Mueller NOW Asking for Info from Trump: GO TEAM MUELLER!

It's the morning of Nov 8th all over again. Progs are convinced Trump can't win. This time, it'll work
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Now you're a constitutional scholar, too? LMAO.
So you think Trump can:
1. Invite Russians into the Oval Office,
2. Invite TAS, the Russian press into the meeting,
3. Exclude the American press and
4. Tell the Russians that firing Comey took "a lot of pressure" off him.

That's just ONE of the things Mueller is investigating.

Mueller thinks it's obstruction of justice. Look it up, fathead.

Trump's not allowed to invite Russians into the Oval Office?


And you cancel my vote too.

Twist and shout.
You ignore points 2 through 4 because you're a fucking idiot.

I stopped reading after your fucking delusional first point
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
June 16, before the raid on Manafort's house:
The Russians interfered in our electoral process. Several times. Not just the DNC hack, but many, many more attacks. Did Trump or anyone on his team collude with the Russians in these attacks? If anyone colluded, the two most likely are Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.

Trump won't be impeached. That doesn't mean Manafort won't be going to jail.

If Mueller is right and Trump is trying to cover up money laundering for the Russians, it's unprecedented. So there's no telling what will happen. But I think Trump might fire Mueller and then resign. He has everything to lose if his activities are discovered by Mueller.

He'll pull a Sarah Palin: Say the investigation into his affairs are costing the taxpayer too much, a la Troopergate in Alaska. This freed Sarah up to leave her shitty-paying job and make real bucks as a celebrity.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Now you're a constitutional scholar, too? LMAO.
So you think Trump can:
1. Invite Russians into the Oval Office,
2. Invite TAS, the Russian press into the meeting,
3. Exclude the American press and
4. Tell the Russians that firing Comey took "a lot of pressure" off him.

That's just ONE of the things Mueller is investigating.

Mueller thinks it's obstruction of justice. Look it up, fathead.

Trump's not allowed to invite Russians into the Oval Office?


And you cancel my vote too.

Twist and shout.
You ignore points 2 through 4 because you're a fucking idiot.

I stopped reading after your fucking delusional first point

Correction. You don't read anything past a headline, and you're not very good at that, either.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets

Yup. All those White House aides are going to have yuuuuuge legal fees.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Did you get banned or something? It was kind of nice not having you shitting all over the board for awhile..
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Sure he can... but doing so will just prove he's guilty.
Well, you already assume he's guilty.
The problem is fabricating the evidence of his guilt.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets

I saw that. That's pretty douchey considering his wealth. I wouldn't fault the average president for doing so but Trump could certainly swing it. He should be magnanimous and give those funds to his staffers.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Sure he can... but doing so will just prove he's guilty.
Well, you already assume he's guilty.
The problem is fabricating the evidence of his guilt.

Nope, I don't need to assume, because you know what happens when you assume? Your lawyers go to a steakhouse and tell all your business out in the open for all the reporters to hear it.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets

Yup. All those White House aides are going to have yuuuuuge legal fees.
Real Bigly
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets
LOL It's called republicans eating their own I'm cracking up
How much did obama refuse in the Eric Holder investigation based on executive privilege.

Fact is, you don't know what Mueller is investigating. You're making it up. No one knows but Mueller. Has he told anyone here what he's doing and what his plans are? If Mueller wants documentation regarding 13 actions that Trump took as president, he's not entitled to any of it.
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Sure he can... but doing so will just prove he's guilty.
Presidential privilege has been used by almost every modern President, Dufus.

Obstruct_on of Just_ce

:desk: I'd like to buy a vowel.

IOW, you guys are FINALLY going to give up on this whole Russia thing.

Thank goodness it is over.



OTH, there is no doubt about the fact that Trump didn't want Comey and the FBI meddling in his private business affairs with Russian Oligarchs. . . how gauche.

Obstruction of the Russia investigation, yes.
It's a slam dunk.

Of course, the problem there is, it was the assistant AG that recommended the release of the AG, Trump was just following through on that advice. One would be hard pressed at that point to ever get an impeachment or even an indictment of said impeachment for something so trivial. The opposition party will be much more hurt by this circus than Trump ever will be, since this is all on the shoulders of Rod Rosenstein and his memo. :badgrin:

Waste of tax payer dollars. . . . all political.

Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

"Presidential privilege" is not a real thing.

But I wouldn't put it past Trump to try to claim it.

Did you mean "Executive privilege"?
Oh boy, you sure got me, grammar Nazi! Oh wait, it's not Nazi, it's NAZI!

Well, it's actually more than just an issue of grammar. It's the "Executive branch" itself that has the priviledge, not the President himself. Executive privilege is a protection between branches of government, not personal protection for the President.

Since Mueller's investigation is part of the Executive branch, claiming executive privilege in response to a summons from Mueller won't work.

This is why when Clinton claimed executive privilege during the Lewinsky investigation, it was rejected.
And when obama claimed executive privilege during the Eric Holder impeachment it was accepted.

Monica Lewinsky had nothing to do with executive actions or decisions. It's a guy thing.

Trump should refuse to turn over anything and take the matter to the Supreme Court. Mueller isn't quite in the Royal Inquisitor YET.
How much did obama refuse in the Eric Holder investigation based on executive privilege.

Fact is, you don't know what Mueller is investigating. You're making it up. No one knows but Mueller. Has he told anyone here what he's doing and what his plans are? If Mueller wants documentation regarding 13 actions that Trump took as president, he's not entitled to any of it.

Actually, he most certainly is entitled to supeona whatever he wants.

I'll give you a variant of the same pop quiz that Weatherman failed.

In the "Eric Holder" investigation, who was the investigating party?

A.) The Legislative branch
B.) The Judicial branch
C.) The Executive branch

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