Murkowski Leads By Over 10,000 Votes

You misunderstand the law and its intent, nothing new there. You are frankening for miller, no other way to look at it honestly. Murkowski is the winner by the law's intent. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Which is what the court will tell Miller fairly shortly. Equating Murkowski with liberals is demagoguery on your part, and you will on your pratt as usual. Your estimate, by the by, is about three times less than the real estimate.

No no, JokeyFakey. I understand it perfectly, and since it suits your agenda to feign misunderstanding, you preach (unconvincingly) about your false "understanding."

Also, I didn't equate Murkoki with liberals, you tool. And my "estimate" hasn't even been stated, you dimwit pantload.

Are you even capable of being honest or accurate? Based on your posts, the answer is "no." You choose to be dishonest and inaccurate.

But, thankfully, your bullshit doesn't go unrebutted.

Miller is challenging two things, you fucking asswipe. FIRST is the legitimacy of counting votes that are either illegible or use some incorrect spelling of what might be Murkowski's name. In either case, the attempted vote is not a vote at all under the ACTUAL LAW. The one that's written.

SECOND, if and when those votes get properly tossed (if they do), then Miller is challenging the remaining approximately 2,400 votes which favor Murkowski (which is the rough number being reported, you dishonest goober). Because those votes are necessarily HAND-COUNTED, the chance for some "accidental" error goes up; and since Miller's votes are machine counted (not being write-in votes), the chance of a machine miscount (systematic or otherwise) must also be considered.

None of this is particularly difficult. Thus, it appears that your "confusion" is more a product of your desire to mislead.

Tell us all again how you are a "Republican," JokeyFakey. You've never been convincing in ANY of your fantasy stories, but it's always amusing.

are you saying miller's observers are incompetent? considering that they challenged ballots marked "Murkowski, Lisa" and " Lisa Murkowski, Republican", you may be right.

stick a fork in joe; he's done. time to go back on the dole in between chasing ambulances.

"Teams of ballot counters went through more than 100,000 write-in ballots over the past week in Juneau to see what voters wrote. Observers from both campaigns watched."

Read more: Miller calls for hand recount of votes as Murkowski lead grows: 2010 Alaska U.S. Senate election |

Actually, no, del. I'm saying (as Miller has argued in his legal pleadings) that because of the way the election got conducted (last minute changes,etc.), some of his observers were either not in place or had inadequate prep time.

I'm not the judge in the case and I am not reviewing every legal argument made by Miller's team or by Murkoki's team. What I AM suggesting is that if (a) the illegible handwriting on write-in votes which got counted for Murkoki get tossed AND if (b) the ballots where the voters failed to spell the candidate's name properly AS REQUIRED on the very face of Alaska Election Law also get tossed, then the difference in the vote total gets reduced to about 2400 votes.

THEN, if (c) those votes are all counted MANUALLY with all observers in place, AND IF (d) the machine votes for the non write-in candidate (i.e., Miller) ALSO get HAND COUNTED with all observers in place AND IF the (e) fucking State of Alaska Election officials come clean on when the absentee ballots got sent out (on time or late), then the OUTCOME might yet be different.

A Federal Judge found enough merit in Miller's expression of concern(s) that he ordered a STAY in the certification process.

I'm suggesting that neither you nor I know more about this than the Federal Judge who has read the pleadings and reviewed the submissions of BOTH sides.
No no, JokeyFakey. I understand it perfectly, and since it suits your agenda to feign misunderstanding, you preach (unconvincingly) about your false "understanding."

Also, I didn't equate Murkoki with liberals, you tool. And my "estimate" hasn't even been stated, you dimwit pantload.

Are you even capable of being honest or accurate? Based on your posts, the answer is "no." You choose to be dishonest and inaccurate.

But, thankfully, your bullshit doesn't go unrebutted.

Miller is challenging two things, you fucking asswipe. FIRST is the legitimacy of counting votes that are either illegible or use some incorrect spelling of what might be Murkowski's name. In either case, the attempted vote is not a vote at all under the ACTUAL LAW. The one that's written.

SECOND, if and when those votes get properly tossed (if they do), then Miller is challenging the remaining approximately 2,400 votes which favor Murkowski (which is the rough number being reported, you dishonest goober). Because those votes are necessarily HAND-COUNTED, the chance for some "accidental" error goes up; and since Miller's votes are machine counted (not being write-in votes), the chance of a machine miscount (systematic or otherwise) must also be considered.

