Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

No freedom loving American supports what they did to these innocent children.

The U.S. military kills innocent muslims practically everyday in their war of terror.

But by euphemistically calling it "collateral damage", everything is ok and it's all good. ... :thup:
....they committed the Boston Bombing? for what???!!!!!!!!!!??????and the one got scholarships that could've went to an American-another reason to cut immigration
-and then they still murdered Americans??
this is more evidence of my point
The muslim community's feelings toward the Tsarnaev brothers who did the Boston bombing. Is exactly the same as how the average citizen feels towards Timothy McVeigh the OKC bomber.

Both were pointless, stupid, and didn't make any sense. .... :cuckoo:
you are proving my point
there are 300,000,000 million Americans and you bring up 1 terror attack
there are about 1% Islamist in Boston and the Islamist commit the bombing
do I need to post all the terror attacks by Middle Easterners/muslims/islamist??
....I'll say it differently--these muslims/etc commit terror attacks at many, many, many ,many times the rate of Americans
it's not even close to being far
....they committed the Boston Bombing? for what???!!!!!!!!!!??????and the one got scholarships that could've went to an American-another reason to cut immigration
-and then they still murdered Americans??
this is more evidence of my point
The muslim community's feelings toward the Tsarnaev brothers who did the Boston bombing. Is exactly the same as how the average citizen feels towards Timothy McVeigh the OKC bomber.

Both were pointless, stupid, and didn't make any sense. .... :cuckoo:
and remember the critical point!:
Tim McVeigh acted alone-with 1 accomplice not directly involved
these Chechen attacks involve DOZENS to include women
MUCH different--much difference
Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

If this happened in the US, the LEFT would go bonkers.

It's a sad commentary on what citizenship consists of.

What is actually sad is your support for knuckle dragging supremacists who refuse to adopt the customs of the country towards which they seek citizenship because their intent is to impose their own primitive ways upon the advanced inhabitants already there.

The U.S. military kills innocent muslims practically everyday in their war of terror.

But by euphemistically calling it "collateral damage", everything is ok and it's all good. ... :thup:
We don't TARGET schools and children. We target REALLY BAD ANIMALS who hide behind children.

There is a vast difference between war and terrorism. Libs don't see the difference, and Muslims don't either.

I'm a little surprised you'd justify what they did in Russia

I'm a little surprised you'd justify what they did in Russia
The Chechens were in a desperate struggle against a brutal totalitarian country that had killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children. It was a no holds barred conflict with no quarter given or expected. .... :cool:
Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

If this happened in the US, the LEFT would go bonkers.

It's a sad commentary on what citizenship consists of.

What is actually sad is your support for knuckle dragging supremacists who refuse to adopt the customs of the country towards which they seek citizenship because their intent is to impose their own primitive ways upon the advanced inhabitants already there.
You know for a fact that this particular couple is all that?
The "Families of Man" we're separated by borders for a reason.

Each culture should work out their own future apart from the others.

It is the he way God intended Man to live.

Did God tell you that, personally?
Yes. Read the account of the Flood, Nimrod, and Babel


Yeah... I just spoke with God and he said you completely misunderstood the point of those stories.

He said to tell you that cultures are always changing and mixing and coming and going, so stop being stupid and go embrace ALL of his children - your brothers and sisters.

He also said it wouldn’t kill ya to learn another language. Something about waking up that brain he gave you.
..any one with an ounce of common sense and without rationalizing on emotion only, could see Chechens are trouble/etc
--Moscow Theater murders/etc= this wasn't 1 or 2 or 10 Chechens--but DOZENS--women also
Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia
Beslan school terror attack where they attacked a school, murdering children
these are not school shootings but politically motivated terror attacks involving not one shooter, but dozens of Chechens
Beslan school siege - Wikipedia

I knew a Russian immigrant--he was the nicest/kindest guy
reminded me of Mr Whipple the TP guy
one day I asked him about the Chechens
he shocked the hell out me and said
''kill them all''
Russia brutalized the Chechen people for decades in the name of communism.

The Chechens have a legitimate grudge and want the hated Russians out of their land, and will do what ever it takes to drive them out.

All freedom loving Americans should support their cause. ... :cool:
I don’t support terrorism as a legitimate tool, but I do agree the Chechens have a legitimate fact it is quite likely the apartment bombing blamed on them was engineered by Putin to justify the war which led to his political rise.
Rejecting the muslim couples desire for citizenship based on a handshake. Reminds me of the Jim Crow laws of the southern states.

