Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe under the pretense of ‘prayer’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe

under the pretense of ‘prayer’

15 Jan 2024 ~~ By Olivia Murray

“Islam is not even a religion. It’s a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest.” So said Oklahoma’s John Bennett, a former state representative now running for the federal congress, and he was right on the money; see below:


Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with “prayer.” Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West. Now that there’s enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning… in a particularly warlike way.
Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals:
Just as Alinksy framed the cultural revolution as a war between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots,” so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.
Sure, this is Islamic prayer—aggressive, domineering, and disruptive—but this is not the Judeo-Christian prayer of the West, which is meek, gentle, and humble.
As a colleague reminded me, the stark difference between Christianity and Islam can be seen in prison “conversions,” and she relayed an astute observation she once heard:
Like Bennett said, this isn’t religion—it’s 7th century barbarism, on an agenda for global subjugation, using “faith” as a vehicle.

The Western World has allowed the Islamic armies within our borders and festering rapidly without the firing of a shot.
What Europe needs is another Martel and El Cid rolled into one.
If Europeans do not act soon, much of Europe will be gone within two generations. What were they thinking letting in all those Muslims? I guess the same thing Joe Biden is thinking letting in all those _ we don't even know who the 10 million are!

Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe

under the pretense of ‘prayer’

15 Jan 2024 ~~ By Olivia Murray

“Islam is not even a religion. It’s a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest.” So said Oklahoma’s John Bennett, a former state representative now running for the federal congress, and he was right on the money; see below:


Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with “prayer.” Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West. Now that there’s enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning… in a particularly warlike way.
Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals:
Just as Alinksy framed the cultural revolution as a war between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots,” so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.
Sure, this is Islamic prayer—aggressive, domineering, and disruptive—but this is not the Judeo-Christian prayer of the West, which is meek, gentle, and humble.
As a colleague reminded me, the stark difference between Christianity and Islam can be seen in prison “conversions,” and she relayed an astute observation she once heard:
Like Bennett said, this isn’t religion—it’s 7th century barbarism, on an agenda for global subjugation, using “faith” as a vehicle.

The Western World has allowed the Islamic armies within our borders and festering rapidly without the firing of a shot.
What Europe needs is another Martel and El Cid rolled into one.
If Europeans do not act soon, much of Europe will be gone within two generations. What were they thinking letting in all those Muslims? I guess the same thing Joe Biden is thinking letting in all those _ we don't even know who the 10 million are!

What you need is a good box truck driven by a French Union Worker plowing over all of them, yelling "remember the Alamo"!!

The name is Eurabia.....

That's the proper name....EURABIA. :mad:

.....not Europe anymore
The Left treats Muslims as the victims of prejudice.
They are part of the corrupt Democrat Party's coalition of victims.


Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe

under the pretense of ‘prayer’

15 Jan 2024 ~~ By Olivia Murray

“Islam is not even a religion. It’s a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest.” So said Oklahoma’s John Bennett, a former state representative now running for the federal congress, and he was right on the money; see below:


Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with “prayer.” Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West. Now that there’s enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning… in a particularly warlike way.
Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals:
Just as Alinksy framed the cultural revolution as a war between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots,” so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.
Sure, this is Islamic prayer—aggressive, domineering, and disruptive—but this is not the Judeo-Christian prayer of the West, which is meek, gentle, and humble.
As a colleague reminded me, the stark difference between Christianity and Islam can be seen in prison “conversions,” and she relayed an astute observation she once heard:
Like Bennett said, this isn’t religion—it’s 7th century barbarism, on an agenda for global subjugation, using “faith” as a vehicle.

The Western World has allowed the Islamic armies within our borders and festering rapidly without the firing of a shot.
What Europe needs is another Martel and El Cid rolled into one.
If Europeans do not act soon, much of Europe will be gone within two generations. What were they thinking letting in all those Muslims? I guess the same thing Joe Biden is thinking letting in all those _ we don't even know who the 10 million are!

Islam has already conquered Europa, most of European youth are Muslims
The name is Eurabia.....

That's the proper name....EURABIA. :mad:

.....not Europe anymore

Any European politician from Orban until Macron or Putin does nothing to stop Muslim birth jihad. In the West Europa any Muslim family has at least 5 kids, all of them receive benefits from governments, no one works

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