Muslim students at Catholic university complain Christmas gets too much attention


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Muslim students who knew they were enrolling into a Catholic university are now expressing dismay that come Christmas time, the campus is decorated for the holiday season. They want Islamic holidays to receive the same attention even though they represent just a small fraction of the entire student population.
Muslim Students at Catholic University Complain Christmas Gets Too Much Attention

Oh well isn't that too freaking bad, deal with it it's our country , our rights and if you don't like it GTF out and go back to your sh*** hole you ran away from if it is so great why the hell did you leave it if you love your bs so much.
2nd off, don't try turning our Country into your full blow shit hole either. We are America practice what you want but don't take away what others desire you pukes..................... that's goes for anybody who keeps taking away everything and anything that doesn't fit their snowflake pos ways. get the fk over it let everyone celebrate whatever , IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT LEAVE!! DON'T GO, DON'T WATCH, IT'S NOT HARD TO DO.....


MERRY CHRISTMAS..........................
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I guess it's just a part of life that Muslims are permanently unhappy, angry, and bigoted...

After a lifetime of listening to their complaints it's falling on death ears...

If you don't like Christians don't go to Christian schools...Muslims go to these schools to attempt to infect them...the same reason Muslims flee to the western world to try and infect it...
The arrogant entitlement of these MOAB-bomb-bait muslim walking obscenities must set some sort of world record! It's also the same reason these humanoids are such extreme ingrates: their hate doctrine tells them non-believers are subhuman and already owe them everything for the crime of being non-believers.
Will is right. And half the people in this country support Muslims and their beliefs while throwing Christians to the lions...
Will is right. And half the people in this country support Muslims and their beliefs while throwing Christians to the lions...

For some reasons , brain deads can't seem to realize there is an attack on Christians all over the world.
They are killing Christians in other Countries.
I guess it's just a part of life that Muslims are permanently unhappy, angry, and bigoted...

After a lifetime of listening to their complaints it's falling on death ears...

If you don't like Christians don't go to Christian schools...Muslims go to these schools to attempt to infect them...the same reason Muslims flee to the western world to try and infect it...
Muslim culture is about destruction
For some reasons , brain deads can't seem to realize there is an attack on Christians all over the world.
I think they know. Their goal is to destroy the West and the institutions that built it. I think they believe their amoral, anti God idiotology will defeat islam. They will lose against this monster theyre creating.
As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.
As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.

What else would we expect when those wtihPHD's have no common sense.
and were also taught at wait for it, wait for it, A LIBERAL COLLEGE lmfao...

They teach you what they want you to indoctrinate other with FOOL... but lack of common sense won't ever allow you to graps that concept.

Your UNIV. teachings saw to it.

As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.
Dismissive eh? What are YOUR credentials?
As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.

"As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree"

Nobody would know that from your posting content, wait wait....are you one of those Leftists that has an IQ of 240 as well?

Hey SassyIrishLass we might have another one of those Leftists that has an IQ of 240 or something :rolleyes-41:

"Christia-linked university"

What is this Christia? The flowering plant?

EG. Christia vespertilionis aka the Red Butterfly Wing:

As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.
professional degree??--really ----then what is a ''Christia''??
I rate you as BULLSHIT
As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.
Dismissive eh? What are YOUR credentials?

Maybe you should educate yourself on the real goals here ,and why they are taking place. ANTI American's have a hard time accepting the very truth staring down their throats.
many hold FOUR DEGREE's PHD's, J.D's ................................the only problem with that is one can't get a degree in common sense nor logic. It's impossible.

Obsession- Radical Islam's war against the west

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