIN you attempt to disregard / play off existing evidence of Barak Obama and his administration's involvement / being the source of the false Russian collusion BS and evidence exposing their crimes...

'Talk Radio Talking Points'? You prove you are not only a traitor-apologist and a reality-denier but that you are a JOKE whose word is just as unreliable as Steele's, attempting to warp reality and spin false narratives...for anyone ignorant or biased enough to listen
All the Russian interference happened on Obama's watch.
Everyone involved in directing the vast powers of the Federal government against a political opponent, were connected to Hillary.

Durham and the IG will have reports out soon and we will have a better understanding of how our government was directed against a domestic presidential campaign.
Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Mueller was caught - just as he did in the past - HIDING EVIDENCE in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction when there was none. The transcript of the message was placed side-by-side with what Mueller put in his report.
He was BUSTED!

'Histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads'? How about you stop denying reality / evidence and trying to kiss / cover the traitor's ass?!
I realize that Trump (and by extension, his followers) seems to need to engage in goofy hyperbole to make a point, and I realize it's a standard utility of talk radio, but in Normal World, using the term "high treason" - not once, but twice - is simplistic, shallow and silly.
I corrected him on that. There is no "High Treason" in US law, but there is in old Monty Python movies.

Normal people with logic

Knows what treason is and what high treason is

China has bought off America's crooks in order to weaken America

China now is rising to make us stop our ways

China bought off the bidens

China working to promote harm to America by weakening America thru liberalism

Our enemy has been help by America's traitors

That folks Is HIGH TREASON !!

If anyone disagrees that proves low logic by not having the ability to understand ..

Just reading a statement may not mean what it seems to be saying

That is what logic does

Logic brings the correct understanding of anything including statements

Use logic to break down a statement to get to the truth

Enemy-- War-- aiding and abetting

A whole bunch of deep state people is guilty of high treason
We write our laws down so that political opponents can't suddenly claim that views they disagree with are capital crimes. Our Framers, so recently been under despotism where views the crown didn't agree with could get you hung for "High Treason" very tightly defined Treason in the US Constitution. In fact, it is the ONLY crime defined in the US Constitution.

Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. Specifically limited to levying war against the state, "adhering to the enemies" of the state, or aiding the enemies of the state, and requiring two witnesses or a confession in open court. Fewer than thirty people have ever been charged with treason under these laws.

The earliest records about treason mention the Whiskey Rebellion, a 1794 protest over excise taxes in Pennsylvania, where two men were convicted of treason and eventually pardoned by President George Washington. After World War II, poet Ezra Pound was arrested for treason, and subsequently hospitalized as insane, for his belligerent, pro-fascist propaganda. Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally, the Americans who broadcast propaganda for Japan and Germany, spent years in prison on treason convictions.

Since WWII no one has been charged with treason though if Jane Fonda had not been Henry Fonda's daughter she very likely would have been charged after her visit to Hanoi in 1972.

The Rosenbergs were convicted of espionage, for example, they were sentenced to death on April 5 under Section 2 of the Espionage Act of 1917, not for treason.
What in the world do all those talk radio talking points....
You just can't stop, can you. AGAIN you attempt to disregard / play off existing evidence of Barak Obama and his administration's involvement / being the source of the false Russian collusion BS and evidence exposing their crimes...

'Talk Radio Talking Points'? You prove you are not only a traitor-apologist and a reality-denier but that you are a JOKE whose word is just as unreliable as Steele's, attempting to warp reality and spin false narratives...for anyone ignorant or biased enough to listen
All the Russian interference happened on Obama's watch.
Everyone involved in directing the vast powers of the Federal government against a political opponent, were connected to Hillary.

Durham and the IG will have reports out soon and we will have a better understanding of how our government was directed against a domestic presidential campaign.
we hope

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