Muslims Are People too!

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Anti-Semitic lies and filth from someone who has no idea how to read or understand the Talmud. Simply untrue and meant only to poison against Jews. Despicable.[/QUOTE]

In case you haven't noticed, I have provided quotes and references for many of the things I said which establishes a chain of events that support and substantiate the conclusions I have made. In contrast, those who oppose what I am saying have offered almost nothing to substantiate what they are say. The tactics and intent are clear; through a bunch of lies on the table and then use these lies to as a pathetic accuse to mount a vicious personal up me, my integrity, and my intentions. This is how Zionists do business. Lies, subterfuge, slander, and character assassination are their stock and trade because want they are doing to the world is a tragedy and a travesty. In times of deceit, telling the truth is an act of bravery. We truly do live in times of deceit and the responses to my posts in this thread are clear in incontrovertible evidence of this.[/QUOTE]

The title of this thread is "Muslims are people too", even when their Quran says, "Kill the Infidels". And they are doing so today. Yet the OP has no problem quoting the Talmud instead of the Quran. He has admittedly never studied the Talmud in order to know the context of these quotes. Do these quotes about Gentiles refer to pagans or monotheists? Do they represent a minority view of the Rabbis or a majority view? Do their translations in English differ from their meanings in the Aramaic or Hebrew? Do the quotes about Jesus really refer to Balaam the sorcerer? The OP should study the Talmud for about 12 years before coming to any conclusions.
Anti-Semitic lies and filth from someone who has no idea how to read or understand the Talmud. Simply untrue and meant only to poison against Jews. Despicable.

In case you haven't noticed, I have provided quotes and references for many of the things I said which establishes a chain of events that support and substantiate the conclusions I have made. In contrast, those who oppose what I am saying have offered almost nothing to substantiate what they are say. The tactics and intent are clear; through a bunch of lies on the table and then use these lies to as a pathetic accuse to mount a vicious personal up me, my integrity, and my intentions. This is how Zionists do business. Lies, subterfuge, slander, and character assassination are their stock and trade because want they are doing to the world is a tragedy and a travesty. In times of deceit, telling the truth is an act of bravery. We truly do live in times of deceit and the responses to my posts in this thread are clear in incontrovertible evidence of this.[/QUOTE]

The title of this thread is "Muslims are people too", even when their Quran says, "Kill the Infidels". And they are doing so today. Yet the OP has no problem quoting the Talmud instead of the Quran. He has admittedly never studied the Talmud in order to know the context of these quotes. Do these quotes about Gentiles refer to pagans or monotheists? Do they represent a minority view of the Rabbis or a majority view? Do their translations in English differ from their meanings in the Aramaic or Hebrew? Do the quotes about Jesus really refer to Balaam the sorcerer? The OP should study the Talmud for about 12 years before coming to any conclusions.[/QUOTE]

Let me supply some quotes from the Talmud that were omitted:

"On the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy offerings are brought in the Temple on behalf of all the nations in the world."

"All the Righteous among the Gentiles have a share in the World-to-Come."

"Mankind was created in the image of G-d."
Anti-Semitic lies and filth from someone who has no idea how to read or understand the Talmud. Simply untrue and meant only to poison against Jews. Despicable.[/QUOTE]

In case you haven't noticed, I have provided quotes and references for many of the things I said which establishes a chain of events that support and substantiate the conclusions I have made. In contrast, those who oppose what I am saying have offered almost nothing to substantiate what they are say. The tactics and intent are clear; through a bunch of lies on the table and then use these lies to as a pathetic accuse to mount a vicious personal up me, my integrity, and my intentions. This is how Zionists do business. Lies, subterfuge, slander, and character assassination are their stock and trade because want they are doing to the world is a tragedy and a travesty. In times of deceit, telling the truth is an act of bravery. We truly do live in times of deceit and the responses to my posts in this thread are clear in incontrovertible evidence of this.

You provided quotes from legit sites? When was that?! Ha ha ha.
Your ranting about Jews with material you found at a hate site has nothing to do with Muslims.

