Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Canā€™t post that while Trump covers up a murder for them and grovels

Putin's a murderous, maniac, he looks like a Finno-Ugric version of ET mixed with Gollum.
Trump tried to downplay a couple of Putinā€™s murders too

Played like a Chump Trump, that's Poot-Pootin's master plan, to divide & conquer the U.S.A, so the Ruskies can invade.

Red Dawn!
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.
I see you still have not given up on stupid. At least you on not a quitter on one thing.

I thought Dean was more of a "Squatter"??????

He loves Putin's Kielbasy, on his chin.
Trump loves that, not me.

Deantard is the worst kind of human being and I am being kind when calling him a human being. Lowest of the Low.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.
I see you still have not given up on stupid. At least you on not a quitter on one thing.
Stupid is trump who had no clue this was gonna happen to him when he became president. Stupid are Republicans for electing a ConMan to be president. Stupid are Republicans who voted for trump that are now losing their healthcare and their tax deductions. Yeah thereā€™s all kinds of stupid, but it ainā€™t me.
You post more stupid crap then anyone on here. You hope that no one will notice. People keep showing you just how uninformed and downright asinine you are and you say you are not stupid? Come on the fact you have to break out of your special long sleeve coat just to type should be a clue.

I doubt very much that anyone but you cares that Putin or the Prince did not do a moronic high five with Trump. You say they were acting like school girls. I would think most adults would be interested in more then acting like a school girl. Of course I know that means you would be right in there acting like a child.

You got to be kidding me on Republicans are stupid crap. Democrats voted for OC and Bernie that wants Medicare for all with the idea that" we just pay for it". Never mind that it would cost 3.2 Trillion every year and the average income from taxes is 3.2 Trillion. The Democrats want to artificially increase minimum wage which has been shown to cost jobs and cause inflation. They want to raise taxes without cutting spending. I could continue but you would never even understand all of it.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.
I see you still have not given up on stupid. At least you on not a quitter on one thing.
Stupid is trump who had no clue this was gonna happen to him when he became president. Stupid are Republicans for electing a ConMan to be president. Stupid are Republicans who voted for trump that are now losing their healthcare and their tax deductions. Yeah thereā€™s all kinds of stupid, but it ainā€™t me.
You post more stupid crap then anyone on here. You hope that no one will notice. People keep showing you just how uninformed and downright asinine you are and you say you are not stupid? Come on the fact you have to break out of your special long sleeve coat just to type should be a clue.

I doubt very much that anyone but you cares that Putin or the Prince did not do a moronic high five with Trump. You say they were acting like school girls. I would think most adults would be interested in more then acting like a school girl. Of course I know that means you would be right in there acting like a child.

You got to be kidding me on Republicans are stupid crap. Democrats voted for OC and Bernie that wants Medicare for all with the idea that" we just pay for it". Never mind that it would cost 3.2 Trillion every year and the average income from taxes is 3.2 Trillion. The Democrats want to artificially increase minimum wage which has been shown to cost jobs and cause inflation. They want to raise taxes without cutting spending. I could continue but you would never even understand all of it.
your new....most here have read his monologues for at least 7 years now.....
You can probably find photos of Barry Hussein high fiving every despot on the freaking planet during his four year apology tour.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

Funny Trump owns you
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

View attachment 231927
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.

Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

View attachment 231927
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.


President Trump is ā€œownedā€ because of a two second handshake between Putin and the Saudi Prince?

You are delusional.
If youā€™re going to kiss someoneā€™s a$$, you got to get something out of it. Trump gets money from the Saudi Prince and he gets help and money from Putin.

Besides, to Republicans, what does it matter that the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, after all they invaded Iraq.
Everyone knows that a truly strong leader doesn't bow...he cursteys
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.
Itā€™s the age of the autocratic despot.

And Trump desperately wants to join the club.

There was a time when America opposed authoritarian dictators ā€“ but not Trump, who has become their toady and sycophant.
Perhaps the OP has this.....perhaps not...............but I highly doubt they are best buddies........

Saudi Arabia for many years increased production to a point that it punked the Ruble..........Russia's energy sector and currency took a beating from it.

Very doubtful they are best the idiot Op is saying.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Iā€™ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his ā€œproblemsā€ at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . Itā€™s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Canā€™t wait to see what Fox says.

Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

View attachment 231927
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.

They loved Obama because he allowed us to get fucked 10 ways sideways by them.............Now that they have been taken to the mat they aren't happy...........

They go.............OMFG why aren't we dealing with that Pussy Obama we can screw America again.................then we could get our cake and eat it too again............

Too freaking bad..............
Trump has like 100 Trump Towers in deantards head. LMAO. Deantard is obsessed with him. What a loser.
Let me guess in your warped mind this is Trump's fault.

Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

View attachment 231927
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.


President Trump is ā€œownedā€ because of a two second handshake between Putin and the Saudi Prince?

You are delusional.
I believe Trump's kids.

Don't you?


So put up or shut up.

Are Trump's kids lying or are they telling the truth?



Thought so.
Trump, Bark, Trump, Bark, it's all they got, some kind of "Conspiracy theory"about the Ruskies, and Poot, Pootin.

Putin and the Saudi Prince get it.

They OWN Trump. They know it and they let everyone else know it!

And right in front of Trump.

Talk about Taunting.

View attachment 231927
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.


President Trump is ā€œownedā€ because of a two second handshake between Putin and the Saudi Prince?

You are delusional.
I believe Trump's kids.

Don't you?


So put up or shut up.

Are Trump's kids lying or are they telling the truth?



Thought so.

Easy dumbass, that quote from Jr. was from 2008. No one cares if a bunch of Russians liked renting rooms at hotels in Dubai in 2008.

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