None of this is particularly difficult. Thus, it appears that your "confusion" is more a product of your desire to mislead.

Tell us all again how you are a "Republican," JokeyFakey. You've never been convincing in ANY of your fantasy stories, but it's always amusing.

are you saying miller's observers are incompetent? considering that they challenged ballots marked "Murkowski, Lisa" and " Lisa Murkowski, Republican", you may be right.

stick a fork in joe; he's done. time to go back on the dole in between chasing ambulances.

"Teams of ballot counters went through more than 100,000 write-in ballots over the past week in Juneau to see what voters wrote. Observers from both campaigns watched."

Read more: Miller calls for hand recount of votes as Murkowski lead grows: 2010 Alaska U.S. Senate election |

Actually, no, del. I'm saying (as Miller has argued in his legal pleadings) that because of the way the election got conducted (last minute changes,etc.), some of his observers were either not in place or had inadequate prep time.

I'm not the judge in the case and I am not reviewing every legal argument made by Miller's team or by Murkoki's team. What I AM suggesting is that if (a) the illegible handwriting on write-in votes which got counted for Murkoki get tossed AND if (b) the ballots where the voters failed to spell the candidate's name properly AS REQUIRED on the very face of Alaska Election Law also get tossed, then the difference in the vote total gets reduced to about 2400 votes.

THEN, if (c) those votes are all counted MANUALLY with all observers in place, AND IF (d) the machine votes for the non write-in candidate (i.e., Miller) ALSO get HAND COUNTED with all observers in place AND IF the (e) fucking State of Alaska Election officials come clean on when the absentee ballots got sent out (on time or late), then the OUTCOME might yet be different.

A Federal Judge found enough merit in Miller's expression of concern(s) that he ordered a STAY in the certification process.

I'm suggesting that neither you nor I know more about this than the Federal Judge who has read the pleadings and reviewed the submissions of BOTH sides.

i never claimed i did, but miller will be senator about the same time that palin is president.
are you saying miller's observers are incompetent? considering that they challenged ballots marked "Murkowski, Lisa" and " Lisa Murkowski, Republican", you may be right.

stick a fork in joe; he's done. time to go back on the dole in between chasing ambulances.

"Teams of ballot counters went through more than 100,000 write-in ballots over the past week in Juneau to see what voters wrote. Observers from both campaigns watched."

Read more: Miller calls for hand recount of votes as Murkowski lead grows: 2010 Alaska U.S. Senate election |

Actually, no, del. I'm saying (as Miller has argued in his legal pleadings) that because of the way the election got conducted (last minute changes,etc.), some of his observers were either not in place or had inadequate prep time.

I'm not the judge in the case and I am not reviewing every legal argument made by Miller's team or by Murkoki's team. What I AM suggesting is that if (a) the illegible handwriting on write-in votes which got counted for Murkoki get tossed AND if (b) the ballots where the voters failed to spell the candidate's name properly AS REQUIRED on the very face of Alaska Election Law also get tossed, then the difference in the vote total gets reduced to about 2400 votes.

THEN, if (c) those votes are all counted MANUALLY with all observers in place, AND IF (d) the machine votes for the non write-in candidate (i.e., Miller) ALSO get HAND COUNTED with all observers in place AND IF the (e) fucking State of Alaska Election officials come clean on when the absentee ballots got sent out (on time or late), then the OUTCOME might yet be different.

A Federal Judge found enough merit in Miller's expression of concern(s) that he ordered a STAY in the certification process.

I'm suggesting that neither you nor I know more about this than the Federal Judge who has read the pleadings and reviewed the submissions of BOTH sides.

i never claimed i did, but miller will be senator about the same time that palin is president.

That's not true.

Miller could still theoretically win this very election.

Palin couldn't possibly be President until January of 2013.

I happen to agree with you (in a pure number's game kind of way) that Miller is unlikely to be able to win the recount UNLESS a whole bunch of stuff breaks his way. But, you go further. You are so convinced of this that you conflate "improbable" with "impossible." It is the former. It is not the latter.

