Muslim Amir Khan issued death threats and abuse for putting up a Christmas tree

Even most Christian's do not realize that a Christmas tree is a pagan symbol, and shouldn't be displayed in either their home or Church according to the Bible. .... :cool:

Jeremiah 10:1 (KJB)

10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Jeremiah never met a Christmas tree. I have been in homes with Christmas
trees since I was a small child------I never noticed anyone WORSHIPPING
them. For various holidays-----jews DECORATED ---using all kinds of natural
stuff like tree branches and flowers --------not considered "pagan"
The horror, he put up a Christmas tree !!!

The British boxer, who is a practising Muslim, even received a death threat from one angry troll as others questioned why he was celebrating the traditionally Christian holiday.

Posting a video of the twinkling tree lights on Instagram, Amir revealed that he’d put the tree up to surprise his three-year-old daughter, Lamaisah.

He captioned the post with: “While everyone’s asleep, daddy put the Christmas tree up.

“Lamaisah’s going to be happy #Christmas #MerryChristmas2017.”

However, he was immediately hit with backlash.

One wrote: “I promise to God I want to kill you and your family, Amir.”

Muslim Amir Khan issued death threats and abuse for putting up a Christmas tree
The Regressives want to allow Amir's enemies into our country.

Do they? Amir Khan is a Muslim. You're basically saying Amir Khan's enemies include Amir Khan.
I have a friend who was born and raised in Istanbul as a Muslim. He decided to immigrate to the U.S. when he felt insecure in Istanbul as a gay man. His mom and sisters chose to go with him. I remember about a decade ago when he was so worried that his friends in Istanbul, who were making revelry at a Christmas party, were the targets of a bomb set off by Islamist militants who were upset that Muslims were holding Christmas celebrations, and only was relieved when he found out that his friends were safe. I remember the tension. Yes, Muslims celebrate the birth of a prophet of Islam. Only the Islamicist fundies are against it to the point that they would kill people. When I was in Ephesus, Muslims and Christians alike prayed at the shrine of Maryam, Mother of Jesus.

It might interest you to know LYSIS-----some muslims reject the idea of
celebrating the birth day of muhummad. -----or ANY BIRTHDAYS----
Kaffir custom
The horror, he put up a Christmas tree !!!

The British boxer, who is a practising Muslim, even received a death threat from one angry troll as others questioned why he was celebrating the traditionally Christian holiday.

Posting a video of the twinkling tree lights on Instagram, Amir revealed that he’d put the tree up to surprise his three-year-old daughter, Lamaisah.

He captioned the post with: “While everyone’s asleep, daddy put the Christmas tree up.

“Lamaisah’s going to be happy #Christmas #MerryChristmas2017.”

However, he was immediately hit with backlash.

One wrote: “I promise to God I want to kill you and your family, Amir.”

Muslim Amir Khan issued death threats and abuse for putting up a Christmas tree
The Regressives want to allow Amir's enemies into our country.

Do they? Amir Khan is a Muslim. You're basically saying Amir Khan's enemies include Amir Khan.

so? john smith down the block COULD have an enemy named john smith?
Then don't, Sunni Man, and we will pray you see Light and Truth before you leave mortality.
And I invite you Jake to accept Islam as your religion and Muhammad as your prophet before it's too late. ..... :cool:

"invite" is the word muslims use-------as they have the scimitar up against YOU NECK------Daniel Pearl was also "invited" Rambam ruled (as a rabbi) that when the scimitar is on your neck-------you can accept the "invitation" (or at least SAY
you do)
I guess that would be like an Orthodox Jew (Hasidic) putting up a Christmas tree and manger.

If an orthodox jews put up a Christmas tree------no other jew would threaten to kill him-----of course a threat from muslims is DA USUAL. Why do you write "orthodox
jew---(Hasidic)"------you reveal a kind of excrutiating ignorance

Same thing, oh I could hear the threats now, how they hate Jesus and Mary.
I guess that would be like an Orthodox Jew (Hasidic) putting up a Christmas tree and manger.

If an orthodox jews put up a Christmas tree------no other jew would threaten to kill him-----of course a threat from muslims is DA USUAL. Why do you write "orthodox
jew---(Hasidic)"------you reveal a kind of excrutiating ignorance

Same thing, oh I could hear the threats now, how they hate Jesus and Mary.


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