Murdoch's WSJ has fully turned on the Trumpster.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
From a conservative media outlet, the WSJ is no FAN of the antics displayed by the orhange charlatan....two stories were reported just this past week and, of course, will be treated by Trump's ass-lickers as yet another example of "fake news".....Let them.....

A well-known Republican operative who asserted he was working for Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn was actively seeking hackers' help in obtaining private emails from Hillary Clinton's server, and intelligence agencies had intercepted discussions from Russian hackers at how to provide such help and transmit it back to Michael Flynn and his operatives.

The administration has clamped down on press briefings, offering secretary Sean Spicer only under the condition that the television cameras be turned off for the duration and shunting ever-more of the duties onto deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The moves are almost certainly designed to help inoculate Spicer and his team from his employer's oft-reported post-briefing fits of rage.
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"Brilliant" response Depotoo......Now it may be time for your well-deserved nap...
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From a conservative media outlet, the WSJ is no FAN of the antics displayed by the orhange charlatan....two stories were reported just this past week and, of course, will be treated by Trump's ass-lickers as yet another example of "fake news".....Let them.....

A well-known Republican operative who asserted he was working for Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn was actively seeking hackers' help in obtaining private emails from Hillary Clinton's server, and intelligence agencies had intercepted discussions from Russian hackers at how to provide such help and transmit it back to Michael Flynn and his operatives.

The administration has clamped down on press briefings, offering secretary Sean Spicer only under the condition that the television cameras be turned off for the duration and shunting ever-more of the duties onto deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The moves are almost certainly designed to help inoculate Spicer and his team from his employer's oft-reported post-briefing fits of rage.

As an update to the first WSJ story.....

...........a GOP operative named Peter W. Smith actively recruited people to help obtain Hillary Clinton’s private emails; and according to Smith, he was working with Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn in this attempt. Smith told the Journal this for attribution before his death in May — yet another odd death of a witness connected with the Trump/Russia story.
It's interesting that the left would assume that the WSJ would only write stories friendly to the administration. Maybe that's only true for democrat administrations and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM. Both stories are relatively benign but if they keep the radicalized left out of the gun stores and off the streets it's fine.
It's interesting that the left would assume that the WSJ would only write stories friendly to the administration. Maybe that's only true for democrat administrations and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM. Both stories are relatively benign but if they keep the radicalized left out of the gun stores and off the streets it's fine.

There is no "criminal conspiracy" of the MSM. Calling the President on his lies isn't criminal. Providing accuracy and truth to the American people is the media's job. Trump seems determined to provoke violence against the media which refuses to parrot his lies and distortions to the American people.

The left isn't radicalized but increasingly, the right is. The call to arms by the NRA is a prime example setting up an "us versus them" scenario with liberals being "them".

Peacefully resisting a demagogue who lies, cheats, and cons the public is not radicalization. It's doing what the Founders intended when they gave the press and the people the right to free speech.

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