Muslims burn down 4 Buddist temples, 15 homes - Reuters supports Obama's film excuse

This is the excuse

Muslims took to the streets in the area late on Saturday to protest against what they said was a photograph posted on Facebook that insulted Islam.
This is the excuse

Muslims took to the streets in the area late on Saturday to protest against what they said was a photograph posted on Facebook that insulted Islam.

That's the lead excuse (which wasn't precisely reported/attributed btw; which is also terrible journalism). However, Reuters than inserted Obama's excuses and without even attributing the excuse to any specific person or group. It's called, 'controlling the narrative.'
So, an American guy makes a video they don't like, so they burn down Buddhist temples.

Makes perfect sense.

Well, if you refuse to hold rioting idiots responsible for their actions, that is.
Wouldn't Nancy Pelosi call these folks an organic grass roots movement of demonstrators.

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