There are well over a billion Muslims and everywhere they go,they assault anybody who isn't Muslim. There are only a few million Jews and you lack the basic human decency required to even allow them one tiny sliver of land to call their own and be left alone.

To listen to this idiocy, you would think it was Jews rampaging across the globe indulging in terrorism and gang rapes instead of Muslims.[/QUOTE]

I have never ranted about Jews in this thread and defy you or anyone to provide a quote from that even a remotely rants against Jews. I have nothing but respect for the Jewish people who are the victims of the Zionists as much as Christians and Muslims are.

You never ranted about Jews? Nooooooo. Never.
[/QUOTE] The title of this thread is "Muslims are people too", even when their Quran says, "Kill the Infidels". And they are doing so today. Yet the OP has no problem quoting the Talmud instead of the Quran. He has admittedly never studied the Talmud in order to know the context of these quotes. Do these quotes about Gentiles refer to pagans or monotheists? Do they represent a minority view of the Rabbis or a majority view? Do their translations in English differ from their meanings in the Aramaic or Hebrew? Do the quotes about Jesus really refer to Balaam the sorcerer? The OP should study the Talmud for about 12 years before coming to any conclusions.[/QUOTE]

Let me supply some quotes from the Talmud that were omitted:

"On the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy offerings are brought in the Temple on behalf of all the nations in the world."

"All the Righteous among the Gentiles have a share in the World-to-Come."

"Mankind was created in the image of G-d."[/QUOTE]

Dear ForeverYoung436:

You state the Quran says, “Kill the Infidels”, and that’s what they are doing. Is this a majority view or a minority view of Imams and Muslim Clerics? Do a majority or a minority of Muslims subscribe to this view? The point I am making is that both Judaism and Islam both have really nasty things written in their holy books. Trust me on this, when war breaks out, the hawks on both sides try to make the most of these terrible passages which a majority of the adherents on both sides of the equation do not believe or subscribe to. Human beings are human beings and irrespective of which religion they follow, people try to be good and wish no harm to others. If you do not understand this, then you understand nothing and this mental defect makes you a perfect fool for the Zionists.

Let me now supply you with quotes from the Koran which you omitted:

"There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient." (Quran, 2:256)

"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous." (Quran, 49:13)

"Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein, and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden." (Quran, 4:85)

"There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient." (Quran, 2:256)

Please note that I have provided you references for these quotes, while you have provided us none for yours.

Let me now make this perfectly clear, my quotes from the Talmud, with references, were taken from an article written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin, a radio broadcaster, syndicated columnist, Pastor and radio talk show host, dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded. Dr. Baldwin’s sermons and commentaries are heard 30 times weekly on 12 radio stations in 5 States, including Northwest Florida to Mobile Alabama, Southern Alabama (including Evergreen, Greenville, and Monroeville), parts of Central Florida, Lynchburg and Martinsville, Virginia (including Roanoke, and the Triad area of Winston/Salem, Greensboro, and High Point North Carolina), and also in the state of Utah. I now ask, do you really believe that Dr. Baldwin is a liar who would concoct or misquote the Talmud for nefarious and evil purposes? I do not, and this is why I have the utmost confidence in using him as a reference in my posts.

There is a war going on in the world today between the forces of good and evil. The polarities of this war are good Christians on one side and evil Zionists on the other. Caught in the middle of this war are Jews and Muslims most of whom are good people trying to live their lives according to the ideals of their respective religions. Yes, both religions have aspects to them, created during times of strife and conflict, which are deplorable and hateful. But what we see happening in the world today, is the Zionists have kidnapped Judaism and are using it as a shield to further their nefarious and demented designs for the world. Toward this end, with their shield of Judaism firmly in place, they have placed Christianity between themselves and the Muslims. Presently, the United States is engaged in a terrible war with the Muslim world. We think we are fighting for the Jewish cause, but in truth we are fighting a war on behalf of the demented people who have pulled the strings which have made the world dance for centuries. America has no business fighting a war to establish a religious state. True Jews also believe that it is God’s will for them to not have a nation of their own. Furthermore, Judaism needs no one to fight their battles for them, because the Jews are an honorable and God loving people just like most Muslims. However, the horrible status quo is that Americans and Muslims are engaged in a terrible and horrendous war, not because of the Jews, but because of the Zionists pulling the strings which make us dance.

