Muslim man sues little Caesars' for 100M over pork on pizza

A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars for $100 million in Michigan, claiming he was served pepperoni made with pork, which is a food prohibited by Islamic law. CBS Detroit reports Mohamad Bazzi says he ordered halal pizza twice from a pizza shop in Schaefer in Dearborn. He claims the boxes were labeled “halal,” but the pizzas inside were topped with regular pepperoni.

Muslim man sues Little Caesars for $100M over pork on pizza

Awwww isn't that a shame imagine if he wins how much your pizza price will go up , you all get to pay for it whoever goes to lil Caesar's that is lmao.
I have received the wrong pizza when I ordered, did I sue? um. NO

I suspect I got the wrong kid from labor and delivery------I tried to complain, but nobody
Many non-Muslims believe that all Muslims are terrified at the mere sight of pork, but this is pure fable. Sadly, even some Muslims believe that a temporary proximity to pork will endanger their salvation but this is all poppy cock !! The Holy Qur'an even permits the eating of pork for those who are truly hungry. Here are the relevant ayat from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation, all highlights are my own):

[2.173] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that over which any other (name) than (that of) Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring, nor exceeding the limit, no sin shall be upon him; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[5.3] Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; but whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[6.145] Say: I do not find in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden for an eater to eat of except that it be what has died of itself, or blood poured forth, or flesh of swine-- for that surely is unclean-- or that which is a transgression, other than (the name of) Allah having been invoked on it; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

[16.115] He has only forbidden you what dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

A Muslim who eats a pork product “not inclining willfully to sin” - which would certainly include being
unaware he/she was eating it – has not violated a tenet of his faith and shouldn't need extensive therapy. If I were the judge deciding the case, I would give him $1.00 and a deluxe copy of the Holy Qur'an and tell him to read it.
But, where's the payday in that? It's all kachingg, kachingg, greedy fucker just wants as much money as our crooked "judicial" system will pay out. I'm betting our mooslim buddy here knew damned well there was pork on that pizza, might even have ordered it himself.
A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars for $100 million in Michigan, claiming he was served pepperoni made with pork, which is a food prohibited by Islamic law. CBS Detroit reports Mohamad Bazzi says he ordered halal pizza twice from a pizza shop in Schaefer in Dearborn. He claims the boxes were labeled “halal,” but the pizzas inside were topped with regular pepperoni.

Muslim man sues Little Caesars for $100M over pork on pizza

Awwww isn't that a shame imagine if he wins how much your pizza price will go up , you all get to pay for it whoever goes to lil Caesar's that is lmao.
Fucker needs to find someplace that sells kosher (halal) pizza. Sorry, I'd have to give this asshole the big middle finger up. But in this country, he'll probably make bank...stupid as that may seem.

The whole point of this lawsuit is that the Little Caesars in question claimed that the pizza was Halal, and advertised it as such.

I think it's delusional to think that he'll be awarded $100M. But I understand the premise of the suit.
If that's so, worst this mooslim a-hole might reasonably assert is false advertising. $100M is pretty steep for that. He should perhaps get the word out to his mooslim buddies, though...

Little Caesar should-----just SETTLE-------10 free pizzas------anytime----over the coming year
DEARBORN - A Muslim man who ordered a pizza from a Little Caesars in Dearborn has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the pizza chain, alleging that the pizza he was sold contained pork even though it was advertised otherwise.

The suit, which was filed by Mohamad Bazzi, alleges that the pizza he ordered March 20 from a Little Caesars in Dearborn was labeled as “halal,” which means it meets Islamic food consumption standards.

The suit states that the pizza he received and consumed contained pork, which is a meat not considered halal in Islamic law.

Muslim man files $100M lawsuit against Dearborn Little Caesars over pizza labeled 'halal'

Why in a country like ours do politicians allow things like this to happen? We need a serious national tort reform in this country, and I hope Trump and the Republicans read this story and agree. It's not likely that this clown will get his 100 mil. After all, he suffered no physical damage and millions of Americans eat pepperoni pizza every day. But he will get a sizable amount

There is no poof him or his wife ate any of this pizza. How could you open the box and not see pepperoni before you eat it?

