Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesn’t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if you’re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. You’re just too right to see it. In fact it’s not liberal enough imo

You’re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Don’t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. That’s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isn’t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

It doesn’t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if you’re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. You’re just too right to see it. In fact it’s not liberal enough imo

You’re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Don’t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. That’s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isn’t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if you’re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. You’re just too right to see it. In fact it’s not liberal enough imo

You’re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Don’t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. That’s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isn’t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.
You’re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Don’t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. That’s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isn’t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.
They are fiscally conservative

Don’t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. That’s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isn’t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.
The Liberals are rich too. Don’t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the “poor” to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.

It’s not remotely true about every other country. Name one the size of the US that has it and has the same awesome quality. I agree The healthcare system is broken due to lobbyists and greedy insurance companies. I am OK with banning lobbyists. Thank you for your kind words.
Republicans get big donations from rich donors. For every 25 cents a Democrat gets, Republicans get 75 cents. So clearly the GOP is the party of the rich.

And the rich who want trickle down economics are much different than progressive tax rich people who don't mind paying more to help the poor.

How do you think Bernie Sanders raised so much after he announced he was running? It isn't corporations who want to pollute donating to him. He wants to regulate them. It isn't the healthcare giants who don't want single payer.

Middle class people are donating to Bernie, a liberal, progressive, independent aka Democrat.

Actually he is what a democrat should be. The Democrats are corporatists. I know what you mean.

Here let me educate you

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

The End of the Fairness Doctrine

There’s a reason people all over America are screaming at their TVs every Sunday morning: the majority of guests are conservatives or Republicans, and much of what they offer as “fact” or “opinion” is merely lies and propaganda. Which leads us to number three.

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

Corporations Like Republicans

The final possibility that occurs to me (and others in media with whom I’ve discussed this over the years) is that the large TV and radio news operations simply like what the GOP stands for. They also know that if GOP policies were widely understood, the Republican Party would fade into the kind of powerless obscurity it enjoyed for most of the FDR-to-Reagan era, when working people’s salaries were growing faster than management and the middle class was solid and stable.

TV networks don’t like unions or uppity workers or regulation any more than any other billion-dollar corporation. They’d prefer the salaries of their senior corporate management weren’t debated (or even known). They prefer to live in today’s semi-monopolistic system where they’re only minimally held accountable, and want to keep it that way.

This is the core of GOP ideology that media shares: Cut taxes on rich people, kill off the unions, cut welfare so more of that money can go to rich people’s tax cuts, deregulate big corporations so they can act without regard to the public good, and subsidize big corporations with government funds whenever and wherever possible.

But if any of these issues were ever explicitly discussed on TV, all hell would break loose. Can you imagine if Bill Kristol or Rick Santorum or any of the other dozens of right-wing trolls who inhabit cable TV were ever asked about their actual positions on policy?

Should we sell off (privatize) Social Security to the big New York banks as the GOP has wanted to do since the 1930s? Should we end Medicare and Medicaid and turn everybody over to the tender mercies of the insurance industry? Should we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry? What should we do about the audit that found $21 trillion (yes, with a T) missing from the Pentagon? How do we break the stranglehold monopolistic drug corporations have on the pricing of our pharmaceuticals?

You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.

It’s not remotely true about every other country. Name one the size of the US that has it and has the same awesome quality. I agree The healthcare system is broken due to lobbyists and greedy insurance companies. I am OK with banning lobbyists. Thank you for your kind words.

I saw this and thought of you

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brokered a deal this week with the right-wing extremist party Jewish Power, which has roots in a violent, racist movement that Israel and the U.S. deemed a terrorist organization.

The agreement is Netanyahu’s effort to consolidate support before the country’s election in April. Although Netanyahu has long courted nationalist and religious parties as a means of undermining right-wing challengers and shoring up coalitions, his pact with Jewish Power goes beyond his previous alliances. One prominent Israeli diplomatic correspondent compared Netanyahu’s deal to an American president making a pact with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
You’re a Bernie supporter!?! Wow
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.

It’s not remotely true about every other country. Name one the size of the US that has it and has the same awesome quality. I agree The healthcare system is broken due to lobbyists and greedy insurance companies. I am OK with banning lobbyists. Thank you for your kind words.

I saw this and thought of you

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brokered a deal this week with the right-wing extremist party Jewish Power, which has roots in a violent, racist movement that Israel and the U.S. deemed a terrorist organization.

The agreement is Netanyahu’s effort to consolidate support before the country’s election in April. Although Netanyahu has long courted nationalist and religious parties as a means of undermining right-wing challengers and shoring up coalitions, his pact with Jewish Power goes beyond his previous alliances. One prominent Israeli diplomatic correspondent compared Netanyahu’s deal to an American president making a pact with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Benny is an extremist for sure but he is an extremist because he fights extremists. It is an interesting dilemma.
Well I like a lot of what he says. I don't like FREE college but I like single payer universal healthcare for all Americans.

Oh, and there is no way Howard Stern is a conservative. He says so many things that tell me no way he's a con. He did admit he's fiscally conservative but on all other things he's a liberal.

So, in a way, Howard is the perfect example of how the media is not liberal. See? You even admitted it yourself even though I totally agree with Howard on everything he says politically, you understand that he is really a conservative.

Funny you can understand that but you can't understand the media is EXACTLY that. THey are exactly what you describe Howard as doing/being. He "acts" liberal but really he's a rich conservative when it comes to taxes.

