Mueller's Office Labels Dem Trump Obstruction Conspiracy Theorist's LIE 'Wildly Inaccurate'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Controversial author Michael Wolff’s upcoming book, "Siege: Trump Under Fire," reportedly claims that Robert Mueller drew up an obstruction of justice indictment against President Trump – but a spokesman for Mueller says the claim is wildly inaccurate."

The Trump-haters keep publicly declaring 'THIS is what happened' and 'THIS is what Mueller REALLY meant in his report'...and Mueller keeps humiliating them by publicly calling them out and debunking their 'conspiracy theories'.

“The documents described do not exist."
— Mueller spokesman Peter Carr

Mueller’s office shoots down key claim in Michael Wolff’s new book 'Siege'

This should drive a stake through the heart of Wolff's career as any type of 'journalist' or 'author', as once again he has been exposed as a Trump-Hating Fake News LIAR!

$30 Million to Investigate Russian Collusion and never being able to find it while intentionally ignoring Russian Collusion by Obama and Hillary Clinton...

The extremes of both parties lie all the time. The media is part of those extremes.

Book writting requires imagination not fact.
$30 Million to Investigate Russian Collusion and never being able to find it while intentionally ignoring Russian Collusion by Obama and Hillary Clinton...


Since almost everyone in the world knows / knew Obama learned in 2014 the Russians had begun attempting to hack our power grid, had initiated a Counter-Intelligence Operation using Social Media a successful attempt to con, Democrats into organizing and marching for them, that the Russians were attempting to hack the private servers / e-mails of senior Govt officials and politicians (which he did not share), and that his own admin personnel have admitted they do not think the administration did enough to counter / stop it.....why do YOU think Mueller's investigation into 'Russian Interference' did not begin by investigating when it happened, in 2014 with Obama in office?
The extremes of both parties lie all the time. The media is part of those extremes.

Book writing requires imagination not fact.
This jack ass has proven that integrity / truth no longer play any factor in writing their crap - its all about writing something the 'blissfully' ignorant boobs want to read and will buy, truth be damned.

*** Thank you to Mueller's office for coming out and exposing this Trump-hating Conspiracy Peddler!
Probably won't even hit the Ne York's Bestseller list...just like Hillary Clinton's book What Happened.


Hillary's book title is hilarious.
'What Happened' is the first thing people say who survive head-on collisions!
$30 Million to Investigate Russian Collusion and never being able to find it while intentionally ignoring Russian Collusion by Obama and Hillary Clinton...


Since almost everyone in the world knows / knew Obama learned in 2014 the Russians had begun attempting to hack our power grid, had initiated a Counter-Intelligence Operation using Social Media a successful attempt to con, Democrats into organizing and marching for them, that the Russians were attempting to hack the private servers / e-mails of senior Govt officials and politicians (which he did not share), and that his own admin personnel have admitted they do not think the administration did enough to counter / stop it.....why do YOU think Mueller's investigation into 'Russian Interference' did not begin by investigating when it happened, in 2014 with Obama in office?
You know that there never were any Russians hacking in to any "Senior Government Officials" files.

That was The DNC's, Clinton's Pakistani Hackers.

They all had criminal records for doing that precise thing.

Even after being caught red handed, Clinton took one of them directly in to her campaign.

Coincidentally this same hacker had become close personal friends with Seth Rich before he died.
You know that there never were any Russians hacking in to any "Senior Government Officials" files. That was The DNC's, Clinton's Pakistani Hackers. They all had criminal records for doing that precise thing. Even after being caught red handed, Clinton took one of them directly in to her campaign. Coincidentally this same hacker had become close personal friends with Seth Rich before he died.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.... I am just SHOCKED..., Nay, dare I say, OFFENDED at your intentional mischaracterizations of the facts as you know the Democrats have already explained them to be!

The legally-required background checks for anyone being given access to official government computer and files were only ignored for the Pakistani family that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired because Democrats VOUCHED for them...

The TERA-BYTE of data they downloaded off of House Servers, as you also know, was explained as personal photos, their children's HOMEWORK / projects, and other personal files these IT employees had placed on the House servers...

The Pakistanis were fired / banned from working for the House / having access to House computers because, admittedly, they had been using House servers for their kids to do their homework, to store those family photos, and to store their personal files...

DWS rehired the 1 Pakistani after they had been banned from the House to work for HER and the DNC, not the House, and he was given access to every DNC Member's e-mail addresses, usernames, and passwords for safe-keeping, in case of a server crash, so he could quickly help recover everyone's accounts and e-mails....

And you are biasedly and unfairly focusing on the fact that racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic e-mail content was accidently released - as well as the fact of how the DNC rigged their primaries for Hillary - when what you SHOULD be focusing on here is that the Democrats were / are the VICTIMS here of an obvious vicious cyber attack by Trump's Russian accomplices....

You Vast Right Wing Conspirists just can't help spinning the truth....

Actually, I think Michael Wolff’s first book 'Fire and Fury' probably had a lot of fiction in it too.
But at the same time, it is apparent the Trump's lawyer (Bill Barr), also pushed fiction that Little Trumpsters willingly sucked up, regarding Obstruction of Justice.
When over 700 former federal prosecutors who worked in Democratic and Republican administrations stated that Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice and only escaped being charged because he's president. One who is a pragmatic thinker, who isn't easily manipulated hyper-partisan, can clearly see the truth, Trump got off thanks to his butt sniffer tool, Barr.
Oh, I wouldn't have a problem with any investigation about how/when the Russia investigation started and if there was an real agenda behind it. But only if the investigation was done by an independent with a bipartisan staff and not by Trump's obvious tool. That way there would be no cherry picking of evidence.

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