This nonsense needs to stop in this country. It costs industry too much money and those costs get passed down to us, the little people when we buy their products.

You don't remember them changing McDonalds fries because they used some sort of beef fat while making them?

You don't get to advertise a product as something then give your customer something else, dumbass

Every nation who can afford it has these sorts of protections

If Little Ceasars claimed there was no beef in it it the same problem would arise. Or claimed their cheese was "real" and it was not by American standards
Fact! McDonald's used to use lard to cook their fries. Damned best tasting fries ever! Then some SJWs got into the act and bitched enough so McD's changed to using vegetable grease instead. I haven't eaten their puke-tasting, vapid fries since. Why? They have no flavor and the grease they use is GMO, to boot.
The founder's were wise not wanting to create this country for Muslims. But now we've let our guard down and let them stay in this country in a time of war on terrorism they create. This is another form of terrorism perpetuated against a successful business created in America. They along with other Muslims are clearly the enemy within.

Muslim Man Sues Little Caesars For $100 MILLION Over Pork Pepperoni

Eating pork is “one of the worst sins you can do,” Moughni told the Free Press.

“They have no regard for people’s religious beliefs,” the lawyer also said, according to The Detroit News. “This is a violation of the Muslim faith. You can’t be handing out pork, mislabeling it as halal and get away with it. This isn’t how America operates. A billion dollar corporation can’t get away with it.”

“These people were unknowingly assaulted,” Moughni told The Detroit News. “None of these employees seem to care.”

>>You need not worry because you haven't sinned, since they have told you it was halal and you did not intentionally eat the haram things.<<

Go to any ummah or someone who understands sharia

Why do so many muslims not already know this?

Nonetheless, Little Caesars' lied about their product.

The sauce might be halal and if someone requests "beef" pepperoni they might have at some stores, but unless a customer specifies and they just asks for pepperoni, they will be given pork.

They might have a halal options, but bacon and pepperoni is pork unless a special request it made otherwise.

Yeah, that's the whole point of this lawsuit. Have you not been paying attention?

The store advertised Halal pepperoni as an option. The man order halal pepperoni, and got pork pepperoni instead.
How did he know the difference, unless he's tried pork pepperoni before?
DEARBORN - A Muslim man who ordered a pizza from a Little Caesars in Dearborn has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the pizza chain, alleging that the pizza he was sold contained pork even though it was advertised otherwise.

The suit, which was filed by Mohamad Bazzi, alleges that the pizza he ordered March 20 from a Little Caesars in Dearborn was labeled as “halal,” which means it meets Islamic food consumption standards.

The suit states that the pizza he received and consumed contained pork, which is a meat not considered halal in Islamic law.

Muslim man files $100M lawsuit against Dearborn Little Caesars over pizza labeled 'halal'

Why in a country like ours do politicians allow things like this to happen? We need a serious national tort reform in this country, and I hope Trump and the Republicans read this story and agree. It's not likely that this clown will get his 100 mil. After all, he suffered no physical damage and millions of Americans eat pepperoni pizza every day. But he will get a sizable amount

There is no poof him or his wife ate any of this pizza. How could you open the box and not see pepperoni before you eat it?

This nonsense needs to stop in this country. It costs industry too much money and those costs get passed down to us, the little people when we buy their products.

You don't remember them changing McDonalds fries because they used some sort of beef fat while making them?