Where black people were denied the right to vote on elections because they couldn't pass a written test that was designed to fail them. ... :cool:
[ QU
You know for a fact that this particular couple is all that?

They are primitives who have no intention of actually becoming Swiss -- OBVIOUSLY.

If an enlightened person suffers the misfortune of being born into an Islamic society, wishes to move to Europe and EMBRACES the culture of the country of their adopted home, then they have become an actual citizen and should be encouraged to do so. This couple is not interested in that, but only in replicating all the primitiveness that made the country they left such a hell hole. That is not citizenship -- it is invasion.

All you are interested in is your Jihad, and so spreading the primitiveness by any means necessary is all that concerns you. I am concerned with preserving liberal western culture, so I oppose the spread of this anti-humanist ideology that seeks to replace liberal, western culture with its own.

You can mock me all you want by funnying my posts, you sick, twisted bitch, but that's the long and the short of it. I support the diversity of western culture whereas you serve Islam.
[ QU
You know for a fact that this particular couple is all that?

They are primitives who have no intention of actually becoming Swiss -- OBVIOUSLY.

If an enlightened person suffers the misfortune of being born into an Islamic society, wishes to move to Europe and EMBRACES the culture of the country of their adopted home, then they have become an actual citizen and should be encouraged to do so. This couple is not interested in that, but only in replicating all the primitiveness that made the country they left such a hell hole. That is not citizenship -- it is invasion.

All you are interested in is your Jihad, and so spreading the primitiveness by any means necessary is all that concerns you. I am concerned with preserving liberal western culture, so I oppose the spread of this anti-humanist ideology that seeks to replace liberal, western culture with its own.

You can mock me all you want by funnying my posts, you sick, twisted bitch, but that's the long and the short of it. I support the diversity of western culture whereas you serve Islam.

You know this how? There was no information presented on who they were. Do you have a source we are not aware of? Please share with the class :)
They are primitives who have no intention of actually becoming Swiss -- OBVIOUSLY.
Do you also consider the orthodox Jews in our country who refuse to shake hands with the opposite sex as primitives who refuse to assimilate into American culture? .... :cool:
Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

If this happened in the US, the LEFT would go bonkers.

It's a sad commentary on what citizenship consists of.

What is actually sad is your support for knuckle dragging supremacists who refuse to adopt the customs of the country towards which they seek citizenship because their intent is to impose their own primitive ways upon the advanced inhabitants already there.
If this were the only thing keeping them out,
I'm a little surprised you'd justify what they did in Russia
The Chechens were in a desperate struggle against a brutal totalitarian country that had killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children. It was a no holds barred conflict with no quarter given or expected. .... :cool:
Justify it any way you want. They MURDERED HUNDREDS of innocent human beings. They tortured and raped CHILDREN.
.And you wonder why the thinking world despises Islam. You have not condemned this.
Denying citizenship because someone won't touch you is absurd.

Orthodox Jewish people don't touch or even sit next to members of the opposite sex.

Would they deny a Jewish couple on the same basis? I think not.

But the right wing loves this stuff regardless. Anything to stick it to the mooslems.

In my opinion hand shaking needs to stop because people are germy mofos. I always see people coming out of a bathroom stall without washing hands.

You and your stupid avatar. That is only in Temple. If it were required for citizenship they would and do so in public as they walk to and from Temple.
As a practicing muslim I don't make a practice of shaking hands or physically touching females that I am not blood related to.

There has been times at my job where I was with a group of people and a new female employee was sticking out her hand and everyone was shaking it to welcome her to the company. So rather that create a scene and possibly embarrass her by not shaking her hand. I would go ahead and shake her hand. But later, in private, I would inform her that I was a muslim and that physical contact between the opposite sex was against my religion.

People seemed to be grateful that I had informed them of the prohibition, and it never caused any problems in the future. .... :cool:

Would you shake a woman's hand if she identified as a man?
I'm a little surprised you'd justify what they did in Russia
The Chechens were in a desperate struggle against a brutal totalitarian country that had killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children. It was a no holds barred conflict with no quarter given or expected. .... :cool:

Sounds like the Jews in Israel. Would you shake a Jewish person's hand? Probably not, eh?
From the article:

"The city of Lausanne in Switzerland has blocked a Muslim couple from becoming Swiss nationals over their refusal to shake hands with members of the opposite sex."
I wonder how they have sex, seems the contact could be a little more personal than a hand shake.

They are allowed to rape and plunder, but just not shake hands is all.

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