Mueller Investigating Trump Over $150K Donation From Ukrainian Who Gave Clintons $13 Million

where's the ACLU complaining about Trump's rights?
which of his rights have been infringed upon?
his lawyer being raided when there is no solid evidence---nothing even close to being evidence of criminality

strangely, a deputy attorney general, a us attorney and a federal magistrate, among others, disagree with your very astute position.

go figure, huh?
where is the solid evidence ?? and yet you are so SURE there is!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
I've got some crap and swampland to sell to you at a high price

go figure, huh??

i can see why you'd need the money

good luck
OJ got off for murder with TONS of evidence and you people are dreaming/imagining up evidence on Trump/Cohen
imagining some smoking gun with video......well--that's a loooooong shot there
This shows the utter bias and hypocrisy of the Mueller investigation. He goes after Trump for stuff that the Clinton administration did 50 times worse, and he utterly ignores any criminal activity by Clinton and her cronies.

Trump should fire this douchebag now.

The special counsel’s office is investigating a $150,000 donation a Ukrainian businessman made to President Donald Trump’s charity in 2015, according to a new report.

The donation, from steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, pales in comparison to contributions he gave to the charity Bill and Hillary Clinton set up. The billionaire has contributed $13 million to the Clinton Foundation since 2006 and had access to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state.

But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons. Instead, he is conducting a broad investigation of Donald Trump, including the flow of foreign money into various Trump-controlled entities.

Mueller began investigating the Pinchuk donation after receiving documents in response to a subpoena issued to the Trump Organization — the real estate company Trump ran before entering politics.

In September 2015, Trump appeared via video link at a conference Pinchuk hosted in Kiev. Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, negotiated details of the event with Douglas Schoen, a former consultant for Bill Clinton, according to The New York Times. Trump did not initially request payment for the appearance, but Cohen contacted Schoen at one point to request a $150,000 honorarium, The Times reported.
^ ignores the many, many times Clinton and the Clinton foundation have been investigated
Now you know what happens when democrats investigate democrats.

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