You don't get to advertise a product as something then give your customer something else, dumbass

Every nation who can afford it has these sorts of protections

If Little Ceasars claimed there was no beef in it it the same problem would arise. Or claimed their cheese was "real" and it was not by American standards
Fact! McDonald's used to use lard to cook their fries. Damned best tasting fries ever! Then some SJWs got into the act and bitched enough so McD's changed to using vegetable grease instead. I haven't eaten their puke-tasting, vapid fries since. Why? They have no flavor and the grease they use is GMO, to boot.

are you sure? I believe that RONALD MCDONALD used vegetable shortening---(the white stuff ---like
"Crisco") which is highly "SATURATED" -----so they switched to some sort of less saturated veggie oil.
I am from a MICKY-D family------several of my brothers were FRY MEN from the beginning----way back
when Mickey D was born
Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.
The guys who buy my goats slaughter them "halal". They bleed them out before cleaning and butchering the animal. They also use everything except the baah, and the large intestine. It's clean and quick, no suffering for the animal, as far as I can tell.
DEARBORN - A Muslim man who ordered a pizza from a Little Caesars in Dearborn has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the pizza chain, alleging that the pizza he was sold contained pork even though it was advertised otherwise.

The suit, which was filed by Mohamad Bazzi, alleges that the pizza he ordered March 20 from a Little Caesars in Dearborn was labeled as “halal,” which means it meets Islamic food consumption standards.

The suit states that the pizza he received and consumed contained pork, which is a meat not considered halal in Islamic law.

Muslim man files $100M lawsuit against Dearborn Little Caesars over pizza labeled 'halal'

Why in a country like ours do politicians allow things like this to happen? We need a serious national tort reform in this country, and I hope Trump and the Republicans read this story and agree. It's not likely that this clown will get his 100 mil. After all, he suffered no physical damage and millions of Americans eat pepperoni pizza every day. But he will get a sizable amount

There is no poof him or his wife ate any of this pizza. How could you open the box and not see pepperoni before you eat it?

This nonsense needs to stop in this country. It costs industry too much money and those costs get passed down to us, the little people when we buy their products.

You don't remember them changing McDonalds fries because they used some sort of beef fat while making them?

You don't get to advertise a product as something then give your customer something else, dumbass

Every nation who can afford it has these sorts of protections

If Little Ceasars claimed there was no beef in it it the same problem would arise. Or claimed their cheese was "real" and it was not by American standards
Fact! McDonald's used to use lard to cook their fries. Damned best tasting fries ever! Then some SJWs got into the act and bitched enough so McD's changed to using vegetable grease instead. I haven't eaten their puke-tasting, vapid fries since. Why? They have no flavor and the grease they use is GMO, to boot.

are you sure? I believe that RONALD MCDONALD used vegetable shortening---(the white stuff ---like
"Crisco") which is highly "SATURATED" -----so they switched to some sort of less saturated veggie oil.
I am from a MICKY-D family------several of my brothers were FRY MEN from the beginning----way back
when Mickey D was born
Not sure what vintage you are, but when I first became aware of McD's, they were using lard. Good quality lard is a beautiful white color. The flavor is incomparable. Lard also makes the BEST pie crusts and pastry...ever!
Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.

not true Doc. Halal slaughter can be done by ANY MUSLIM----the requirement of style of slaughter
in Halal is that the animal has to die of a slit throat. It does not matter how LONG it takes or
if the animal remains alive and injured all day. As far as I know the "prayer" is "B'SMALLAH"
(in the name of allah) and if a two year old can say that and hold a knife-----it is HALAL.
Kosher slaughter can be done only by a certified person who can manage to cut the entire neurovascular bundle in one rapid fell swoop----the manner of death is like a sudden 100% occlusion of the carotid artery (rare but damned quick). The comparison to ISIS execution by 8 year old is a kinda accurate comparison. Of course it CAN be the same-----it just does not have to be. (from there do you get your information?)
Muslims can shoot an animal to bring it down and then-----with the bullet in the leg or an arrow in its gut
---say "b'smallah" and slit its throat and that is HALAL. Aren't you glad that I have known lots of
muslims? I don't know if a kosher slaughter involves a prayer-----I think it can be one for ALL DAY.
Deer can be a kosher meat--------if you can raise them in a pen------you cannot SHOOT THEM or even
use a trap that involves a clamp-------maybe something like a ROACH MOTEL. I have no idea how jewish
American Indians killed their bison. Giraffe can also be kosher if you can get the giraffe to cooperate and
Thank you. My confidence in the barbarianness of Islam has been restored. From everything ive read, the animal suffers a slow and agonizing death just like the human beings they behead with a DULL knife