In Conclusion:

Zionists are responsible for the United States entering WWI on the wrong side, which extended the war for two more years resulting in the unnecessary and horrible death of millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the bringing on WWII resulting in the death of millions upon millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the demise of the government of the United States of America, destabilizing the world, and destroying the rule of law among nations.

Zionist are responsible for re-igniting the Crusades and foisting upon the world a perpetual war on terror.

Zionism is a philosophy of evil and if it is removed from the face of this planet, mankind will have a chance of saving ourselves from the evil and destructive path we are now on.

I said before that there is a war going in the world between good and evil. I also believe that because of deluded and misguided people like you, the evil side is winning.
The title of this thread is "Muslims are people too", even when their Quran says, "Kill the Infidels". And they are doing so today. Yet the OP has no problem quoting the Talmud instead of the Quran. He has admittedly never studied the Talmud in order to know the context of these quotes. Do these quotes about Gentiles refer to pagans or monotheists? Do they represent a minority view of the Rabbis or a majority view? Do their translations in English differ from their meanings in the Aramaic or Hebrew? Do the quotes about Jesus really refer to Balaam the sorcerer? The OP should study the Talmud for about 12 years before coming to any conclusions.[/QUOTE]

Let me supply some quotes from the Talmud that were omitted:

"On the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy offerings are brought in the Temple on behalf of all the nations in the world."

"All the Righteous among the Gentiles have a share in the World-to-Come."

"Mankind was created in the image of G-d."[/QUOTE]

Dear ForeverYoung436:

You state the Quran says, “Kill the Infidels”, and that’s what they are doing. Is this a majority view or a minority view of Imams and Muslim Clerics? Do a majority or a minority of Muslims subscribe to this view? The point I am making is that both Judaism and Islam both have really nasty things written in their holy books. Trust me on this, when war breaks out, the hawks on both sides try to make the most of these terrible passages which a majority of the adherents on both sides of the equation do not believe or subscribe to. Human beings are human beings and irrespective of which religion they follow, people try to be good and wish no harm to others. If you do not understand this, then you understand nothing and this mental defect makes you a perfect fool for the Zionists.

Let me now supply you with quotes from the Koran which you omitted:

"There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient." (Quran, 2:256)

"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous." (Quran, 49:13)

"Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein, and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden." (Quran, 4:85)

"There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient." (Quran, 2:256)

Please note that I have provided you references for these quotes, while you have provided us none for yours.

Let me now make this perfectly clear, my quotes from the Talmud, with references, were taken from an article written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin, a radio broadcaster, syndicated columnist, Pastor and radio talk show host, dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded. Dr. Baldwin’s sermons and commentaries are heard 30 times weekly on 12 radio stations in 5 States, including Northwest Florida to Mobile Alabama, Southern Alabama (including Evergreen, Greenville, and Monroeville), parts of Central Florida, Lynchburg and Martinsville, Virginia (including Roanoke, and the Triad area of Winston/Salem, Greensboro, and High Point North Carolina), and also in the state of Utah. I now ask, do you really believe that Dr. Baldwin is a liar who would concoct or misquote the Talmud for nefarious and evil purposes? I do not, and this is why I have the utmost confidence in using him as a reference in my posts.

