Multi Millionaire Progressive Hero Alan Grayson Receives Food Stamps for His Kids

Here is your darling of progressive politics, Alan Grayson. A man worth almost $20 million doesn't provide shit for his children and they are collecting food stamps.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.

But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.

Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” [...]

Despite these claims [that he provides some assistance], Lolita Grayson maintains that the house is in disrepair with mold. “I’m doing this for me and our children, not for him, because I would like to have a good life again,” she concluded.

Via The Daily Caller

Read more: This Democrat Congressman Worth Almost 20 Million Receives Food Stamps for His Children - The Political Insider

Maybe $10K a month isn't supporting his kids to you. seems like quite a bit to me.
Grayson is the biggest douchebag in Congress. Seriously.

Did you mine the links to the original story? Didn't think so.

""""On the paperwork, she only claims $592 per child for her monthly income, but Nejame says Grayson is also paying the mortgage, utilities and phone bill for the home, a total of about $10,000 a month.

"This is abusing the public," Nejame said. "She's going out and asking for support because she can't support herself on $120,000? That's outrageous."

Rep. Grayson does not pay spousal support because his marriage is under the scope of a bigamy claim. His attorneys are claiming the marriage was never valid because Lolita Grayson was never divorced from her last husband.""""

How did Alan Grayson s wife get approved for public assistance

Excuse me but it sounds like she is living in the home with the children and the mortage, utilities, phone bill, etc is $10,000.00 a month. That would not be surprising if they have a nice home and it isn't paid for - how would that pay for the food and extra expenses? If she says the child support is 592.00 per child how is that a lie? Why is he getting away with paying such a low payment and why isn't he paying it? I believe she has a valid complaint - he is not paying and he thinks he can get away with it. Now it is going to come back on him and you are worried about him because...............? You didn't get the memo either on the war against women strategy for Democrats? Tell your Candidate Grayson to pay up or he is going to lose alot more than 592.00 per child a month. Like the respect of his own children? The citizens who voted for him? That ought to wake him up.

Please pay attention to what you are posting. If the bills add up to 10K a month that is not 120K in her pocketbook. That is 120K to the electric company, mortgage company, etc. annual pay out. Please pay attention.

He's a hack. He can't pay attention.
Alan Grayson should run for President. He's a Democrat who represents Democrat values.

Here is your darling of progressive politics, Alan Grayson. A man worth almost $20 million doesn't provide shit for his children and they are collecting food stamps.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.

But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.

Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” [...]

Despite these claims [that he provides some assistance], Lolita Grayson maintains that the house is in disrepair with mold. “I’m doing this for me and our children, not for him, because I would like to have a good life again,” she concluded.

Via The Daily Caller

Read more: This Democrat Congressman Worth Almost 20 Million Receives Food Stamps for His Children - The Political Insider

Maybe $10K a month isn't supporting his kids to you. seems like quite a bit to me.

Please pay attention. The mortgage, electric, phone, etc - household bills are 10K and he is paying that. He should be paying far more in child support than 592.00 per child. It sounds to me like he is a good ole' boy and the good ole' boy's are being voted out of office this go around. He shouldn't quit his day job. He'll need it.
Jeremiah, you know he's paying child support. His total support of his family is around $155k/year.

This is why you can't trust the extremely religious. They tend to believe that God has given them special dispensation to lie. Most conservatives find some reason to rationalize their lying, but the more religious ones take it to extremes.
Excuse me but the bills for the upkeep of this home appear to be quite high - the mortgage, electricity and other bills are eating up the 10K a month which is not 155K, Mamooth. It's 120K. Do the math. Mr. Grayson has a net worth of 20 million dollars? What is wrong with this picture?

Furthermore, how did his wife qualify for food stamps if your claim is true? I am not telling a lie - I am telling you that I believe Grayson is a liar and a cheat and he is trying to get out of supporting his children as he should be supporting them and therefore I am going to petition the LORD - His courtroom has the final decision in such matters and I believe the LORD will give justice in this matter. That is not a lie.
Liberals are so humorous, they were outraged when they found out Romney put his dog in a crate on top of the car. He got home okay, but was okay with Obama eating the dog. You can't make this up. Lol
Excuse me but the bills for the upkeep of this home appear to be quite high - the mortgage, electricity and other bills are eating up the 10K a month which is not 155K, Mamooth. It's 120K. Do the math.

I did. You didn't.

