Mussolini was a peaceful man with a gentle nature, and The Jesus Christ of the 20th Century!

Jan 8, 2021
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

7. cross.jpg

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)

but you gotta admit, the song is good... :)
much better than that crap black shirts were listening... :D
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)

but you gotta admit, the song is good... :)
much better than that crap black shirts were listening... :D

Song sounded great. :)
Just didn't like your choice of words is all. ;)
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)

but you gotta admit, the song is good... :)
much better than that crap black shirts were listening... :D

Song sounded great. :)
Just didn't like your choice of words is all. ;)

words are words...
songs are soul...
thumbs up for liking the partigiani... :D
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)

but you gotta admit, the song is good... :)
much better than that crap black shirts were listening... :D

Song sounded great. :)
Just didn't like your choice of words is all. ;)

words are words...
songs are soul...
thumbs up for liking the partigiani... :D

Believe it or not , I even like your signature too!
I just don't like you! ;)
thank god italian people were able to rise above mussolini and his admiration of hitler, they did not turn into the savages nazis have become by the end of the war...

I can't believe you said that. I'm uploading a YouTube just for you personally. I hope you feel special! :)

but you gotta admit, the song is good... :)
much better than that crap black shirts were listening... :D

Song sounded great. :)
Just didn't like your choice of words is all. ;)

words are words...
songs are soul...
thumbs up for liking the partigiani... :D

Believe it or not , I even like your signature too!
I just don't like you! ;)

thanks matt, i dont like you either... :)
The idea of Mussolini as Christ certainly shows originality. It also shows that originality, by itself, isn't every everything.
The idea of Mussolini as Christ certainly shows originality. It also shows that originality, by itself, isn't every everything.
Yeah, but I gave actually a good argument about how Benito is more altruistic, more charitable, less narcissistic, more meek, more kind, and more humble than JC!

I speak about him in the present tense because my body is a Temple of the Spirit of the Caesar , and I know him personally.

Jesus Christ approved of slavery and racism. Mussolini abolished slavery and condemned racism.

Jesus returns to destroy all his enemies, burn people in hell (war crimes against humanity ), and rule an Empire that stretches across the globe! Mussolini was nice in comparison.

Jesus demanded people worship him and claimed to be God. Mussolini just wanted to be Caesar of Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya, Albania, Greece, and parts of France. He didn't demand anyone worship him , and if he ever said "go to hell", it was a figure of speech.

Yes, Mussolini was like Jesus , just more humble and charitable!
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

You my friend.......are an idiot.
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

You my friend.......are an idiot.

And Genghis Khan was a shit hot babysitter!
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

You my friend.......are an idiot.

And Genghis Khan was a shit hot babysitter!

Genghis Kahn inspired the founding Fathers of America and was a champion of Religious liberty, Religious tolerance, and Religious freedom. He wasn't perfect, but he hated religious bigotry which was why he killed so many Muslims (19 million in Iran alone).

Kahn was fine with you being Muslim, he just realized most Muslims are bigots so he killed a shit ton of them. Muslims who were okay with people being non Muslim were cool with Kahn.

The great Kahn was an escaped orphan slave living off berries and bunnies in the woods and abused. Cut him some slack. Many of his officers were his former enemies. He would make POW's his officers. One of them shot his horse out from under him. Most leaders aren't that nice to their defeated captives as was the Kahn.

But he was a sinner.
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

That is not what the wiki article states:
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

You my friend.......are an idiot.

And Genghis Khan was a shit hot babysitter!

Genghis Kahn inspired the founding Fathers of America and was a champion of Religious liberty, Religious tolerance, and Religious freedom. He wasn't perfect, but he hated religious bigotry which was why he killed so many Muslims (19 million in Iran alone).

Kahn was fine with you being Muslim, he just realized most Muslims are bigots so he killed a shit ton of them. Muslims who were okay with people being non Muslim were cool with Kahn.

The great Kahn was an escaped orphan slave living off berries and bunnies in the woods and abused. Cut him some slack. Many of his officers were his former enemies. He would make POW's his officers. One of them shot his horse out from under him. Most leaders aren't that nice to their defeated captives as was the Kahn.

But he was a sinner.

