Mueller Gets CAUGHT !!!

Good gawd. Can we slow down a bit on these histrionic, hyperbolic, bombastic, wild-eyed threads a bit?

Maybe keep them down to two or three a day? Maybe create a section for them?

Life isn't a Mark Levin radio show.
Yeah right.
Every day we see the Democrats showing just how much more nasty they can get.
They just have to put something in the news every day about someone cussing out Trump.

That's all they have.

We see them exploring boundaries of their imaginations.
What else can they say to show how upset they are for not winning an election?
Elizabeth Warren tells us that it's not Trump who's fucked up....but the fact that so many fucked up people existed that voted for Trump.

This is like saying that much of America is totally fucked up in the head.
So how is this any different than what Hillary said about deplorables?

The truth is these people have become warped by their hatred.
They are no-longer Americans......they are anti-Americans willing to say or do anything it takes to get their scumbag representatives in charge.

This is a very dangerous state of affairs for this country.
It's exactly the state that Putin wanted.
Exploiting boundaries
Mueller is hiding like a dirty rat

Mueller lies about keeping the investigation private. It was him leaking him having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters ..

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

A totally corrupt person and big time liar. Robert Mueller !!!
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?
The Mueller Investigation Was Always an Impeachment Probe


Dirty Bob abdicated on obstruction in an attempt to bypass the Justice Department and bootleg it to Congress.

In a meeting over two weeks before Mueller submitted his final report, Dirty Bob emphatically denied that his refusal to render a prosecutorial judgment on obstruction hinged on the OLC guidance.

When we finally heard from him on Wednesday, Dirty Bob lauded Barr’s good faith, never claiming that the AG had misrepresented him. The conversation between them on the OLC guidance was was witnessed by other people in the room when Mueller denied that the OLC guidance was his rationale for abdicating his statutory responsibility.

Despite that, Dirty Bob wants Congress and the public to presume that if it were not for the OLC guidance, it is very likely that he would have charged the president with obstruction — maybe not an absolute certainty, but nearly so.

And then, just in case we were too dense to understand the nods and winks, Dirty Bob took pains to emphasize that, in our constitutional system, it is up to Congress, not federal prosecutors, to address alleged misconduct by a sitting president.

Dirty Bob's unstated point: Impeachment is the only remedy, unless congressional Democrats are saying that Donald Trump is above the law. Good luck to Speaker Pelosi keeping the AOC caucus hinged after Dirty Bob's encore.

Mueller was appointed not to a collusion probe but an obstruction probe, and that necessarily made it an impeachment probe.

The issue in impeachment cases is abuse of power, not courtroom guilt. A counsel to a congressional impeachment committee does not need evidence strong enough to support a criminal indictment; just something reasonably close to that, enough to enable a president’s congressional opposition to find unfitness for high office.

Mueller’s staff of progressive activists, has conceptions of executive power and obstruction that are saliently different from Barr’s and from those of conservative legal analysts who subscribe to Justice Scalia’s views on unitary executive power.

The attorney general believes that
(a) obstruction charges may not be based on exercises of a president’s constitutional prerogatives — only on obviously corrupt acts (e.g., evidence destruction, bribing witnesses);
(b) all executive power under the Constitution is reposed in the president; and thus,
(c) when the chief executive takes actions the Constitution empowers him to take (e.g., firing or threatening to fire subordinates), it is not the place of an inferior executive officer, such as a federal prosecutor, to second-guess them as “corruptly motivated.”​
Recognizing how traumatic accusing a president of a crime is for the country, moreover, Barr thinks an obstruction offense would have to be crystal-clear and serious — you don’t tear the nation apart over something about which reasonable minds could differ.

Mueller’s staff believes that
(a) the executive bureaucracy is semi-autonomous in its areas of expertise, and thus Justice Department prosecutors are supreme, even over the president, in matters of law enforcement;
(b) Congress had the constitutional power to, in effect, transfer executive authority from the president to prosecutors by enacting obstruction laws that may be enforced against the president; and therefore,
(c) even if a presidential action is lawful in itself, a prosecutor may allege obstruction if the prosecutor believes the president’s motive was corrupt.​
Furthermore, little or no consideration should be given to whether a president’s allegedly obstructive act is especially clear or serious because the president (at least if the president is a Republican) must be treated like anyone else — otherwise, the president is placed above the law. (Democratic presidents, to the contrary, are the law — see, e.g., DACA, Obamacare decrees, IRS harassment of conservative groups, Fast and Furious stonewalling of Congress . . .)

Robert Mueller's Investigation Was Always Impeachment Probe | National Review

Mueller is hiding like a dirty rat

Mueller lies about keeping the investigation private. It was him leaking him having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters ..

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

A totally corrupt person and big time liar. Robert Mueller !!!
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.
What are the charges?
There are none.
Alternate facts?

You folks really all need to be exported.
The Mueller Investigation Was Always an Impeachment Probe


Dirty Bob abdicated on obstruction in an attempt to bypass the Justice Department and bootleg it to Congress.

