Muslims hurls insults after being asked to serve bacon.


This tree will shoot you.
Aug 25, 2010

How dare we offend with our presumptive fast food orders!
If Muslims are getting that upset, maybe we all should stop having bacon.
The video didn't really explain anything. It's just a guy using the F word, from what I saw...
The video didn't really explain anything. It's just a guy using the F word, from what I saw...

Did you listen at the beginning where the manager said "we don't have bacon?":lol:

If that little fucker had thrown that fit at me... I'd have left, headed straight for the nearest grocery story, bought a pound of sliced bacon, take it out of the pack and make a nice big ball out of it, and gone back in there and thrown it fast ball pitch style right in that cocky little mother fuckers face.
If Muslims are getting that upset, maybe we all should stop having bacon.

Hmmmmmm....maybe we should just get rid of all of our swine.

We all know that Muslims are swine.......let's annihilate them !

That's too much. There's really no need to hurt them.

The government should just mandate that every household must have a pig to eat their garbage, instead of sending it to a landfill.

The muzzies would self deport within a week.
Muslims don't want to mix. That is why you have muslim countries to begin with: They force non believers out.
you can only use thick bacon for this recipe:

have to do it in the about 350....

let the strips cook 1/2 way, flip them and sprinkle a mixture of:

brown sugar, cayenne and black pepper on them.....

finish cooking....

damn i was gonna make waffles this am....but i think i will bring out some pig

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