SHEEEESH not always------just sometimes. A slit throat CAN be quick. For Halal it just does not
HAVE to be. For the record-----a SLIT THROAT can result just in BRAIN DEATH with intact spinal reflexes.
To the untrained eye-----spinal reflexes look like a LIVE ANIMAL (person). even if the animal is
COMPLETELY INSENSATE (person too-----that's the situation in which the respirator can be shut
off----ie brain death) A two year old hacking at a neck is NOT QUICK and often NOT ACTUAL DEATH---
for awhile.----not even brain death. In the HADJ----as I have been told----even little boys kill a lamb. It would be a scene I would not want to witness
Personal experience indicates that the carotid artery is cut cleanly using a sharp knife. The animal dies swiftly of exsanguination, and the blood has been drained before butcher work begins. Someone using a dull knife, or doing a poor job, either has not clue what he's doing, or is a sadist who enjoys torturing animals. Either way, I never sell another goat to them.
Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.
The guys who buy my goats slaughter them "halal". They bleed them out before cleaning and butchering the animal. They also use everything except the baah, and the large intestine. It's clean and quick, no suffering for the animal, as far as I can tell.

they are probably EXPERIENCED goat killers. The problem with Halal is that it requires no experience----
any muslim of any age. (I am not sure about gender) People do the whole process at your place? DO they prep the goat skin? Goat eyeballs are considered a delicacy in middle eastern countries. I get nervous just LOOKING at a fish head. What is wrong with the large
intestine? isn't that CHITTERLINGS? ????? Do people cook goat foot?
DEARBORN - A Muslim man who ordered a pizza from a Little Caesars in Dearborn has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the pizza chain, alleging that the pizza he was sold contained pork even though it was advertised otherwise.

The suit, which was filed by Mohamad Bazzi, alleges that the pizza he ordered March 20 from a Little Caesars in Dearborn was labeled as “halal,” which means it meets Islamic food consumption standards.

The suit states that the pizza he received and consumed contained pork, which is a meat not considered halal in Islamic law.

Muslim man files $100M lawsuit against Dearborn Little Caesars over pizza labeled 'halal'

Why in a country like ours do politicians allow things like this to happen? We need a serious national tort reform in this country, and I hope Trump and the Republicans read this story and agree. It's not likely that this clown will get his 100 mil. After all, he suffered no physical damage and millions of Americans eat pepperoni pizza every day. But he will get a sizable amount

There is no poof him or his wife ate any of this pizza. How could you open the box and not see pepperoni before you eat it?

This nonsense needs to stop in this country. It costs industry too much money and those costs get passed down to us, the little people when we buy their products.

You don't remember them changing McDonalds fries because they used some sort of beef fat while making them?

You don't get to advertise a product as something then give your customer something else, dumbass

Every nation who can afford it has these sorts of protections

If Little Ceasars claimed there was no beef in it it the same problem would arise. Or claimed their cheese was "real" and it was not by American standards
Fact! McDonald's used to use lard to cook their fries. Damned best tasting fries ever! Then some SJWs got into the act and bitched enough so McD's changed to using vegetable grease instead. I haven't eaten their puke-tasting, vapid fries since. Why? They have no flavor and the grease they use is GMO, to boot.

are you sure? I believe that RONALD MCDONALD used vegetable shortening---(the white stuff ---like
"Crisco") which is highly "SATURATED" -----so they switched to some sort of less saturated veggie oil.
I am from a MICKY-D family------several of my brothers were FRY MEN from the beginning----way back
when Mickey D was born
Not sure what vintage you are, but when I first became aware of McD's, they were using lard. Good quality lard is a beautiful white color. The flavor is incomparable. Lard also makes the BEST pie crusts and pastry...ever!

circa 1960. ------could have varied place to place--------Crisco is lovely white too.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.

