Murkowski Leads By Over 10,000 Votes

The expression "Murkowski time" just never took off.

it is too hard to spell correctly.

that's why a lot of -owskis and -ieveiwciwsecs and -orkovs millered their names.

Wait wait wait.

Are you saying that Miller's name MIGHT be "Murkowski?"

Game changer!

maybe his name was Lev Mukovski, and he changed it to Joe Miller, but forgot to tell his community organizers. rookovski mistake.
Thread Topic Status Update!

A REAL Game Changer perhaps?


JUNEAU, Alaska -- An Alaska federal judge ruled Friday that Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller's challenge to the counting of write-in ballots raises "serious" legal issues but is a matter for a state, not federal, court to decide.

Yet in deferring to an Alaska state court for a final decision, U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said he would grant a temporary injunction to halt official certification of the Nov. 2 election -- an action Miller is seeking -- so long as Miller takes his case to the state court by Monday. Miller told The Associated Press late Friday that he intended to do so.

Beistline's unusual action was intended to "ensure that these serious state law issues are resolved prior to certification of the election," the ruling said.

Miller sued in federal court in a bid to stop the state from using discretion in determining voter intent on write-in ballots cast for his election rival, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who declared victory in the race Wednesday. She mounted the write-in campaign after losing to Miller in the GOP primary.

State law calls for write-in ballots to have the oval filled in and the candidate's last name or name as it appears on their declaration of candidacy written.

But the state pointed to case law in counting Murkowski ballots that contain misspellings or were phonetic to her name. Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell, who oversees elections, has defended the practice, saying the state doesn't want to disenfranchise any voters.

Miller wants the law adhered to strictly, and asked Beistline to keep the state from certifying the election results based on a count of ballots that aren't in line with it. The target date for certifying the race is Nov. 29. A recount can then be requested by Dec. 4.

Beistline said a state court is in "the best position, at least initially, to apply Alaska law and to determine who won this election."

* * * *
-- Federal Judge Halts Certification of Alaska Senate Election as Miller Eyes Lawsuit -
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From the above posting, "JUNEAU, Alaska -- An Alaska federal judge ruled Friday that Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller's challenge to the counting of write-in ballots raises "serious" legal issues but is a matter for a state, not federal, court to decide. #### Yet in deferring to an Alaska state court for a final decision, U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said he would grant a temporary injunction to halt official certification of the Nov. 2 election -- an action Miller is seeking -- so long as Miller takes his case to the state court by Monday. Miller told The Associated Press late Friday that he intended to do so." Read more: Federal Judge Halts Certification of Alaska Senate Election as Miller Eyes Lawsuit -

Yep, the states righist Joe Miller went to the feds for help. The federal court correctly sent him back to the state court. Miller must file tomorrow in state court because the federal injunction ends tomorrow at midnight.
From the above posting, "JUNEAU, Alaska -- An Alaska federal judge ruled Friday that Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller's challenge to the counting of write-in ballots raises "serious" legal issues but is a matter for a state, not federal, court to decide. #### Yet in deferring to an Alaska state court for a final decision, U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said he would grant a temporary injunction to halt official certification of the Nov. 2 election -- an action Miller is seeking -- so long as Miller takes his case to the state court by Monday. Miller told The Associated Press late Friday that he intended to do so." Read more: Federal Judge Halts Certification of Alaska Senate Election as Miller Eyes Lawsuit -

Yep, the states righist Joe Miller went to the feds for help. The federal court correctly sent him back to the state court. Miller must file tomorrow in state court because the federal injunction ends tomorrow at midnight.

Zzzz. And Miller said he would file in State Court.

So what?

I'm not terribly concerned which Court gets to hear this dispute first. I am concerned that the fucking thing doesn't get the false imprimatur of being "certified" before the dispute gets aired out legally.

And, in case your reading comprehension is as weak as your use of logic, etc., the Federal judge also made it clear that he will remain available if and when the need arises. If the state remedies get exhausted, he will be there at the ready.

The Murkoki fans cannot Franken THIS one. :cool:
Liarbility tries to make something out of the loser's attempt to trash the electoral will of Alaska.

You have it backward: Miller is frankening here, not Murkowski. This is over all but the judge's gavel.
She still has over 2,000 uncontested votes.

I think it is an interesting question though, should voter's intent not matter and is it even constitutional to have a law that says it doesn't?
Liarbility tries to make something out of the loser's attempt to trash the electoral will of Alaska.

You have it backward: Miller is frankening here, not Murkowski. This is over all but the judge's gavel.

No. I have it correct and you have things backward, as is usual.

Miller is relying on the LAW as written.

You, being the douche bag uber-liberoidal you are, do not give a shit about the law. You cannot even fathom that it got written in the way it was written FOR legitimate reasons. You don't care about the law. You only care about obtaining your desired outcome regardless of whatever impediments might exist.

Thank God that the judicial branch now stands in the way of schmucks such as you. In the end, old Lesa Murkoki might still win, but if so, at least it will not be on the illegitimate basis you prefer, Jokey.
She still has over 2,000 uncontested votes.

I think it is an interesting question though, should voter's intent not matter and is it even constitutional to have a law that says it doesn't?

