Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

If Deutsche Bank sold Trump's debt to a Russian bank, then Trump is owned by Russia.
When the bank confirms they are sending Mueller Trumps records, get back to me. It's on you to prove a positive, not me to prove a negative.
It would be a crime for the bank to confirm that.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice
Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

Oh, shit!!

Here we go!

Orange pig-boy vomit PINO is going down, down, down...

Deutsche Bank had been one of Trump’s most reliable lenders. ABC News previously reported the bank helped finance the renovation of the Old Post Office in Washington, the purchase of the Doral golf course in Florida and the construction of an office building in Chicago.

It's obvious now, this about money laundering.

How could OrangeJackwad be so stupid to think he could get away with this...???

Good luck with that wish in one hand shit in the other scenario.
When the bank confirms they are sending Mueller Trumps records, get back to me. It's on you to prove a positive, not me to prove a negative.
It would be a crime for the bank to confirm that.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.
Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

Oh, shit!!

Here we go!

Orange pig-boy vomit PINO is going down, down, down...

Deutsche Bank had been one of Trump’s most reliable lenders. ABC News previously reported the bank helped finance the renovation of the Old Post Office in Washington, the purchase of the Doral golf course in Florida and the construction of an office building in Chicago.

It's obvious now, this about money laundering.

How could OrangeJackwad be so stupid to think he could get away with this...???

So this time it's for real, no BS election fixing this time, no russia collusion mistake, no putin interference lies, this is true fake news, this time this is the one that is going to do it, no bout-a-doubt it eh, ya got him this time...good job
When the bank confirms they are sending Mueller Trumps records, get back to me. It's on you to prove a positive, not me to prove a negative.
It would be a crime for the bank to confirm that.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Pretty sure you're 100% wrong.
When the bank confirms they are sending Mueller Trumps records, get back to me. It's on you to prove a positive, not me to prove a negative.
It would be a crime for the bank to confirm that.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Pretty sure you're 100% wrong.

Ok then, should I wait for a link.
It would be a crime for the bank to confirm that.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Pretty sure you're 100% wrong.

Ok then, should I wait for a link.
You're off your fucking rocker if you think there is no Grand Jury involved.

Mueller has not only one, but there are at least two Grand Juries involved / empaneled and they have been issuing subpoenas to beat the band.

Where the hell have been?

Anybody who doesn't know this is probably too slow to even understand a link.
Why would you think that?

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Pretty sure you're 100% wrong.

Ok then, should I wait for a link.
You're off your fucking rocker if you think there is no Grand Jury involved.

Mueller has not only one, but there are at least two Grand Juries involved / empaneled and they have been issuing subpoenas to beat the band.

Where the hell have been?

Anybody who doesn't know this is probably too slow to even understand a link.

So ya got nothing....piss off.
Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

Oh, shit!!

Here we go!

Orange pig-boy vomit PINO is going down, down, down...

It's obvious now, this about money laundering.

How could OrangeJackwad be so stupid to think he could get away with this...???

Already been proven to be FAKE NEWS!!!!!! Next.


LOL. because duucherwitz & sekulow say so? haaaaaaaaaa...............

Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records
Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records

Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

The subpoena concerns documents and data related to people or entities affiliated with the President
ByJenny Strasburg
Updated Dec. 5, 2017 5:17 p.m. ET
Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing
DEC. 5, 2017
Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing

Trump-Russia probe: Mueller 'demands Deutsche Bank data'
5 December 2017

Mueller 'demands Trump German bank data'


And I bet every one of your links cite the same report.


the facts are the facts & the real news is the real news. i even sited the wall street journal which is no different than the NY times when it comes to reporting facts. they part ways when it comes to their OP/EDS. that is what REAL journalism is meow-meow. learn the difference.

Repeating an unconfirmed report is not news. It is not FACT. It is gossip.

Facts are checked and confirmed. Events or reports with a single eyewitness or source are reported with attribution. Who is this report attributed to? What is the name? Duetche Bank has not confirmed. Until they do, it's a rumor.

Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller
Donald Trump’s lawyer denies that US special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. We stand by our story – which never said Mr. Trump’s own records were requested.
By Handelsblatt Staff
Published on December 6, 2017 1:42 pm
According to our information, the subpoena from Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, is in connection with Mr. Trump’s camp, requiring the bank to provide information on financial transactions and loans. It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to the US president personally or a family member. Given that qualification, we are standing by our reporting. Other media that have since picked up on Handelsblatt’s original story, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Bloomberg, are sticking by their reporting, too.