How did Alan Grayson s wife get approved for public assistance

$592 child support per month, per kid. 5 kids. 5 x 592 x 12 = $35k. Tax-free. 120 + 35 = 155.

With all housing and utilities paid, that $35k is a comfortable lifestyle. Not extravagant, but comfortable.

Mr. Grayson has a net worth of 20 million dollars? What is wrong with this picture

You tell us. The courts set child support payments. They seem to think it's quite reasonable. The free luxury house thing probably enters into that.

Furthermore, how did his wife qualify for food stamps if your claim is true?

That's a good question, and it's being investigated. It seems she left out the part about all housing and utilities being paid for.

I am not telling a lie - I am telling you that I believe Grayson is a liar and a cheat and he is trying to get out of supporting his children as he should be supporting them and therefore I am going to petition the LORD - His courtroom has the final decision in such matters and I believe the LORD will give justice in this matter. That is not a lie.

And you're deliberately ignoring information that contradicts your fantasy.
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Here is your darling of progressive politics, Alan Grayson. A man worth almost $20 million doesn't provide shit for his children and they are collecting food stamps.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.

But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.

Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” [...]

Despite these claims [that he provides some assistance], Lolita Grayson maintains that the house is in disrepair with mold. “I’m doing this for me and our children, not for him, because I would like to have a good life again,” she concluded.

Via The Daily Caller

Read more: This Democrat Congressman Worth Almost 20 Million Receives Food Stamps for His Children - The Political Insider
This is a good thing it is becoming well known. He is a member of congress, so he basically lives on support from people, and the media. If the people hate him, he will be "Forced" to provide for his children for the sake of his career, and even then may sufficiently decrees in his political standings and gain.
Excuse me but the bills for the upkeep of this home appear to be quite high - the mortgage, electricity and other bills are eating up the 10K a month which is not 155K, Mamooth. It's 120K. Do the math.

I did. You didn't.

How did Alan Grayson s wife get approved for public assistance

$592 child support per month, per kid. 5 kids. 5 x 592 x 12 = $35k. Tax-free. 120 + 35 = 155.

With all housing and utilities paid, that $35k is a comfortable lifestyle. Not extravagant, but comfortable.

Mr. Grayson has a net worth of 20 million dollars? What is wrong with this picture

You tell us. The courts set child support payments. They seem to think it's quite reasonable. The free luxury house thing probably enters into that.

Furthermore, how did his wife qualify for food stamps if your claim is true?

That's a good question, and it's being investigated. It seems she left out the part about all housing and utilities being paid for.

I am not telling a lie - I am telling you that I believe Grayson is a liar and a cheat and he is trying to get out of supporting his children as he should be supporting them and therefore I am going to petition the LORD - His courtroom has the final decision in such matters and I believe the LORD will give justice in this matter. That is not a lie.

And you're deliberately ignoring information that contradicts your fantasy.
He is a 1%, and his children get welfare. Your good with that, only because he is a democrat. Can I say hypocrite?
Here is your darling of progressive politics, Alan Grayson. A man worth almost $20 million doesn't provide shit for his children and they are collecting food stamps.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.

But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.

Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” [...]

Despite these claims [that he provides some assistance], Lolita Grayson maintains that the house is in disrepair with mold. “I’m doing this for me and our children, not for him, because I would like to have a good life again,” she concluded.

Via The Daily Caller

Read more: This Democrat Congressman Worth Almost 20 Million Receives Food Stamps for His Children - The Political Insider

He's a bag full of dicks.
Here is your darling of progressive politics, Alan Grayson. A man worth almost $20 million doesn't provide shit for his children and they are collecting food stamps.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.

But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.

Mrs. Grayson told WFTV 9 Orlando she never thought she would be on food stamps or have her kids on the school lunch, because her husband was “the sole provider,” she said. “I don’t have any money at all. He’s been holding all our money for years and years.” [...]

Despite these claims [that he provides some assistance], Lolita Grayson maintains that the house is in disrepair with mold. “I’m doing this for me and our children, not for him, because I would like to have a good life again,” she concluded.

Via The Daily Caller

Read more: This Democrat Congressman Worth Almost 20 Million Receives Food Stamps for His Children - The Political Insider

Whether or not his marriage was legitimate doesn't change the fact that he's the dead beat dad of HIS kids. Being married or not doesn't exclude someone from supporting HIS kids. I'm not surprised. He supports legislation that makes those that holds those who aren't the biological parents of kids more responsible for their support than the sperm donor that created them,.

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