Mugshots released, revealing first look at suspects in case of missing Kansas women

STFU idiot, black folks and BLM protests when someone black is wrongfully murdered, not when some black criminal murders 2 people.
Layoff the personal attacks. You saw it in this thread all of the Trump supporters have criticized those white criminals instead of acting like an idiot and calling somebody anti-white racist or something. But you looked at threads where a guy posted about black criminals and you have a few BLM people in there complaining about “white supremacy this white supremacy that” just look at the threads.


There are pretty much no cases BLM or similar organizations have brought forth where it’s a clear cut murder. And In many of them the white cop was justified.

What BLM people do is fish for racist comments. These are actions unbecoming of a gentleman or lady. BLM is a disgrace to the high culture of Europe and Africa.

BLM and similar organizations has feminized both black and white men. It has made them weaker. But the great majority of this country black-and-white rejects BLM and they are patriots.

Everyone knows it brother what left wingers are doing ….making it out as if black kids are picked up from the street and then hung from trees every day. Nothing like that is occurring. Not even close.

Some people are low on confidence in America. but this country will prevail, and we will get back to the glory days of the past. Everyone knows what’s going The left-wing cancel culture people have led to one of the greatest wealth discrepancies in US history between the rich and poor. This is what everybody knows Internationally as well. I talked with folks from Africa, Argentina and countries all over Europe, and they all tell me what the hell has happened to America? It’s an embarrassment to be an American with all of the left-wing fanaticism going on, the feminization of men, the pro -abortion extremists, race baiting blm people. I have to explain to people from around the world why America allows men to compete on women’s sports teams.

All of us internationally Christians united and people from different faiths ….We stand against BLM and other like minded abominations.

America will prevail.

Its not a 1-10,000 incident.

View attachment 932631

According to statistics it's an 8500 in 10,000 occurrence.
This thread is a prime example of the responsibility of Trump supporters. The initial comments by all of them were to criticize the white criminals. That is simply not the case for BLM supporters. Anytime that there is a thread showing up black criminal almost immediately the BLM people go in there and they don’t even talk about the topic they don’t even criticize the black criminal. They just moan and complain like brats About “white supremacy this , white supremacy that”

Everyone knows it. Even internationally and I can say that because I’ve traveled all the way to the other end of the world. Places like Thailand and Cambodia.
Layoff the personal attacks.
What personal attacks?
You saw it in this thread all of the Trump supporters have criticized those white criminals instead of acting like an idiot and calling somebody anti-white racist or something. But you looked at threads where a guy posted about black criminals and you have a few BLM people in there complaining about “white supremacy this white supremacy that” just look at the threads.
Yea I saw all 3 of them. If these young white women had been murdered by someone black this thread would be 15 pages deep already. It's amazing how folks get quiet when the murderer is white.
There are pretty much no cases BLM or similar organizations have brought forth where it’s a clear cut murder. And In many of them the white cop was justified.
That's bullshit and you know it.
What BLM people do is fish for racist comments. These are actions unbecoming of a gentleman or lady. BLM is a disgrace to the high culture of Europe and Africa.
Man you are a white racist who probably thought Jim Crow was ok.
BLM and similar organizations has feminized both black and white men. It has made them weaker. But the great majority of this country black-and-white rejects BLM and they are patriots.
You can stick that patriot bullshit up your ass, black folks have seen what so called patriots will do.
Everyone knows it brother what left wingers are doing ….making it out as if black kids are picked up from the street and then hung from trees every day. Nothing like that is occurring. Not even close.
So, you think everything is great because black folks aren't being publicly lynched anymore. The Justice System is used today to do that.
Some people are low on confidence in America. but this country will prevail, and we will get back to the glory days of the past.
What days are those? Please explain to us what days you are speaking of.
Everyone knows what’s going The left-wing cancel culture people have led to one of the greatest wealth discrepancies in US history between the rich and poor. This is what everybody knows Internationally as well. I talked with folks from Africa, Argentina and countries all over Europe, and they all tell me what the hell has happened to America? It’s an embarrassment to be an American with all of the left-wing fanaticism going on, the feminization of men, the pro -abortion extremists, race baiting blm people. I have to explain to people from around the world why America allows men to compete on women’s sports teams.

All of us internationally Christians united and people from different faiths ….We stand against BLM and other like minded abominations.

America will prevail.
Man, I am sick and tired of you just regurgitating the same bullshit over in every post. You bring nothing to back up any of that right wing, racist bullshit you spew.
I'm wondering why Horseshitting didn't post this crime. Where are all the white racist that would have plenty to say if these criminals were black? I bet money this thread won't last 4 pages.
I personally don't care what color they are it's horrendous and they need to be held accountable up to and including execution!
4 white criminals murder 2 white women and your dead ass is on here talking about black crime. Black folks don't have a damn thing to do with this incident.
I believe it's because you refuse to deal with black crime when it happens, it's always white peoples fault! i am certainly not on here blaming black people for this!
I believe it's because you refuse to deal with black crime when it happens, it's always white peoples fault! i am certainly not on here blaming black people for this!
WTF does that mean? When have I said it's white folks fault if someone black commits a crime? You clowns just make up shit.
Yep you refuse to help by not moving on, the racism here in America is caused by things like pushing reparations and affirmative action! I owe you nothing!
No dumbass, the racism in America is at your feet. White women have benefitted mire from AA than any black person. If there wasn't racism there would be no need for AA, you didn't have a problem giving everyone else you have wronged reparations.
No dumbass, the racism in America is at your feet. White women have benefitted mire from AA than any black person. If there wasn't racism there would be no need for AA, you didn't have a problem giving everyone else you have wronged reparations.
No, it really isn't I am in no way racist, I listened to Dr. King and judge people on character not color!

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