Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Makes Outrageous Demand From His Prison Cell


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Obama administration and liberal media sound like that flea brain, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claims that this case has nothing to do with the guy's Islam faith. Just because he got fired for saying that women should be stoned to death for breaking Sharia law, posting numerous hateful things against infidels and shouted Muslim words as he beheaded a woman doesn't add up to his actions being influenced by his religion, according to the PC crowd. Can we all just face the fact that this is how all radical Muslims behave? It has everything to do with their twisted religion. That is how the radical Imams teach at some mosques and they should be shut down.

Nolen deserves a fair trial, but that doesn't mean the state should pay a special Muslim lawyer. Fuck Nolen. I hope he gets the maximum sentence for his horrific crimes. He wants a Muslim lawyer who will insist that all radical Muslims sit on the jury. No way we should let him play games.

Before the lefties jump on me for hating all Muslims, don't bother. I never gave them much thought for most of my life. Every time a Muslim caught my attention, it was because of a terrorist attack, an unreasonable demand or anti-American comment. The positive comments or condemnations of terrorism have been too few and far between. Sad that speaking out against radical Islam is the exception and not the rule. I don't see Muslims reaching out or funding charities for all people. It's always about demanding that we change our ways to show respect for their religion, like taking flags down or stop serving bacon. And those things from the peaceful Muslims. They pick on us in the worst ways and then expect us to accommodate them. We all have freedom of religion, but that doesn't require that others actively participate. When someone expects me to go out of my way or change my life, I want to fight back against such cruel intrusiveness. Do as you will, Muslims, but harm no one and expect no one to change their life to suit you. If you can't respect our ways then it sucks to be you.

Nolen needs to understand that when tax payers foot the bill for his attorney, he can't be choosey. He must take whatever public defender is available and suck it up. Let that be a warning to future terrorists that we won't allow special privileges because of religion.

Nolen claims he cannot afford an attorney, so he will likely get a taxpayer-funded lawyer by the court.

But that is not good enough for this Islamofascist monster, as Nolen is now demanding that the courts specifically appoint him a Muslim lawyer for the trial.

Why? Because he wants an attorney more sympathetic to his cause? Because he is planning an "Islamic" defense, as did Ft. Hood jihadist (or according to Obama, "workplace violence" killer) Nidal Hassan?
Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Makes Outrageous Demand From His Prison Cell
The Obama administration and liberal media sound like that flea brain, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claims that this case has nothing to do with the guy's Islam faith. Just because he got fired for saying that women should be stoned to death for breaking Sharia law, posting numerous hateful things against infidels and shouted Muslim words as he beheaded a woman doesn't add up to his actions being influenced by his religion, according to the PC crowd. Can we all just face the fact that this is how all radical Muslims behave? It has everything to do with their twisted religion. That is how the radical Imams teach at some mosques and they should be shut down.

Nolen deserves a fair trial, but that doesn't mean the state should pay a special Muslim lawyer. Fuck Nolen. I hope he gets the maximum sentence for his horrific crimes. He wants a Muslim lawyer who will insist that all radical Muslims sit on the jury. No way we should let him play games.

Before the lefties jump on me for hating all Muslims, don't bother. I never gave them much thought for most of my life. Every time a Muslim caught my attention, it was because of a terrorist attack, an unreasonable demand or anti-American comment. The positive comments or condemnations of terrorism have been too few and far between. Sad that speaking out against radical Islam is the exception and not the rule. I don't see Muslims reaching out or funding charities for all people. It's always about demanding that we change our ways to show respect for their religion, like taking flags down or stop serving bacon. And those things from the peaceful Muslims. They pick on us in the worst ways and then expect us to accommodate them. We all have freedom of religion, but that doesn't require that others actively participate. When someone expects me to go out of my way or change my life, I want to fight back against such cruel intrusiveness. Do as you will, Muslims, but harm no one and expect no one to change their life to suit you. If you can't respect our ways then it sucks to be you.

Nolen needs to understand that when tax payers foot the bill for his attorney, he can't be choosey. He must take whatever public defender is available and suck it up. Let that be a warning to future terrorists that we won't allow special privileges because of religion.

Nolen claims he cannot afford an attorney, so he will likely get a taxpayer-funded lawyer by the court.

But that is not good enough for this Islamofascist monster, as Nolen is now demanding that the courts specifically appoint him a Muslim lawyer for the trial.