#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.

It’s not remotely true about every other country. Name one the size of the US that has it and has the same awesome quality. I agree The healthcare system is broken due to lobbyists and greedy insurance companies. I am OK with banning lobbyists. Thank you for your kind words.

I saw this and thought of you

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brokered a deal this week with the right-wing extremist party Jewish Power, which has roots in a violent, racist movement that Israel and the U.S. deemed a terrorist organization.

The agreement is Netanyahu’s effort to consolidate support before the country’s election in April. Although Netanyahu has long courted nationalist and religious parties as a means of undermining right-wing challengers and shoring up coalitions, his pact with Jewish Power goes beyond his previous alliances. One prominent Israeli diplomatic correspondent compared Netanyahu’s deal to an American president making a pact with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Benny is an extremist for sure but he is an extremist because he fights extremists. It is an interesting dilemma.

Same way Trump caters to white nationalists. He's dealing with liberal extremists so if he wants to win he has to woo the other side.
#1) Stern is super rich. He DGAF about men identifying as women. I do. I think that is utter BS.
#2) I hate the Left's antisemitism. Stern does too.
#3) Nationalized Healthcare is IMPOSSIBLE. Too expensive and too ineffective. Why should healthcare be free?
#4) Universities banning the likes of Ben Shapiro is utter insanity. The Left has gone crazy.
#5) Using a football field as an example most of the people are between the 20s. I am for example but the idiot media covers the radicals on both sides inside the 20s.
#6) If you're for Nationalized Healthcare you're NOT fiscally conservative.
#7) Stern has treated women as sex objects his entire career. Recall the Lesbian Dating game. He certainly is not part of the #METOO movement.
#8) I like Liberals and share many ideas with them. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. IDGAF if you're gay or straight., I think drugs should be legalized. I HATE LEFTISTS like AOC, Sanders, Harris and Warren. They are hypocrites and uneducated dolts.
#9) I run my own business so I understand economics very well. I went to a top school. In terms of education pedigree I am in the top 10%. I see right through morons like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon.
#10) We don't have to agree politically. But we should be civil. If I wear a MAGA hat, I should not have to defend myself. If you wear a Feel the Bern shirt, you should not have to defend yourself. People need to chill the F out.

2. You mean like how Lorde wouldn't perform in Israel because she doesn't agree with them politically but then later that month performed in Russia? I agree with him for not liking that but I get it for him it's personal. He admits he's loyal to Israel because he's a jew. He doesn't like any anti semitism.

3. How is it that every other country has nationalized medicine? It's actually cheaper.

6. You can be fiscally conservative but believe universal healthcare is the best way for all Americans. Especially if you are rich because you can buy supplemental insurance.

7. Stern is constantly bashing all the creeps who've been exposed in the me too movement. He even explained how a lot of these hypocrites who bashed him for his vulgar show are the same guys who in real life are scumbag to women. Stern is not a womanizer. He leads a very boring monogomous life. Stern objectified everyone.

10. You're a good man as far as I can tell. We can disagree and I still like you.

It’s not remotely true about every other country. Name one the size of the US that has it and has the same awesome quality. I agree The healthcare system is broken due to lobbyists and greedy insurance companies. I am OK with banning lobbyists. Thank you for your kind words.

I saw this and thought of you

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brokered a deal this week with the right-wing extremist party Jewish Power, which has roots in a violent, racist movement that Israel and the U.S. deemed a terrorist organization.

The agreement is Netanyahu’s effort to consolidate support before the country’s election in April. Although Netanyahu has long courted nationalist and religious parties as a means of undermining right-wing challengers and shoring up coalitions, his pact with Jewish Power goes beyond his previous alliances. One prominent Israeli diplomatic correspondent compared Netanyahu’s deal to an American president making a pact with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Benny is an extremist for sure but he is an extremist because he fights extremists. It is an interesting dilemma.

Same way Trump caters to white nationalists. He's dealing with liberal extremists so if he wants to win he has to woo the other side.

Yep. Except Jewish extremists are not same as the KKK IMO. But I am of course biased. Most white people don't want death to all blacks. Most Islamists want death to all Jews.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. You’re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesn’t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.

Jared Kushner Still Won’t Hold Saudi Crown Prince Accountable For Jamal Khashoggi
The White House adviser told Axios he’s noncommittal on holding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman responsible for the journalist’s murder.

The Trump administration is eager to sell nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia. But why? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Energy Secretary Rick Perry approved six secret authorizations for companies to do preliminary work on a Saudi nuclear deal without congressional oversight.

House Oversight Committee, released in February; the report cited whistleblowers who had warned that the White House was trying to rush the transfer of nuclear technology to the Kingdom.

Some despair at the very idea of transferring such sensitive technology to a regime known to have been involved in the gruesome murder of a prominent US-based journalist and to have led a bloody war in Yemen.

But for sun-baked Saudi Arabia, the economical and obvious switch is to solar energy, which also doesn’t result in carbon emissions and can be used to reduce domestic consumption of oil and gas. The limited efforts in installing solar power capacity on the part of the Saudi government suggest that climate action and economics may not be the driving motivations for its extensive nuclear energy plan. Indeed, members of the Saudi regime have, on other occasions, made it clear that their interests in nuclear energy derive from the idea that it would help them acquire the capability to make nuclear weapons and match Iran, whose regional status is seen to have risen as a result of its uranium enrichment program

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