Muslims demand independent Islamic state in Britian

There was no law at that time. But the website I linked to uses current International law to explain how the settlers were in their rights to claim their property in America.

At this point the following questions might be asked: What about the Indians? Weren't they here first? Didn't we (the white race) take this land away from the Indian? Doesn't the Indian have the rightful title to America?

Since we are dealing with a conflict between two nations or races, the white race and the Indian race, we need to turn to the Law of Nations or International Law for the solution. The following are some basic maxims of the International Law:

FIRST: That every nation possesses an exclusive sovereignty and jurisdiction in its own territory.

SECOND: That no state or nation can by its law directly affect or bind property that lies outside of its own territory, or persons not resident therein.

THIRD: That whatever force the laws of one country have in another depends solely on the municipal laws of the latter.

The first principle listed here would seem to suggest that all of America was the possession of the Indians prior to the age of discovery by the white race.

However, the Indians never laid claim to all of the "territory" of America because they had no understanding of its size and boundaries.

The Indian only claimed the land he was inhabiting and that which he used for hunting, burial, etc. At the time of discovery (circa 1500 A.D.), the American Indian numbered about 700,000 inhabitants, sparsely scattered over what is now America.

Thus the Indians never had a legal claim to much more than 3% of the land at any one time. So it can be said that the Indians did have a legal claim to America, 3% of it, which was considered their "own territory."

In light of this, it cannot be said that the white race violated the second principle of International Law either, since 97% of America was not legally the "property" of anyone.

When America was claimed by the English, French, and Spanish, they claimed the entire breadth and width of the land, from sea to sea, from one boundary to the next. However, the lands that the Indians occupied within these European claims were still Indian land.

It must also be addressed as to whether the white man encroached upon and took possession of lands that were legally claimed by the Indian. T

he third maxim of International Law says we have to look at the Indian's law, and that whatever measures or acts the white man took in regards to Indian land must be pursuant to Indian law. The following are some of the laws that were generally held by the Indians:

1. It was a law common among Indians that the stronger of two tribes or people (nations) has the right to conquer and subdue the weaker.

2. Under Indian common law it was understood that land claims existed by inhabiting the land and by any use of the land.

3. When any land was unoccupied or not used for one year, the land was free for anyone to claim and settle.

This first law of the Indian could actually render all other arguments of land rights academic. This law was almost a way of life with the Indian, which is why they were always warring among themselves. The wars and conflicts between the white race and the Indian race throughout history were numerous, and the fact that the white race was the stronger cannot be doubted."

Did the White Man Steal North America from the Indians?

you make important points, DANCER----in reference to INDIAN objection to WHITE MAN INCURSION----you cite WHITE MANS' Laws. As to being ATTACKED-----which-you obviously cite as justification for---just about ANYTHING------The native American AT THAT TIME were tribal of the RAIDING TYPE OF PEOPLE-----they raided other "nations" ---kinda like the VIKINGS----it was THEIR LAW

Agreed. When these arguments are made, we mean "our" law, because the savages don't count. Of course now, everyone who comes later must "assimilate".

yes----our law----here in the USA which is run by the children of the Inquistion and "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" ----The laws and customs of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---and the INQUISITION----were---interestingly enough---
INCORPORATED INTO SHARIAH. Thus now we are interfacing with something like the interface of the Natïve americans and the EXPLORERS----two imperialistic "cultures"

Sorry, don't buy it, euros and natives had completely different perceptual realities of the universe and their places in it. I will agree that the Catholic Church was the first global corporation.

different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.
I think Muslims have every right to form a new homeland carved out of UK territory. Instead of whipping up hate against Muslims, I think UK should enact reasonable measures to assure that Muslims are safe in UK.

it is a matter of the USUAL culture interface----
each side will make its own rights. Be careful
as to what you wish for-------any land can end up CUT UP

Not without the involvement of the "capitalists".

oy-----da capitalists
you make important points, DANCER----in reference to INDIAN objection to WHITE MAN INCURSION----you cite WHITE MANS' Laws. As to being ATTACKED-----which-you obviously cite as justification for---just about ANYTHING------The native American AT THAT TIME were tribal of the RAIDING TYPE OF PEOPLE-----they raided other "nations" ---kinda like the VIKINGS----it was THEIR LAW

Agreed. When these arguments are made, we mean "our" law, because the savages don't count. Of course now, everyone who comes later must "assimilate".

