Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism

Which is entirely my point Mom and POP Joe citizen doesn't spend time on google looking up tidbits about Muslims.

The message is either out there or it isn't and in this case it isn't wither or not that by design I have no idea but the average citizen the ones who are being asked to trust a religion that they see on TV as being bloody murdering bastards are not going to spend anytime investigating if they are all like that.

This is a simple truth and it is completely disingenuous for a person to suggest otherwise.

, then you came on here with this post and said the media doesn't cover it enough.

Those are two entirely different points, not even in the same ballpark.

I can totally understand why muslims would even be hesitant to speak out against this stuff, living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia. Not speaking out doesn't mean in favor of it, remember that. I never talk about pedophilia so one could say I don't speak out against it, doesn't mean I think it's any less disgusting than someone who shouts behind a megaphone.

That's the opposite of your point, your original point was that muslims don't speak out enough

Dear God do I really need to take you by the hand and lead you through this its not that complicated. The Muslim community is crying that people don't understand them well its a little hard for anyone to either understand them or trust them when they have put very little effort into community outreach who's fault is that?

Where did I suggest the Media doesn't cover anybody enough? Don't put words into my mouth that are not there sport.

The Muslim community's message is hasn't risen above the noise in the background LIKE I SAID its either there or its not in this case its not. If the Muslim community is upset that people don't trust them then AS I SAID they need to step up the message.

And in case you've lived in a cave pulling stunts like that in NY with their community center is not going to ingrain good will and peaceful thoughts with the American population. Or for that matter DEMANDING that Shari law be followed in our Courts ya that's a brilliant way for promoting public acceptance.

living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia
Yes they've done such a damn fine job of allaying fears of the public and have gone out of their way to be part of our Nation haven't they. Brilliant ya......

Why are you passing the buck in responsibility? How about accepting some yourself?

Look I'm an atheist, if there's anyone who you'd think would judge religious people it'd be someone who's anti-religion, but I don't.

You don't understand muslims, that's your problem, not theirs. It's not their job to relieve you of your ignorance. Ignorance of course, being the cause of all forms of bigotry.

Go out, interact with muslims, talk to them, you'll find all the media-created boogeyman stories are as stupid as they sound.
"Good Muslims" who are vocal in their opposition to jihad get death threats. True story.
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

Muslim Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism. The first Muslim in the US Congress was a guest on Hannity’s Fox News show last night, and he promptly began to show how hypersensitive he is against any mere mention of the truth about the connection between Muslims and terrorists. It was surprising to see Ellison on a show like Hannity’s because the congressman is usually too introverted to come on and face off against a tough conservative. Ellison verified his true colors when he immediately started yelling at Hannity for wanting to hold the congressman accountable for defamatory statements he had made against Fox News. After that, the congressman took exception to Hannity connecting Islam to terrorism.

Ellison’s appearance is part of his months-long agonizing over the fact that there are actually intellectually honest people in the US who tell the truth about Muslims and terrorists. Namely…that there is a huge and disproportionate number of terrorists who happen to be Muslims. The genesis for this was Peter King’s March hearing in Congress concerning Muslims and how they may be getting radicalized in their little communities in the US. Despite the fact that King was more than fair and non-prejudicial—his hearing was, after all, merely a fact-finding mission and not a McCarthyist exercise as Democrats have charged—liberals like Ellison are still all over him in their accusations.

You can tell when someone who is being interviewed is ready to cause trouble instead of being cooperative and answer the questions. You can tell this when the person, as in Ellison’s case, starts lecturing the host about what he wants to answer and what he wants to ignore! As soon as Hannity began reading back to him some of the irresponsibly inflammatory allegations he had flung against Fox News—such as Fox News apparently condemning the whole Islamic religion as being one of terrorism…or something outlandish like that—Ellison began getting evasive and then hostile.

Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism - Vancouver American Politics |

From one conservative to another, bullshit. I listened to the exchange. Hannity used his usual lazy tactic of "have you beat your wife today" line of questioning and then promptly talked over Ellison whenever Ellison tried to talk. Any shouting Ellison did was in an attempt to be heard. If you look up asshole in the dictionary, there is a picture of Hannity smirking.
What have Arabs and Muslims done for this country?
Arabs/Muslims outnumber Jews like 10 to 1. They have been here for about as long.
But there are no Arabs or Muslims on the Supreme Court. There are very few who have been congressmen. In the military we have Muslims like Col Hassan or Sgr Asan Akhbar. What major corporation is headed by a Muslim or Arab? How many Nobel Prizes have American Arabs/Muslims won?

