Muslims now FORCEABLY INVADING Greece!

The majority coming here from Mexico are Christian (Catholic). Is that a Christian invasion?
Because our invasion is from several Hispanic countries it is a Hispanic invasion. Because Europe is being invaded by several Muslim countries it is a Muslim invasion.


P.S. Iraq was largely a secular country.

P.S. Take note of your sentence tense. ..WAS largely secular...

Still irrelevant. The simple fact remains, wholesale composition fallacists CANNOT make all-encompassing blanket statements about some migrating population at some point based simply on their own guesswork, unless they have personally interviewed literally 100% of that population, ergo the premise in the OP, i.e. the first word he started with, is a complete crock of shit. It would in fact be more accurate to describe immigrants at the Mexican border as speakers of Spanish than that fallacious premise, since one needs a language to communicate whereas one does not need a religion.

Ultimately what was questioned here was the OP's motive in making shit up, which was thereby exposed, and which is why he conceded defeat and retreated in shame and why his bullshittery went down in ignominious flame.
View attachment 309873
These participation awards have certainly improved, that's for sure
New refugee crisis as 30,000 migrants from countries including Syria mass on Turkish borders with Greece and Bulgaria as they hurl stones at guards and try to cut through razor wire

Tens of thousands of refugees from Syria and other countries were massing on the Turkish borders with Greece and Bulgaria last night, hurling stones at guards and trying to cut through razor wire. An estimated 30,000 migrants gathered at checkpoints after Turkey’s president claimed to have ‘opened the doors’ to allow as many as 4 million asylum seekers to leave the country. Greek police closed border crossings and fired tear gas at large groups of migrants who tried to enter from Turkey yesterday, while pregnant women and children were among those making hazardous crossings by sea. One of the first stand-offs came on Friday night at Pazarkule, north-eastern Greece, where hundreds of migrants – including Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis and Moroccans – demanded to be let in.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

    • It came after Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ‘opened the doors’ to allow up to 4m to leave country
    • Greek police closed border crossings and fired tear gas at groups of migrants who tried to enter from Turkey
    • Pregnant women and children were among those making hazardous crossings from Turkey to Greece by sea

We are all on top of this situation and Greece has our FULL support. Since last Wednesday we have been working 24 hours in our Government on measures to assist Greece, my Department that I work in this is The Ministry of Interior we have been working since Thursday 24 hours and on Monday completed the first situation we agreed to this we are sending our Security Forces in the Border Police to assist the Greek Security Forces and FRONTEX. Also Karl Nehammer yesterday Tuesday gave a second press conference to reinforce the point that Muh Refugees are NOT going to be allowed on to our Continent AGAIN, we are NOT going to have a repeat of 2015 and that we are FULLY prepared AGAIN as in 2016 to SHUT DOWN the ENTIRE Balkans with the FULL assistance of our friends in the Governments of Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Slovenia, as we now have a friendly Government in Greece and also the support of the Non-EU Government of Bosnia we expect this to be adhered to by EVERYONE else this INCLUDES that faggot Macron and that bitch Merkel.

Greece also has just completed a 24 hour Military Operation using live ammo including machine guns right across the Greece-Turkey border.

Yesterday Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel visited Greece and gave their full support to Greece and the measures they are taking. Everyone doubles down on the SAME page that our Continent is NOT going to be blackmailed by Erdogan, this is NOT going to end well for Turkey.
Quit attacking their countries and fewer have to flee.

What a stupid comment. There are Moroccans and Sri Lankans in with Muh Refugees, since WHEN did ANY Western nation attack Morocco or Sri Lanka?
It's a pandemic going around the world and you're worried about Muslims.

Considering many of Muh Refugees are Iranian and Iran has Coronavirus - their Vice President now has tested positive for it - then these things are related.
1. My deepest sympathies to the refugees who have been forced to leave their countries because of war.

2. My deepest sympathies to the people of Europe who have to deal with hundreds of thousands of refugees entering their countries.

This is truly a lose - lose proposition for both parties.

What a terrible, terrible development.

Hopefully, the presidents of Turkey and Syria will soon be leaving office and letting more humane leaders deal with this nightmare.

We are working on a Safe Zone to be between Syria and Turkey ALL Muh Refugees to be put IN that Safe Zone, we FULLY expect Erdogan to adhere to the 2016 agreement he SIGNED with us, us = the EU. There is a EU Mission going to Ankara to point out to Erdogan that either he adhere's to that 2016 agreement OR then action will be taken against his Government and that is all Protocol allows me to publicly comment. We are NOT going to be blackmailed by Erdogan. Period.
It's a pandemic going around the world and you're worried about Muslims.
Muslims are far more lethal than the plague, and also far more lethal than the Coronavirus.

Muslims twisted Hitler's wrist about murdering all Europe's Jews with a promise of endless oil and gas for war, which they so generously over-provided the Nazis.

If Europe provides more home for 30,000 Muslims, in less than 30 years, there will be thirty million Muslims and more superfluous population than before coming in from the Middle East of Muslim origin. It comes to join our system or we killa you.
Wrong. The thirty thousand are just in the immediate throng. The actual figure according to The article is 4 million. If that happens Europe will cease to exist.

What is in the article is NOT going to happen. Period. This is going to be stopped. We are NOT having a repeat of the 2015 situation.
Europe is no more.

It's Eurabia now....the saddest thing. :(
Quit attacking their countries and fewer have to flee.

What a stupid comment. There are Moroccans and Sri Lankans in with Muh Refugees, since WHEN did ANY Western nation attack Morocco or Sri Lanka?

