Muslim Who Won’t Sell Pork Loses Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise

I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:

All Muslims are hypocrites, why should this one be any different?

Muslim Clerics have ruled that selling or carrying alcohol is NOT forbidden. As in the case of the Taxi cab drivers that refused to accommodate passengers that purchased alcohol at an air port.

However a Muslim may not handle Pork in any fashion, to do so would require a cleansing process for them to be clean again.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.

To be fair ( I agree with DD on this) Muslims are not forbidden to handle alcohol just can't consume it. His faith forbids him from even touching pork. It would make him unclean. To have to sell it would mean he basically could not enter his own stores kitchen area or handle the product.

His law suit was reasonable on its face, I just happen to agree that DD has the right to enforce their product line on anyone with the franchise.
He carried out his pork free store for 20 years and DD even gave him company signs stating the store was meat free.

Then all at once DD decides to make it an issue.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.

To be fair ( I agree with DD on this) Muslims are not forbidden to handle alcohol just can't consume it. His faith forbids him from even touching pork. It would make him unclean. To have to sell it would mean he basically could not enter his own stores kitchen area or handle the product.

His law suit was reasonable on its face, I just happen to agree that DD has the right to enforce their product line on anyone with the franchise.
He carried out his pork free store for 20 years and DD even gave him company signs stating the store was meat free.

Then all at once DD decides to make it an issue.

Which is their right. And the Courts agreed.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.

To be fair ( I agree with DD on this) Muslims are not forbidden to handle alcohol just can't consume it. His faith forbids him from even touching pork. It would make him unclean. To have to sell it would mean he basically could not enter his own stores kitchen area or handle the product.

His law suit was reasonable on its face, I just happen to agree that DD has the right to enforce their product line on anyone with the franchise.
He carried out his pork free store for 20 years and DD even gave him company signs stating the store was meat free.

Then all at once DD decides to make it an issue.

As is their right. Stop fucking whining. Don't like pork... fine, don't eat it. Don't wanna sell pork? Fine, don't buy a DD franchise. I hope that's clear.
As is their right. Stop fucking whining. Don't like pork... fine, don't eat it. Don't wanna sell pork? Fine, don't buy a DD franchise. I hope that's clear.
Read the OP nitwit.

He bought the franchise and open the store years before DD offered pork produces.
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.
And that Indian muslim is a hypocrite and is violating Islam by selling a haram product.

I am sure he thinks it's OK because he is selling it to non muslims. (kufar)

But he is wrong and will pay for it in the after life. :evil:

All Muslims are hypocrites, why should this one be any different?

Well alot of the liquor stores I go to have Muslims working the register, and a few of the strip clubs in Virginia that I went to were owned by Muslims too. :dunno:
I don't understand, this is business. I buy all my liquor and beer from an Indian Muslim and he could care less, he tags it and bags it for me at the register.

To be fair ( I agree with DD on this) Muslims are not forbidden to handle alcohol just can't consume it. His faith forbids him from even touching pork. It would make him unclean. To have to sell it would mean he basically could not enter his own stores kitchen area or handle the product.

His law suit was reasonable on its face, I just happen to agree that DD has the right to enforce their product line on anyone with the franchise.

That makes sense see I see ALOT of liquor stores owned by Muslims, I don't know if they drink alcohol on their personal time but they sure as hell have no problem whatsoever brown bagging my 40's for me.
From the OP

"In fact, Elkhatib’s lawyer found a Chicago location that did not sell breakfast sandwiches with pork because many of the customers followed Jewish dietary laws that ban the consumption of pork products."

Can you imagine the uproar and screams of anti-semitism if DD would have done the same thing with a store that caters to Jewish patrons?

So basically it boils down to bigotry against muslims.

And that's why he lost in the courts.
As is their right. Stop fucking whining. Don't like pork... fine, don't eat it. Don't wanna sell pork? Fine, don't buy a DD franchise. I hope that's clear.
Read the OP nitwit.

He bought the franchise and open the store years before DD offered pork produces.

And the Corporation LEGALLY changed the Menu, then they chose to allow him to continue business but later changed their minds. Which is also legal. And if you doubt it check out what the Court RULED. He had a right to sue but he lost. The Court agreed that DD has the right to change their policy and to enforce their product desires on anyone that wishes to voluntarily become a Franchise owner.

I thought you valued our system of checks and balances? Now suddenly the simple fact a Muslim has lost a LEGAL battle makes you side with your religion.
Elkhatib’s lawyer found a Chicago location that did not sell breakfast sandwiches with pork because many of the customers followed Jewish dietary laws that ban the consumption of pork products.

Yet, the Jewish DD is allowed to not sell pork. Why do we let Jews get away with things that we don't let their brothers, the Muslims, get away with?
Elkhatib’s lawyer found a Chicago location that did not sell breakfast sandwiches with pork because many of the customers followed Jewish dietary laws that ban the consumption of pork products.

Yet, the Jewish DD is allowed to not sell pork. Why do we let Jews get away with things that we don't let their brothers, the Muslims, get away with?

Well alot of the liquor stores I go to have Muslims working the register, and a few of the strip clubs in Virginia that I went to were owned by Muslims too. :dunno:
It's like the Christian man who own's a liquor store and yet is also a Deacon in his Church.

He knows it's against his religion and lives a hypocritical life.
So Muslims are completely forbidden from selling anything haram, even if its just business?
It is hypocritical and unIslamic to invite people to accept Islam on one hand; and yet sell them something that is harmful with the other hand.

So he shouldn't sell anything with high fructose corn syrup in it? How about trans fat? How about anything with a lot of cholesterol?
I thought you valued our system of checks and balances? Now suddenly the simple fact a Muslim has lost a LEGAL battle makes you side with your religion.
In this case I would side with the guy even if he was a Buddhist or just a vegitarian.

DD changed the rules in the middle of the game.

Which was totally unfair regardless of religion.
When he bought the franchise DD didn't sell pork products.

And for 20 years he has been operating his business without offering bacon or pork sausage products with the blessings of DD corporate office.

Then all at once DD comes along and changes the rules and says that he has to offer pork products.


Not Laws.

Private company. Private rules.

So he shouldn't sell anything with high fructose corn syrup in it? How about trans fat? How about anything with a lot of cholesterol?
Those things taste good and aren't forbidden in the Quran.

So I have no problem with them.

But the religion of Liberalism does; so you should ask them. :cool:
I thought you valued our system of checks and balances? Now suddenly the simple fact a Muslim has lost a LEGAL battle makes you side with your religion.
In this case I would side with the guy even if he was a Buddhist or just a vegitarian.

DD changed the rules in the middle of the game.

Which was totally unfair regardless of religion.

You need a waaaabulance?

Should we call whine one one for ya?

Their business, their rules. Unlucky. Maybe he could move to an Islamic country where they are more rigid about these things?

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