Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear

as i said....

a rioting democracy....with a power grabbing leader..soon to be dictator.

I feel so bad for some Americans people only know what you hear on the media and TV. Nothing else, it's sad, you're not dumb, just misinformed too much. You don't understand what's going on in Egypt. You're not aware of the politics in which ex Mubarak officials and liberals in the government are working against him and trying to make him fail with Egypt. Kind of like how republicans want to screw America. Morsi knows this and ahead of time, he will fight against the criminals and idiots who want to ruin Egypt because they don't want the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Either way, you won't change anything. Sucks to be you, always on the wrong side. :cool:

i feel bad for you muslims sometimes too....

always so deluded.

No, that's a lie, you don't feel bad for us, you hate us.


as i said....

a rioting democracy....with a power grabbing leader..soon to be dictator.

I feel so bad for some Americans people only know what you hear on the media and TV. Nothing else, it's sad, you're not dumb, just misinformed too much. You don't understand what's going on in Egypt. You're not aware of the politics in which ex Mubarak officials and liberals in the government are working against him and trying to make him fail with Egypt. Kind of like how republicans want to screw America. Morsi knows this and ahead of time, he will fight against the criminals and idiots who want to ruin Egypt because they don't want the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Either way, you won't change anything. Sucks to be you, always on the wrong side. :cool:

We know what the muslim brotherhood is about, We just can't understand why you people blowup your own children, slaughter your own people in the streets...crazyness

The Muslim Brotherhood is blowing up their children? Link?


I don't think Sunni knows much about the Muslim Brotherhood, like I said, explained the reason why he went on with this move. He is looking ahead, we know the challenges coming against the Muslim Brotherhood from other governments, nobody will stop us, we are done with America using our countries and putting dictators in rule and abiding to the Israeli treaty. We use power for good, Muslim Brotherhood will be in Jordan and Syria, we are gonna get rid of all the apologist and CIA tied scum.
I feel so bad for some Americans people only know what you hear on the media and TV. Nothing else, it's sad, you're not dumb, just misinformed too much. You don't understand what's going on in Egypt. You're not aware of the politics in which ex Mubarak officials and liberals in the government are working against him and trying to make him fail with Egypt. Kind of like how republicans want to screw America. Morsi knows this and ahead of time, he will fight against the criminals and idiots who want to ruin Egypt because they don't want the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Either way, you won't change anything. Sucks to be you, always on the wrong side. :cool:

i feel bad for you muslims sometimes too....

always so deluded.

No, that's a lie, you don't feel bad for us, you hate us.


We love muslim patriots

[ame=]Zuhdi Jasser challenges Muslim Brotherhood's un-separating mosque and state for American Muslims - YouTube[/ame]
I feel so bad for some Americans people only know what you hear on the media and TV. Nothing else, it's sad, you're not dumb, just misinformed too much. You don't understand what's going on in Egypt. You're not aware of the politics in which ex Mubarak officials and liberals in the government are working against him and trying to make him fail with Egypt. Kind of like how republicans want to screw America. Morsi knows this and ahead of time, he will fight against the criminals and idiots who want to ruin Egypt because they don't want the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Either way, you won't change anything. Sucks to be you, always on the wrong side. :cool:

We know what the muslim brotherhood is about, We just can't understand why you people blowup your own children, slaughter your own people in the streets...crazyness

The Muslim Brotherhood is blowing up their children? Link?


I don't think Sunni knows much about the Muslim Brotherhood, like I said, explained the reason why he went on with this move. He is looking ahead, we know the challenges coming against the Muslim Brotherhood from other governments, nobody will stop us, we are done with America using our countries and putting dictators in rule and abiding to the Israeli treaty. We use power for good, Muslim Brotherhood will be in Jordan and Syria, we are gonna get rid of all the apologist and CIA tied scum.

I said muslims blowing up their children, the brotherhood is more discreet with what they do
Who's 'we'? The most remarkable race in the world? Your sig explains enough about you, so called "Patriot."

i feel bad for you muslims sometimes too....

always so deluded.

No, that's a lie, you don't feel bad for us, you hate us.


We love muslim patriots

[ame=]Zuhdi Jasser challenges Muslim Brotherhood's un-separating mosque and state for American Muslims - YouTube[/ame]

I like this patriotic American

[ame=]Jesse Ventura SLAMS FOX News with TRUTH about 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
I feel so bad for some Americans people only know what you hear on the media and TV. Nothing else, it's sad, you're not dumb, just misinformed too much. You don't understand what's going on in Egypt. You're not aware of the politics in which ex Mubarak officials and liberals in the government are working against him and trying to make him fail with Egypt. Kind of like how republicans want to screw America. Morsi knows this and ahead of time, he will fight against the criminals and idiots who want to ruin Egypt because they don't want the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Either way, you won't change anything. Sucks to be you, always on the wrong side. :cool:

i feel bad for you muslims sometimes too....

always so deluded.

No, that's a lie, you don't feel bad for us, you hate us.


you are right...i dont feel "badly" for you... just as you dont feel badly for us.

i pitty you.
Well, dumbfuck Obamination did kick our friend out of office and allowed the terrorists to win Egypt.

Obamination is either the dumbest person the planet or very evil knowing what he is doing....
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For Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government, more battle tanks and jet fighters are on their way from the United States.

Cairo’s military link to Washington has remained intact, meaning the U.S. will continue to modernize the biggest military in Africa — even as President Mohammed Morsi has decreed near-absolute power for himself and his supporters and opponents battle outside his palace.

