Museum Claims Dinosaurs Have “LGBTQ History” And Birds Are “Queer”

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
“A museum in Britain has claimed that some birds are “queer” and that the history of animal queerness has been “hidden from the public”.

The Hastings Museum and Art Gallery is running an LGBTQ history exhibition funded by Arts Council England which claims that some birds are “queer” because they “change their sex from female to male.”

The Telegraph notes that the claims about birds such as pheasants are completely unfounded and have no scientific basis.”

How does everyone not know that birds are gay? They are like the gayest of all animals. With their tiny little feet and their feather covered wings. Their eggs are the shape of butt-plugs FFS. So gay.

I once dated a girl friend that had a shit tzu. The dog would hump it's stuffed animal toys.

Some animals will hump just about anything when they are horny. Guess some people are the same way.
anyone who knows a chiwawa (from spell check. really "wawa? oh well.... one of those little mexican yappers)) has seen a legosexual in action.
If that's the best white people can do then I welcome our new brown overlords. ;)
"first they came for the frogs. but i was not a frog
then the dinosaurs ...."

what was that source again ? modernity news ......
"first they came for the frogs. but i was not a frog
then the dinosaurs ...."

what was that source again ? modernity news ......
i don't know what i typed but bing took me to "maternity news." headline .......

I think this generation has crossed the line and is now literally too stupid to survive.

You think previous generations were smart? Why? They got told what to do and they did it. Now people question things more because of the internet, but still not enough.
* Seriously, some scientists feel that it's helpful to remember sexual behavior among other animals (besides the human animal) is varied.

* Why? Because even in 2024, there are some areas where gay people are abused by the government (gays may wish to cross Uganda off their itinerary. They execute gays. Ghana just throws them into prison for a few months. Egypt will entrap you making dates on your phone).

* So knowing that male seahorses give birth, for example, might make homophobes become a little more tolerant. (Probably not!)
“In fact, many animals are super queer by human standards, whether they’re male flamingos that court other males, strutting and waving their heads from side to side, or parrotfish that can switch genders. That’s because animals haven’t been raised in the same social structures that we, as humans, have.

“As a queer, mixed-race indigenous person who has struggled with the experience of belonging, I was drawn to the natural world,” says Pinar Ateş Sinopoulos-Lloyd, co-founder of Queer Nature, a project dedicated to increasing ecological literacy in the LGBTQ community. “I don’t feel like I’m categorized as one thing or another because animals in the nonhuman world don’t have the same judgment.”

Flamingos are totally queer.
This isn’t the first time a museum has brought attention to this important topic.


You think previous generations were smart? Why? They got told what to do and they did it. Now people question things more because of the internet, but still not enough.
Previous generations were mostly hard workers with a moral compass.
“A museum in Britain has claimed that some birds are “queer” and that the history of animal queerness has been “hidden from the public”.

The Hastings Museum and Art Gallery is running an LGBTQ history exhibition funded by Arts Council England which claims that some birds are “queer” because they “change their sex from female to male.”

The Telegraph notes that the claims about birds such as pheasants are completely unfounded and have no scientific basis.”

How does everyone not know that birds are gay? They are like the gayest of all animals. With their tiny little feet and their feather covered wings. Their eggs are the shape of butt-plugs FFS. So gay.

Oh Jesus, I've got to quit thinking that the left can't get any stupider.
Oh Jesus, I've got to quit thinking that the left can't get any stupider.
Can Dogs be Racist? The Colonial Legacies of Racialized Dogs in Kenya and Zambia

“A museum in Britain has claimed that some birds are “queer” and that the history of animal queerness has been “hidden from the public”.

The Hastings Museum and Art Gallery is running an LGBTQ history exhibition funded by Arts Council England which claims that some birds are “queer” because they “change their sex from female to male.”

The Telegraph notes that the claims about birds such as pheasants are completely unfounded and have no scientific basis.”

How does everyone not know that birds are gay? They are like the gayest of all animals. With their tiny little feet and their feather covered wings. Their eggs are the shape of butt-plugs FFS. So gay.

If birds were queer we wouldn't have birds
If birds were queer we wouldn't have birds
That doesn’t take into consideration what gender the birds identify as. As in humans, gender and sex are two distinct things. It’s entirely possible that a biologically binary bird couple can also be a “gay” relationship. This creates the very real scientific possibility for homosexual birds to naturally reproduce.

“Like everyone else, transgender people have a sexual orientation. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer. For example, a person who transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a straight woman. A person who transitions from female to male and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a gay man.”

Transgender FAQ | GLAAD
“A museum in Britain has claimed that some birds are “queer” and that the history of animal queerness has been “hidden from the public”.

The Hastings Museum and Art Gallery is running an LGBTQ history exhibition funded by Arts Council England which claims that some birds are “queer” because they “change their sex from female to male.”

The Telegraph notes that the claims about birds such as pheasants are completely unfounded and have no scientific basis.”

How does everyone not know that birds are gay? They are like the gayest of all animals. With their tiny little feet and their feather covered wings. Their eggs are the shape of butt-plugs FFS. So gay.

It's one thing to talk about things that happen in nature. Even like frogs that have changed their gender in order to be able to breed.

But as soon as you try and tie to to fags, lgbtwhatthefuckever and drag your dumb social agenda nonsense into then anything you say, no matter how factual it really is, you have lost all credibility in my eyes.

This desperate need to make everything about fag stuff is a huge and major turn off for me. Soon as someone even whispers about lbgt stuff I instantly stop paying attention and have nothing but contempt for them

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