Muslim man sues little Caesars' for 100M over pork on pizza

Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.
I'm almost starting to suspect that muslims and blacks are having a secret contest to see who can be America's most chip-on-shoulder, petulant, grievance-mongering crybabies in American history. "Waaah, waah, waaah, I'm not being catered to 24/7, I'm such a victim. Everyone is WAAAAYCIST if I'm not the center of attention at all time!" How do these grown men (physically, anyway) even look at themselves in the mirror? What a pussified disgrace.
A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars for $100 million in Michigan, claiming he was served pepperoni made with pork, which is a food prohibited by Islamic law. CBS Detroit reports Mohamad Bazzi says he ordered halal pizza twice from a pizza shop in Schaefer in Dearborn. He claims the boxes were labeled “halal,” but the pizzas inside were topped with regular pepperoni.

Muslim man sues Little Caesars for $100M over pork on pizza

Awwww isn't that a shame imagine if he wins how much your pizza price will go up , you all get to pay for it whoever goes to lil Caesar's that is lmao.

Friviolus lawsuits are the American way. Better that than strapping on the bomb belt.
Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.
Wow, I did not realize you weren't all that bright

I will cede one point, if he was born here in the US he has as much right to be here as I do

But to claim this is not frivolous is beyond ridiculous

The ONLY way this case has merit is if proof can be offered that this was done to spite him because of his religion

Outside of that, this is a nuisance lawsuit

You should know better baw
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.
Wow, I did not realize you weren't all that bright

I will cede one point, if he was born here in the US he has as much right to be here as I do

But to claim this is not frivolous is beyond ridiculous

The ONLY way this case has merit is if proof can be offered that this was done to spite him because of his religion

Outside of that, this is a nuisance lawsuit

You should know better baw

You might be ok with being lied to by the businesses you frequent. I am not.
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.

About believing the manager - as you said above, there's a very large sign stating "HALAL".

Since the business put that sign up, I'd say its safe to say they're inviting Muslim business.

To me, the bottom line is that we all have the right to expect a product to be what it says it is. IOW, truth in advertising.

The only reason some are disagreeing with that is that the customer is Muslim.
The only reason some are disagreeing with that is that the customer is Muslim.
No, we're offended by the frivolousness of the lawsuit. The pizza had pepperoni! NOBODY would think pepperoni was anything but pork. There's no such thing as halal pork

The store has a sign in the window advertising "Halal Pepperoni".
The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.
Thank you. Just looked into it and it seems you are right. Both are barbaric.

Yes they are but so is "captive bolt". I've been to two slaughterhouses, including the kill floors.

Its why I've been vegetarian/vegan for more than 35 years. You couldn't' pay me to eat that crap.
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.

About believing the manager - as you said above, there's a very large sign stating "HALAL".

Since the business put that sign up, I'd say its safe to say they're inviting Muslim business.

To me, the bottom line is that we all have the right to expect a product to be what it says it is. IOW, truth in advertising.

The only reason some are disagreeing with that is that the customer is Muslim.
One of three things happened

1 the manager is telling the truth

2 the order was messed up accidentally

3 the manager (or an employee) intentionally did this to be hateful

If 3 is the case, this deserves to be a big money lawsuit

The main reason I have trouble believing that scenario is the fact that the restaurant is soliciting Muslim business

The other 2 situations, which are both more likely, do not warrant any lawsuit at all
The store has a sign in the window advertising "Halal Pepperoni".
Seriously? Are they claiming it was beef? The issue of unclean meats and how the animal is killed are completely separate. I personally just don't buy pizza with pepperoni because it's always pork.
Do something nice for the Muslims. Get screwed.
Open your house to them, get raped.
Feed them, get beheaded.
And make halal food for them and make one simple mistake, get sued for 100 million dollars.
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.
Wow, I did not realize you weren't all that bright

I will cede one point, if he was born here in the US he has as much right to be here as I do

But to claim this is not frivolous is beyond ridiculous

The ONLY way this case has merit is if proof can be offered that this was done to spite him because of his religion

Outside of that, this is a nuisance lawsuit

You should know better baw

You might be ok with being lied to by the businesses you frequent. I am not.
You are being disingenuous

I have stated a few times ITT that if the consumer was lied to then this case has merit

But I doubt that is the case
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.

About believing the manager - as you said above, there's a very large sign stating "HALAL".

Since the business put that sign up, I'd say its safe to say they're inviting Muslim business.

To me, the bottom line is that we all have the right to expect a product to be what it says it is. IOW, truth in advertising.

The only reason some are disagreeing with that is that the customer is Muslim.
One of three things happened

1 the manager is telling the truth

2 the order was messed up accidentally

3 the manager (or an employee) intentionally did this to be hateful

If 3 is the case, this deserves to be a big money lawsuit

The main reason I have trouble believing that scenario is the fact that the restaurant is soliciting Muslim business

The other 2 situations, which are both more likely, do not warrant any lawsuit at all

You are creating a false tricotomy. Those are not the only options.

What if the restaurant had run out of halal pepperoni, and just put regular pepperoni on it, expecting that no one would know the difference?

What if they were trying to save a buck, since halal pepperoni is more expensive?
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.
Wow, I did not realize you weren't all that bright

I will cede one point, if he was born here in the US he has as much right to be here as I do

But to claim this is not frivolous is beyond ridiculous

The ONLY way this case has merit is if proof can be offered that this was done to spite him because of his religion

Outside of that, this is a nuisance lawsuit

You should know better baw

You might be ok with being lied to by the businesses you frequent. I am not.
You are being disingenuous

I have stated a few times ITT that if the consumer was lied to then this case has merit

But I doubt that is the case

The store advertised halal pepperoni, halal pepperoni was ordered, and regular pepperoni was delivered.

How is that not a lie?
The store has a sign in the window advertising "Halal Pepperoni".
Seriously? Are they claiming it was beef? The issue of unclean meats and how the animal is killed are completely separate. I personally just don't buy pizza with pepperoni because it's always pork.

Yes. Halal pepperoni (made with beef) is commonly sold all over the country.

You don't get out much, do you?
He has just as much right to be here, to order pizza and to expect to be as it is advertised.
But he doesn't have just as much right to be here


He has just as much of a "right to be here" as you do, fuckwit.

And this lawsuit is frivolous, especially when you consider the manager's side of the story

No, it's not. It's only frivolous if you believe the manager.

But let's assume the manager is lying (which I don't believe)

The only reason that you unquestioningly believe the manager is because you're a fuckwit.

So what if his order was messed up? People make mistakes

The normal reaction is to return the order and allow the restaurant a chance to fix it - happens every day

People do make mistakes - and sometimes they have to deal with the consequences of that mistake.

About believing the manager - as you said above, there's a very large sign stating "HALAL".

Since the business put that sign up, I'd say its safe to say they're inviting Muslim business.

To me, the bottom line is that we all have the right to expect a product to be what it says it is. IOW, truth in advertising.

The only reason some are disagreeing with that is that the customer is Muslim.
One of three things happened

1 the manager is telling the truth

2 the order was messed up accidentally

3 the manager (or an employee) intentionally did this to be hateful

If 3 is the case, this deserves to be a big money lawsuit

The main reason I have trouble believing that scenario is the fact that the restaurant is soliciting Muslim business

The other 2 situations, which are both more likely, do not warrant any lawsuit at all

You are creating a false tricotomy. Those are not the only options.

What if the restaurant had run out of halal pepperoni, and just put regular pepperoni on it, expecting that no one would know the difference?

What if they were trying to save a buck, since halal pepperoni is more expensive?
Both of those scenarios would fall under option C, but without hateful intent

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