Muslims plan 9/11 march in washington


Silver Member
Sep 12, 2012
They are protesting their " denial" of CIVIL RIGHTS!!! Even if this were true, ( It's not) why do they have to pick this day? Talk about CHUZPAH !!! If they were really for : Civil Rights" they should feel that way for everybody!

This is how they really feel about " Civil Rights" for those who are not Muslims;

Churches Burned in Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood Targets Coptic Christians Amid Widespread Unrest (VIDEO)

Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In | FrontPage Magazine

Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In

July 11, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim 13 Comments


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coptsOriginally published by the Gatestone Institute.

“In scattered locations across Egypt,” wrote Morning Star News, “mobs of hard-line Muslims enraged over the deposing of the country’s Islamist president [Muhammad Morsi] this week attacked Christian homes, business[es] and church buildings and were suspected in the shooting death of a priest.”

None of this should come as a surprise. As Gatestone Institute reported right at the beginning of the June 30 revolution, anonymous “letters addressed to the Copts threatened them not to join the protests, otherwise their ‘businesses, cars, homes, schools, and churches’ might ‘catch fire…. This message is being delivered with tact. But when the moment of truth comes, there will be no tact’.” Several popular and influential Brotherhood leaders and supporters made the same threats, including Sheikh Essam Abdulamek , Dr. Safwat Hegazy , Dr. Wagdi Ghoneim, and Sheikh Abdullah Badr.

True to their word, now that Morsi and the Brotherhood have been ousted, Egypt’s Christians are being heavily targeted by Brotherhood supporters. On July 3rd, in a village in al-Minya in Upper Egypt, the services building of St. George Church was looted and torched. Likewise, the evangelical Saleh Church in Delga was attacked and caught fire, while the villagers, the majority of whom are Copts, had their homes and businesses looted and torched. Two Christians were injured from the fires. According to the pastor of Delga Catholic Church, who was able to escape the fire only through the roof, “supporters of former President Morsi are engaged in continuous and unprecedented harassment of Copts. He said that a number of those people broke into the homes of Christians at gunpoint, terrorizing women, children and seizing gold jewelry and furniture. He contacted security forces, pleading for help. Witnesses said security arrived next morning.”

Another Islamic mob tried to “attack the main Coptic cathedral in Qena, but the military fought them off. The group moved on to attack Christian-owned homes and businesses in the area, sources said. Also on Wednesday (July 3), a mob attacked the Church of the Holy Virgin in the coastal town of Marsa Matrouh with stones, but the military also repelled them.” “It is a miracle no one was killed in the attacks” a woman told Morning Star News.


Why aren't there protests among the " civilized?" That's because they are not; Regardless of their education
duuuuude they can pray, in the middle of street and shut down traffic. any other religion would have been locked up for that shit. LOL
plus, on 911 to try and get a manufactured point across? that shows their respect for this country right there.. smh the only people that scream for civil rights are the ones that are either wanting SPECIAL treatment or already have their "civil rights"; doibg what they do best.. disrupt
Civil rights my arse. They are marching to celebrate their victory on 9/11/01 and poke a finger in our eye. Their organizer is a 9/11 truther. And they'll have a lot of support from their worshippers in this forum. Just watch as they descend like a fly on crap to defend them. I don't think the march is a good idea. Could and should piss a lot of people off.
In the memory of all those who died in 9/11 ...this should not be allowed.

It is outrageous! :mad:
It's disrespectful, it's unwise - but it's not illegal.

If the organizers are so 'in-your-face' they feel compelled to take a poke at all the rest of us, that's their mishegos.

Now if they really wanted to be basturds about it - they'd have waited 'til that Saturday.

BUT: there's a difference between al-Quaeda and the whole of Islam, and a whole community should never be demonized for the actions of a few among them. What would everyone be thinking if the Italian-Americans were to hold a large march to protest demonization of their community as 'mobsters'? Don't Muslim citizens have the same rights as all other Americans?

The Jewish posters here have been disgusted and infuriated by snide insinuations - and blatant accusations! - that our loyalty to America is 'divided'. When segregation was still 'legal', didn't Black Americans have some right to feel regarded as less than 100% American citizens?

It would be oh-so-wrong of anyone to suppose that just because someone is a Muslim that they do not wish to be a completely loyal American.

I have to admit, though: the presence of 'troofers' (911 conspiranutter scum) among the organizers leaves me under-impressed with the whole idea. It's a most unfortunate association. It should be completely possible to assert full Constitutional rights for our Muslim citizens and residents while not resorting to conspiracy BS filth and propaganda against *other* Americans.
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It's disrespectful, it's unwise - but it's not illegal.

If the organizers are so 'in-your-face' they feel compelled to take a poke at all the rest of us, that's their mishegos.

Now if they really wanted to be basturds about it - they'd have waited 'til that Saturday.

BUT: there's a difference between al-Quaeda and the whole of Islam, and a whole community should never be demonized for the actions of a few among them. What would everyone be thinking if the Italian-Americans were to hold a large march to protest demonization of their community as 'mobsters'? Don't Muslim citizens have the same rights as all other Americans?

The Jewish posters here have been disgusted and infuriated by snide insinuations - and blatant accusations! - that our loyalty to America is 'divided'. When segregation was still 'legal', didn't Black Americans have some right to feel regarded as less than 100% American citizens?

It would be oh-so-wrong of anyone to suppose that just because someone is a Muslim that they do not wish to be a completely loyal American.

I have to admit, though: the presence of 'troofers' (911 conspiranutter scum) among the organizers leaves me under-impressed with the whole idea. It's a most unfortunate association. It should be completely possible to assert full Constitutional rights for our Muslim citizens and residents while not resorting to conspiracy BS filth and propaganda against *other* Americans.

Why are you comparing Muslims who march on 9/11 of all days to demand their " Civil Rights" to Italians who some ( stupidly) feel they are automatically connected to the Mafia??
Tell us please, what " Civil Rights" they are being denied.

Are you seriously comparing Muslims to the way blacks felt??? That's absurd. Even if some do feel " abused" it's NOT necessary to do it on THAT DAY !! :cuckoo:
to understand why muslims feel agrieved in the USA_---learn something about shariah
law which most muslims (I can confidently say "most" because I have know
enough muslims over the past 50 years to have acquired a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT
sample) is, at the very least,, the best system every devised----and---in general ---
that shariah law is of divine origin-----so divine that fighting for its imposition is HOLY.

The details of shariah law are abused in the USA----CONSTANTLY AND INCESSANTLY
and OPENLY-----In the USA muslims are abused by having to see christmas trees---
large ornate chruches----keep in mind----CHURCHBELLS offend muslims -----waring
a small cross on a chain around one's neck OFFENDS muslims------and doing so is
contrary to SHARIAH LAW. There are some people in the USA who offend muslims by
saying that they "prefer christianity" even after reading the koran

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