yes----our law----here in the USA which is run by the children of the Inquistion and "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" ----The laws and customs of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---and the INQUISITION----were---interestingly enough---
INCORPORATED INTO SHARIAH. Thus now we are interfacing with something like the interface of the Natïve americans and the EXPLORERS----two imperialistic "cultures"

Sorry, don't buy it, euros and natives had completely different perceptual realities of the universe and their places in it. I will agree that the Catholic Church was the first global corporation.

different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.

silly------the exterminations exerted on the
native americans were painted up as WAR---not "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"--------just to get rid of EVIL"
I think Muslims have every right to form a new homeland carved out of UK territory. Instead of whipping up hate against Muslims, I think UK should enact reasonable measures to assure that Muslims are safe in UK.

it is a matter of the USUAL culture interface----
each side will make its own rights. Be careful
as to what you wish for-------any land can end up CUT UP

Not without the involvement of the "capitalists".

oy-----da capitalists

Fine rosie, too much is too much for ya. There are all kinds of approaches to capitalism, same for the other economic theories. The empirical powers also trid to divide up africa and the middle east according to their own world view ignoring the folks already there. How's that grand experiment worked out ya reckon?
Agreed. When these arguments are made, we mean "our" law, because the savages don't count. Of course now, everyone who comes later must "assimilate".

yes----our law----here in the USA which is run by the children of the Inquistion and "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" ----The laws and customs of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---and the INQUISITION----were---interestingly enough---
INCORPORATED INTO SHARIAH. Thus now we are interfacing with something like the interface of the Natïve americans and the EXPLORERS----two imperialistic "cultures"

Sorry, don't buy it, euros and natives had completely different perceptual realities of the universe and their places in it. I will agree that the Catholic Church was the first global corporation.

different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.

silly------the exterminations exerted on the
native americans were painted up as WAR---not ----- "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL"

Actually they were - "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL", but you refuse to open up the that material, the writings, and the history because of your institutionalized imprinting. And no one can help you with that but you. You're just not up to even consider or confront it.
I think Muslims have every right to form a new homeland carved out of UK territory. Instead of whipping up hate against Muslims, I think UK should enact reasonable measures to assure that Muslims are safe in UK.

it is a matter of the USUAL culture interface----
each side will make its own rights. Be careful
as to what you wish for-------any land can end up CUT UP

Not without the involvement of the "capitalists".

oy-----da capitalists

Fine rosie, too much is too much for ya. There are all kinds of approaches to capitalism, same for the other economic theories. The empirical powers also trid to divide up africa and the middle east according to their own world view ignoring the folks already there. How's that grand experiment worked out ya reckon?

none of the human experiments worked out-----from the empires of Japan and china----all the way to the adobe huts of mexico and MONTEZUMA
yes----our law----here in the USA which is run by the children of the Inquistion and "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" ----The laws and customs of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---and the INQUISITION----were---interestingly enough---
INCORPORATED INTO SHARIAH. Thus now we are interfacing with something like the interface of the Natïve americans and the EXPLORERS----two imperialistic "cultures"

Sorry, don't buy it, euros and natives had completely different perceptual realities of the universe and their places in it. I will agree that the Catholic Church was the first global corporation.

different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.

silly------the exterminations exerted on the
native americans were painted up as WAR---not ----- "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL"

Actually they were - "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL", but you refuse to open up the that material, the writings, and the history because of your institutionalized imprinting. And no one can help you with that but you. You're just not up to even consider or confront it.

they were not rounded up and exterminated----they were EXPELLED en-masse---marched out to-----some other place.
Sorry, don't buy it, euros and natives had completely different perceptual realities of the universe and their places in it. I will agree that the Catholic Church was the first global corporation.

different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.

silly------the exterminations exerted on the
native americans were painted up as WAR---not ----- "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL"

Actually they were - "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL", but you refuse to open up the that material, the writings, and the history because of your institutionalized imprinting. And no one can help you with that but you. You're just not up to even consider or confront it.

they were not rounded up and exterminated----they were EXPELLED en-masse---marched out to-----some other place.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The US didn't take children out of homes and send them off, bust up families or any of that. Now your argument becomes since we didn't have Adolph's technology it wasn't really genocide. Brilliant. Only after your "well they resisted so it wasn't genocide" attempt. We've still got concentration camps and life expectancy for an adult male on Pine Ridge is 48; second only to Haiti in the western hemisphere. On Pine Ridge at any given time 60% of the occupants are either without running water or electricity or both. You are free to white wash the whole thing if you like, you'll have quite a bit of company in this society and the backing of the power structure who needs this overlooked.
different with some commonalities

