Muslims barred for our safety; crazy people handed firearms

This guys fellow students at Virginia Tech were afraid of him


Republicans want to sell him guns

Actually, we want the people this guy killed to have the same ability as he had to have a gun on a college they can stop him...

you asswipes? Want him to be able to kill at your gun free zone....and for normal people to simply be murdered in place with no way to stop him.....

the worst mass murder ....89 people......murdered with a Truck.....

Yeah, you want massive crossfire and accidents on campus that would DWARF mass shooting numbers. Logic never sat well with you, did it?

Clearly you don't know poo about firearms and their usage. Funny how you all claim that poor teachers will "panic" when faced by bad guys with guns and therefore they should be denied guns, but the opposite has happened. They have acted courageously, they have sacrificed their lives attempting to save their students, and ignorant pricks, like you and rightwinger demand that these poor people be denied the means to defend themselves, while at the same time demanding that violent third world people be allowed in to commit their crimes. You and rightwinger are some of the most fucked up people on this planet. May I suggest you move to another one?

Bullshit. Give me ONE instance of a teacher firing a gun successfully in response to a school shooting. Lying asshole.

And this thread is about mentally ill people getting guns. Somehow you decided to make it about teachers sacrificing their lives, as if somehow my aversion to spreading guns around to AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE makes me the deathmonger. Every other industrialized nation on earth has tough gun laws AND THEY ALL WORK. But yeah, we have too few. That's the answer. The arrogance in that belief is mind-boggling. You must work yourself to climax when you think about caressing your dick replacement, I mean gun.

Fuck you and your bigoted ass for that last comment, too. You're a piece of shit, moderating a piece of shit forum MADE FOR AND BY the very rightwingers you pretend not to emulate.
bout a 9.5 on the tension scale there dawg
This sweet child gunned down nine people praying in church

By all accounts, he was a crazy mother fucker

Republicans defend his right to bear arms

Republicans do, huh?

I mean, it's not that you're just a lying cocksucker spewing baseless slander, you have actual examples of Republicans defending Dylan Roof having a gun in his prison cell, right?

The proof is that the NRA is the biggest lobbying organization in the world.

YOU believe a certain number of innocent deaths (30,000 annually, to be precise) are worth it so you can hear big stick go boom.

It's that simple. That's where YOUR priorities sit. Big boomstickmakemycockhard >>>> innocent children.

Just admit it. I'd have SOOOO much more respect for you if you did.
It would be better for the country if he deleted you.

Is that your real face in your avatar? It would certainly make sense....
Yes it is. Is that your stolen valor face in yours? Huh?

No, it's Pat Tillman, a liberal atheist who hated Bush for the Iraq invasion, and who you probably think agrees with your dumb ass (like every other mouthbreather here who has spoken up about it).
Mouth breather? ? What are you talking about traitor? Where else do people breathe from?

ROFL - the nose?

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