There is a war going on in the world today between the forces of good and evil. The polarities of this war are good Christians on one side and evil Zionists on the other. Caught in the middle of this war are Jews and Muslims most of whom are good people trying to live their lives according to the ideals of their respective religions. Yes, both religions have aspects to them, created during times of strife and conflict, which are deplorable and hateful. But what we see happening in the world today, is the Zionists have kidnapped Judaism and are using it as a shield to further their nefarious and demented designs for the world. Toward this end, with their shield of Judaism firmly in place, they have placed Christianity between themselves and the Muslims. Presently, the United States is engaged in a terrible war with the Muslim world. We think we are fighting for the Jewish cause, but in truth we are fighting a war on behalf of the demented people who have pulled the strings which have made the world dance for centuries. America has no business fighting a war to establish a religious state. True Jews also believe that it is God’s will for them to not have a nation of their own. Furthermore, Judaism needs no one to fight their battles for them, because the Jews are an honorable and God loving people just like most Muslims. However, the horrible status quo is that Americans and Muslims are engaged in a terrible and horrendous war, not because of the Jews, but because of the Zionists pulling the strings which make us dance.

In Conclusion:

Zionists are responsible for the United States entering WWI on the wrong side, which extended the war for two more years resulting in the unnecessary and horrible death of millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the bringing on WWII resulting in the death of millions upon millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the demise of the government of the United States of America, destabilizing the world, and destroying the rule of law among nations.

Zionist are responsible for re-igniting the Crusades and foisting upon the world a perpetual war on terror.

Zionism is a philosophy of evil and if it is removed from the face of this planet, mankind will have a chance of saving ourselves from the evil and destructive path we are now on.

I said before that there is a war going in the world between good and evil. I also believe that because of deluded and misguided people like you, the evil side is winning.[/QUOTE]

In conclusion you're an antisemite who's nucking futs, who refuses to talk about the reasons as to why the followers of Islam often persecute, are intolerant towards, and terrorize all non Muslims, while citing the Koran.

In Conclusion:

Zionists are responsible for the United States entering WWI on the wrong side, which extended the war for two more years resulting in the unnecessary and horrible death of millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the bringing on WWII resulting in the death of millions upon millions of people.

Zionists are responsible for the demise of the government of the United States of America, destabilizing the world, and destroying the rule of law among nations.

Zionist are responsible for re-igniting the Crusades and foisting upon the world a perpetual war on terror.

Zionism is a philosophy of evil and if it is removed from the face of this planet, mankind will have a chance of saving ourselves from the evil and destructive path we are now on.

I said before that there is a war going in the world between good and evil. I also believe that because of deluded and misguided people like you, the evil side is winning.

You know -- there might be some pills you can take for that.

Believing so many things that are not real is a symptom that something might be amiss.
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Zionism is a philosophy of evil ...

Please explain how wanting to have self-determination for the Jewish people is "evil".

It is evil if the way you achieve self-determination for 8.2 million is by killing 50 million people, destroying the greatest government ever devised by man, destroying the rule of law among nations, reigniting the long dead Crusades, and embroiling the world in a perpetual war on terror. From my perspective, it doesn't get any more evil that this. Oh I suppose selling adolescent children into sexual slavery may approach this level of evil, but the mitigating circumstance is that some of these children will survive the ordeal. You can't same the same thing for the 6 million Jews toasted in Hitler's ovens, but I guess those poor unfortunate souls died a quicker death. Oh what the hell. I've tried, but I guess I just am not able to decide what was the greatest evil.
[/QUOTE] You know -- there might be some pills you can take for that. Believing so many things that are not real is a symptom that something might be amiss.[/QUOTE]

You know, you just could be right, but what if I am not? Can we afford to take that chance. Following you will find a short bio. After reading this, tell me if you still think I am crazy.

Alan Adaschik was born in New London, Connecticut, on June 27th, 1943. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York and attended Franklin K. Lane High School. Upon graduation, he was accepted as an engineering student by the University of Michigan in its Naval ROTC program. Upon completing college, Al qualified for Navy flight training and received his wings as a Jet Fighter Pilot in June of 1966. After completing his tour of duty, he left the service and earned a MBA from Long Island University.

Al has worked as a Flight Test Conductor for the Grumman Aerospace Corporation, a Financial Analyst for the Singer Company, a Senior Financial Analyst for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, and a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale. In 1994, Congress passed the unconstitutional General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which made the United States a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Acting as Attorney Pro-se for the voting citizens of this nation, Al sued our government over the constitutionality of GATT. The Court ruled his lawsuit was without merit on technical reasons and Al did not pursue the matter further.