And wouldn't it be a kick to see the RINO lose to the guy who defeated her in the primaries?
Actually, no, del. I'm saying (as Miller has argued in his legal pleadings) that because of the way the election got conducted (last minute changes,etc.), some of his observers were either not in place or had inadequate prep time.

I'm not the judge in the case and I am not reviewing every legal argument made by Miller's team or by Murkoki's team. What I AM suggesting is that if (a) the illegible handwriting on write-in votes which got counted for Murkoki get tossed AND if (b) the ballots where the voters failed to spell the candidate's name properly AS REQUIRED on the very face of Alaska Election Law also get tossed, then the difference in the vote total gets reduced to about 2400 votes.

THEN, if (c) those votes are all counted MANUALLY with all observers in place, AND IF (d) the machine votes for the non write-in candidate (i.e., Miller) ALSO get HAND COUNTED with all observers in place AND IF the (e) fucking State of Alaska Election officials come clean on when the absentee ballots got sent out (on time or late), then the OUTCOME might yet be different.

A Federal Judge found enough merit in Miller's expression of concern(s) that he ordered a STAY in the certification process.

I'm suggesting that neither you nor I know more about this than the Federal Judge who has read the pleadings and reviewed the submissions of BOTH sides.

i never claimed i did, but miller will be senator about the same time that palin is president.

That's not true.

Miller could still theoretically win this very election.

Palin couldn't possibly be President until January of 2013.

I happen to agree with you (in a pure number's game kind of way) that Miller is unlikely to be able to win the recount UNLESS a whole bunch of stuff breaks his way. But, you go further. You are so convinced of this that you conflate "improbable" with "impossible." It is the former. It is not the latter.

And wouldn't it be a kick to see the RINO lose to the guy who defeated her in the primaries?

call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.

i never claimed i did, but miller will be senator about the same time that palin is president.

That's not true.

Miller could still theoretically win this very election.

Palin couldn't possibly be President until January of 2013.

I happen to agree with you (in a pure number's game kind of way) that Miller is unlikely to be able to win the recount UNLESS a whole bunch of stuff breaks his way. But, you go further. You are so convinced of this that you conflate "improbable" with "impossible." It is the former. It is not the latter.

And wouldn't it be a kick to see the RINO lose to the guy who defeated her in the primaries?

call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.


Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES
i never claimed i did, but miller will be senator about the same time that palin is president.

That's not true.

Miller could still theoretically win this very election.

Palin couldn't possibly be President until January of 2013.

I happen to agree with you (in a pure number's game kind of way) that Miller is unlikely to be able to win the recount UNLESS a whole bunch of stuff breaks his way. But, you go further. You are so convinced of this that you conflate "improbable" with "impossible." It is the former. It is not the latter.

And wouldn't it be a kick to see the RINO lose to the guy who defeated her in the primaries?

call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.


whack job hypocrite ... no.... we wouldn't want that...:eusa_snooty:

alleged RINO... mmm

Palin takes a powder.. nah.. she still pisses people off....:cheers2:

I could care less who wins as long as it's legal...
That's not true.

Miller could still theoretically win this very election.

Palin couldn't possibly be President until January of 2013.

I happen to agree with you (in a pure number's game kind of way) that Miller is unlikely to be able to win the recount UNLESS a whole bunch of stuff breaks his way. But, you go further. You are so convinced of this that you conflate "improbable" with "impossible." It is the former. It is not the latter.

And wouldn't it be a kick to see the RINO lose to the guy who defeated her in the primaries?

call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.


Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.
call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.


Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.


I'm still not a big fan (or small air conditioner) of Sarah Palin. But I also don't agree that she's quite as dumb as so many of her strident critics contend. There is a big difference between mere IGNORANCE which can be cured with education and STUPIDITY which, as retardean and Rinata prove, cannot be cured.

Palin has MUCH to learn. And, frankly, unless she does and until she does, I am not going to support her in any primary. But she's still better (my own personal estimation, of course) to that empty suit currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

Turning to one other important matter. You said, and I again quote you,
i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

DAYUM! I WISH I could Rep you again. That one had me snorting out loud. :lol::lol::lol:
Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.


I'm still not a big fan (or small air conditioner) of Sarah Palin. But I also don't agree that she's quite as dumb as so many of her strident critics contend. There is a big difference between mere IGNORANCE which can be cured with education and STUPIDITY which, as retardean and Rinata prove, cannot be cured.