Most are fleeing because their countries are being destroyed. Just because it doesn't directly apply to a small number does not negate that.
Quit attacking their countries and fewer have to flee.

What a stupid comment. There are Moroccans and Sri Lankans in with Muh Refugees, since WHEN did ANY Western nation attack Morocco or Sri Lanka?

Most are fleeing because their countries are being destroyed. Just because it doesn't directly apply to a small number does not negate that.

It is not a small number, there are MORE from nations who are NOT in ANY war type situation. Also the number that the Greek Security Forces have FORCIBLY prevented from ILLEGALLY VIOLATING our External Border have ALL been Afghans and Pakistanis and Indians there have been minimal Syrians and this is according to the reports ALL European Ministry of Interiors have been given by both the Greek Government and also by FRONTEX.

Afghanistan is now considered NOT a war situation nation which is why ANY EU nation is able to deport Afghans back to Afghanistan, they get a choice go or they are FORCIBLY deported. Pakistan and India are NOT considered on ANY level to be nations in a war situation.
Europe is no more.

It's Eurabia now....the saddest thing. :(

This is not accurate Skye. We do not do Defeatism. We could also say America is no more considering by 2024 the MAJORITY of America is going to be Africans and Hispanics eg. by 2024 Texas is going to be majority Hispanic and when that happens there will NEVER be another Republican President EVER, it's over, the Republicans can not win WITHOUT winning Texas.
Europe is no more.

It's Eurabia now....the saddest thing. :(

This is not accurate Skye. We do not do Defeatism. We could also say America is no more considering by 2024 the MAJORITY of America is going to be Africans and Hispanics eg. by 2024 Texas is going to be majority Hispanic and when that happens there will NEVER be another Republican President EVER, it's over, the Republicans can not win WITHOUT winning Texas.

Well ....I will always keep Europe and it's history in my mind and heart.

One hopes for the best....even though things are not looking good.
It's a pandemic going around the world and you're worried about Muslims.

Coronavirus would not have spread around the world IF as soon as it appeared ALL borders were SHUT and ALL flights coming from China were STOPPED. These two things though did not happen, borders were left open and flights coming from China were allowed to spread Coronavirus around the world.
Quit attacking their countries and fewer have to flee.

What a stupid comment. There are Moroccans and Sri Lankans in with Muh Refugees, since WHEN did ANY Western nation attack Morocco or Sri Lanka?

Most are fleeing because their countries are being destroyed. Just because it doesn't directly apply to a small number does not negate that.

It is not a small number, there are MORE from nations who are NOT in ANY war type situation. Also the number that the Greek Security Forces have FORCIBLY prevented from ILLEGALLY VIOLATING our External Border have ALL been Afghans and Pakistanis and Indians there have been minimal Syrians and this is according to the reports ALL European Ministry of Interiors have been given by both the Greek Government and also by FRONTEX.

Afghanistan is now considered NOT a war situation nation which is why ANY EU nation is able to deport Afghans back to Afghanistan, they get a choice go or they are FORCIBLY deported. Pakistan and India are NOT considered on ANY level to be nations in a war situation.

I cant take anyone seriously that says that Afghanistan is no longer a war situation.

Two American Soldiers Killed in Shootout With Afghan Forces
Europe is no more.

It's Eurabia now....the saddest thing. :(

This is not accurate Skye. We do not do Defeatism. We could also say America is no more considering by 2024 the MAJORITY of America is going to be Africans and Hispanics eg. by 2024 Texas is going to be majority Hispanic and when that happens there will NEVER be another Republican President EVER, it's over, the Republicans can not win WITHOUT winning Texas.

Well ....I will always keep Europe and it's history in my mind and heart.

One hopes for the best....even though things are not looking good.

Thanks Skye, we all are working very hard to prevent a repeat of 2015, we do have some differences in that Ursula von der Leyen seems to be on the same page and Jean-Claude Juncker certainly was NOT and also there is a Conservative Government now in Greece and in 2015 it was that Neo-Marxist Syriza and they literally opened the Greek border to the crowd of Muh Refugees after that bitch Merkel told them to. Merkel knows NOT to do a repeat of that this time, she is not as strong now, the CDU/CSU are also not in great shape with infighting on who is going to replace Merkel etc and EVERYONE is angry that Erdogan thinks he can blackmail this Continent and Patriotic Governments on this Continent are 100% prepared this time for this type of situation on the Greece-Turkey border, something that we were NOT prepared for in 2015.
Quit attacking their countries and fewer have to flee.

What a stupid comment. There are Moroccans and Sri Lankans in with Muh Refugees, since WHEN did ANY Western nation attack Morocco or Sri Lanka?

Most are fleeing because their countries are being destroyed. Just because it doesn't directly apply to a small number does not negate that.

It is not a small number, there are MORE from nations who are NOT in ANY war type situation. Also the number that the Greek Security Forces have FORCIBLY prevented from ILLEGALLY VIOLATING our External Border have ALL been Afghans and Pakistanis and Indians there have been minimal Syrians and this is according to the reports ALL European Ministry of Interiors have been given by both the Greek Government and also by FRONTEX.

Afghanistan is now considered NOT a war situation nation which is why ANY EU nation is able to deport Afghans back to Afghanistan, they get a choice go or they are FORCIBLY deported. Pakistan and India are NOT considered on ANY level to be nations in a war situation.

I cant take anyone seriously that says that Afghanistan is no longer a war situation.

Two American Soldiers Killed in Shootout With Afghan Forces

It might be a war situation for America but it is not for this Continent, this is why we can deport Afghans back to Afghanistan.

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