Muslim On Southwest Flight: You're All Going To Die! Allahu Akhbar!

The fear in those passengers, flight attendants, pilots, tower support, etc.

^ Terrorism without blowing anything up is still terrorism imo.

Lets put it this way...if he was sitting next to me.... i wonder how terrorized he would have felt when i took him out with my laptop.... I would have had no problem bashing in his skull till he was dead.

Good! You are not alone either Syrenn :) On nine-eleven we saw that courage :clap2:

That being said, I believe this was still an attempt to terrorize people, and I bet some on that plane felt fear at that event.

It's still terrorism imo and I think he should be charged with that indictment.

I wonder what the charges will finally end at...

people freak out on planes all the time. this instance doesn't sound that out of the ordinary truthfully.

Lets put it this way...if he was sitting next to me.... i wonder how terrorized he would have felt when i took him out with my laptop.... I would have had no problem bashing in his skull till he was dead.

Good! You are not alone either Syrenn :) On nine-eleven we saw that courage :clap2:

That being said, I believe this was still an attempt to terrorize people, and I bet some on that plane felt fear at that event.

It's still terrorism imo and I think he should be charged with that indictment.

I wonder what the charges will finally end at...

people freak out on planes all the time. this instance doesn't sound that out of the ordinary truthfully.

You're All Going To Die! Allahu Akhbar!

It's a special kind of freaking out imo. You can take those planes please. I'll have one with the other kind, thanks. :)
Yes, quite often. You are strapped in and not allowed to walk in the aisle or go to the bathroom. You didn't answer my question.

As much as someone yells Allah Akbar. If a person yells Allah Akbar while seated are they considered suspect? How about if three Muslim looking people sit together?

I flew to Egypt and back to the US on Egyptair. Pretty much everyone on there was middle eastern. I didn't hear anyone yell either diety. I am pretty sure that I have flown with more 'muslim looking' people than you. In fact, I am pretty sure you have never flown at all if you think people in 'sever turbulence' are up and about in the aisles and using the bathroom. And you still didn't answer my question .

I answered your question. I've heard people praying in turbulence, seen people get up and go to the bathroom when they are supposed to stay seated.

P.S. I spent 20 years in the Navy, a lot of it moving through the ME and the most radical Muslim I ever met was a Black American who got out of the Navy soon after 9/11.
What do you think would happen if an American ran into a Mosque and yell that line?
As much as someone yells Allah Akbar. If a person yells Allah Akbar while seated are they considered suspect? How about if three Muslim looking people sit together?

I flew to Egypt and back to the US on Egyptair. Pretty much everyone on there was middle eastern. I didn't hear anyone yell either diety. I am pretty sure that I have flown with more 'muslim looking' people than you. In fact, I am pretty sure you have never flown at all if you think people in 'sever turbulence' are up and about in the aisles and using the bathroom. And you still didn't answer my question .

I answered your question. I've heard people praying in turbulence, seen people get up and go to the bathroom when they are supposed to stay seated.

P.S. I spent 20 years in the Navy, a lot of it moving through the ME and the most radical Muslim I ever met was a Black American who got out of the Navy soon after 9/11.

I asked you how often it happened that somoene stood up and yelled "Oh God." You have not anwered my question. Discussion with YOU will not move forward until you answer my question.
So if someone says "Praise God" vice "Oh God" they get jumped?

P.S. The guy never ran toward the cockpit.

Look, it's just this simple.

If someone is sitting in their seat, I don't give my rat's ass if they say "Praise God", "Thank you, Jehovah" or "Allahu Akbar".

If they get out of their seat, and run around the aisles yelling it, I'm going to have a problem.

The tallest building in the US is the Sears Tower. (don't give me any of that "Willis Tower" bullshit) That makes it a target for a possible terrorist hit parade. My brother works in that building. The last thing I will accept would be a plane I'm on being used to kill him for some religious/political bullshit. And that would also go for any flights I'm on heading for any of our other major cities, and the potential targets in them. I'm not going to sit idly by and let some goofball kill innocent people.