not true Doc. Halal slaughter can be done by ANY MUSLIM----the requirement of style of slaughter
in Halal is that the animal has to die of a slit throat. It does not matter how LONG it takes or
if the animal remains alive and injured all day. As far as I know the "prayer" is "B'SMALLAH"
(in the name of allah) and if a two year old can say that and hold a knife-----it is HALAL.
Kosher slaughter can be done only by a certified person who can manage to cut the entire neurovascular bundle in one rapid fell swoop----the manner of death is like a sudden 100% occlusion of the carotid artery (rare but damned quick). The comparison to ISIS execution by 8 year old is a kinda accurate comparison. Of course it CAN be the same-----it just does not have to be. (from there do you get your information?)
Muslims can shoot an animal to bring it down and then-----with the bullet in the leg or an arrow in its gut
---say "b'smallah" and slit its throat and that is HALAL. Aren't you glad that I have known lots of
muslims? I don't know if a kosher slaughter involves a prayer-----I think it can be one for ALL DAY.
Deer can be a kosher meat--------if you can raise them in a pen------you cannot SHOOT THEM or even
use a trap that involves a clamp-------maybe something like a ROACH MOTEL. I have no idea how jewish
American Indians killed their bison. Giraffe can also be kosher if you can get the giraffe to cooperate and
Thank you. My confidence in the barbarianness of Islam has been restored. From everything ive read, the animal suffers a slow and agonizing death just like the human beings they behead with a DULL knife

SHEEEESH not always------just sometimes. A slit throat CAN be quick. For Halal it just does not
HAVE to be. For the record-----a SLIT THROAT can result just in BRAIN DEATH with intact spinal reflexes.
To the untrained eye-----spinal reflexes look like a LIVE ANIMAL (person). even if the animal is
COMPLETELY INSENSATE (person too-----that's the situation in which the respirator can be shut
off----ie brain death) A two year old hacking at a neck is NOT QUICK and often NOT ACTUAL DEATH---
for awhile.----not even brain death. In the HADJ----as I have been told----even little boys kill a lamb. It would be a scene I would not want to witness
Personal experience indicates that the carotid artery is cut cleanly using a sharp knife. The animal dies swiftly of exsanguination, and the blood has been drained before butcher work begins. Someone using a dull knife, or doing a poor job, either has not clue what he's doing, or is a sadist who enjoys torturing animals. Either way, I never sell another goat to them.

the carotid and jugular and vagus run together. I believe that it is the severing of the vagus n. that knocks
the goat out COMPLETELY ----immediately. I am not sure that a cut into the carotid would be that quick---
do not quote me
Most meat in the US is slaughtered "kosher" and most food products made in the US is labeled "pareve" and quite a lot of meat is slaughtered "halal". Its been that way for a couple of generations or so.
Halal is NOT the same as kosher. Halal is as barbaric to the animals as what ISIS would do to you. That kind of animal abuse needs to be stopped and these backward muzzies need to stop being coddled by the America hating left.

The only difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter are the prayers involved. The process itself is identical.
The guys who buy my goats slaughter them "halal". They bleed them out before cleaning and butchering the animal. They also use everything except the baah, and the large intestine. It's clean and quick, no suffering for the animal, as far as I can tell.

they are probably EXPERIENCED goat killers. The problem with Halal is that it requires no experience----
any muslim of any age. (I am not sure about gender) People do the whole process at your place? DO they prep the goat skin? Goat eyeballs are considered a delicacy in middle eastern countries. I get nervous just LOOKING at a fish head. What is wrong with the large
intestine? isn't that CHITTERLINGS? ????? Do people cook goat foot?
Only the men have ever butchered the goats. Women remain in the truck. Since these folks burn the hair off the skin and keep it intact, I don't think they use it for leather, maybe the eat that, too. They keep everything except the large intestine, where the poop is. That they tie off and toss. I have no problem selling animals to them. They butcher cleanly and humanely, use almost everything, and pay cash up front. I've had a few try to dicker about the price, but I charge reasonable prices and will not budge. I don't care about their religion, they haven't tried to bomb my farm, nor have the tried to steal goats. Business is business, and to tell the truth, lots of Americans seem to think eating goat is somehow wrong.
DEARBORN - A Muslim man who ordered a pizza from a Little Caesars in Dearborn has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the pizza chain, alleging that the pizza he was sold contained pork even though it was advertised otherwise.