How many of those accomplishments are under YOUR belt?>

Yea, stick it.
, then you came on here with this post and said the media doesn't cover it enough.

Those are two entirely different points, not even in the same ballpark.

I can totally understand why muslims would even be hesitant to speak out against this stuff, living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia. Not speaking out doesn't mean in favor of it, remember that. I never talk about pedophilia so one could say I don't speak out against it, doesn't mean I think it's any less disgusting than someone who shouts behind a megaphone.


Dear God do I really need to take you by the hand and lead you through this its not that complicated. The Muslim community is crying that people don't understand them well its a little hard for anyone to either understand them or trust them when they have put very little effort into community outreach who's fault is that?

Where did I suggest the Media doesn't cover anybody enough? Don't put words into my mouth that are not there sport.

The Muslim community's message is hasn't risen above the noise in the background LIKE I SAID its either there or its not in this case its not. If the Muslim community is upset that people don't trust them then AS I SAID they need to step up the message.

And in case you've lived in a cave pulling stunts like that in NY with their community center is not going to ingrain good will and peaceful thoughts with the American population. Or for that matter DEMANDING that Shari law be followed in our Courts ya that's a brilliant way for promoting public acceptance.

living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia
Yes they've done such a damn fine job of allaying fears of the public and have gone out of their way to be part of our Nation haven't they. Brilliant ya......

Why are you passing the buck in responsibility? How about accepting some yourself?

Look I'm an atheist, if there's anyone who you'd think would judge religious people it'd be someone who's anti-religion, but I don't.

You don't understand muslims, that's your problem, not theirs. It's not their job to relieve you of your ignorance. Ignorance of course, being the cause of all forms of bigotry.

Go out, interact with muslims, talk to them, you'll find all the media-created boogeyman stories are as stupid as they sound.

Sure you can claim the average muslim is just as "average" as the "average" American and it'll seem that way...however when you look at their leadership/organizations/policies it becomes another fact because of "stealth jihad" a muslim guy could fool you into thinking he is just an average joe...but in reality could be working for the Brotherhood...

what do you think that CAIR....and the Muslim Brotherhood's many other organizations....of course "moderate" Rep. Keith Ellison is their man in Congress......what do you think they are actually doing here in the U.S....?

The Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist organization which originated in Egypt, has tentacles that reach around the globe. Its agenda is to establish worldwide sharia (Islamic) law. Because its tactics are largely non-violent and incremental, it operates under the radar and often goes unnoticed. Its plans are long term, but its adherents are patient. And make no mistake about it, it’s making inroads.

Now, evidence has surfaced demonstrating that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is at the nucleus of Muslim Brotherhood front activity in the United States. A recently published book titled, “Muslim Mafia”, written by former investigator and counterterrorism expert David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry (author of “Infiltration”,) reveals the shocking details of the undercover operation conducted by Gaubatz’s son.

After having assumed the role of an Islamic convert and winning the confidence of CAIR’s leadership, twenty-nine year old Chris Gaubatz aka David Marshall attained an internship at CAIR’s national headquarters where he gained access to private meetings and top secret records. He was assigned to shred boxes of documents, but instead brought them home for further examination. There, he discovered persuasive evidence that CAIR, ISNA and NAIT are part of the Muslim Brotherhood network.

Drawn from thousands of memos, emails and faxes, Muslim Mafia demonstrates that CAIR:

• supports organizations with terrorist ties (indeed the Justice Department designated CAIR, ISNA and NAIT as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial, where several defendants were found guilty of funneling money to Hamas);

• overtly claims to cooperate with the FBI, but covertly advises Muslims to remain silent when questioned, thus obstructing investigations;

• builds unilateral “bridges” to law enforcement, the interfaith community and political circles in order to obtain information and cement relationships to provide itself with credence and possibly shield itself from investigation;

• is funded by foreign donors; and

• lobbies congress in possible violation to its IRS tax-exempt status and other US laws.

CAIR’s goals are:

• to support Palestinian terrorists;

• to eliminate aid to Israel;

• to abolish restrictions on immigration from high-risk Muslim countries;

• to desensitize Americans to creeping sharia;

• to dismantle America’s counterterrorism tools; and

• to infiltrate America’s government, corporate, media and academic institutions to gradually Islamize America.

