Mueller needs to be replaced as Special Counsel since he and comey work together...

Others have recused themselves for much less reason. Mueller himself should step forward and simply recuse himself now. Since he was touted as the best of the best, the whole investigation will need to be dropped. As someone rightly pointed out last night, this nation has a preoccupation with scandal. What difference does anything make at this point? Certainly not when Hillary let four people die! We should be more focused on retaliating against Russia for their cyber attacks rather than worrying about the very last minutiae of who talked to who, when and on what minute.
Since he was touted as the best of the best, the whole investigation will need to be dropped.
Nice try. Comey isn't be investigated, though.
Sorry...yes he is. He was FBI Director during the election.
comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.
Make sue you wait til Saturday nite to fire him.....:lol:
This is no Watergate...this whole thing is as meaningful as fart in a wind storm.
What is it that President Trump is trying to hide?

Why is President Trump trying to interfere with the Russian investigation?

those with nothing to hide….hide nothing.

Anyone seen his Tax Returns?
remember that when they come for you...

The other day someone asked the President’s spokesperson if he was a liar.

She said the question was disrespectful. Quote: “I can definitively say the president is not a liar, and I think it’s frankly insulting it is asked,” Sanders said.

Here is what he said about his tax returns.

“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,” he said in an interview with Ireland’s TV3.

Since he did not; I ask you…does that make Mr. Trump a liar?
Billy_Bob, no one is coming for anyone.

Mueller has no conflict of interest.

Release the tapes.
ok - be objective.

what was sessions "conflict of interest" that made him pull himself out of things yet mueller, described as "brothers in arms" with comey - is going to put 15 years of friendship aside now?

really? i keep asking but no one EVER responds - if this were someone coming after obama, would you still think this "friendship" is harmless?
Sessions lied under oath before the Senate regarding his contacts with the Russians during and after the campaign period and he lied under oath via affidavit about an and all contacts with the Russians...

This lying is what forced all Senators to demand his recusal... Sessions acted like he was going to recuse himself regarding Russia anyway and for his own reasons of conflict, but it was his lying under oath, that did pushed it over the edge and he wanted to stop further inquiry as to why he lied to the Senate, and ALL Trump campaigners lied, regarding their connections and meetings and phone calls with the Russians including Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and Trump himself lied about his campaign members meeting with the Russians.....

The question is, why did all of these people lie about their meeting with the Russians? Why oh why oh why? What was the purpose? What were they trying to hide? It all could have been legit reasons....but when some of the smartest men in the world ALL LIE ABOUT their meeting with the Russians and ALL developed Amnesia about it, while under oath, is very puzzling and concerning.
Billy_Bob, no one is coming for anyone.

Mueller has no conflict of interest.

Release the tapes.
ok - be objective.

what was sessions "conflict of interest" that made him pull himself out of things yet mueller, described as "brothers in arms" with comey - is going to put 15 years of friendship aside now?

really? i keep asking but no one EVER responds - if this were someone coming after obama, would you still think this "friendship" is harmless?
That your question is irrelevant is why, I think, no one responds.
Billy_Bob, no one is coming for anyone.

Mueller has no conflict of interest.

Release the tapes.
ok - be objective.

what was sessions "conflict of interest" that made him pull himself out of things yet mueller, described as "brothers in arms" with comey - is going to put 15 years of friendship aside now?

really? i keep asking but no one EVER responds - if this were someone coming after obama, would you still think this "friendship" is harmless?
That your question is irrelevant is why, I think, no one responds.
it's *very fucking relevant* to know we're going to treat both sides with the same set of standards. to pretend otherwise is asinine and only sets people up to go at each other like we do.

cause what you just said is "we can do it but your side can't so there" and no way in gods green earth would a liberal allow that their way.
Others have recused themselves for much less reason. Mueller himself should step forward and simply recuse himself now. Since he was touted as the best of the best, the whole investigation will need to be dropped. As someone rightly pointed out last night, this nation has a preoccupation with scandal. What difference does anything make at this point? Certainly not when Hillary let four people die! We should be more focused on retaliating against Russia for their cyber attacks rather than worrying about the very last minutiae of who talked to who, when and on what minute.
Since he was touted as the best of the best, the whole investigation will need to be dropped.
Nice try. Comey isn't be investigated, though.

he is about to be

And so is Lynch.
comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.

comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.
I knew it was a setup.....Comey admitted it was.
Mueller needs to be fired. This is a clear-cut conspiracy....

Mueller and Comey went over Comey testimony...before he testified.

Congressman: Comey Meeting with Mueller Before Russia Testimony is ‘Collusion’

That Congressman is colluding with Trump. It is simple logic that Comey would meet with Mueller to discuss what he can say in a public hearing.

Mueller now has a very serious conflict in interests. Failing to recuse himself places the cloud of collusion and partisan politics suspicion on the whole investigation. The PT Barnum Circus continues in the center ring...

It does no such thing. Mueller was praised by both sides as a fair individual.