Al has written three books. His first book is “While We Sleep – A story of government without law”, the second book is “An Alaskan Adventure – A Travelogue and Environmental Treatise” and his latest book is “100 Years of Deception”. Al also developed and hosted a web site called “The Constitution forum” which is no longer on line. As host of this web site, he authored a plethora of political articles and essays many of which can still be found on line at various websites.

Also add to the above that I am 72 years old and own a top of the mountain retreat in North Carolina comprising twenty acres which I fly to from Florida in my Piper Cherokee Aircraft when the mood strikes me.

In consideration of all the afflictions identified above, what pill would you recommend I take?
You know -- there might be some pills you can take for that. Believing so many things that are not real is a symptom that something might be amiss.

You know, you just could be right, but what if I am not? Can we afford to take that chance. Following you will find a short bio. After reading this, tell me if you still think I am crazy.

Alan Adaschik was born in New London, Connecticut, on June 27th, 1943. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York and attended Franklin K. Lane High School. Upon graduation, he was accepted as an engineering student by the University of Michigan in its Naval ROTC program. Upon completing college, Al qualified for Navy flight training and received his wings as a Jet Fighter Pilot in June of 1966. After completing his tour of duty, he left the service and earned a MBA from Long Island University.

Al has worked as a Flight Test Conductor for the Grumman Aerospace Corporation, a Financial Analyst for the Singer Company, a Senior Financial Analyst for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, and a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale. In 1994, Congress passed the unconstitutional General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which made the United States a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Acting as Attorney Pro-se for the voting citizens of this nation, Al sued our government over the constitutionality of GATT. The Court ruled his lawsuit was without merit on technical reasons and Al did not pursue the matter further.

Al has written three books. His first book is “While We Sleep – A story of government without law”, the second book is “An Alaskan Adventure – A Travelogue and Environmental Treatise” and his latest book is “100 Years of Deception”. Al also developed and hosted a web site called “The Constitution forum” which is no longer on line. As host of this web site, he authored a plethora of political articles and essays many of which can still be found on line at various websites.

Also add to the above that I am 72 years old and own a top of the mountain retreat in North Carolina comprising twenty acres which I fly to from Florida in my Piper Cherokee Aircraft when the mood strikes me.

In consideration of all the afflictions identified above, what pill would you recommend I take?

The pill that makes you stop saying stupid shit.
Zionism is a philosophy of evil ...

Please explain how wanting to have self-determination for the Jewish people is "evil".

It is evil if the way you achieve self-determination for 8.2 million is by killing 50 million people, destroying the greatest government ever devised by man, destroying the rule of law among nations, reigniting the long dead Crusades, and embroiling the world in a perpetual war on terror. From my perspective, it doesn't get any more evil that this.

Okay, so your premise is not that the concept of self-determination of the Jewish people is evil. That's fine. You just think that the way the Jewish people achieved self-determination is "evil" . Out of curiosity, because this is absolutely fascinating, do you think that the Jewish people could have achieved self-determination without murdering 50 million people, and if so, do you think we did it just because we are evil? In other words, what motivated the Jewish people to commit the atrocities which you claim we committed? Was it some sort of inherent evil? Was it intentional? Were we just too lazy to find a different way? What?

The rest of your post is so vile I can't even come up with words to address it. Why would you want to even attempt to quantify and measure that sort of evil, other than the need to portray the Jews as the epitome of evil beyond all reason and any measure of humanity?
Zionism is a philosophy of evil ...

Please explain how wanting to have self-determination for the Jewish people is "evil".

It is evil if the way you achieve self-determination for 8.2 million is by killing 50 million people, destroying the greatest government ever devised by man, destroying the rule of law among nations, reigniting the long dead Crusades, and embroiling the world in a perpetual war on terror. From my perspective, it doesn't get any more evil that this.