In pursuit of these goals, CAIR’s primary arsenal is deceit. Though it purports to be mainstream, in reality, CAIR is a Muslim extremist organization. Abusing America’s freedom of religion and non-disclosure laws inherent in its non-profit status, CAIR conceals its donor base and operates to influence American policy by targeting key congressional committees including the Judiciary Committee, the Committee on Homeland Security, and the Intelligence Committee.

Taking advantage of America’s tolerant and trusting nature, CAIR uses public relations, propaganda and lies to convince the FBI, law enforcement and the public that it is nothing more than a well-meaning American-Muslim civil rights organization. Yet, Muslim Mafia tells a different story. It provides examples of how CAIR applies the tactics of pressure, persuasion, false claims of discrimination, economic boycotts and veiled threats to attain sway.

Americans Against Hate

Dear God do I really need to take you by the hand and lead you through this its not that complicated. The Muslim community is crying that people don't understand them well its a little hard for anyone to either understand them or trust them when they have put very little effort into community outreach who's fault is that?

Where did I suggest the Media doesn't cover anybody enough? Don't put words into my mouth that are not there sport.

The Muslim community's message is hasn't risen above the noise in the background LIKE I SAID its either there or its not in this case its not. If the Muslim community is upset that people don't trust them then AS I SAID they need to step up the message.

And in case you've lived in a cave pulling stunts like that in NY with their community center is not going to ingrain good will and peaceful thoughts with the American population. Or for that matter DEMANDING that Shari law be followed in our Courts ya that's a brilliant way for promoting public acceptance.

Yes they've done such a damn fine job of allaying fears of the public and have gone out of their way to be part of our Nation haven't they. Brilliant ya......

Why are you passing the buck in responsibility? How about accepting some yourself?

Look I'm an atheist, if there's anyone who you'd think would judge religious people it'd be someone who's anti-religion, but I don't.

You don't understand muslims, that's your problem, not theirs. It's not their job to relieve you of your ignorance. Ignorance of course, being the cause of all forms of bigotry.

Go out, interact with muslims, talk to them, you'll find all the media-created boogeyman stories are as stupid as they sound.

Sure you can claim the average muslim is just as "average" as the "average" American and it'll seem that way...however when you look at their leadership/organizations/policies it becomes another fact because of "stealth jihad" a muslim guy could fool you into thinking he is just an average joe...but in reality could be working for the Brotherhood...

what do you think that CAIR....and the Muslim Brotherhood's many other organizations....of course "moderate" Rep. Keith Ellison is their man in Congress......what do you think they are actually doing here in the U.S....?

The Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist organization which originated in Egypt, has tentacles that reach around the globe. Its agenda is to establish worldwide sharia (Islamic) law. Because its tactics are largely non-violent and incremental, it operates under the radar and often goes unnoticed. Its plans are long term, but its adherents are patient. And make no mistake about it, it’s making inroads.

Now, evidence has surfaced demonstrating that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is at the nucleus of Muslim Brotherhood front activity in the United States. A recently published book titled, “Muslim Mafia”, written by former investigator and counterterrorism expert David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry (author of “Infiltration”,) reveals the shocking details of the undercover operation conducted by Gaubatz’s son.

After having assumed the role of an Islamic convert and winning the confidence of CAIR’s leadership, twenty-nine year old Chris Gaubatz aka David Marshall attained an internship at CAIR’s national headquarters where he gained access to private meetings and top secret records. He was assigned to shred boxes of documents, but instead brought them home for further examination. There, he discovered persuasive evidence that CAIR, ISNA and NAIT are part of the Muslim Brotherhood network.

Drawn from thousands of memos, emails and faxes, Muslim Mafia demonstrates that CAIR:

• supports organizations with terrorist ties (indeed the Justice Department designated CAIR, ISNA and NAIT as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial, where several defendants were found guilty of funneling money to Hamas);

• overtly claims to cooperate with the FBI, but covertly advises Muslims to remain silent when questioned, thus obstructing investigations;

• builds unilateral “bridges” to law enforcement, the interfaith community and political circles in order to obtain information and cement relationships to provide itself with credence and possibly shield itself from investigation;

• is funded by foreign donors; and

• lobbies congress in possible violation to its IRS tax-exempt status and other US laws.

