Muslims Are People too!

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Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.
Muslims have been a scourge on humanity since the pervert died.
When islam changes, so would the world view.
Its hard to embolden islam when their end game is a caliphate reached by any means necessary.
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

Complete nonsense.
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

Yesterday a mother of six was stabbed in front of her kids by a palestinian seeking "justice"

Today, another mother was stabbed by a Palestinian kid seeking "justice".

No,l they don't deserve equal rights, and we don't want peace with such people. We want them gone.
The Palestinians elected a terrorist group to lead them. Violence is always the answer with savages.
I dated a Muslim for a while. Very attractive young lady I met over the summer. She was what I would call a devout Muslim. Did the ritual bathing, put on the sacred robes and prayed thing five times a day. It really ate up a bunch of her time.

She was a whopping pain in the ass but thats true of any particularly attractive young lady so nothing new their.

Would I want to deal with being surrounded by people who spend so much time with their face in the dirt. Probably not. But she wasn't a bad sort. Just kinda spoiled, came from a rich family. Very self centered but again thats a young attractive girl thing

I can assure you Muslims are people just like everyone else.

I've met some real loons who are christians that she couldn't hold a candle to. Freaks who actually think ole Jebus is about to appear out of thin air and float around in the sky for a while kinda lunatics.

Its individuals more than its groups, although gang mentality does play a large part in just how far an individual lunatic will go.

Speaking of lunatics and gang mentality, palestinians come to mind. Now there's a bunch of combatants that need to be treated as such. Under the authority given to the host nation in the Geneva conventions all palestinians who have engaged in activities against the state should be deported, immediately.
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Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it.

Sure it is, shoot every terrorist in the head, problem solved.

To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism.

Shoot the new batch in the head as well. And anyone who helped them.

The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us.

They are people. No different than us, except for the child bride stuff and the head cutting off and the stoning adulterers and throwing homos off buildings. Except for all the 7th century barbarian stuff, very similar to us.

Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people


Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community

The blunder was not destroying Islam. Maybe that will still happen?

must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population.

Sending them all to Syria is a better idea.

the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.

The Founding Fathers didn't like Muslim barbarians either.
If Muslims were human they wouldn't be muslims.
If muslims are unwilling to allow terrorists to represent them they should police their own ranks. If they continue to support terrorists they are a part of the problem.
Killing all muslims assures no more muslim terrorists.
TNHarley: So there are three kinds of people in the world; evil Muslims, Jews who profess Christian values, and the rest of mankind which has to bear the burden of the cost of creating the state of Israel. Close to 100 million people have suffered early and horrible deaths as a price exacted on the world so Israel can exist. Isn't it time to try something else other than killing and war.

Toddsterpatriot: And for everyone you shoot in the head 20 more terrorists are created. And for every one of the 20 new terrorists shot in the head 400 more are created then 8,000, then 60,000, etc. Pretty soon we are going to run out of bullets. The are people no better then us, except for the Spanish Inquisition, My Lai, Agent Orange, WWI, etc., etc., ad naseum. We are not angels. No one is. But we are supposed to be a Christian nation and a Christian nation does not demonize and assist in the ethnic cleansing of innocent and blameless people (the Palestinians).
TNHarley: So there are three kinds of people in the world; evil Muslims, Jews who profess Christian values, and the rest of mankind which has to bear the burden of the cost of creating the state of Israel. Close to 100 million people have suffered early and horrible deaths as a price exacted on the world so Israel can exist. Isn't it time to try something else other than killing and war.

Toddsterpatriot: And for everyone you shoot in the head 20 more terrorists are created. And for every one of the 20 new terrorists shot in the head 400 more are created then 8,000, then 60,000, etc. Pretty soon we are going to run out of bullets. The are people no better then us, except for the Spanish Inquisition, My Lai, Agent Orange, WWI, etc., etc., ad naseum. We are not angels. No one is. But we are supposed to be a Christian nation and a Christian nation does not demonize and assist in the ethnic cleansing of innocent and blameless people (the Palestinians).
I am not going to discuss something with someone that denies 1440 years of history.
Besides that, I never did mention war.
TNHarley: So there are three kinds of people in the world; evil Muslims, Jews who profess Christian values, and the rest of mankind which has to bear the burden of the cost of creating the state of Israel. Close to 100 million people have suffered early and horrible deaths as a price exacted on the world so Israel can exist. Isn't it time to try something else other than killing and war.