But the kicker was he said everyone on the plane was going to die. And there is no mention if anyone searched the bathroom after he was taken off the plane. I probably wouldn't have continued on that same plane had I been a passenger.

On an aviation board that I'm a member of, one of the ramp workers at Amarillo said that the plane was held for an hour while the police searched the lavs, seatback pouches, and carry on compartments for anything suspicious.
Look, it's just this simple.

If someone is sitting in their seat, I don't give my rat's ass if they say "Praise God", "Thank you, Jehovah" or "Allahu Akbar".

If they get out of their seat, and run around the aisles yelling it, I'm going to have a problem.

The tallest building in the US is the Sears Tower. (don't give me any of that "Willis Tower" bullshit) That makes it a target for a possible terrorist hit parade. My brother works in that building. The last thing I will accept would be a plane I'm on being used to kill him for some religious/political bullshit. And that would also go for any flights I'm on heading for any of our other major cities, and the potential targets in them. I'm not going to sit idly by and let some goofball kill innocent people.

But the kicker was he said everyone on the plane was going to die. And there is no mention if anyone searched the bathroom after he was taken off the plane. I probably wouldn't have continued on that same plane had I been a passenger.

On an aviation board that I'm a member of, one of the ramp workers at Amarillo said that the plane was held for an hour while the police searched the lavs, seatback pouches, and carry on compartments for anything suspicious.

So perhaps the passengers were told this.
But the kicker was he said everyone on the plane was going to die. And there is no mention if anyone searched the bathroom after he was taken off the plane. I probably wouldn't have continued on that same plane had I been a passenger.

On an aviation board that I'm a member of, one of the ramp workers at Amarillo said that the plane was held for an hour while the police searched the lavs, seatback pouches, and carry on compartments for anything suspicious.

So perhaps the passengers were told this.

From what he said, the plane was held away from the terminal, and the goof was taken off by air-stairs, so the pax were on the plane as it was searched.
On an aviation board that I'm a member of, one of the ramp workers at Amarillo said that the plane was held for an hour while the police searched the lavs, seatback pouches, and carry on compartments for anything suspicious.

So perhaps the passengers were told this.

From what he said, the plane was held away from the terminal, and the goof was taken off by air-stairs, so the pax were on the plane as it was searched.

Oh good grief!
(Shouted while trying to break into the cockpit, of course. No terrorism involved! The system worked! Dontcha just love Janet Napolitano "The greatest threat to America's homeland security, today, is the returning Iraq War Veteran". Then Alice vanishes down the rabbit hole. Just go ask her!)

"Here is more on that story I posted yesterday on the Muslim who tried to bust into the cockpit of a Southwest flight:.

Cue the CAIR caterwauls decrying "islamophobic" reactions and demanding prosecution of "islamophobes." But I get cancelled in Texas for discussing this very thing. That's how far down the rabbit hole America has gone.

Meanwhile, FBI special agent Mark White in Dallas said, "The FBI continues to investigate but initial indications are that there was no terrorist intent." Yes, he really said that.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die'

Southwest flight makes emergency landing

Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of Southwest Airlines Flight 3683.

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great[er] in Arabic.

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.

None of the 136 passengers and five crew members on the flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City was hurt, said Brad Hawkins, spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest."

US Muslim on Southwest flight:

The fear in those passengers, flight attendants, pilots, tower support, etc.

^ Terrorism without blowing anything up is still terrorism imo.

Lets put it this way...if he was sitting next to me.... i wonder how terrorized he would have felt when i took him out with my laptop.... I would have had no problem bashing in his skull till he was dead.

you're making me hot....
(Shouted while trying to break into the cockpit, of course. No terrorism involved! The system worked! Dontcha just love Janet Napolitano "The greatest threat to America's homeland security, today, is the returning Iraq War Veteran". Then Alice vanishes down the rabbit hole. Just go ask her!)

"Here is more on that story I posted yesterday on the Muslim who tried to bust into the cockpit of a Southwest flight:.