I see the Trump crackpots are out in full force. Apparently they are worried that Mueller might find something.
Let's say they all fucking lied. Will that overturn 2016 results? No. Will Trump be impeached. No. Gigantic waste of time.
comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.

comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.
I knew it was a setup.....Comey admitted it was.
Mueller needs to be fired. This is a clear-cut conspiracy....

Mueller and Comey went over Comey testimony...before he testified.

Congressman: Comey Meeting with Mueller Before Russia Testimony is ‘Collusion’

That Congressman is colluding with Trump. It is simple logic that Comey would meet with Mueller to discuss what he can say in a public hearing.

Mueller now has a very serious conflict in interests. Failing to recuse himself places the cloud of collusion and partisan politics suspicion on the whole investigation. The PT Barnum Circus continues in the center ring...

It does no such thing. Mueller was praised by both sides as a fair individual.

Weird.....they said the same exact thing about Comey. ..
comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.

comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.
I knew it was a setup.....Comey admitted it was.
Mueller needs to be fired. This is a clear-cut conspiracy....

Mueller and Comey went over Comey testimony...before he testified.

Congressman: Comey Meeting with Mueller Before Russia Testimony is ‘Collusion’

That Congressman is colluding with Trump. It is simple logic that Comey would meet with Mueller to discuss what he can say in a public hearing.

Mueller now has a very serious conflict in interests. Failing to recuse himself places the cloud of collusion and partisan politics suspicion on the whole investigation. The PT Barnum Circus continues in the center ring...

It does no such thing. Mueller was praised by both sides as a fair individual.

Weird.....they said the same exact thing about Comey. ..

So was Patrick Fitzgerald...the guy who rail roaded scooter libby....
Mueller now has a very serious conflict in interests. Failing to recuse himself places the cloud of collusion and partisan politics suspicion on the whole investigation. The PT Barnum Circus continues in the center ring...

Mueller and Comey are Republicans. so that one doesn't fly.
Newt Gingrich was in favor of him, said was all honest, above reproach, stuff like that. Now he's hysterical, clutching his pearls, yadda yadda ..

Maybe Jared has a spare few minutes to just pardon the cheeto so he can get on with trashing the country.

Sent from my iPad using
Billy_Bob, no one is coming for anyone.

Mueller has no conflict of interest.

Release the tapes.
ok - be objective.

what was sessions "conflict of interest" that made him pull himself out of things yet mueller, described as "brothers in arms" with comey - is going to put 15 years of friendship aside now?

really? i keep asking but no one EVER responds - if this were someone coming after obama, would you still think this "friendship" is harmless?

Why did sessions lie about TWO meetings with Russians?


Sent from my iPad using
comey and Mueller are long time conspirators.......Mueller needs to be replaced if the truth is to come out....

Blog: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team

According to Michael Isikoff, writing in 2006, the FBI (then headed by Mueller) and an unnamed "senior Department of Justice official" were advised in October 2003 that Armitage was the man who leaked Plame's identity -- and yet two months later upon his appointment to be Deputy Attorney General, James Comey appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the leak. It's hard to believe that he didn't at the time know full well who the leaker had been.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection indicates Comey's testimony suggests Mueller is already going beyond the narrow mandate of Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, and considering whether the President's discussion with him about General Flynn constitutes "obstruction."

By the Order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller includes within his jurisdiction “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Comey testified that he believes Mueller is evaluating the communications between Comey and Trump with regard to potential obstruction of justice. Indeed, Comey expressed certainty in his testimony that the Special Counsel was investigating Comey’s conversations with Trump:

COMEY: … I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the president was an effort to obstruct. I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.

What started as concerns over Russian interference in the election now is about the interactions between Comey and Trump.

CBS News reported that Mueller reportedly gave approval for Comey to testify before Congress and that the testimony was coordinated. Comey testified that he was permitted to review his memos in preparation of his written opening statement for the Committee submitted the day before his live testimony:

COMEY: Yes. I think nearly all of my written recordings of my conversations, I had a chance to review them before filing my statement.

LANKFORD: Do you have a copy of any of the notes personally?

COMEY: I don’t. I turned them over to Bob Mueller’s investigators.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered about how Rod Rosenstein came to appoint Mueller in those few days after the Comey leak, and whether Comey and Mueller, directly or indirectly, had any communications regarding Trump prior to Mueller’s appointment.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is because Trump is as guilty as sin.
Let's say they all fucking lied. Will that overturn 2016 results? No. Will Trump be impeached. No. Gigantic waste of time.
Really? After today's cabinet meeting, I think that most will not regard the investigation as a waste of time after that cabinet meeting that was something one would expect in North Korea. None that participated should ever be allowed to serve in our government again.
Let's say they all fucking lied. Will that overturn 2016 results? No. Will Trump be impeached. No. Gigantic waste of time.
Really? After today's cabinet meeting, I think that most will not regard the investigation as a waste of time after that cabinet meeting that was something one would expect in North Korea. None that participated should ever be allowed to serve in our government again.
You mean like the ones Obama had and the ass sucking liberal media colluded with?

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