Neither Mr. Mueller’s spokesperson nor Deutsche Bank would comment on the report. The bank said in a statement that it cooperates with all investigations and wouldn’t reveal details of individual cases. The fact that Deutsche Bank is keeping quiet about the subpoena is not unusual. Sol Wisenberg, partner of Washington law firm Nelson Mullins, said that Robert Mueller could have explicitly directed the bank to refrain from informing the public – including even its own clients.

It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to Mr. Trump personally or a family member.

What is clear is that Mr. Mueller’s 40-person investigative team has taken on a broad scope, including examining financial flows in and out of Mr. Trump’s private business interests. Opposition Democrats in the United States have for months called on Deutsche Bank to release financial records relating to Mr. Trump and his family. Adam Schiff, a leading Democratic congressman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Tuesday’s news a significant development and suggested the records might expose a connection between Mr. Trump’s businesses and a Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal in Russia.

Such a connection, however, has not been proven, nor did Mr. Schiff provide any such evidence of his own. From our end, Handelsblatt can confirm that Deutsche Bank has been subpoenaed. But exactly what kind of information the bank might have on Mr. Trump or his family, like so many aspects of Mr. Mueller’s ongoing investigation, remains unclear.
Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller

if it's all the same to you- i lean towards believing true journalism over the likes of trump's lawyers who seem to be quite incompetent.....& the alternative fact pushers aka fox news, breitbart, gateway pundit & infowars.
Last edited:

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas

There are two situations when banks and their personnel are prohibited from notifying their customers of a grand jury subpoena for their records. The first is when the government obtains a court order delaying notification by following the procedures set at § 3409(a) of the Act. See Delayed Notice at 11, 12 U.S.C. § 3413(i). The second situation is where the records are being subpoenaed to investigate crimes against a financial institution or supervisory agency, 12 U.S.C. § 3420(b) makes it a crime for the bank or its personnel to provide notice to the customer.

* It should also be noted that 18 U.S.C. § 1510(b) establishes criminal penalties for situations where an officer of a financial institution notifies, directly or indirectly, any person regarding the existence or contents of a subpoena with the intent to obstruct a judicial proceeding.

426. Prohibiting Banks from Notifying Customers of Grand Jury Subpoenas | USAM | Department of Justice

Pretty sure there is no Grand Jury, let alone a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Pretty sure you're 100% wrong.

Ok then, should I wait for a link.
You're off your fucking rocker if you think there is no Grand Jury involved.

Mueller has not only one, but there are at least two Grand Juries involved / empaneled and they have been issuing subpoenas to beat the band.

Where the hell have been?

Anybody who doesn't know this is probably too slow to even understand a link.

So ya got nothing....piss off.

Have you REALLY not heard Mueller has gotten a grand jury?
Already been proven to be FAKE NEWS!!!!!! Next.


LOL. because duucherwitz & sekulow say so? haaaaaaaaaa...............

Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records
Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records

Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

The subpoena concerns documents and data related to people or entities affiliated with the President
ByJenny Strasburg
Updated Dec. 5, 2017 5:17 p.m. ET
Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing
DEC. 5, 2017
Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing

Trump-Russia probe: Mueller 'demands Deutsche Bank data'
5 December 2017

Mueller 'demands Trump German bank data'


And I bet every one of your links cite the same report.


the facts are the facts & the real news is the real news. i even sited the wall street journal which is no different than the NY times when it comes to reporting facts. they part ways when it comes to their OP/EDS. that is what REAL journalism is meow-meow. learn the difference.

Repeating an unconfirmed report is not news. It is not FACT. It is gossip.

Facts are checked and confirmed. Events or reports with a single eyewitness or source are reported with attribution. Who is this report attributed to? What is the name? Duetche Bank has not confirmed. Until they do, it's a rumor.

Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller
Donald Trump’s lawyer denies that US special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. We stand by our story – which never said Mr. Trump’s own records were requested.
By Handelsblatt Staff
Published on December 6, 2017 1:42 pm
According to our information, the subpoena from Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, is in connection with Mr. Trump’s camp, requiring the bank to provide information on financial transactions and loans. It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to the US president personally or a family member. Given that qualification, we are standing by our reporting. Other media that have since picked up on Handelsblatt’s original story, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Bloomberg, are sticking by their reporting, too.

Neither Mr. Mueller’s spokesperson nor Deutsche Bank would comment on the report. The bank said in a statement that it cooperates with all investigations and wouldn’t reveal details of individual cases. The fact that Deutsche Bank is keeping quiet about the subpoena is not unusual. Sol Wisenberg, partner of Washington law firm Nelson Mullins, said that Robert Mueller could have explicitly directed the bank to refrain from informing the public – including even its own clients.

