Muslims crucified Father Thomas Uzhunnalil on Good Friday


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Muslim monkeys crucified a Christian Pastor on Good Friday. No mention in non-stop lying Mainstream 'Medias'. Where is outcry of traitorous western 'politicians'?

Muslims are enemies of Christians, the best solution would be if all admirers of the pedophile 'prophet' ( who owned 27 wife and 93 female slaves !!! ) will be deported from the western countries, mosques closed and Islam prohibited.

Otherwise Muslims will follow commandments their crazy 'prophet' and kill all Christians after they gain majority in our countries by the help of sky-high birth rates and illegal migration disguised as 'refuges'.

Translation from German

Early March had Jihadists in a Christian retirement home in the Yemeni city of Aden 16 Christians, including four nuns, brutally slaughtered and the Catholic priest Thomas Uzhunnalil (56, photo) taken hostage. A native of India Salesian Father prayed in the chapel as the Islamic blood Bader stormed the home. Since then, some efforts to priests from the hands of kidnappers freizubekommen. As the Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn reported in his Easter speech at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Father Thomas was crucified on Good Friday of the Islamic barbarians. Islam is peace - and if not, that has certainly nothing to do with Islam.

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It was Gods' will..

moonie------you and your ass should take a break-----go fall down a rabbit hole
but....does he not have a point? many times i have heard religious people commenting on a tragedy say....."it was Gods will" wasnt this also?...

without getting into PERSONAL BELIEFS-----that predestination thing is very Islamic---but not biblical. The bible ----OT mostly but NT does not contradict the
theory of FREE WILL FOR MAN (and woman, of course-----much more PRACTICED by women)
It was Gods' will..

moonie------you and your ass should take a break-----go fall down a rabbit hole
but....does he not have a point? many times i have heard religious people commenting on a tragedy say....."it was Gods will" wasnt this also?...

It was free will....not God's will
i agree.....but still i have heard that saying many a time.....
Muslims are not the enemy.

Terrorists are the enemy.

ISIS kills more Muslims than any other group.

If you agree with them killing Muslims, YOU are siding with ISIS.

Doesn't matter though because, unless RWNJ traitors' hero, Pooting, who kills grapefruit and little kids, President Obama is killing ISIS.
Muslims were crucifying Christians in Iraq after the US invasion and I'm not aware of Bush bringing any of those Christians here. Why not?

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians

In fact, the conflict in Syria and the American invasion of Iraq are linked by a common thread: the failure of the U.S. to consider the effect of its foreign policy on vulnerable religious communities, especially Middle Eastern Christians.

During this campaign of systematic violence, the U.S. military provided no protection to the already vulnerable Christian community. In some instances, the clergy went to local American military units to beg to for protection. None was given.


Republicans go on and on about Benghazi, but they actually aided and abetted the extinction of Christians in the middle east. The fuckers can't even pretend they didn't know what was going on when the Pope begged Bush to help those Christians and their meeting was reported all over the world.
It was Gods' will..

moonie------you and your ass should take a break-----go fall down a rabbit hole
but....does he not have a point? many times i have heard religious people commenting on a tragedy say....."it was Gods will" wasnt this also?...

without getting into PERSONAL BELIEFS-----that predestination thing is very Islamic---but not biblical. The bible ----OT mostly but NT does not contradict the
theory of FREE WILL FOR MAN (and woman, of course-----much more PRACTICED by women)
post no.9.....
It was Gods' will..

moonie------you and your ass should take a break-----go fall down a rabbit hole
but....does he not have a point? many times i have heard religious people commenting on a tragedy say....."it was Gods will" wasnt this also?...

It was free will....not God's will
i agree.....but still i have heard that saying many a time.....

There is a difference
It was Gods' will..

moonie------you and your ass should take a break-----go fall down a rabbit hole
but....does he not have a point? many times i have heard religious people commenting on a tragedy say....."it was Gods will" wasnt this also?...

It was free will....not God's will
i agree.....but still i have heard that saying many a time.....

by now you should have become accustomed to it and have no need to comment
over the dead body of an innocent man murdered by weird torture mutilation

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