CAIR’s goals are:

• to support Palestinian terrorists;

• to eliminate aid to Israel;

• to abolish restrictions on immigration from high-risk Muslim countries;

• to desensitize Americans to creeping sharia;

• to dismantle America’s counterterrorism tools; and

• to infiltrate America’s government, corporate, media and academic institutions to gradually Islamize America.

In pursuit of these goals, CAIR’s primary arsenal is deceit. Though it purports to be mainstream, in reality, CAIR is a Muslim extremist organization. Abusing America’s freedom of religion and non-disclosure laws inherent in its non-profit status, CAIR conceals its donor base and operates to influence American policy by targeting key congressional committees including the Judiciary Committee, the Committee on Homeland Security, and the Intelligence Committee.

Taking advantage of America’s tolerant and trusting nature, CAIR uses public relations, propaganda and lies to convince the FBI, law enforcement and the public that it is nothing more than a well-meaning American-Muslim civil rights organization. Yet, Muslim Mafia tells a different story. It provides examples of how CAIR applies the tactics of pressure, persuasion, false claims of discrimination, economic boycotts and veiled threats to attain sway.

Americans Against Hate

All lobbies sicken me, including Cair.

And I'm like you, I think the average american muslim is here to force jihad on everyone and that we'll be a country bowing down to radical islam in the next decade........................................

And I'm like you, I think the average american muslim is here to force jihad on everyone and that we'll be a country bowing down to radical islam in the next decade........................................


Hopefully you jest.
I just want to personally and publicly thank GHook 93 for his inspiring negative rep of my comment in this thread - most especially, I want to give him a big ol sloppy shout out for his uplifting comment to me:

"STFU Faggot!"

You, GHook, are a great American! That's the second time I've had the honor of you calling me a "faggot". Nice work!
And I'm like you, I think the average american muslim is here to force jihad on everyone and that we'll be a country bowing down to radical islam in the next decade........................................


Hopefully you jest.

I just wanna make sure everyone's sarcasm meter was to "on" before they read my last post.
And I'm like you, I think the average american muslim is here to force jihad on everyone and that we'll be a country bowing down to radical islam in the next decade........................................


Hopefully you jest.

I just wanna make sure everyone's sarcasm meter was to "on" before they read my last post.

obviously you're practicing up on your future bowing....

All lobbies sicken me, including Cair.

And I'm like you, I think the average american muslim is here to force jihad on everyone and that we'll be a country bowing down to radical islam in the next decade........................................


Jihad is an obligation of all Muslim it is not something you force on people it is an activity undertaken by people .

For a muslim to live in a kafir state they are doing so as an act of Jihad al-nafs to bring sharia law to that state , That it takes a long time does not mean it isn't happening.

Here is some information to help you calibrate your sarc "O"meter.

Islam Question and Answer - Ruling on jihad and kinds of jihad

Islam Question and Answer - Judging by that which Allaah has revealed

Islam Question and Answer - Should he turn to the human rights organizations to get his rights?
Islam Question and Answer - The kufr of one who rules according to other than what Allaah revealed

Allaah has commanded us to refer matters to His judgement and to establish Sharee‘ah, and He has forbidden us to rule with anything else, as is clear from a number of aayaat in the Qur’aan, such as the aayaat in Soorat al-Maa’idah (5) which discuss ruling according to what Allaah has revealed, and mention the following topics:

The command to rule according to what Allaah has revealed: “And so judge between them by what Allaah has revealed . . .” [aayah 49]

Warning against ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed: “. . . and follow not their vain desires . . .” [aayah 49]
I just want to personally and publicly thank GHook 93 for his inspiring negative rep of my comment in this thread - most especially, I want to give him a big ol sloppy shout out for his uplifting comment to me:

"STFU Faggot!"

You, GHook, are a great American! That's the second time I've had the honor of you calling me a "faggot". Nice work!

Don't let it bother you.

JewHook93 neg reps me on a regular basis.

And always includes something about "*******".

I haven't had the heart to tell him that I am white guy with blue eyes of Irish descent. :lol:
I just want to personally and publicly thank GHook 93 for his inspiring negative rep of my comment in this thread - most especially, I want to give him a big ol sloppy shout out for his uplifting comment to me:

"STFU Faggot!"

You, GHook, are a great American! That's the second time I've had the honor of you calling me a "faggot". Nice work!

Don't let it bother you.

JewHook93 neg reps me on a regular basis.

And always includes something about "*******".