Toddsterpatriot: And for everyone you shoot in the head 20 more terrorists are created. And for every one of the 20 new terrorists shot in the head 400 more are created then 8,000, then 60,000, etc. Pretty soon we are going to run out of bullets. The are people no better then us, except for the Spanish Inquisition, My Lai, Agent Orange, WWI, etc., etc., ad naseum. We are not angels. No one is. But we are supposed to be a Christian nation and a Christian nation does not demonize and assist in the ethnic cleansing of innocent and blameless people (the Palestinians).

Toddsterpatriot: And for everyone you shoot in the head 20 more terrorists are created

We can shoot 20 new terrorists.

And for every one of the 20 new terrorists shot in the head 400 more are created

Are Muslims really that stupid?

Pretty soon we are going to run out of bullets.

I'm pretty sure we'll run out of terrorists before we run out of bullets.

We are not angels. No one is.

Never claimed we were, but we're not currently chopping off heads, selling child brides, throwing homos off buildings and stoning women who were raped.
Blaming Islamic terrorism on Israel is just another blood libel against the Jewish people.

Islamic terrorism does not occur because Muslims are victims of Jewish self-determination. Islamic terrorism arises from their own strongly held ideology -- especially concepts of jihad, war, martyrdom, conquest, dehumanization of 'other', dhimmi, taqiyya, hudna, etc. The reason why this is so strong in Islam and not found in other religions is because the faith is "stuck" in the 7th century point of view of one man.
Dear 9thIDdoc:

Killing all Muslims is not a solution.

From your words, I have to conclude that you subscribe to ethnic cleansing; a war crime. I have argued that Zionists are war criminals and because of them, the rule of law among nations has been destroyed. Thank you for validating and confirming my position in this matter. Zionists truly are the true enemies of mankind and in their zest for doing Satan's work they are dragging Judaism, Christianity, and Islam down with them. It should be abundantly clear that Zionism bears responsibility for the downfall of the human race.
Dear Shusha:

There was no Islamic terrorism of note before the establishment of the state of Israel and plenty after Israel was established. This belies your position in this matter. The obvious truth for all to see is; no Israel, no terrorism and the human race has a shot at living in a peaceful world. And by the way, what you claim about Islam can also be said about Judaism which has been stuck in the same century since Jesus Christ came into the world. I have a question for you. Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah; Jews do not. If Jesus is not the Messiah as the Jews believe, then what is lacking in the ministry of Jesus Christ that would make the Jewish holdouts accept him as the Messiah? What does Jesus Christ lack by Jewish standards to be the true Messiah? Can you help me? I don't have a clue what the answer to this question is.
Dear Shusha:

There was no Islamic terrorism of note before the establishment of the state of Israel and plenty after Israel was established. This belies your position in this matter. The obvious truth for all to see is; no Israel, no terrorism and the human race has a shot at living in a peaceful world. And by the way, what you claim about Islam can also be said about Judaism which has been stuck in the same century since Jesus Christ came into the world. I have a question for you. Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah; Jews do not. If Jesus is not the Messiah as the Jews believe, then what is lacking in the ministry of Jesus Christ that would make the Jewish holdouts accept him as the Messiah? What does Jesus Christ lack by Jewish standards to be the true Messiah? Can you help me? I don't have a clue what the answer to this question is.
Utter bullshit. That was when terrorism got a "word".
So, I see that you are not dishonestly ignoring their history, you are just completely ignorant of it. Like the Kharijites
Well, of COURSE Muslims are people...

People caught-up in an anachronistic, misogynistic medieval warrior-religion cult...

People suffering from a particular form of metaphorical brain cancer...
Dear Williepete:

How does it feel to be a dupe for the demented criminals who overthrew our government in 1913?
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