I don't think the commonalities destroyed anyone and the euros certainly saw no commonalities, otherwise extermination might have been a bit more difficult to swallow, them being good christians and all.

silly------the exterminations exerted on the
native americans were painted up as WAR---not ----- "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL"

Actually they were - "lets round 'em up and burn them ALL UP"---just to get rid of EVIL", but you refuse to open up the that material, the writings, and the history because of your institutionalized imprinting. And no one can help you with that but you. You're just not up to even consider or confront it.

they were not rounded up and exterminated----they were EXPELLED en-masse---marched out to-----some other place.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The US didn't take children out of homes and send them off, bust up families or any of that. Now your argument becomes since we didn't have Adolph's technology it wasn't really genocide. Brilliant. Only after your "well they resisted so it wasn't genocide" attempt. We've still got concentration camps and life expectancy for an adult male on Pine Ridge is 48; second only to Haiti in the western hemisphere. On Pine Ridge at any given time 60% of the occupants are either without running water or electricity or both. You are free to white wash the whole thing if you like, you'll have quite a bit of company in this society and the backing of the power structure who needs this overlooked.

yes----the Christian thing at that time was SAVE THE INFIDEL KIDS-----your point?
When did I white wash the INQUISITION AND
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea

Like I said, have a nice weekend.
they stole a peopled continent----no one invited them

don't agree so fast, VIK----so did the ARYANS who took India and invented themselves as
DA BRAHMINS .---------

That is a bullshit designed for people like you. Aryans did not invade India; Aryans originated in India. It is evident from all the historical footprints that they left in the form of knowledge (Sanskrit). This knowledge spread from India towards West. First it went to Iran. From there it spread to Eastern Europe and eventually it reached Western Europe.

In ancient India, there was a battle between two Aryan groups. The group that was defeated was forced out of India. The latter is responsible for spreading Aryan culture westward. The group that stayed in India is credited with remarkable human knowledge such as invention of Sanskrit, etc.

Hitler was an idiot. He thought Germans were Aryans just because German language along with other European languages originated from Sanskrit. Germans are not Aryans. They along with other Europeans were influenced by Aryans but they are not Aryans. Similarly, Swastika has nothing to do with Germany. If you go to India, you will Swastika everywhere. However, thanks to mother f***** Germans and Hitler, the real Aryans are deprived of their own culture.

BJP revisionism ------

You are an illiterate.

try again-----LANGUAGE --developed in several parts of the world INDEPENDENTLY-----(PARALLEL SOCIAL DEVELOPEMENT IN HUMANS) The brain is hardwired in such a way that LANGUAGE WILL DEVELOPE independently wherever there are humans just as does UPRIGHT walking. Similarly---writing developes in several different parts of the world "independently" India did not INVENT IT. Very early on----ABSOLUTELY BEFORE 3000 years ago---there was lots of INTERPLAY--south and east-----LANGUAGE LIKE DNA ---mixes. Thus---the DRAVIDIANS certainly did have language before the ARYANS got there (are you worried about semantics?) -------but Dravidians or "INDIAN ARYANS"---did not GIVE IT to MESOPOTAMIA-----and the Persians DID ---toss some of their stuff at the dravidians----or whoever was staggering around in the INDUS VALLEY

I do not mean to be malicious but you sound like one of those people from religious ghettos that get educated in religious schools. No body is saying that all languages were invented in India. Sanskrit which is the origin of all Indo - European languages was invented in India. This is not coming from me. This is accepted all over the world including the U.S. Hebrew and Arabic are not part of Indo - European family. Another example would be Chinese which too is not part of Indo - European family. So, you can see that not all languages have ties with Sanskrit.

Try to understand what is being said before replying to it.

Also, for your information, Aryan history dates back to 10K years in ancient India. They started writing books like Vedas, Puranas more than 6K years ago in ancient India.

This tells you very clearly that Germans are not Aryans. They got their language from Aryans but they are not Aryans. They assumed a wrong identity by ignorance which was partly contributed by writings of Max Muller.
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea

Like I said, have a nice weekend.

It looks like you got introduced to iRosie. She is a character to deal with.
fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea

Like I said, have a nice weekend.

