Mueller indicts 12 more just before Trump meets with Putin. Oops!

Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into DNC

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian mililtary offices on Friday, and accused them of hacking into the Democratic National Committee to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Live: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for DNC hacking

  • Indictments in Mueller probe: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian officers for hacking.
  • The charges: Eleven of the Russians are charged with identity theft, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

Substantially documented.
Mueller has this schedule to keep:

  1. Kick down somebody's door
  2. Steal their servers and cellphones
  3. Indict a dozen Russians
  4. Put Manafort in solitary
  5. Break into somebody's hotel room
  6. Steal all of their shit
  7. Indict a dozen more Russians
  8. Investigate Brent Kavanaugh
  9. Leak stuff to the media
  10. Indict a dozen more Russians
Oh, he hasn't just indicted Russians sweetie.

Beside, I don't think you know what it takes to get an indictment.

Course, right wingers believe Obama was from Kenya and Kerry gave himself medals. So what they do or don't know is never really a surprise. Unless they actually know something of value. Then it's not only a surprise, but a shock.
Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into DNC

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian mililtary offices on Friday, and accused them of hacking into the Democratic National Committee to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Live: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for DNC hacking

  • Indictments in Mueller probe: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian officers for hacking.
  • The charges: Eleven of the Russians are charged with identity theft, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

Substantially documented.
Mueller has this schedule to keep:

  1. Kick down somebody's door
  2. Steal their servers and cellphones
  3. Indict a dozen Russians
  4. Put Manafort in solitary
  5. Break into somebody's hotel room
  6. Steal all of their shit
  7. Indict a dozen more Russians
  8. Investigate Brent Kavanaugh
  9. Leak stuff to the media
  10. Indict a dozen more Russians
Oh, he hasn't just indicted Russians sweetie.

Beside, I don't think you know what it takes to get an indictment.

Course, right wingers believe Obama was from Kenya and Kerry gave himself medals. So what they do or don't know is never really a surprise. Unless they actually know something of value. Then it's not only a surprise, but a shock.
I was in paralegal school.......the unwritten rule is you can indict a ham sandwich.
Mueller knows that those Russians will never show up in court. It’s pure political theater.
Of course they won't show up in court. It's not about political show. It's about protecting our democratic institutions and educating the American people. They need to know what happened.

If that isn't obvious to you, one wonders if you are actually a Russian Troll.

Are you?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. You must be a stand up comedian rdean . That's how you have so much time to spend on here.
No, I'm sitting down.

And retired. But I'm off to art class.
Come back when you have no class.
Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into DNC

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian mililtary offices on Friday, and accused them of hacking into the Democratic National Committee to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Live: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for DNC hacking

  • Indictments in Mueller probe: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian officers for hacking.
  • The charges: Eleven of the Russians are charged with identity theft, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

Substantially documented.
Mueller has this schedule to keep:

  1. Kick down somebody's door
  2. Steal their servers and cellphones
  3. Indict a dozen Russians
  4. Put Manafort in solitary
  5. Break into somebody's hotel room
  6. Steal all of their shit
  7. Indict a dozen more Russians
  8. Investigate Brent Kavanaugh
  9. Leak stuff to the media
  10. Indict a dozen more Russians
Oh, he hasn't just indicted Russians sweetie.

Beside, I don't think you know what it takes to get an indictment.

Course, right wingers believe Obama was from Kenya and Kerry gave himself medals. So what they do or don't know is never really a surprise. Unless they actually know something of value. Then it's not only a surprise, but a shock.
I was in paralegal school.......the unwritten rule is you can indict a ham sandwich.

"Hamm on five, hold the Mayo!"

Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into DNC

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian mililtary offices on Friday, and accused them of hacking into the Democratic National Committee to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Live: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for DNC hacking

  • Indictments in Mueller probe: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian officers for hacking.
  • The charges: Eleven of the Russians are charged with identity theft, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

Substantially documented.
Mueller has this schedule to keep:

  1. Kick down somebody's door
  2. Steal their servers and cellphones
  3. Indict a dozen Russians
  4. Put Manafort in solitary
  5. Break into somebody's hotel room
  6. Steal all of their shit
  7. Indict a dozen more Russians
  8. Investigate Brent Kavanaugh
  9. Leak stuff to the media
  10. Indict a dozen more Russians
Oh, he hasn't just indicted Russians sweetie.

Beside, I don't think you know what it takes to get an indictment.

Course, right wingers believe Obama was from Kenya and Kerry gave himself medals. So what they do or don't know is never really a surprise. Unless they actually know something of value. Then it's not only a surprise, but a shock.
I was in paralegal school.......the unwritten rule is you can indict a ham sandwich.
If you believe such nonsense, where did you get your education? A certificate from the Corn Flakes box?
Yup, Russians are being whipped like dogs into hiding under the Russian embassys and at home.

If President Trump brings one of these indicted Russians back with him from Helsinki to answer the charges, the Mule will shi'ite himself.
Mueller knows what's going on.

The next group of indictments will be Republicans. Wait and see. You heard it first here.
Russian officers? That means it comes directly from Vladimir Putin. Putin is the GOP, er, Russian commander in chief.
Yup, Russians are being whipped like dogs into hiding under the Russian embassys and at home.

Only at time before the Trumps, their allies, and their supporters who knowing libel the investigation will have their assets seized.
Progressive first Responder Jake Starkey reporting for duty, Sir!!
Looks like Mueller is going to wind up climbing up Drumpfs ass with an electron microscope. At least if the denials and the attacks on the investigation are what they seem. A desperate attempt to keep the orange Putin ass kisser in office.
Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into DNC

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian mililtary offices on Friday, and accused them of hacking into the Democratic National Committee to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Live: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for DNC hacking

  • Indictments in Mueller probe: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian officers for hacking.
  • The charges: Eleven of the Russians are charged with identity theft, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to commit computer crimes.

Substantially documented.
Mueller has this schedule to keep:

  1. Kick down somebody's door
  2. Steal their servers and cellphones
  3. Indict a dozen Russians
  4. Put Manafort in solitary
  5. Break into somebody's hotel room
  6. Steal all of their shit
  7. Indict a dozen more Russians
  8. Investigate Brent Kavanaugh
  9. Leak stuff to the media
  10. Indict a dozen more Russians
Oh, he hasn't just indicted Russians sweetie.

Beside, I don't think you know what it takes to get an indictment.

Course, right wingers believe Obama was from Kenya and Kerry gave himself medals. So what they do or don't know is never really a surprise. Unless they actually know something of value. Then it's not only a surprise, but a shock.
I was in paralegal school.......the unwritten rule is you can indict a ham sandwich.
If you believe such nonsense, where did you get your education? A certificate from the Corn Flakes box?
Nasty comments aren't going to change the facts of the law.
Getting an indictment is easy.
Getting a conviction is what's difficult.
And indictment is simply an accusation, and if the evidence used to obtain an indictment is based on perjury, then the entire case is without merit and can be easily dismissed by a judge who isn't on the take.
So you'd better hope Mueller and Barney Fife can find a crooked judge....or their case will fall apart.
Mueller knows that those Russians will never show up in court. It’s pure political theater.

Christ it's gonna be fun watching you snowflakes come undone.

Not likely, but if that should happen, trust me, it will be fun. I’ve been watching you lefties come undone for a year and a half now.
After dozens of indictments and a bunch of guilty pleas?
And yet it's the left that is coming undone?
That makes no sense. Try to figure out why.

Why should I have to figure out why the obvious makes no sense to you?

Well, actually I know the answer. It's because you are an extreme partisan hack and a liar who lives in an imaginary world.

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