Cue the CAIR caterwauls decrying "islamophobic" reactions and demanding prosecution of "islamophobes." But I get cancelled in Texas for discussing this very thing. That's how far down the rabbit hole America has gone.

Meanwhile, FBI special agent Mark White in Dallas said, "The FBI continues to investigate but initial indications are that there was no terrorist intent." Yes, he really said that.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die'

Southwest flight makes emergency landing

Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of Southwest Airlines Flight 3683.

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great[er] in Arabic.

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.

None of the 136 passengers and five crew members on the flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City was hurt, said Brad Hawkins, spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest."

US Muslim on Southwest flight:

Shit! That's close to my house.

Can I have the address so I can egg his house?
If they sit quietly on the plane, enjoying the flight like the rest of us, I have absolutely no problem with any of them.

If they jump up and start screaming "Allahu Akbar", I'm going to do everything in my power to arrange an immediate meeting between them.

How about if they jump up and start screaming "Oh God"?

So now you are trying to equate "Oh, God" with "Praise Allah"? :cuckoo:

If someone starts yelling "Oh God", I'm going to start looking for what's wrong with the aircraft, or if something is wrong with one of the passengers.

If someone starts running towards the cockpit yelling "For the glory of God", they're going to have 300 pounds of angry Polock showing them what the floor looks like, up close and personal.

^ Dobry
(Shouted while trying to break into the cockpit, of course. No terrorism involved! The system worked! Dontcha just love Janet Napolitano "The greatest threat to America's homeland security, today, is the returning Iraq War Veteran". Then Alice vanishes down the rabbit hole. Just go ask her!)

"Here is more on that story I posted yesterday on the Muslim who tried to bust into the cockpit of a Southwest flight:.

Cue the CAIR caterwauls decrying "islamophobic" reactions and demanding prosecution of "islamophobes." But I get cancelled in Texas for discussing this very thing. That's how far down the rabbit hole America has gone.

Meanwhile, FBI special agent Mark White in Dallas said, "The FBI continues to investigate but initial indications are that there was no terrorist intent." Yes, he really said that.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die'

Southwest flight makes emergency landing

Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of Southwest Airlines Flight 3683.

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great[er] in Arabic.

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.

None of the 136 passengers and five crew members on the flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City was hurt, said Brad Hawkins, spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest."

US Muslim on Southwest flight:

The fear in those passengers, flight attendants, pilots, tower support, etc.

^ Terrorism without blowing anything up is still terrorism imo.

True when the IRA said it was going to be planting bombs in the underground that was sufficient to get it shut down and for people to be afraid of using this. However, in this instance the man only said what is true 'you are all going to die' and their are hints in the other links that he is demented.

Yes, it would frighten people particularly with him being a Muslim and the fear of Islam Terrorism.

However there is no evidence that he even said this pretending he was a terrorist. White people are not the only people to suffer from mental problems and from the information given that is what this was.

Atlas Shrugs though as usually decided to use this as a vehicle to stir up more fear and hatred of Muslims. That is deliberately agitating to create trouble.
(Shouted while trying to break into the cockpit, of course. No terrorism involved! The system worked! Dontcha just love Janet Napolitano "The greatest threat to America's homeland security, today, is the returning Iraq War Veteran". Then Alice vanishes down the rabbit hole. Just go ask her!)

"Here is more on that story I posted yesterday on the Muslim who tried to bust into the cockpit of a Southwest flight:.

Cue the CAIR caterwauls decrying "islamophobic" reactions and demanding prosecution of "islamophobes." But I get cancelled in Texas for discussing this very thing. That's how far down the rabbit hole America has gone.

Meanwhile, FBI special agent Mark White in Dallas said, "The FBI continues to investigate but initial indications are that there was no terrorist intent." Yes, he really said that.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die'

Southwest flight makes emergency landing

Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of Southwest Airlines Flight 3683.

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great[er] in Arabic.

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew.

None of the 136 passengers and five crew members on the flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City was hurt, said Brad Hawkins, spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest."