I haven't had the heart to tell him that I am white guy with blue eyes of Irish descent. :lol:

And your reason for referring to him as JewHook93?
Hopefully you jest.

I just wanna make sure everyone's sarcasm meter was to "on" before they read my last post.

obviously you're practicing up on your future bowing....


Yeah obviously, anyone who's read my posts knows how big of a fan I am of religion.

I also don't hate hindus, so I probably worship the monkey god.

I also don't hate mormons, so I worship Joseph Smith.

I also don't hate women, so I'm a femi-nazi.

I also don't hate jews, so I'm growing long curls with the hair on the side of my head.

All rational assumptions to jump to.
Don't let it bother you.

JewHook93 neg reps me on a regular basis.

And always includes something about "*******".

I haven't had the heart to tell him that I am white guy with blue eyes of Irish descent. :lol:

And your reason for referring to him as JewHook93?[/QUOTE]
He is an anti-American Jew that hates our country .

He recently posted about going to the Vietnam war Memorial and p*ssing on a soldier's grave and scratching his name off of the wall .
, then you came on here with this post and said the media doesn't cover it enough.

Those are two entirely different points, not even in the same ballpark.

I can totally understand why muslims would even be hesitant to speak out against this stuff, living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia. Not speaking out doesn't mean in favor of it, remember that. I never talk about pedophilia so one could say I don't speak out against it, doesn't mean I think it's any less disgusting than someone who shouts behind a megaphone.


Dear God do I really need to take you by the hand and lead you through this its not that complicated. The Muslim community is crying that people don't understand them well its a little hard for anyone to either understand them or trust them when they have put very little effort into community outreach who's fault is that?

Where did I suggest the Media doesn't cover anybody enough? Don't put words into my mouth that are not there sport.

The Muslim community's message is hasn't risen above the noise in the background LIKE I SAID its either there or its not in this case its not. If the Muslim community is upset that people don't trust them then AS I SAID they need to step up the message.

And in case you've lived in a cave pulling stunts like that in NY with their community center is not going to ingrain good will and peaceful thoughts with the American population. Or for that matter DEMANDING that Shari law be followed in our Courts ya that's a brilliant way for promoting public acceptance.

living in a society that essentially celebrates islamophobia
Yes they've done such a damn fine job of allaying fears of the public and have gone out of their way to be part of our Nation haven't they. Brilliant ya......

Why are you passing the buck in responsibility? How about accepting some yourself?

Look I'm an atheist, if there's anyone who you'd think would judge religious people it'd be someone who's anti-religion, but I don't.

You don't understand muslims, that's your problem, not theirs. It's not their job to relieve you of your ignorance. Ignorance of course, being the cause of all forms of bigotry.

Go out, interact with muslims, talk to them, you'll find all the media-created boogeyman stories are as stupid as they sound.

Why are you passing the buck in responsibility? How about accepting some yourself?
OMG Really? What responsibility am I suppose to accept there sport you have utterly no idea how I feel about the Muslim community.

Look I'm an atheist, if there's anyone who you'd think would judge religious people it'd be someone who's anti-religion, but I don't.
I could give shit less that your an atheist it has utterly no bearing on the discussion at hand I am also an atheist as such and it still doesn't matter .

You don't understand muslims, that's your problem, not theirs. It's not their job to relieve you of your ignorance. Ignorance of course, being the cause of all forms of bigotry.
Where in the discussion did I state "I" didn't understand Muslims sport show me the quote.

Go out, interact with muslims, talk to them, you'll find all the media-created boogeyman stories are as stupid as they sound
Again princess you have utterly no idea how I interact with the Muslim community nor do you have any idea what I think of the Muslim community stick to the facts at hand.
I just want to personally and publicly thank GHook 93 for his inspiring negative rep of my comment in this thread - most especially, I want to give him a big ol sloppy shout out for his uplifting comment to me:

"STFU Faggot!"

You, GHook, are a great American! That's the second time I've had the honor of you calling me a "faggot". Nice work!

Don't let it bother you.

JewHook93 neg reps me on a regular basis.

And always includes something about "*******".

I haven't had the heart to tell him that I am white guy with blue eyes of Irish descent. :lol:

And your reason for referring to him as JewHook93?

:lol::lol: Sunni's not helping his cause:eusa_whistle:
Don't let it bother you.

JewHook93 neg reps me on a regular basis.

And always includes something about "*******".