In a meeting over two weeks before Mueller submitted his final report, Dirty Bob emphatically denied that his refusal to render a prosecutorial judgment on obstruction hinged on the OLC guidance.

When we finally heard from him on Wednesday, Dirty Bob lauded Barr’s good faith, never claiming that the AG had misrepresented him. The conversation between them on the OLC guidance was was witnessed by other people in the room when Mueller denied that the OLC guidance was his rationale for abdicating his statutory responsibility.

Despite that, Dirty Bob wants Congress and the public to presume that if it were not for the OLC guidance, it is very likely that he would have charged the president with obstruction — maybe not an absolute certainty, but nearly so.

And then, just in case we were too dense to understand the nods and winks, Dirty Bob took pains to emphasize that, in our constitutional system, it is up to Congress, not federal prosecutors, to address alleged misconduct by a sitting president.

Dirty Bob's unstated point: Impeachment is the only remedy, unless congressional Democrats are saying that Donald Trump is above the law. Good luck to Speaker Pelosi keeping the AOC caucus hinged after Dirty Bob's encore.

Mueller was appointed not to a collusion probe but an obstruction probe, and that necessarily made it an impeachment probe.

The issue in impeachment cases is abuse of power, not courtroom guilt. A counsel to a congressional impeachment committee does not need evidence strong enough to support a criminal indictment; just something reasonably close to that, enough to enable a president’s congressional opposition to find unfitness for high office.

Mueller’s staff of progressive activists, has conceptions of executive power and obstruction that are saliently different from Barr’s and from those of conservative legal analysts who subscribe to Justice Scalia’s views on unitary executive power.

The attorney general believes that
(a) obstruction charges may not be based on exercises of a president’s constitutional prerogatives — only on obviously corrupt acts (e.g., evidence destruction, bribing witnesses);
(b) all executive power under the Constitution is reposed in the president; and thus,
(c) when the chief executive takes actions the Constitution empowers him to take (e.g., firing or threatening to fire subordinates), it is not the place of an inferior executive officer, such as a federal prosecutor, to second-guess them as “corruptly motivated.”​
Recognizing how traumatic accusing a president of a crime is for the country, moreover, Barr thinks an obstruction offense would have to be crystal-clear and serious — you don’t tear the nation apart over something about which reasonable minds could differ.

Mueller’s staff believes that
(a) the executive bureaucracy is semi-autonomous in its areas of expertise, and thus Justice Department prosecutors are supreme, even over the president, in matters of law enforcement;
(b) Congress had the constitutional power to, in effect, transfer executive authority from the president to prosecutors by enacting obstruction laws that may be enforced against the president; and therefore,
(c) even if a presidential action is lawful in itself, a prosecutor may allege obstruction if the prosecutor believes the president’s motive was corrupt.​
Furthermore, little or no consideration should be given to whether a president’s allegedly obstructive act is especially clear or serious because the president (at least if the president is a Republican) must be treated like anyone else — otherwise, the president is placed above the law. (Democratic presidents, to the contrary, are the law — see, e.g., DACA, Obamacare decrees, IRS harassment of conservative groups, Fast and Furious stonewalling of Congress . . .)

Robert Mueller's Investigation Was Always Impeachment Probe | National Review

Mueller is hiding like a dirty rat

Mueller lies about keeping the investigation private. It was him leaking him having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters ..

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

A totally corrupt person and big time liar. Robert Mueller !!!
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.
The report did no such thing.
Mueller is hiding like a dirty rat

Mueller lies about keeping the investigation private. It was him leaking him having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters ..

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

Mueller could not keep this private because he was trying to scare trump not to go after the real criminals .. The deep state

A non crook would never have all prosecutors the opposite of the targets party ... But had to to try to cover up the deep state treason crimes

A totally corrupt person and big time liar. Robert Mueller !!!
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
I see why I've seen some recent posts on this:

Recent Reading for Parrots:
Meanwhile in England: “Donald Trump is like a 20th-century fascist, says Sadiq Khan,” a Grauniad headline screams, both living out George Orwell’s postwar observation that “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’.”
The fake media is outrageously crooked to not explain how utterly crooked meuller is. He erased evidence when he erased strucks and Pages phones
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?

I take it you speak Russian.
The fake media is outrageously crooked to not explain how utterly crooked meuller is. He erased evidence when he erased strucks and Pages phones

Sadly, we have a first amendment so the wingnuts continue to publish trash and spread conspiracy theories.

Thank God for MSM. I never thought twice about them but OMG, now with Trump as President I have come to understand teh patriotism and value of MSM. I now hold them in the same never I hold firefighters. The best of Americans.
Dr. Lizardo lives!

He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?
You got it!
The fake media is outrageously crooked to not explain how utterly crooked meuller is. He erased evidence when he erased strucks and Pages phones
For Strzok texts erased, you've got a pants on fire.

This is the smoking gun

By the time the inspector general obtained their Apple phones, they had been reset to factory settings so they could be reassigned, and contained no data related to the previous owner’s use, the report states.

