Murderous Vladimir Putin high-fives the murderous Saudi prince at G 20

Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.
Who have you seen selling weapons, liar?
Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Sigh...may I hear what Trump has to say about this before condemnation?

No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You should learn from the Smollett case to wait for all the data before becoming triggered.
No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.
No I'd like to hear your reaction before Trump/Fox and Rush tell you what to think. Proof you don't think for yourself is your silence right now.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the US of hypocracy for allegedly attempting to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while Washington tries to wreck Iran's nuclear programme.

Zarif's comment on Twitter on Wednesday came after reports the administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bypass US Congress to advance the sale of nuclear power plants to Saudi Arabia.

"Day by day it becomes clearer to the world what was always clear to us: neither human rights nor a nuclear program have been the real concern of the US," Zarif wrote.

"First a dismembered journalist; now illicit sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia fully expose #USHypocrisy," Zarif added, referring to the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi agents, and the new report by a US congressional committee on the planned technology sale.

Ever think you'd agree with an Iranian?

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You should learn from the Smollett case to wait for all the data before becoming triggered.

They finally found a tape of the incident. He was attacked

LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
LOL you want me to opine before I have all The facts? Stop it. Iran and KSA are mortal enemies. I think the US got Israelā€™s OK to supply KSA with nuke tech but I need to see what the administration says.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You should learn from the Smollett case to wait for all the data before becoming triggered.

They finally found a tape of the incident. He was attacked


Thatā€™s the Sealy I know. A more relaxed dude.
You don't even know what to think until told. Got it.

Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.
Exactly the opposite. Hence I am a Jew who will never vote Democrat again.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
You guys lost all credibility on Iran now that we see you selling weapons and nukes to the Saudi's.

Not that you guys had any credibility anyways. Remember all that bullshit about Clinton selling nukes to China or Obama selling nukes to Iran. You fucking hypocrites. Fuck you all.

You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.
You guys? LOL. Triggered you are. Chill man.
Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesnā€™t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
They didn't own Obama.

Obama was world leader.

Trump is OWNed.


President Trump is ā€œownedā€ because Putin and the Saudi high dive each other?

Your TDS should be studied by scientists.
Well now the Saudi murderer is getting nuclear technology. Yea that guy can be trusted

Itā€™s only fake news if itā€™s not true.

Intel: How White House efforts to sidestep Congress on Saudi nuclear deal are blowing up

Whistleblowers: Flynn backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis

Democrats Warn Trump May Rush Nuclear Transfer To Saudi Arabia

I can Find you 1000 links on HRC, Strzok and Page, Harris, Omar. I dont Trust the media. Not sure why your little pea brain cannot comprehend that. Donā€™t trust it on either side. Left or Right. You are an idiot and your avatar proves it.

That fact that deanTard still uses that avatar even after the man was fully exonerated and his accuser proven to be a lying scumbag who made $600,000 off her lies proves what a partisan hack she/he/transgender-it is.
Canā€™t post that while Trump covers up a murder for them and grovels

Putin's a murderous, maniac, he looks like a Finno-Ugric version of ET mixed with Gollum.
Trump tried to downplay a couple of Putinā€™s murders too

Played like a Chump Trump, that's Poot-Pootin's master plan, to divide & conquer the U.S.A, so the Ruskies can invade.
The Ruskies will never invade. They will do what everyone else does, ask for asylum.
President Trump is ā€œownedā€ because Putin and the Saudi high dive each other?

Your TDS should be studied by scientists.
Well now the Saudi murderer is getting nuclear technology. Yea that guy can be trusted

Itā€™s only fake news if itā€™s not true.

Intel: How White House efforts to sidestep Congress on Saudi nuclear deal are blowing up

Whistleblowers: Flynn backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis

Democrats Warn Trump May Rush Nuclear Transfer To Saudi Arabia

I can Find you 1000 links on HRC, Strzok and Page, Harris, Omar. I dont Trust the media. Not sure why your little pea brain cannot comprehend that. Donā€™t trust it on either side. Left or Right. You are an idiot and your avatar proves it.

That fact that deanTard still uses that avatar even after the man was fully exonerated and his accuser proven to be a lying scumbag who made $600,000 off her lies proves what a partisan hack she/he/transgender-it is.

Yea Republicans/Conservatives.

I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesnā€™t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if youā€™re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. Youā€™re just too right to see it. In fact itā€™s not liberal enough imo
I am an Independent. Youā€™re a Leftist
You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesnā€™t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if youā€™re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. Youā€™re just too right to see it. In fact itā€™s not liberal enough imo

Youā€™re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
We know Trump works for Putin. It's not a joke. Not a lie. Remember Helsinki.

You say that but that's not how we see you.

You didn't go to college right? You learn in college, or at least I did, that there are three you's.

The you you think you are
The you we see you as
The you that you really are

Trust me, you aren't an independent. You may have a few liberal positions but overall you are a Republican. Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, George Bush and you are all Republicans.

Bernie Sanders is an independent. Are you a Sanders supporter?

Who's your favorite independent? Are they conservative?

You don't get to be an asshole Republican all day here and then call yourself an independent. That doesn't make it so.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many times you tell it.

Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesnā€™t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if youā€™re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. Youā€™re just too right to see it. In fact itā€™s not liberal enough imo

Youā€™re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Donā€™t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. Thatā€™s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isnā€™t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that
Grad School
Business owner

I want all the facts to come out before passing judgement.
But right now this news is making you feel uncomfortable. You don't like it that Trump is selling nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. No American or Israeli should like this unless you only care about America making money.

And maybe the Saudi's would get it with or without us. So better we make money and sell it to them than let France or Pakistan do it.

I don't care that he sold nuclear energy to the Saudi's. Just like I don't care if Iran gets a nuke. I'm just surprised whenever Republicans cry about what Democrats do and then we see the Republicans do the same thing and Republican voters don't care.

So I'm not a hypocrite. If Obama or Trump wants to help Iran or the Saudi's get nuclear energy more power to them.

Just don't cry next time a Democratic president sells guns to another country you think is a bad actor. Saudi Arabia is a bad actor. Their leaders are murderers.

It doesnā€™t. Only uncomfortable part is the biased media. At the gym the TVs had Fox and CNN side by side and you would think we were living in two different countries. Not news.
Go to abc, cbs or nbc for straight middle news.

Go to fox and msnbc if youā€™re a con or liberal.

CNN is down the middle. Youā€™re just too right to see it. In fact itā€™s not liberal enough imo

Youā€™re delusional if you believe that. Honestly. Delusional. With all due respect. Delusional.
They are fiscally conservative

Donā€™t you realize divisive politics is what the rich want? So the media is socially liberal. Thatā€™s on purpose.

If bp oil is an advertiser do you think management will allow negative news about them?

How come the media isnā€™t talking about trump selling sauidis nukes? Ahhh see? A liberal media would be all over that

The Liberals are rich too. Donā€™t let them fool you. Then give scraps to the ā€œpoorā€ to keep then dependent on the Liberals and voting Liberal. They have zero interest in giving them a road map to self sustainability. All inner cities are Blue and not thriving. And that is how they want it to be.

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