I haven't had the heart to tell him that I am white guy with blue eyes of Irish descent. :lol:

And your reason for referring to him as JewHook93?
He is an anti-American Jew that hates our country .

He recently posted about going to the Vietnam war Memorial and p*ssing on a soldier's grave and scratching his name off of the wall .[/QUOTE]

Then he is a pathetic individual who capitaliizes on our right to frredom of expression by doing un-American hatefuil things. He is one who hates America but uses what is great about America to show how much he hates America. So I guess he ius a hypocrite as well.

The fact that he is Jewish is irrelevant.

Why did you make a poiint of it in the name you called him AND your description of him?
Is Congressman Keith Ellision someone who people call a "moderate" muslim.....?

Muslim Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism. The first Muslim in the US Congress was a guest on Hannity’s Fox News show last night, and he promptly began to show how hypersensitive he is against any mere mention of the truth about the connection between Muslims and terrorists. It was surprising to see Ellison on a show like Hannity’s because the congressman is usually too introverted to come on and face off against a tough conservative. Ellison verified his true colors when he immediately started yelling at Hannity for wanting to hold the congressman accountable for defamatory statements he had made against Fox News. After that, the congressman took exception to Hannity connecting Islam to terrorism.

Ellison’s appearance is part of his months-long agonizing over the fact that there are actually intellectually honest people in the US who tell the truth about Muslims and terrorists. Namely…that there is a huge and disproportionate number of terrorists who happen to be Muslims. The genesis for this was Peter King’s March hearing in Congress concerning Muslims and how they may be getting radicalized in their little communities in the US. Despite the fact that King was more than fair and non-prejudicial—his hearing was, after all, merely a fact-finding mission and not a McCarthyist exercise as Democrats have charged—liberals like Ellison are still all over him in their accusations.

You can tell when someone who is being interviewed is ready to cause trouble instead of being cooperative and answer the questions. You can tell this when the person, as in Ellison’s case, starts lecturing the host about what he wants to answer and what he wants to ignore! As soon as Hannity began reading back to him some of the irresponsibly inflammatory allegations he had flung against Fox News—such as Fox News apparently condemning the whole Islamic religion as being one of terrorism…or something outlandish like that—Ellison began getting evasive and then hostile.

Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison yells at Hannity for connecting Islam to terrorism - Vancouver American Politics |


Ellison was spot-on with his accusations:

In response to Hannity’s claim that it is “nothing further than the truth” to say that Fox incites religious intolerance, here’s a far from comprehensive list of some of Fox News’s worst moments of inciting racial and ethnic animosity:

- Fox Host John Gibson Said We “Need More Babies” Because The Majority Of Americans May Be Hispanic In 25 Years [5/12/06]

- Fox Host Steve Doocy Claimed Barack Obama Went To A “Madrassa” And Was Possibly A Muslim Extremist [1/19/07]

- Fox News Managing Editor Said Barack Obama Had “Fairly Controversial” Views About “The White Race” [3/28/08]

- Fox News Host Brian Kilmeade Suggested “Special Screenings” For Muslim American Soldiers After The Fort Hood Shootings [11/7/09]

- Fox News Host Blamed Desecration Of A Tennessee Mosque On The “Stubbornness” Of Muslims Building A Community Center In New York City [8/24/10]

- Fox News Immediately Hired Disgraced NPR Commentator Juan Williams, Who Was Let Go For Making Insensitive Comments About Muslims [10/21/10]

- Fox Host Glenn Beck Said The 3/5 Compromise Was A “Way To Take A Step To Abolish Slavery” [1/6/11]

- Fox Host Sean Hannity Repeatedly Suggested That Middle East Uprisings Are Signs Of “World War III” [2/8/11, 2/10/11, 2/22/11]

- Fox Host Glenn Beck Claimed That The Pro-Democracy Movement In Egypt Was Evidence Of A Muslim-Marxist Conspiracy To Establish An Islamic Caliphate [2/11/11]

- Fox News Radio Reporter Todd Starnes Published Tweets About “Blacks Rioting” At A Burger King And Asking If Muslims “Will Stop Trying To Blow Us Up?” [3/24/11, 9/11/10]

Bill O’Reilly, Jesse Watters, and others at Fox News repeatedly refer to the “Muslim problem” in the world.

ThinkProgress » Memo To Sean Hannity: Fox News’ History Of Inciting Islamophobia And Racial And Ethnic Animosity

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