Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

If it hadn't been the handshake issue, they would have dreamed up something else to deny the couple citizenship. ... :cool:
From the article:

"The city of Lausanne in Switzerland has blocked a Muslim couple from becoming Swiss nationals over their refusal to shake hands with members of the opposite sex."
From the article:

"The city of Lausanne in Switzerland has blocked a Muslim couple from becoming Swiss nationals over their refusal to shake hands with members of the opposite sex."
I wonder how they have sex, seems the contact could be a little more personal than a hand shake.
Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

If this happened in the US, the LEFT would go bonkers.

Well actually, they would be right to go bonkers in that case. Switzerland has basically applied a standard that violates their religious beliefs and enforced that as a requirement for citizenship, and it's not a huge issue really--handshaking. Switzerland can do that if they like, but that's not what we do here. That's precisely the kind of religious freedom our forefathers wanted when they left England. The freedom to live out their religion as they saw fit.


The problem with Islam is Sharia Law. It seeks not only to live out YOUR religion as you see fit, but then to apply that to everyone. So not only Muslim women must be covered head to toe, but ALL women. And that is a non-starter. Anyone coming to America should be free to practice THEIR religion but should understand that they do not have the right to press that religion on anyone else, no matter how badly they're offended by female arms, legs, and torsos. If you're that badly offended, stay in Pakistan. Do not export your Pakistan here and do not expect that you can.
Denying citizenship because someone won't touch you is absurd.

Orthodox Jewish people don't touch or even sit next to members of the opposite sex.

Would they deny a Jewish couple on the same basis? I think not.

But the right wing loves this stuff regardless. Anything to stick it to the mooslems.

In my opinion hand shaking needs to stop because people are germy mofos. I always see people coming out of a bathroom stall without washing hands.
Denying citizenship because someone won't touch you is absurd.

Orthodox Jewish people don't touch or even sit next to members of the opposite sex.

Would they deny a Jewish couple on the same basis? I think not.

But the right wing loves this stuff regardless. Anything to stick it to the mooslems.

In my opinion hand shaking needs to stop because people are germy mofos. I always see people coming out of a bathroom stall without washing hands.

Well I'm "right wing" and as I said above, I wouldn't "love this stuff" for America. It applies what is basically a religious test as a basis for citizenship, which I hope would never fly here. However, SOME Muslims have trouble understanding that their standards for religious life do NOT and should not apply to us all. They might want their women in full burkas; some of us might wear shorts and tee shirts in the summer. Just because our limbs offend them does not mean we will cover up.

If that offends them, they should not move here. End of story.
The equality of women is supremely important. The religious issue is as well, though. It is sometimes difficult to maintain all our standards at the same time.
A religion that does not respect women does not deserve respect, and at the same time a society must respect as much as possible a person's religious persuasions.
The equality of women is supremely important. The religious issue is as well, though. It is sometimes difficult to maintain all our standards at the same time.
A religion that does not respect women does not deserve respect, and at the same time a society must respect as much as possible a person's religious persuasions.


Freedom of Religion is in the First Amendment. The reason a man might not touch a woman he is not married/related to might not be for lack of respect for THAT woman, but out of lack of respect for the women to whom he's married/related. For me, the greater weight goes to Freedom of Religion in that case.

Now, if his Freedom of Religion is telling him that he gets to throw fruit at my ankles if he sees them uncovered......
As a practicing muslim I don't make a practice of shaking hands or physically touching females that I am not blood related to.

There has been times at my job where I was with a group of people and a new female employee was sticking out her hand and everyone was shaking it to welcome her to the company. So rather that create a scene and possibly embarrass her by not shaking her hand. I would go ahead and shake her hand. But later, in private, I would inform her that I was a muslim and that physical contact between the opposite sex was against my religion.

People seemed to be grateful that I had informed them of the prohibition, and it never caused any problems in the future. .... :cool:
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As a practicing muslim I don't make a practice of shaking hands or physically touching females that I am not blood related to.

There has been times at my job where I was with a group of people and a new female employee was sticking out her hand and everyone was shaking it to welcome her to the company. So rather that create a scene and possibly embarrass her by not shaking her hand. I would go ahead and shake her hand. But later, in private, I would inform her that I was a muslim and that physical contact between the opposite sex was against my religion.

People seemed to be grateful that I had informed them of the prohibition, and it never caused any problems in the future. .... :cool:

Interesting to me that there has been some talk in this thread about "equality and respect" for women. I guess that means you should be forced, against your religious beliefs, to shake hands with women? What about YOUR body, your choice? What about YOUR right to choose? Huh, I guess you lost that right to choose what to do with your own hand because somehow, not wanting to shake hand with a woman you don't know--I presume out of respect for the woman to whom you're married--overrides "your body your choice".

Oh these Leftists, always tying themselves in knots.
As a practicing muslim I don't make a practice of shaking hands or physically touching females that I am not blood related to.

There has been times at my job where I was with a group of people and a new female employee was sticking out her hand and everyone was shaking it to welcome her to the company. So rather that create a scene and possibly embarrass her by not shaking her hand. I would go ahead and shake her hand. But later, in private, I would inform her that I was a muslim and that physical contact between the opposite sex was against my religion.

People seemed to be grateful that I had informed them of the prohibition, and it never caused any problems in the future. .... :cool:
Can't argue with that. It is the same thing with Christians like Mike Pence whom the left mocks because many Christian men, especially married, will not be alone with a woman to "avoid appearances, and rumors." Seems the wise thing to do, but the left mocks Christians for this.
Switzerland's house, Switzerland's rules.

It's simple, if you can't abide don't try to get into Switzerland
Switzerland's house, Switzerland's rules.

It's simple, if you can't abide don't try to get into Switzerland
That's what it ultimately comes down to. An outsider has no right to live in your house. Still, there are practices in Islam AND Catholicism that I agree with and understand, while fully disagreeing with the cult itself.

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