Analysts say Egypt’s military buildup presents risks for Washington — and Israel — with the growing influence of the Brotherhood, whose overriding goal is to establish Shariah, or Islamic, law worldwide.

A Pentagon statement to The Washington Times on Thursday said: “We are always reviewing our foreign assistance to make sure foreign assistance advances U.S. objectives and is being used for the right purposes.”

For now, Egypt is due 200 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, the same mechanized firepower manned by American soldiers, bringing Egypt’s inventory to a robust 1,200.

An opponent of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi argues Thursday with Morsi supporters, ... more >Also in the pipeline is a squadron of the Air Force F-16 Falcon, a multipurpose warplane able to dogfight and drop ordnance.

The government awarded Lockheed Martin Corp. a contract in March 2010 for 20 F-16s, the last to be delivered next year. That would increase Egypt’s total fleet to 240, according to a company press release at the time.

“Egypt has far and away the largest army in Africa,” said Egypt analyst Robert Springborg, a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.

The billions of dollars in U.S. military aid — in annual $1.3 billion stipends — have made the Egyptian air force the fourth-largest F-16 operator among 25 countries. Egypt’s 4,000 tanks, including the 1,000 or so M1A1s, make it the world’s seventh-largest tank army

Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times

Now wait just a damn minute. Y'all get your stories straight.

The right has been in a state of apoplexy since the Obama administration supported the overthrow of a tyrannical dictator. Now that it looks like Morsi is trying to become another tyrannical dictator, you'd think y'all would be happy as a dead pig. After all, what Obama did "wrong" was to help remove a dictator,right?

Face it. Obama could engineer putting Jesus Christ in charge of Egypt and he'd STILL be wrong, wouldn't he? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
For Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government, more battle tanks and jet fighters are on their way from the United States.

Cairo’s military link to Washington has remained intact, meaning the U.S. will continue to modernize the biggest military in Africa — even as President Mohammed Morsi has decreed near-absolute power for himself and his supporters and opponents battle outside his palace.

Analysts say Egypt’s military buildup presents risks for Washington — and Israel — with the growing influence of the Brotherhood, whose overriding goal is to establish Shariah, or Islamic, law worldwide.

A Pentagon statement to The Washington Times on Thursday said: “We are always reviewing our foreign assistance to make sure foreign assistance advances U.S. objectives and is being used for the right purposes.”

For now, Egypt is due 200 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, the same mechanized firepower manned by American soldiers, bringing Egypt’s inventory to a robust 1,200.

An opponent of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi argues Thursday with Morsi supporters, ... more >Also in the pipeline is a squadron of the Air Force F-16 Falcon, a multipurpose warplane able to dogfight and drop ordnance.

The government awarded Lockheed Martin Corp. a contract in March 2010 for 20 F-16s, the last to be delivered next year. That would increase Egypt’s total fleet to 240, according to a company press release at the time.

“Egypt has far and away the largest army in Africa,” said Egypt analyst Robert Springborg, a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.

The billions of dollars in U.S. military aid — in annual $1.3 billion stipends — have made the Egyptian air force the fourth-largest F-16 operator among 25 countries. Egypt’s 4,000 tanks, including the 1,000 or so M1A1s, make it the world’s seventh-largest tank army

Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times

Now wait just a damn minute. Y'all get your stories straight.

The right has been in a state of apoplexy since the Obama administration supported the overthrow of a tyrannical dictator. Now that it looks like Morsi is trying to become another tyrannical dictator, you'd think y'all would be happy as a dead pig. After all, what Obama did "wrong" was to help remove a dictator,right?

Face it. Obama could engineer putting Jesus Christ in charge of Egypt and he'd STILL be wrong, wouldn't he? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sorry old dude, but we don't want a dictator whose goal is to spread Sharia law and a muslim caliphate throughout the Mideast and beyond
No, that's a lie, you don't feel bad for us, you hate us.


you are right...i dont feel "badly" for you... just as you dont feel badly for us.

i pitty you.

You see I am right, as always. I made you deny your lie, that makes you my b***h.


oh and which lie is that..... giving back your tongue in cheek crap... you feel badly for us Americans..... :lmao:

good to know you are still my bitch...and always will be.
you are right...i dont feel "badly" for you... just as you dont feel badly for us.

i pitty you.

You see I am right, as always. I made you deny your lie, that makes you my b***h.


oh and which lie is that..... giving back your tongue in cheek crap... you feel badly for us Americans..... :lmao:

good to know you are still my bitch...and always will be.

I love these meltdowns by syreen, when he has nothing to say, repeat a insane myth over and over and play along. In other words you have nothing to say, nice to know you're pist off.

You see I am right, as always. I made you deny your lie, that makes you my b***h.


oh and which lie is that..... giving back your tongue in cheek crap... you feel badly for us Americans..... :lmao:

good to know you are still my bitch...and always will be.

I love these meltdowns by syreen, when he has nothing to say, repeat a insane myth over and over and play along. In other words you have nothing to say, nice to know you're pist off.



even better... you think its a meltdown. :thup:
you are right...i dont feel "badly" for you... just as you dont feel badly for us.

i pitty you.

You see I am right, as always. I made you deny your lie, that makes you my b***h.


Act like you have some kind of class idiot.....You muslims treat women like shit.

Like the class you present when you debate with pro Palestinian women


And btw, stereotyping will come back to you.

Israeli society oppresses women - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews


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