Okay, so your premise is not that the concept of self-determination of the Jewish people is evil. That's fine. You just think that the way the Jewish people achieved self-determination is "evil" . Out of curiosity, because this is absolutely fascinating, do you think that the Jewish people could have achieved self-determination without murdering 50 million people, and if so, do you think we did it just because we are evil? In other words, what motivated the Jewish people to commit the atrocities which you claim we committed? Was it some sort of inherent evil? Was it intentional? Were we just too lazy to find a different way? What?

The rest of your post is so vile I can't even come up with words to address it. Why would you want to even attempt to quantify and measure that sort of evil, other than the need to portray the Jews as the epitome of evil beyond all reason and any measure of humanity?

Just what the hell do you mean by self-determination? The Jews do not need a rogue and discriminatory nation to determine who they are. They know exactly who they are and should be proud of it. Okay, let's buy into this horseshit about the Jews needing a piece of dirt to define who they are. Thinking along these lines, lets provide Christians in America with the same considerations. Whoop ti doo. Let's shove all the Jews into Miami and Detroit where they belong, all the Indians back on to reservations, and ship all the blacks back to Africa. Doing these things will really do a lot for the Christian self-determination. The problem being it will identify us as being a bunch of discriminatory racist pigs. How come the Zionists in Israel can do similar things and we reward such despicable behavior by calling them "God's chosen people. Well, let me tell something my friend, God is not that stupid. If he was, Hitler would have won World War II. Do you get it yet or are you going to spend the rest of your life groping around in a fog?
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.
Got it: Israel is the enemy. Is it? Jews are people TOO, ya know. They don't perpatrate stonings, suicide bomb attacks, crash planes into buildings or outlaw religions or tax them or condemn converts to death. Islam DOES all that, so they aren't quite the poor little victims the OP makes them out to be. Palestine was created in 1919 or so, Israel 30 years later. Put this all in perspective.
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Just what the hell do you mean by self-determination? The Jews do not need a rogue and discriminatory nation to determine who they are. They know exactly who they are and should be proud of it. Okay, let's buy into this horseshit about the Jews needing a piece of dirt to define who they are. Thinking along these lines, lets provide Christians in America with the same considerations. Whoop ti doo. Let's shove all the Jews into Miami and Detroit where they belong, all the Indians back on to reservations, and ship all the blacks back to Africa. Doing these things will really do a lot for the Christian self-determination. The problem being it will identify us as being a bunch of discriminatory racist pigs. How come the Zionists in Israel can do similar things and we reward such despicable behavior by calling them "God's chosen people. Well, let me tell something my friend, God is not that stupid. If he was, Hitler would have won World War II. Do you get it yet or are you going to spend the rest of your life groping around in a fog?

Now I'm confused. Here you seem to be saying that the very idea of self-determination is evil. Make up your mind.
Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to foster hatred for Muslims so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war on terrorism. Win the war on Terrorism? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat terrorism by warring against it. To be sure, all warring against terrorism does is create more terrorism. Then, how can we rid the world of terrorism? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Muslim’s are human beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good people and only a tiny minority are terrorists. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Muslim men and women into such desperation that they commit terrorist acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Muslim terrorism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Palestinian people who were grievously wronged by creation of the State of Israel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the nation of Israel has existed for so long that many Israelis know of no other life. What then is the solution to world terrorism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the state of Israel, must right this wrong by pressuring Israel to grant Palestinians full and equal citizenship to its Jewish population. No, this is not impossible to achieve. Haven’t blacks in the United States and South Africa realized this very same dream? Why should the world condone apartheid in Israel when it was condemned in South Africa? Are Palestinians less than black people? Apparently they are, because America is fighting a war on terror to help Israel continue to discriminate against the Palestinians. Therefore, the war on terror will never end because we, the citizens of the United States, have forgotten the principals upon which the American ideal rests.
Yes, the Palestine Israeli conflict was the birthplace of Islamic terrorism so it seems logical that if Israel disappeared from the face of the earth so would Islamic terrorism. The problem with your thinking is terrorist are not logical. Islamic terrorism is an apocalyptic religious movement whose goal is to destroy all beliefs counter to their own and eventually martyring themselves and moving on to their heavenly rewards. You can not reason, negotiate, or satisfy people like this.
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