Why? Because he wants an attorney more sympathetic to his cause? Because he is planning an "Islamic" defense, as did Ft. Hood jihadist (or according to Obama, "workplace violence" killer) Nidal Hassan?
Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Makes Outrageous Demand From His Prison Cell
Has anyone ever gotten a public defender because of their religion? It's a stupid thing to ask for, because the pool of lawyers that are Muslim is probably a fraction of the general pool. But then again, if they can even find a Muslim public defender in Oklahoma, I have no reason to believe Muslim lawyers are any less or more competent than Christian, Jewish, or Atheist lawyers.

Anyway...just kill the guy, he deserves to die, and it doesn't seem like anyone is contesting his guilt. But!...due process must be observed.
Too bad Holder is leaving, he could just tell the prosecutors to drop the case.
I don't think you're allowed to call him a Muslim.

You may lose your job over that.

You'd better apologize or something. Call Sharpton.

PC-protected religion.
He DOES NOT deserve a fair trial.

His actions were witnessed by everyone involved.

What he deserves is a TELEVISED PUBLIC EXECUTION. With a speech that follows by a REAL president proclaiming that this will be the treatment every radical muslim nutjob in this country will receive.

Fuck em
We need to start coming down like a ton of bricks on these terrorists. Instead the PC police instantly launch campaigns to convince people it's just work place violence. No wonder the other radicals are emboldened. They know we won't condemn them as terrorists. The Obama administration still won't admit that terrorist organizations have strengthened under his administration. They must see him as an ally. Even now ISIS is advancing as if nothing is trying to stop them. I know, the media announced that Obama is being tough, but where are the results? We aren't seeing any progress made, so it's likely the media and the administration are exaggerating the efforts made.

Time to send a stern warning that we won't tolerate this crap. The guy hated these women before he was fired from his job because he listened to some radical Imam and believed that women should stay in their place or get stoned to death. There are Imams in this country who strive to radicalize idiots and, sadly, they have a lot to work with. Instead of always underestimating the threat or trying to make friends with evil, we should stomp on them like the insects they are.
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I think he should be represented by a white Christian woman.:D

I would love to see the guy freak out if a woman was assigned to his case. Usually, defendants have to take the first available lawyer. Who wants to bet that this guy gets special treatment just to avoid the complaints from other Muslims and sympathizers of this jerk? I wish he would get a woman defender and that would send a message to other misogynistic radicals that we don't respect their archaic and cruel view of women.

Thing is, he would say a woman is not capable of defending him because woman aren't allowed to be in positions of importance or authority. He and other radical Islamists have an extremely low opinion of women and see them as objects to be controlled, not human beings deserving of respect.
The Obama administration and liberal media sound like that flea brain, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claims that this case has nothing to do with the guy's Islam faith. Just because he got fired for saying that women should be stoned to death for breaking Sharia law, posting numerous hateful things against infidels and shouted Muslim words as he beheaded a woman doesn't add up to his actions being influenced by his religion, according to the PC crowd. Can we all just face the fact that this is how all radical Muslims behave? It has everything to do with their twisted religion. That is how the radical Imams teach at some mosques and they should be shut down.

Nolen deserves a fair trial, but that doesn't mean the state should pay a special Muslim lawyer. Fuck Nolen. I hope he gets the maximum sentence for his horrific crimes. He wants a Muslim lawyer who will insist that all radical Muslims sit on the jury. No way we should let him play games.

Before the lefties jump on me for hating all Muslims, don't bother. I never gave them much thought for most of my life. Every time a Muslim caught my attention, it was because of a terrorist attack, an unreasonable demand or anti-American comment. The positive comments or condemnations of terrorism have been too few and far between. Sad that speaking out against radical Islam is the exception and not the rule. I don't see Muslims reaching out or funding charities for all people. It's always about demanding that we change our ways to show respect for their religion, like taking flags down or stop serving bacon. And those things from the peaceful Muslims. They pick on us in the worst ways and then expect us to accommodate them. We all have freedom of religion, but that doesn't require that others actively participate. When someone expects me to go out of my way or change my life, I want to fight back against such cruel intrusiveness. Do as you will, Muslims, but harm no one and expect no one to change their life to suit you. If you can't respect our ways then it sucks to be you.

Nolen needs to understand that when tax payers foot the bill for his attorney, he can't be choosey. He must take whatever public defender is available and suck it up. Let that be a warning to future terrorists that we won't allow special privileges because of religion.

Nolen claims he cannot afford an attorney, so he will likely get a taxpayer-funded lawyer by the court.

But that is not good enough for this Islamofascist monster, as Nolen is now demanding that the courts specifically appoint him a Muslim lawyer for the trial.

