Muslim kids stomp on LGBTQ Pride flags


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
*Terror Alert*

The new face of White Supremacy has reared its head in Canada of all places.

Isn’t this a hate crime?

What’s a lefty to do? Condemn Muslims?

Will Turdeau hold a press conference and call this the biggest threat to democracy?
*Terror Alert*

The new face of White Supremacy has reared its head in Canada of all places.

Isn’t this a hate crime?

What’s a lefty to do? Condemn Muslims?

Will Turdeau hold a press conference and call this the biggest threat to democracy?

If it's their own flags they bought themselves, there's no crime. If they stole them, they are thieves.
Such a conundrum, eh?

One protected group that gets to do whatever it wants stomping on the flag of another protected group that gets to do whatever it wants.

Things will get interesting when a group of gays brings a Koran to a demonstration and rips it to shreds.
Such a conundrum, eh?

One protected group that gets to do whatever it wants stomping on the flag of another protected group that gets to do whatever it wants.

Things will get interesting when a group of gays brings a Koran to a demonstration and rips it to shreds.
Muslims aren't putting up with the bullshit. Will a trans go shoot down a Muslim school now?
Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

What do you get putting the UAW and Greenpeace in the same bed? ... God, you people are stupid ...

The Democrat Party ... "party like we're gonna die young" ...

If it's their own flags they bought themselves, there's no crime. If they stole them, they are thieves.
This was in Canada, where there are laws to address hate speech incidents that impose punitive measures for violation. This could include jail time, fines and fees.

Thank goodness we don't have that in the United States.
" Do Not Give Credence To Terrorists Or Terrorist Facilitators "

* Captive Audiences Do Not Have Free Roam Or Free Association *

What can I say?
I don't blame those kids! :04:
There is a difference between a child , an adolescent and an adult , and seeking to introduce , or to normalize , or to indoctrinate , through captive audience , an acceptance of unadulterated behavior by children , or by adolescents , is not appropriate , and such exposure should only be available to non captive audiences of adults as adults are expected to be capable of informed consent .

The standards of society are principles of non violence , and there is not a difference between a religion and the edicts and tenets of creed comprising it , and there is not an exception in us constitution for a religion with edicts and tenets of creed to violate non violence principles .

The edicts and tenets of creed for the sectarian supremacist religion of fictional ishmaelism violate non violence principles and though its adherents should be allowed to travel abroad for exposure to alternative cultures , allowing them to gain a foothold as voting citizens in the us , or any other developed county interested in freedom and liberty , is stupidity !

Granting credence as allies to terrorists and terrorists facilitators is not wise .
*Terror Alert*

The new face of White Supremacy has reared its head in Canada of all places.

Isn’t this a hate crime?

What’s a lefty to do? Condemn Muslims?

Will Turdeau hold a press conference and call this the biggest threat to democracy

He wouldn't dare....Islam is much bigger than Canada and far more politically potent.

" Do Not Give Credence To Terrorists Or Terrorist Facilitators "

* Captive Audiences Do Not Have Free Roam Or Free Association *

There is a difference between a child , an adolescent and an adult , and seeking to introduce , or to normalize , or to indoctrinate , through captive audience , an acceptance of unadulterated behavior by children , or by adolescents , is not appropriate , and such exposure should only be available to non captive audiences of adults as adults are expected to be capable of informed consent .

The standards of society are principles of non violence , and there is not a difference between a religion and the edicts and tenets of creed comprising it , and there is not an exception in us constitution for a religion with edicts and tenets of creed to violate non violence principles .

The edicts and tenets of creed for the sectarian supremacist religion of fictional ishmaelism violate non violence principles and though its adherents should be allowed to travel abroad for exposure to alternative cultures , allowing them to gain a foothold as voting citizens in the us , or any other developed county interested in freedom and liberty , is stupidity !

Granting credence as allies to terrorists and terrorists facilitators is not wise .
Scimitar versus Rainbow
My money is on scimitar.
This was bound to happen.

" Existentialism Of Psychopathy Through Sanctimonious Idiocy "

* Left Wing Dose Of Reality About Indiscriminate Inclusion *

Scimitar versus Rainbow
My money is on scimitar.
This was bound to happen.
The sectarian supremacist psychosis of fictional ishmaelism wants to maintain a facade of non violence and tolerance for the purpose of infiltration .

The ignoramuses of sanctimonious lunar ticks ( sin mythology ) are orchestrating traitorous acts against us 1st amendment by vying for publicly funded sectarianism and are calling it school choice - School Choice Reimbursement Is An Illegitimate Precept Of Direct Taxation .

" Sack The Evil Whitey Scapegoat "

* Propaganda Of Racism To Conceal Deviance *

everyone loves a little white supremacy....even muslims obviously
The relationship between a religion and race has been a pattern of stupidity perpetrated by the left , at the behest of their sectarian supremacist financiers , who have for +1400 years been trying to subjugate white chrisitans .

The lineal descendants of ishmael are semites , as in lineal descendants of shem , brown and not white , and the reference to race is a means to distract from criticism for the tenets and edicts of violence within the creed of fictional ishmaelism .

The ashkenazi use the term anti-semitic , for its racial connotations , even though the ash kin of the nazi are lineal descendants of gomer , who are descendants from japheth , and not descendants of shem , and therefore not semitic or semites .

There is no such thing as a muslim or islam and one is either an adherent of qurayshism , as a lineal descendant of ishmael within hejaz , or an adherent of fictional ishmaelism - End of Debate Over Whether To Reconcile .

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