It looks like you got introduced to iRosie. She is a character to deal with.

fentie----I should add that I have relatives whose families have not set foot in a Spanish speaking land for 500 years----and STILL SPEAK SPANISH. It is what the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE DID at that time------and raid and pillage and murder was----what the native americans did----AT THAT TIME. While all that was 'happening'------the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST was also 'happening'
you want to blame it all on WESTERN CAPITALISM _-----go right ahead and be an idiot

I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea

Like I said, have a nice weekend.

It looks like you got introduced to iRosie. She is a character to deal with.


Coke? :)
It is not right to force Muslims to live under majority Brits if they do not want to. There is nothing wrong with Muslims forming a separate homeland for themselves within Britain.
don't agree so fast, VIK----so did the ARYANS who took India and invented themselves as
DA BRAHMINS .---------

That is a bullshit designed for people like you. Aryans did not invade India; Aryans originated in India. It is evident from all the historical footprints that they left in the form of knowledge (Sanskrit). This knowledge spread from India towards West. First it went to Iran. From there it spread to Eastern Europe and eventually it reached Western Europe.

In ancient India, there was a battle between two Aryan groups. The group that was defeated was forced out of India. The latter is responsible for spreading Aryan culture westward. The group that stayed in India is credited with remarkable human knowledge such as invention of Sanskrit, etc.

Hitler was an idiot. He thought Germans were Aryans just because German language along with other European languages originated from Sanskrit. Germans are not Aryans. They along with other Europeans were influenced by Aryans but they are not Aryans. Similarly, Swastika has nothing to do with Germany. If you go to India, you will Swastika everywhere. However, thanks to mother f***** Germans and Hitler, the real Aryans are deprived of their own culture.

BJP revisionism ------

You are an illiterate.

try again-----LANGUAGE --developed in several parts of the world INDEPENDENTLY-----(PARALLEL SOCIAL DEVELOPEMENT IN HUMANS) The brain is hardwired in such a way that LANGUAGE WILL DEVELOPE independently wherever there are humans just as does UPRIGHT walking. Similarly---writing developes in several different parts of the world "independently" India did not INVENT IT. Very early on----ABSOLUTELY BEFORE 3000 years ago---there was lots of INTERPLAY--south and east-----LANGUAGE LIKE DNA ---mixes. Thus---the DRAVIDIANS certainly did have language before the ARYANS got there (are you worried about semantics?) -------but Dravidians or "INDIAN ARYANS"---did not GIVE IT to MESOPOTAMIA-----and the Persians DID ---toss some of their stuff at the dravidians----or whoever was staggering around in the INDUS VALLEY

I do not mean to be malicious but you sound like one of those people from religious ghettos that get educated in religious schools. No body is saying that all languages were invented in India. Sanskrit which is the origin of all Indo - European languages was invented in India. This is not coming from me. This is accepted all over the world including the U.S. Hebrew and Arabic are not part of Indo - European family. Another example would be Chinese which too is not part of Indo - European family. So, you can see that not all languages have ties with Sanskrit.

Try to understand what is being said before replying to it.

Also, for your information, Aryan history dates back to 10K years in ancient India. They started writing books like Vedas, Puranas more than 6K years ago in ancient India.

This tells you very clearly that Germans are not Aryans. They got their language from Aryans but they are not Aryans. They assumed a wrong identity by ignorance which was partly contributed by writings of Max Muller.

you are still way off----VIK---your assumption that ALL OF THOSE WHICH ARE INDO EUROPEAN LANGUAGES have their origin
in India--------ain't necessarily so. Your assumption that my education was in some
parochial school is even more way off. I had NO schooling in religion as a kid ----other than being invited to protestant sunday school several times I will repeat that which you clearly do not know-------languages develop ---
in all human groups-------and HUMANS move.
and interact -----which is why ALL HUMAN BRAINS are constructed the same way (on average in all populations) and all have the hardwiring that leads to LANGUAGE. ALL people who interact SHARE----they share language and DNA -----and---even viruses---quite VIGOROUSLY----thus all interacting groups have aspects of language IN COMMON. Same is true of the semitic language people-----they were interacting long before any of them became LITERATE . Eventually----just about all become literate---
even if they never pick up writing from "the first" literate group. ---after that they also MIX IT UP
I believe you yet again miss the point, it's still going on. Have a nice weekend. And yes, you are way to emotional.

what is "still going on"? genocides? did I deny that fact? ---------by virtue of WESTERN CAPITALISM---<<<<idiotic idea

Like I said, have a nice weekend.

It looks like you got introduced to iRosie. She is a character to deal with.


Coke? :)

English grammar

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