That is proof of outright obstruction of justice or totally incompetent

The IG received the phones with erased data with a reset to factory settings

No one with half of a brain would allow biased lovers phones be erased without recording the info

Which proves a high treason crime by mueller and the deep state

Evidence is missing !!
But when America finds out the whole deep state are liars and crooks

That then must make people angry because this is like seeing the nation falling like a rock

Now is the time to rise up against this proven corruption and make wisdom tests for voting

The effect is the nation will fall and die as the wise stampedes out
"Deep State" is just a cover phrase meaning a non-specific threat made up by Trump to be used when he or his flunkies can't find a REAL bunch to blame, so they haul out the boogy-man called Deep State. Works can hear sphincters across the land tightening up as knuckles are gnawed by the faithful as they imagine the vague but terrifying horrors the Deep State will burden upon them. Horrors like keeping the Constitution regarding emoluments and answering subpoenas and testifying truthfully and not practicing witness nullification.
Educators are part of the deep state

They now cover up science in order to promote liberalism

Modern science proves the fetus as a human life with its own DNA and not part of the woman's body
No, growth and life is occuring in sperm and egg before fertilization. From the time of copulation to fertilization of the egg, there is never a time of non-life. How did the Catholics confiscate and exploit this scientific fact so well?
The fake media is outrageously crooked to not explain how utterly crooked meuller is. He erased evidence when he erased strucks and Pages phones
For Strzok texts erased, you've got a pants on fire.

This is the smoking gun

By the time the inspector general obtained their Apple phones, they had been reset to factory settings so they could be reassigned, and contained no data related to the previous owner’s use, the report states.

That is proof of outright obstruction of justice or totally incompetent

The IG received the phones with erased data with a reset to factory settings

No one with half of a brain would allow biased lovers phones be erased without recording the info

Which proves a high treason crime by mueller and the deep state

Evidence is missing !!
The apple phones were only used after they started working on special council investigation. The Samsung phones were used during the campaign, which is the period of interest. The text messages from those phones were recovered.
He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?

I take it you speak Russian.
looking for a conversation in your native tongue? you wish to be his comrade?
The fake media is outrageously crooked to not explain how utterly crooked meuller is. He erased evidence when he erased strucks and Pages phones

Sadly, we have a first amendment so the wingnuts continue to publish trash and spread conspiracy theories.

Thank God for MSM. I never thought twice about them but OMG, now with Trump as President I have come to understand teh patriotism and value of MSM. I now hold them in the same never I hold firefighters. The best of Americans.
And there you have it folks, 'sadly, we have a first amendment...' more evidence the left hate our constitution.
He truly is fucked up.
Did you see the TV clip of the Republican woman at the Justin Amash townhall? The reporter asked her as a Republican what she thought of Amash's reasoning for backing impeachment, and the woman replied how surprised she was to learn that there is something negative about Trump in the Mueller Report. This lady was not emotional or distraught, just surprised. She said she listened to conservative media and never knew the report laid out indictable charges. I think many are like this lady, uninformed.

Sure did. She IS the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

As I warned for YEARS. Trump is not dumb. He really does have genius in some areas, like propaganda, self promotion and mass manipulation.

ever read Wilhelm Reich? He wrote The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He wrote it about Hitler but he could have written it about Trump.

Some quotes from the book:
“It was one of the greatest errors in evaluating dictatorship to say that the dictator forces himself on society against its own will. In reality, every dictator in history was nothing but the accentuation of already existing state ideas which he had only to exaggerate in order to gain power”

“Even more essential, however, is the identification of the individuals in the masses with the "führer." The more helpless the "mass-individual" has become, owing to his upbringing, the more pronounced is his identification with the führer, and the more the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of a feeling at one with the führer. This inclination to identify is the psychological basis of national narcissism, i.e., of the self-confidence that individual man derives from the "greatness of the nation." The reactionary lower middle-class man perceives himself in the führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the "national heritage," of the "nation," which does not prevent him, likewise on the basis of this identification, from simultaneously despising "the masses" and confronting them as an individual. The wretchedness of his material and sexual situation is so overshadowed by the exalting idea of belonging to a master race and having a brilliant führer that, as time goes on, he ceases to realize how completely he has sunk to a position of insignificant, blind allegiance."
I have read Reich, but it was years ago, probably before the birth of the loudest Republicans on this board. My referrals to Nazi Germany on this board are scorned as drama. I have often asked how a land of great intellect and respected universities, a land of industrious people..could turn into Nazi Germany. It didn't happen overnight but chipped away bit by bit, relaxing a rule here and a law (like answering subpoenas) there. I get shouted down by the 'it can't happen here' crowd whose eyes will only open when it is too late to fight back.
So your response to the Obama witchhunt of Trump is that "Well, Trump's Hitler and the GOP are Nazi's and if you don't understand that you will destroy the Social Fabric!"?
You got it!
name one hitler like thing trump has done.

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