Muscovites' Plan 🐷🇷🇺 to Cut Off Germany's Support for Ukraine

Russia can not possibly
who cares ? your Nigeria with snow without chances against us. The appeasers/trumpists /moscow trolls are on the short end of history



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Russia has been building relations with Germany! Things were going well until the WEF installed Zelel$ky and forced Putin to boot the Nazis from Donbass. Zelen$ky promised to "make peace with Russia" when he campaigned. Looks like he was forced to retract that

Make Peace, you fools!
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Nothing compared to e.g. 1990 - and the remaining industry only survived via national and European mergers.

Germany until today - still spends only 14% - so yes they have hugely increased from 13% to 14%, whilst at the same time the German GDP went down 4%. plus an 8% inflation.

You are joking - right? absolutley nothing has changed in that regard.

Enthusiasm? :auiqs.jpg: source please

Only the Lefty&Lib Greens yes - The ones that destroyed the Bundeswehr and the Arms-Industry, and they are overwhelming in mindless propaganda as ever.

Fact is - of those 100 Billion "talked" about - it's now down to 90 Billion due to inflation - and not a single cent has been budgeted or spend. But keeps circling through the MSN and the fantasy world of the Lefty&Lib Greens.

There are presently around 1 million Ukrainians in Germany since last year. And every single Ukrainian costs Germany around 200 Euro a day - so 1 million x200x365 =?
And you will know were these 100 Billion went off already.

dont worry about EU cash , we do great meanwhile Moscow horde is dying like in 1916

The UKRAINE war proved that: 1. the the Moscow horde ARMY is not made for URBAN WARFARE! 2. WESTERN MILITARY TECH surpassed Moscow horde MILITARY TECH! 3. when the defender gets MILITARY & HUMANITARIAN AID it should expect BIG GAINS (2022 Kherson counteroffensive & 2022 Kharkiv counteroffensive), ! 4. MILITARY OPERATIONS require CASH but being SANCTIONED ECONOMICALLY CASH is LIMITED! The EU is now designing a new mechanism to punish countries that enable sanctions evasion. If third countries, for example in Central Asia, fail to comply with Western sanctions against Moscow or can’t explain a sudden rise in trade in banned goods, they would face EU punishment. "What was your rank, soldier?"
Average Wagner SS-NKVD conscript: "I think the judge called it First Degree Murder, Armed Robbery and Sexual Assault ...and the medic told me that I am HIV and TBC positive. That's why I got this job: I passed all the tests."
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Ukraine has Nazis!!!

Your population is about 1/10 of Russias and you keep turnng your able bodied men into Kamikazi pilots


look, muslims´ hole, There is a high chance of new coup in your fav. horde . Probably in the next 6-12 months somebody will try again just with more resolve. Prigozhin opened the floodgates of sorts at showing how defenceless Putin actually is. For all the bravado, the chest pumping, he fucking alpha manliness he and his cronies sure folded and fled pretty easily without anybody wanting to fight for them and the only way this got stopped is due to Prigozhin not wanting it or basically wanting a way out at the end of the day.

The next attempt will be much more brutal probably and would involve Russian army which is the place with the largest discontent.

One thing that most missed in the coup is that Putin and his regime has no support. Nobody went to the streets to defend him or his regime. He has no real support left anymore in the population and his support is just propaganda basically. Cut that off, he has none. So the next coup will basically be more brutal and the first thing that they will do is storm Moscow and take control of the government media channels to spout coups propaganda. After that, Putin has nothing else.

Imagine if somebody tried to coup Biden or Trump in the same way. There would be fucking fights in the streets against Trump or Biden supporters vs whoever is trying the military coup.

You must easily be the most boring and mentally challenged poster on this site Big Titty --- and the others where you repeat your endless garbage . Of course Moscow plans to hurt Germany and any other country supporting the Kyiv Nazis . Do you think they should be sending them flowers and chocolates .Fool .
look, muslims´ hole, There is a high chance of new coup in your fav. horde . Probably in the next 6-12 months somebody will try again just with more resolve. Prigozhin opened the floodgates of sorts at showing how defenceless Putin actually is. For all the bravado, the chest pumping, he fucking alpha manliness he and his cronies sure folded and fled pretty easily without anybody wanting to fight for them and the only way this got stopped is due to Prigozhin not wanting it or basically wanting a way out at the end of the day.

The next attempt will be much more brutal probably and would involve Russian army which is the place with the largest discontent.

One thing that most missed in the coup is that Putin and his regime has no support. Nobody went to the streets to defend him or his regime. He has no real support left anymore in the population and his support is just propaganda basically. Cut that off, he has none. So the next coup will basically be more brutal and the first thing that they will do is storm Moscow and take control of the government media channels to spout coups propaganda. After that, Putin has nothing else.

Imagine if somebody tried to coup Biden or Trump in the same way. There would be fucking fights in the streets against Trump or Biden supporters vs whoever is trying the military coup.

The Ukraine Army needs a Prigozhin

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