The suit, which was filed by Mohamad Bazzi, alleges that the pizza he ordered March 20 from a Little Caesars in Dearborn was labeled as “halal,” which means it meets Islamic food consumption standards.

The suit states that the pizza he received and consumed contained pork, which is a meat not considered halal in Islamic law.

Muslim man files $100M lawsuit against Dearborn Little Caesars over pizza labeled 'halal'

Why in a country like ours do politicians allow things like this to happen? We need a serious national tort reform in this country, and I hope Trump and the Republicans read this story and agree. It's not likely that this clown will get his 100 mil. After all, he suffered no physical damage and millions of Americans eat pepperoni pizza every day. But he will get a sizable amount

There is no poof him or his wife ate any of this pizza. How could you open the box and not see pepperoni before you eat it?

This nonsense needs to stop in this country. It costs industry too much money and those costs get passed down to us, the little people when we buy their products.

You don't remember them changing McDonalds fries because they used some sort of beef fat while making them?

You don't get to advertise a product as something then give your customer something else, dumbass

Every nation who can afford it has these sorts of protections

If Little Ceasars claimed there was no beef in it it the same problem would arise. Or claimed their cheese was "real" and it was not by American standards
Fact! McDonald's used to use lard to cook their fries. Damned best tasting fries ever! Then some SJWs got into the act and bitched enough so McD's changed to using vegetable grease instead. I haven't eaten their puke-tasting, vapid fries since. Why? They have no flavor and the grease they use is GMO, to boot.

are you sure? I believe that RONALD MCDONALD used vegetable shortening---(the white stuff ---like
"Crisco") which is highly "SATURATED" -----so they switched to some sort of less saturated veggie oil.
I am from a MICKY-D family------several of my brothers were FRY MEN from the beginning----way back
when Mickey D was born
Not sure what vintage you are, but when I first became aware of McD's, they were using lard. Good quality lard is a beautiful white color. The flavor is incomparable. Lard also makes the BEST pie crusts and pastry...ever!

circa 1960. ------could have varied place to place--------Crisco is lovely white too.
I grew up in the South. Lard would have been a dietary mainstay there, then.
What OTHER MUSLIMS are saying about this man's case:
In addition, if you were sold some meat by a shop that said it was halal, as you say it would be illegal to then give you haram meat, and in addition the sin is on THEM not on you. So even if it was pork and you were deceived by a nasty minded person, there's no sin on you.

you should harness that ability to make a mountain out of a mole hll

if you did eat pork, you did it unintentionally, hence, there is no blame on you

just dont eat there again

Salam Alaykum,

You need not worry because you haven't sinned, since they have told you it was halal and you did not intentionally eat the haram things.
Just to be on the safe side, in the future don't order from there.

Hope this helps.

There are more responses like this, so the general agreement is that the muzzy is not damned to hell, so he should not expect $100,000,000 for UNKNOWINGLY eating pork. He can still hope for his $72 virgins in the next life

I have a really PRESSING question------how did he know it was pork? If he can RECOGNIZE PORK----
on sight-------WHY DID HE EAT IT?. I is a jew--------I do not actually maintain a "kosher" kitchen-----
but hubby is a little neurotic-----------I cannot buy even "beef sausage" -----it scares him. This guy
lifted his pizza carton lid---------said YUMMY ---PEPPERONI ------ate it then MAGICALLY KNEW
it was pork and not that (commonly available) beef or lamb pepperoni (I want some of that-----
I have not had any kind of pepperoni for DECADES) ----however---EGGPLANT PIZZA is
DA BOMB!!!!!!
Little Caesar's may be calling you to represent them. Damn good questions. Eggplant pizza doesn't sound very good. Might have to try it.

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