Palin has MUCH to learn. And, frankly, unless she does and until she does, I am not going to support her in any primary. But she's still better (my own personal estimation, of course) to that empty suit currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

Turning to one other important matter. You said, and I again quote you,
i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

DAYUM! I WISH I could Rep you again. That one had me snorting out loud. :lol::lol::lol:

it would make up for the six times i had the opportunity to vote for him for senate but chose another candidate. :D
call me crazy, but i'd rather have the alleged RINO than the whack job hypocrite who refuses to speak to the press and lies about his actions.


Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.

Just when was the American Electorate all that smart...?

Sarah Palin's becoming the Teflon Queen... and I think you're helping...
Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.

Just when was the American Electorate all that smart...?

Sarah Palin's becoming the Teflon Queen... and I think you're helping...

yeah, i'm widely distributed and avidly followed.

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.

Just when was the American Electorate all that smart...?

Sarah Palin's becoming the Teflon Queen... and I think you're helping...

yeah, i'm widely distributed and avidly followed.


:lol:.. Well.. I didn't say how much you were that you mention it though.. I'm only slightly embarrassed for you.
Just when was the American Electorate all that smart...?

Sarah Palin's becoming the Teflon Queen... and I think you're helping...

yeah, i'm widely distributed and avidly followed.


:lol:.. Well.. I didn't say how much you were that you mention it though.. I'm only slightly embarrassed for you.

i'm only mildly disinterested in your opinion.
Something doesn't jive. How can a candidate (Murkowski) who got completely kicked out of the primaries all of the suddent be leading by 10,000 votes? Miller should fight this all the way to the SCOTUS.

What is your motivation for saying this?? I think it's that you hate that it has made Sarah Palin look like a dope. That's not a good enough reason for you to think Miller should fight this. You must start showing a little bit more objectivity when it comes to that woman.

You make Palin look like a fucking rhodes scholar.

You know that I couldn't care less about your childish comments. They are even more lame than usual. Wish you'd stay missing.
Nope. I decline your generous invitation to call you crazy! :lol:

But I think you're off base. I'd prefer to dump the fucking RINO who has stated publicly that if Palin ran for President, she'd vote for the re-election of President Obama. She's a certified RINO with that statement.

I'd prefer to take my chances with a guy who has the endorsement of the Tea Party movement.

Miller DID, by the way, speak to the fucking press and if he lied, that makes him no different than almost EVERY other politician. But if your standard is not to prefer a "liar," then you must not prefer Murkoki, either: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND LISA MURKOWSKI THE MILLSTONE DIARIES

i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

sarah palin is walking, talking, tweeting, facebooking, prima facie evidence of the dumbing down of the american electorate.


I'm still not a big fan (or small air conditioner) of Sarah Palin. But I also don't agree that she's quite as dumb as so many of her strident critics contend. There is a big difference between mere IGNORANCE which can be cured with education and STUPIDITY which, as retardean and Rinata prove, cannot be cured.

Palin has MUCH to learn. And, frankly, unless she does and until she does, I am not going to support her in any primary. But she's still better (my own personal estimation, of course) to that empty suit currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

Turning to one other important matter. You said, and I again quote you,
i'd vote for ted kennedy over palin.

even if he was still alive.

DAYUM! I WISH I could Rep you again. That one had me snorting out loud. :lol::lol::lol:

You gave me a special mention!! Wow. I must really get under your skin. That makes me happy. Idiots hating me means that I am on the right track.
What is your motivation for saying this?? I think it's that you hate that it has made Sarah Palin look like a dope. That's not a good enough reason for you to think Miller should fight this. You must start showing a little bit more objectivity when it comes to that woman.

You make Palin look like a fucking rhodes scholar.

You know that I couldn't care less about your childish comments. They are even more lame than usual. Wish you'd stay missing.

That's why you continue to respond to them.....

dumb fuck.
Elections are so screwed up, I say give it to the Libels, if we dont win in a landslide, who gives a shit, let the people have the cheap ass politicians they so deserve.

What is the last thing a Marxist/Libel did for anyone, some people will just have to learn the hard way when their home turns into Detroit, or worst.

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