US Muslim on Southwest flight:

The fear in those passengers, flight attendants, pilots, tower support, etc.

^ Terrorism without blowing anything up is still terrorism imo.

True when the IRA said it was going to be planting bombs in the underground that was sufficient to get it shut down and for people to be afraid of using this. However, in this instance the man only said what is true 'you are all going to die' and their are hints in the other links that he is demented.

Yes, it would frighten people particularly with him being a Muslim and the fear of Islam Terrorism.

However there is no evidence that he even said this pretending he was a terrorist. White people are not the only people to suffer from mental problems and from the information given that is what this was.

Atlas Shrugs though as usually decided to use this as a vehicle to stir up more fear and hatred of Muslims. That is deliberately agitating to create trouble.

And the act on the plane wasn't alexa? Causality is proven by the resultant outcome and not the initiating event.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die' | Amarillo Globe-News

Regarding Atlas Shrugged. Look to my link above please. That's my only link on this page.

I dont care if he did not break into the cockpit.... you got some nut saying 'we are all going to die" and following that up with that allahu akbar shit...

Im going to kill your ass. As far as i am concerned.... that made him a terrorist, intent on killing everyone on that plane. My life was in danger...making HIS life was up for grabs. Him or me. Sorry ravi... i choose me and he is going down.
Apparently he didn't say that.

He did or said something.... they landed the plain.

What i said stands.... IF he did say that.... and anywhere close to me.... his a dead man or will be damn close to if once i was finished.
That's fine, I'm just saying that there is no claim that he said that. The reports said he was cursing. Maybe he just sneezed, that kind of sounds like allah Akbar, :lol:
Good. A terrorist stopped.

No mention of air marshals, though. Doesn't their budget include paying for air marshals on flights?
The fear in those passengers, flight attendants, pilots, tower support, etc.

^ Terrorism without blowing anything up is still terrorism imo.

True when the IRA said it was going to be planting bombs in the underground that was sufficient to get it shut down and for people to be afraid of using this. However, in this instance the man only said what is true 'you are all going to die' and their are hints in the other links that he is demented.

Yes, it would frighten people particularly with him being a Muslim and the fear of Islam Terrorism.

However there is no evidence that he even said this pretending he was a terrorist. White people are not the only people to suffer from mental problems and from the information given that is what this was.

Atlas Shrugs though as usually decided to use this as a vehicle to stir up more fear and hatred of Muslims. That is deliberately agitating to create trouble.

And the act on the plane wasn't alexa? Causality is proven by the resultant outcome and not the initiating event.

Passenger: 'You're all going to die' | Amarillo Globe-News

Regarding Atlas Shrugged. Look to my link above please. That's my only link on this page.

From your link Ropey
Police said the incident began with Shahsavari arguing with another passenger. The flight crew separated the men, said Amarillo police Cpl. Jerry Neufeld.

Shahsavari went into a bathroom and yelled obscenities from the rear of the plane, said passenger Doug Oerding, of Sacramento, Calif. Attendants tried to calm Shahsavari before a female flight attendant finally succeeded in quieting him. Oerding said.


“He was being disruptive and unruly on the flight, but he was not specifically trying to break into the cockpit,” Rhodes said.

When the plane reached a gate at the airport, police boarded it and arrested Shahsavari without incident, Neufeld said.

“He was waiting at the door when we went in,” Neufeld said. “He cooperated with officers.”

I don't deny passengers were frightened. I just think it is wrong to suggest this was an attempt at terrorism when there is no evidence for that and more evidence that he freaked out over some argument, hence showing mental instability.

I haven't found your link to Atlas Shrugs yet. I wasn't having a go at you. The OP left a link. My belief is that to turn what appears to be some Iranian having a hissy into terrorism is creating unnecessary and unreal drama. I do not see any evidence to support this. I clearly accept that passengers would be frightened and I would have been hiding under my seat but I believe the reason for it was because he was for some reason temporary demented - not because he was a Muslim or a terrorist. If later evidence proves me wrong then so be it but at the moment there is no evidence of this so why act as if that is the situation.

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