It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to Mr. Trump personally or a family member.

What is clear is that Mr. Mueller’s 40-person investigative team has taken on a broad scope, including examining financial flows in and out of Mr. Trump’s private business interests. Opposition Democrats in the United States have for months called on Deutsche Bank to release financial records relating to Mr. Trump and his family. Adam Schiff, a leading Democratic congressman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Tuesday’s news a significant development and suggested the records might expose a connection between Mr. Trump’s businesses and a Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal in Russia.

Such a connection, however, has not been proven, nor did Mr. Schiff provide any such evidence of his own. From our end, Handelsblatt can confirm that Deutsche Bank has been subpoenaed. But exactly what kind of information the bank might have on Mr. Trump or his family, like so many aspects of Mr. Mueller’s ongoing investigation, remains unclear.
Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller

if it's all the same to you- i would lean towards believing true journalism over the likes of trump's lawyers who seem to be quite incompetent.....the the alternative fact pushers aka fox news, breitbart, gateway pundit & infowars.


It's still not true.

Real journalists name sources and confirm facts. The story has no attribution and has not been verified by anyone. Now they are busy parsing words and covering their asses.

You can choose to believe it. I choose to apply common sense.
LOL. because duucherwitz & sekulow say so? haaaaaaaaaa...............

Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records
Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records

Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

The subpoena concerns documents and data related to people or entities affiliated with the President
ByJenny Strasburg
Updated Dec. 5, 2017 5:17 p.m. ET
Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing
DEC. 5, 2017
Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing

Trump-Russia probe: Mueller 'demands Deutsche Bank data'
5 December 2017

Mueller 'demands Trump German bank data'


And I bet every one of your links cite the same report.


the facts are the facts & the real news is the real news. i even sited the wall street journal which is no different than the NY times when it comes to reporting facts. they part ways when it comes to their OP/EDS. that is what REAL journalism is meow-meow. learn the difference.

Repeating an unconfirmed report is not news. It is not FACT. It is gossip.

Facts are checked and confirmed. Events or reports with a single eyewitness or source are reported with attribution. Who is this report attributed to? What is the name? Duetche Bank has not confirmed. Until they do, it's a rumor.

Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller
Donald Trump’s lawyer denies that US special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. We stand by our story – which never said Mr. Trump’s own records were requested.
By Handelsblatt Staff
Published on December 6, 2017 1:42 pm
According to our information, the subpoena from Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, is in connection with Mr. Trump’s camp, requiring the bank to provide information on financial transactions and loans. It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to the US president personally or a family member. Given that qualification, we are standing by our reporting. Other media that have since picked up on Handelsblatt’s original story, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Bloomberg, are sticking by their reporting, too.

Neither Mr. Mueller’s spokesperson nor Deutsche Bank would comment on the report. The bank said in a statement that it cooperates with all investigations and wouldn’t reveal details of individual cases. The fact that Deutsche Bank is keeping quiet about the subpoena is not unusual. Sol Wisenberg, partner of Washington law firm Nelson Mullins, said that Robert Mueller could have explicitly directed the bank to refrain from informing the public – including even its own clients.

It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to Mr. Trump personally or a family member.

What is clear is that Mr. Mueller’s 40-person investigative team has taken on a broad scope, including examining financial flows in and out of Mr. Trump’s private business interests. Opposition Democrats in the United States have for months called on Deutsche Bank to release financial records relating to Mr. Trump and his family. Adam Schiff, a leading Democratic congressman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Tuesday’s news a significant development and suggested the records might expose a connection between Mr. Trump’s businesses and a Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal in Russia.

Such a connection, however, has not been proven, nor did Mr. Schiff provide any such evidence of his own. From our end, Handelsblatt can confirm that Deutsche Bank has been subpoenaed. But exactly what kind of information the bank might have on Mr. Trump or his family, like so many aspects of Mr. Mueller’s ongoing investigation, remains unclear.
Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller

if it's all the same to you- i would lean towards believing true journalism over the likes of trump's lawyers who seem to be quite incompetent.....the the alternative fact pushers aka fox news, breitbart, gateway pundit & infowars.


It's still not true.

Real journalists name sources and confirm facts. The story has no attribution and has not been verified by anyone. Now they are busy parsing words and covering their asses.

You can choose to believe it. I choose to apply common sense.
Naming sources and confirming facts are not the same thing.