That's not quite accurate, either.

She has an estimated 2,400 vote lead that may be contested depending on how the votes were counted (fairly and accurately or unfairly and invalidly). That's kind of the point, in fact, of demanding a recount once the facially invalid write-in votes get dumped.
You misunderstand the law and its intent, nothing new there. You are frankening for miller, no other way to look at it honestly. Murkowski is the winner by the law's intent. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Which is what the court will tell Miller fairly shortly. Equating Murkowski with liberals is demagoguery on your part, and you will on your pratt as usual. Your estimate, by the by, is about three times less than the real estimate.
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Something doesn't jive. How can a candidate (Murkowski) who got completely kicked out of the primaries all of the suddent be leading by 10,000 votes? Miller should fight this all the way to the SCOTUS.

What is your motivation for saying this?? I think it's that you hate that it has made Sarah Palin look like a dope. That's not a good enough reason for you to think Miller should fight this. You must start showing a little bit more objectivity when it comes to that woman.
Something doesn't jive. How can a candidate (Murkowski) who got completely kicked out of the primaries all of the suddent be leading by 10,000 votes? Miller should fight this all the way to the SCOTUS.

What is your motivation for saying this?? I think it's that you hate that it has made Sarah Palin look like a dope. That's not a good enough reason for you to think Miller should fight this. You must start showing a little bit more objectivity when it comes to that woman.

You make Palin look like a fucking rhodes scholar.
You misunderstand the law and its intent, nothing new there. You are frankening for miller, no other way to look at it honestly. Murkowski is the winner by the law's intent. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Which is what the court will tell Miller fairly shortly. Equating Murkowski with liberals is demagoguery on your part, and you will on your pratt as usual. Your estimate, by the by, is about three times less than the real estimate.

No no, JokeyFakey. I understand it perfectly, and since it suits your agenda to feign misunderstanding, you preach (unconvincingly) about your false "understanding."

Also, I didn't equate Murkoki with liberals, you tool. And my "estimate" hasn't even been stated, you dimwit pantload.

Are you even capable of being honest or accurate? Based on your posts, the answer is "no." You choose to be dishonest and inaccurate.

But, thankfully, your bullshit doesn't go unrebutted.

Miller is challenging two things, you fucking asswipe. FIRST is the legitimacy of counting votes that are either illegible or use some incorrect spelling of what might be Murkowski's name. In either case, the attempted vote is not a vote at all under the ACTUAL LAW. The one that's written.

SECOND, if and when those votes get properly tossed (if they do), then Miller is challenging the remaining approximately 2,400 votes which favor Murkowski (which is the rough number being reported, you dishonest goober). Because those votes are necessarily HAND-COUNTED, the chance for some "accidental" error goes up; and since Miller's votes are machine counted (not being write-in votes), the chance of a machine miscount (systematic or otherwise) must also be considered.

None of this is particularly difficult. Thus, it appears that your "confusion" is more a product of your desire to mislead.

Tell us all again how you are a "Republican," JokeyFakey. You've never been convincing in ANY of your fantasy stories, but it's always amusing.
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You misunderstand the law and its intent, nothing new there. You are frankening for miller, no other way to look at it honestly. Murkowski is the winner by the law's intent. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Which is what the court will tell Miller fairly shortly. Equating Murkowski with liberals is demagoguery on your part, and you will on your pratt as usual. Your estimate, by the by, is about three times less than the real estimate.

No no, JokeyFakey. I understand it perfectly, and since it suits your agenda to feign misunderstanding, you preach (unconvincingly) about your false "understanding."

Also, I didn't equate Murkoki with liberals, you tool. And my "estimate" hasn't even been stated, you dimwit pantload.

Are you even capable of being honest or accurate? Based on your posts, the answer is "no." You choose to be dishonest and inaccurate.

But, thankfully, your bullshit doesn't go unrebutted.

Miller is challenging two things, you fucking asswipe. FIRST is the legitimacy of counting votes that are either illegible or use some incorrect spelling of what might be Murkowski's name. In either case, the attempted vote is not a vote at all under the ACTUAL LAW. The one that's written.

SECOND, if and when those votes get properly tossed (if they do), then Miller is challenging the remaining approximately 2,400 votes which favor Murkowski (which is the rough number being reported, you dishonest goober). Because those votes are necessarily HAND-COUNTED, the chance for some "accidental" error goes up; and since Miller's votes are machine counted (not being write-in votes), the chance of a machine miscount (systematic or otherwise) must also be considered.

None of this is particularly difficult. Thus, it appears that your "confusion" is more a product of your desire to mislead.

Tell us all again how you are a "Republican," JokeyFakey. You've never been convincing in ANY of your fantasy stories, but it's always amusing.

are you saying miller's observers are incompetent? considering that they challenged ballots marked "Murkowski, Lisa" and " Lisa Murkowski, Republican", you may be right.

stick a fork in joe; he's done. time to go back on the dole in between chasing ambulances.

"Teams of ballot counters went through more than 100,000 write-in ballots over the past week in Juneau to see what voters wrote. Observers from both campaigns watched."

Read more: Miller calls for hand recount of votes as Murkowski lead grows: 2010 Alaska U.S. Senate election |

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