Why? Because he wants an attorney more sympathetic to his cause? Because he is planning an "Islamic" defense, as did Ft. Hood jihadist (or according to Obama, "workplace violence" killer) Nidal Hassan?
Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Makes Outrageous Demand From His Prison Cell

How about the following strategy be applied from now on?

If you act like a Jihadi when you commit a crime of violence, you will get prosecuted for terrorism.


Solves that problem.

Next thread.
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We need to start coming down like a ton of bricks on these terrorists. Instead the PC police instantly launch campaigns to convince people it's just work place violence. No wonder the other radicals are emboldened. They know we won't condemn them as terrorists. The Obama administration still won't admit that terrorist organizations have strengthened under his administration. They must see him as an ally. Even now ISIS is advancing as if nothing is trying to stop them. I know, the media announced that Obama is being tough, but where are the results? We aren't seeing any progress made, so it's likely the media and the administration are exaggerating the efforts made.

Time to send a stern warning that we won't tolerate this crap. The guy hated these women before he was fired from his job because he listened to some radical Imam and believed that women should stay in their place or get stoned to death. There are Imams in this country who strive to radicalize idiots and, sadly, they have a lot to work with. Instead of always underestimating the threat or trying to make friends with evil, we should stomp on them like the insects they are.

Actually, it's just the opposite.

These guys WANT to be known as" terrorists", they want the world to KNOW who was behind what. It's always been that way. I mean hell the IRA had a secret pass phrase they used with Scotland Yard in order to confirm that it was THEM when they took credit for whatever they did and not someone PRETENDING to be the IRA.

There is some logic behind refusing to accord these people any status as anything more than a common criminal.

You may not like that logic, but it's there nonetheless.
I would love to see the guy freak out if a woman was assigned to his case. Usually, defendants have to take the first available lawyer. Who wants to bet that this guy gets special treatment just to avoid the complaints from other Muslims and sympathizers of this jerk? I wish he would get a woman defender and that would send a message to other misogynistic radicals that we don't respect their archaic and cruel view of women.

Thing is, he would say a woman is not capable of defending him because woman aren't allowed to be in positions of importance or authority. He and other radical Islamists have an extremely low opinion of women and see them as objects to be controlled, not human beings deserving of respect.

Reading your post made me start wondering if he might not demand a Shariah trial on the basis that under Shariah law his crime would be no crime at all. The charge would be dismissed, wouldn't it?

I don't know. I'm just fantasizing.

If he wanted to make a big impact on America in the name of Allah, that might do it.
Give him a female lawyer

Give him a female prosecutor

Give him a near full female jury

Give him a female judge

Give him a female jailer

Give him a female executioner

Forget to give him the pain/sleeping meds

Sad that the qualities that make us exceptional on the world stage, innocence until proven guilty, fair trials for even those who are obviously guilty, due process, no prohibition of religious freedom, and death with a modicum of dignity are the first things to get tossed overboard by those who supposedly love the nation.
Sad that the qualities that make us exceptional on the world stage, innocence until proven guilty, fair trials for even those who are obviously guilty, due process, no prohibition of religious freedom, and death with a modicum of dignity are the first things to get tossed overboard by those who supposedly love the nation.

Calm down, Sister!

Words on an internet forum.





Get it together, Baby!

Not getting romantic or anything. Just thought of the song after I wrote the last sentence of this post.
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I would love to see the guy freak out if a woman was assigned to his case. Usually, defendants have to take the first available lawyer. Who wants to bet that this guy gets special treatment just to avoid the complaints from other Muslims and sympathizers of this jerk? I wish he would get a woman defender and that would send a message to other misogynistic radicals that we don't respect their archaic and cruel view of women.

Thing is, he would say a woman is not capable of defending him because woman aren't allowed to be in positions of importance or authority. He and other radical Islamists have an extremely low opinion of women and see them as objects to be controlled, not human beings deserving of respect.

Reading your post made me start wondering if he might not demand a Shariah trial on the basis that under Shariah law his crime would be no crime at all. The charge would be dismissed, wouldn't it?

I don't know. I'm just fantasizing.

If he wanted to make a big impact on America in the name of Allah, that might do it.

I don't doubt he hasn't thought of that. These radicals don't take our country's laws seriously as it is and believe they should be following Sharia law no matter where they go.

Has anyone ever heard of trials in Muslim countries where people were convicted of killing infidels? I'm serious, I'd like to know if it's common to arrest people for killing infidels or stoning their wives to death.

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