If reporters named all their sources, no one would tell them anything.

It's all about confirming facts.

So far, Brietbart and Fox have abysmal records when it comes to confirming facts. Even you know that.
LOL. because duucherwitz & sekulow say so? haaaaaaaaaa...............

Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records
Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records

Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

The subpoena concerns documents and data related to people or entities affiliated with the President
ByJenny Strasburg
Updated Dec. 5, 2017 5:17 p.m. ET
Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing
DEC. 5, 2017
Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing

Trump-Russia probe: Mueller 'demands Deutsche Bank data'
5 December 2017

Mueller 'demands Trump German bank data'


And I bet every one of your links cite the same report.


the facts are the facts & the real news is the real news. i even sited the wall street journal which is no different than the NY times when it comes to reporting facts. they part ways when it comes to their OP/EDS. that is what REAL journalism is meow-meow. learn the difference.

Repeating an unconfirmed report is not news. It is not FACT. It is gossip.

Facts are checked and confirmed. Events or reports with a single eyewitness or source are reported with attribution. Who is this report attributed to? What is the name? Duetche Bank has not confirmed. Until they do, it's a rumor.

Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller
Donald Trump’s lawyer denies that US special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. We stand by our story – which never said Mr. Trump’s own records were requested.
By Handelsblatt Staff
Published on December 6, 2017 1:42 pm
According to our information, the subpoena from Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, is in connection with Mr. Trump’s camp, requiring the bank to provide information on financial transactions and loans. It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to the US president personally or a family member. Given that qualification, we are standing by our reporting. Other media that have since picked up on Handelsblatt’s original story, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Bloomberg, are sticking by their reporting, too.

Neither Mr. Mueller’s spokesperson nor Deutsche Bank would comment on the report. The bank said in a statement that it cooperates with all investigations and wouldn’t reveal details of individual cases. The fact that Deutsche Bank is keeping quiet about the subpoena is not unusual. Sol Wisenberg, partner of Washington law firm Nelson Mullins, said that Robert Mueller could have explicitly directed the bank to refrain from informing the public – including even its own clients.

It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to Mr. Trump personally or a family member.

What is clear is that Mr. Mueller’s 40-person investigative team has taken on a broad scope, including examining financial flows in and out of Mr. Trump’s private business interests. Opposition Democrats in the United States have for months called on Deutsche Bank to release financial records relating to Mr. Trump and his family. Adam Schiff, a leading Democratic congressman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Tuesday’s news a significant development and suggested the records might expose a connection between Mr. Trump’s businesses and a Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal in Russia.

Such a connection, however, has not been proven, nor did Mr. Schiff provide any such evidence of his own. From our end, Handelsblatt can confirm that Deutsche Bank has been subpoenaed. But exactly what kind of information the bank might have on Mr. Trump or his family, like so many aspects of Mr. Mueller’s ongoing investigation, remains unclear.
Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller

if it's all the same to you- i would lean towards believing true journalism over the likes of trump's lawyers who seem to be quite incompetent.....the the alternative fact pushers aka fox news, breitbart, gateway pundit & infowars.


It's still not true.

Real journalists name sources and confirm facts. The story has no attribution and has not been verified by anyone. Now they are busy parsing words and covering their asses.

You can choose to believe it. I choose to apply common sense.
Yes, squeeze your eyes closed reeeeeeeal tight, and hold your breathe, and this will all go away, willfully blind monkey. :lol:
LOL. because duucherwitz & sekulow say so? haaaaaaaaaa...............

Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records
Reports: Special Prosecutor Subpoenas Deutsche Bank's Trump Loan Records

Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

The subpoena concerns documents and data related to people or entities affiliated with the President
ByJenny Strasburg
Updated Dec. 5, 2017 5:17 p.m. ET
Mueller Subpoenas Deutsche Bank Records Related to Trump

Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing
DEC. 5, 2017
Deutsche Bank Said to Have Been Subpoenaed by Mueller: DealBook Briefing

Trump-Russia probe: Mueller 'demands Deutsche Bank data'
5 December 2017

Mueller 'demands Trump German bank data'


And I bet every one of your links cite the same report.


the facts are the facts & the real news is the real news. i even sited the wall street journal which is no different than the NY times when it comes to reporting facts. they part ways when it comes to their OP/EDS. that is what REAL journalism is meow-meow. learn the difference.

Repeating an unconfirmed report is not news. It is not FACT. It is gossip.

Facts are checked and confirmed. Events or reports with a single eyewitness or source are reported with attribution. Who is this report attributed to? What is the name? Duetche Bank has not confirmed. Until they do, it's a rumor.

Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller
Donald Trump’s lawyer denies that US special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank. We stand by our story – which never said Mr. Trump’s own records were requested.
By Handelsblatt Staff
Published on December 6, 2017 1:42 pm
According to our information, the subpoena from Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, is in connection with Mr. Trump’s camp, requiring the bank to provide information on financial transactions and loans. It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to the US president personally or a family member. Given that qualification, we are standing by our reporting. Other media that have since picked up on Handelsblatt’s original story, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Bloomberg, are sticking by their reporting, too.

Neither Mr. Mueller’s spokesperson nor Deutsche Bank would comment on the report. The bank said in a statement that it cooperates with all investigations and wouldn’t reveal details of individual cases. The fact that Deutsche Bank is keeping quiet about the subpoena is not unusual. Sol Wisenberg, partner of Washington law firm Nelson Mullins, said that Robert Mueller could have explicitly directed the bank to refrain from informing the public – including even its own clients.

It remains unclear whether the subpoena relates to Mr. Trump personally or a family member.

What is clear is that Mr. Mueller’s 40-person investigative team has taken on a broad scope, including examining financial flows in and out of Mr. Trump’s private business interests. Opposition Democrats in the United States have for months called on Deutsche Bank to release financial records relating to Mr. Trump and his family. Adam Schiff, a leading Democratic congressman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called Tuesday’s news a significant development and suggested the records might expose a connection between Mr. Trump’s businesses and a Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal in Russia.

Such a connection, however, has not been proven, nor did Mr. Schiff provide any such evidence of his own. From our end, Handelsblatt can confirm that Deutsche Bank has been subpoenaed. But exactly what kind of information the bank might have on Mr. Trump or his family, like so many aspects of Mr. Mueller’s ongoing investigation, remains unclear.
Yes, Deutsche Bank did get a subpoena from Mueller

if it's all the same to you- i would lean towards believing true journalism over the likes of trump's lawyers who seem to be quite incompetent.....the the alternative fact pushers aka fox news, breitbart, gateway pundit & infowars.


It's still not true.

Real journalists name sources and confirm facts. The story has no attribution and has not been verified by anyone. Now they are busy parsing words and covering their asses.

You can choose to believe it. I choose to apply common sense.

common sense says trump's administration are as dirty as pigs in shit. you choose to think otherwise. that makes me pity you.
If Deutsche Bank sold Trump's debt to a Russian bank, then Trump is owned by Russia.
If Trump owns property in Russia, he is owned by Putin.

It would explain why Trump is very, very careful not to say or do anything to piss off Putin. Trump doesn't want his assets in Russia seized.
Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

Oh, shit!!

Here we go!

Orange pig-boy vomit PINO is going down, down, down...

Deutsche Bank had been one of Trump’s most reliable lenders. ABC News previously reported the bank helped finance the renovation of the Old Post Office in Washington, the purchase of the Doral golf course in Florida and the construction of an office building in Chicago.

It's obvious now, this about money laundering.

How could OrangeJackwad be so stupid to think he could get away with this...???

This is fake news and has been debunked at least 4 times.
Nope! FYI- the Bank confirmed it
Hate to break it to you assholes but Bloomberg had to correct its story. Just put up a thread on it. You fucking morons believe anything anti Trump. Losers.

Bloomberg News corrected Wednesday its bombshell report that special counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed Deutsche Bank records pertaining to President Donald Trump and his family.

The corrected report said the bank records “pertain to people affiliated” with Trump. Bloomberg had originally reported that Mueller “zeroed in” on Trump.

Bloomberg Corrects Bombshell Trump Bank Records Story
Mueller issues subpoena to Deutsche Bank in Russia probe

Oh, shit!!

Here we go!

Orange pig-boy vomit PINO is going down, down, down...

Deutsche Bank had been one of Trump’s most reliable lenders. ABC News previously reported the bank helped finance the renovation of the Old Post Office in Washington, the purchase of the Doral golf course in Florida and the construction of an office building in Chicago.

It's obvious now, this about money laundering.

How could OrangeJackwad be so stupid to think he could get away with this...???

Couple that with this:

Deutsche Bank Fined $41 Million for Money-Laundering Lapses
"The trades effectively converted rubles to dollars, and the cash flowed from the U.K. through Cyprus, Estonia and the U.S., investigators say. The deficiencies cited by the Fed include controls over transactions like mirror trades..."

And you would think the unibrows on this board should be able to connect the dots by now.

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