Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.


President Trump is “owned” because Putin and the Saudi high dive each other?

Your TDS should be studied by scientists.
Well now the Saudi murderer is getting nuclear technology. Yea that guy can be trusted

It’s only fake news if it’s not true.

Intel: How White House efforts to sidestep Congress on Saudi nuclear deal are blowing up

Whistleblowers: Flynn backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis

Democrats Warn Trump May Rush Nuclear Transfer To Saudi Arabia

I can Find you 1000 links on HRC, Strzok and Page, Harris, Omar. I dont Trust the media. Not sure why your little pea brain cannot comprehend that. Don’t trust it on either side. Left or Right. You are an idiot and your avatar proves it.
Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".
Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".

So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
I got it. You couldn’t figure out what was fake news. It’s perfectly clear. It’s fox that’s fake news. And Newsmax. And Breitbart. But keep trying, you’ll figure it out.

LMAO. It is ALL fake. You see CNN and MSNBC as credible? Idiot.
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

I’ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his “problems” at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . It’s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Can’t wait to see what Fox says.
I see you still have not given up on stupid. At least you on not a quitter on one thing.

I thought Dean was more of a "Squatter"??????

He loves Putin's Kielbasy, on his chin.
I don’t love Putin. I’m not a Republican. Duh!
Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

I’ll have to post it later. I took a picture of it with my phone.

They are sitting right next to each other at the G 20 giggling and laughing like two little school girls.

Trump said he canceled the meeting with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine situation, but Vladimir Putin said Trump canceled the meeting because of his “problems” at home.

Trump must be freaking out seeing Vladimir and the prince high-fiving and giggling and laughing together. Completely ignoring trump . It’s like Dynasty but real.

Oh this is going to be trisected dissected and bisected tonight on the news. Can’t wait to see what Fox says.
I see you still have not given up on stupid. At least you on not a quitter on one thing.

I thought Dean was more of a "Squatter"??????

He loves Putin's Kielbasy, on his chin.
I don’t love Putin. I’m not a Republican. Duh!

You don’t love logic.
What a fucking idiot. Everyone knows he did it you stupid fuck.

The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide’s command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.

The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team’s advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered.

The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.’s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government.

“This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. “There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.”

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

What a fucking idiot. Everyone knows he did it you stupid fuck.

The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide’s command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.

The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team’s advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered.

The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.’s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government.

“This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. “There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.”

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".
What a fucking idiot. Everyone knows he did it you stupid fuck.

The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide’s command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.

The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team’s advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered.

The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.’s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government.

“This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. “There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.”

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

What a fucking idiot. Everyone knows he did it you stupid fuck.

The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide’s command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.

The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team’s advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered.

The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.’s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government.

“This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,” said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. “There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.”

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".

So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared.
Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".
Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

Triggered. Poke Successful. Thanks for playing.

I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".

So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".
I don't think we should stop Iran or Saudi Arabia from getting nukes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to formalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and hopes to make ties official and public before the next Israeli general election

OMG this is great. Trump is bringing the Jews and Arabs together. I totally trust Saudi Arabia with nukes if you do.

I just wanted to see what Jewish Americans thought about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear tech.

Saudi Arabia has lost the right to host the chess World Blitz and Rapid Championship Tournament due to its refusal to grant visas to Israelis. Instead, the competition will be held in Russia. The development highlights the complexity of the Jewish state’s burgeoning relations with the Sunni Muslim kingdom

Israeli-Saudi ties have dramatically improved in recent years primarily due to the shared security interest of neutralizing Iran’s expansionism and potential nuclearization. Nevertheless, the informal association is in its infancy and conditioned on current geopolitical realities that may be fleeting.

“If there is a sudden improvement in Iranian and Saudi relations, there is a chance that Riyadh will weaken its links to Israel,” says Dr. Ronen Zeidel, a Middle East expert at the University of Haifa.

To offset this possibility, the evolving partnership has been fostered and strengthened by the administration of US President Donald Trump, which views both countries as key to actualizing American foreign policy goal of reining in the Iranian regime. Notably, President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly backed bin Salman amid a global uproar over his alleged involvement in the October 2 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a Saudi mission in Turkey.

You should have stopped at "I don't think".

So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.
You should have stopped at "I don't think".
You should have stopped at "I don't think".

So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?
So what was the fake news you were referring to?

Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?
Ye stupid Republicans

The attempt to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia is in violation of a US law guarding against technology transfer, the congressional report stated.

The news of the planned sale was received with concerns by security analysts who said the transfer of highly sensitive US nuclear technology could pave the way for the production of nuclear weapons in the Saudi kingdom.
A Democratic-led House committee is now investigating efforts by US nuclear power companies to win the Trump administration's approval to build nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

A key target of the committee's inquiry was an effort by IP3 International, a consortium of nuclear power producers that began lobbying during the Trump transition in late 2016 and early 2017 to win presidential approval to develop nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia.

Analysts said the US tranfser plans raised questions about Washington's international credibility.

"The problem is not the transfer of technologies to Saudi Arabia but US double standards. If you are US allies then its fine, if you are not then all sorts of problems are raised," Nasser Hadian, professor of political science at Tehran University, told Al Jazeera.
Mohammad Ali Shabani, Iran Pulse Editor at Al-Monitor, said he doubted the US would sell uranium-enrichment technology to Saudi Arabia and, therefore, Riyadh would not have the capability to develop a nuclear weapon.

"However, the sidestepping of America's own laws to facilitate sales of nuclear power plants puts the Trump administration's broader credibility under question," Shabani told Al Jazeera.
The administration of President Donald Trump is bypassing the United States Congress to advance the sale of US nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns it would violate US law guarding against technology transfers, according to a new report by a congressional committee.

Security analysts worry the technology would allow Saudi Arabia to produce nuclear weapons in the future, potentially contributing to an arms race in the Middle East.

US legislators are concerned about the stability of Saudi leadership under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) because of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the war in Yemen.

Multiple unnamed "whistleblowers" have come forward to warn about White House attempts to speed the transfer of highly sensitive US nuclear technology to build new nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia, according to the staff report by the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

"The whistleblowers who came forward have warned of conflicts of interest among top White House advisers that could implicate federal criminal statutes,"
Conflicts of interest? See why you don't let a businessman who does business with Russia and Saudi Arabia be president of the USA? Conflicts of interest. Trump is President and at the same time trying to open up hotels in Saudi Arabia and Russia. No wonder he's giving them what America has. It costs him nothing.

Impeach the bum now.
Wow. You still don’t get it.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israel’s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
No we don't get it. Explain it to us. Maybe when you say it out loud you'll realize how hypocritical you're being

Now I see Jewish Trump supporters would even defend Trump selling nukes to Muslims who do not have stable regimes and who have said death to Israel. Or who have not recognized Israel. Boy you are a loyal Jew like Jared. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israel’s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it. believe in Santa too?
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israel’s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
I don't care if Saudi Arabia has nuclear technology. I thought it was you Jews who minded. Now you are playing stupid. Cognitive Dissonance. Lesser of two evils? Yea I thought so. You're not making any sense. I can't seem to get a clear answer from you regarding how comfortable you are with the USA giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons.

I know they don't agree with you on the Palestinians Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia

Saudi Arabia does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Probably because they don't recognize their right to exist.

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israel’s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

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