That is not what the wiki article states.
Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia
Tramp and Mussolini are two peas in the same pod.
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

That is not what the wiki article states:
Benito Mussolini was a peaceful thoughtful man like Jesus Christ. The major difference between Mussolini and Jesus Christ was Jesus Christ was racist, referred to certain ethnicities as dogs, and Jesus approved of Slavery which the Bible actually proves. However, Jesus believed you should be as nice to your slaves as you are to your dogs or work horses, which the Ethiopians ignored. This caused Mussolini to declare war on Emperor Haile Selassie (the Rastafarian God). Like Moses, Benito Mussolini cried "Let God's people go"! And set the captives free!

Why Benito Mussolini deserves the Nobel Peace Prize more than almost any other historical figure:

If Mussolini could offer any advice now it would be to ease suffering in our world and have compassion on those who suffer, the poorest of the poor.

Violence was his last resort to try and save lives from bullies like the Atheist Godless Russians (whose kill count and torture worse than Nazism) , or Ethiopians (Confederate were nice to slaves compared to Ethiopia), and save lives from terrorists like the Americans who think it's okay to drop nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (worse acts of terrorism in the history of humankind).

Americans are the terrorists and Serial killer Capitol of the world. If America was run like Fascist Italy , Jeffrey Dahmer would not have put his countrymen in his freezer and devoured their flesh. Ted Bundy would have been a good Republican. It is not good Republican behavior to take All-American Caucasian and Jewish girls into the woods to ravage and mutilate them and commit necrophilia with their corpses.

Fascists tried to prevent such behavior by not glorifying immorality and banning pornography and selfishness. Jeffrey Dahmer would have been taught good habits as a boy in a Fascist Youth group. Fascist Italy didn't have our problems and very little crime after destroying the mafia, and America incarcerates far more people than Mussolini did.

This YouTube proves Benito Mussolini was a real winner and the Epitome of a 20th Century Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis, and Abraham Lincoln rolled into one. What have you done that you call Mussolini, (a man more altruistic, less narcissistic, more humble, and more successful than Jesus Christ) A LOSER???

View attachment 440479View attachment 440481View attachment 440480View attachment 440477View attachment 440478

I am only promoting Charity and a true lover of humanity!

He also was the most influential Politician in the 20th Century, and after King Cyrus the great of Persia, he was the greatest Leader to walk planet earth!!!

He promised on the day of his death that he would return to rule a far greater nation in need of a Leader, and we would feel the strong arm.

Before calling him a loser, what have you done to abolish slavery like Mussolini, create jobs, drop unemployment, get control of a Democracy without anyone voting for you (having no high school diploma, qualifications, being the youngest Prime minister in Italian History, bloodless transfer of power without killings).

Mussolini was publicly executed , therefore he was a loser, right? Jesus Christ and the early Christians were publicly humiliated and executed as well. Mussolini did more to try and keep peace than Chamberlain in World War 2. Mussolini stalled Hitler's annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia. What would you have done?

The Duce eventually sided with Hitler because it seemed the Nazis had won the war with the fall of France and a Crippled Great Britain, and Hitler promised him a great Roman Empire that would defend Religion against Soviets, Communists, Atheists, and militant anti Christ Bolsheviks who seek to efface God from the hearts of humankind. Mussolini didn't have a strong military like Germany despite Mussolini being responsible for Germany's economic miracle and golden age.

Italy spent their finances , weapons, and raw materials in a noble crusade against evil, blowing up German tanks to free slaves in Africa (Germans sided with the Ethiopian Empire) and battling the Soviets and Communists in the Spanish Civil War, creating a Fascist Spain! They were not prepared for World War 2.

With an Antibolshivek, Anti-Soviet, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist Ally like Germany, This was his opportunity to become a greater 20th Century Caesar of a revived Roman Empire.

His alternative was a Nazi invasion of Italy for stalling Hitler's annexation of Austria, opposing Hitler in Ethiopia, condemning Hitler's racism, stalling his invasion of Czechoslovakia, and being unfaithful to the pact of steel.

Mussolini was found innocent of war crimes, (humane and gentle with his POWs more than the allied powers were) , condemning Nazi scorched earth bullshit. (Hitler hid from Mussolini the extermination of Jews. That shit was supposed to be kept secret even from most Germans.)

I'm going to start a YouTube series on it but I'm trying not to create long YouTube's. It's tough cuz it's tough to know how to keep the shit limited to five minutes max when talking about the most noble minded embodiment of charity to walk planet earth...

The Spirit of Il Duce is upon me so much that if you debate me rather than ban me, I will own you in approximately five seconds (hyperbole)...

You my friend.......are an idiot.

And Genghis Khan was a shit hot babysitter!

Genghis Kahn inspired the founding Fathers of America and was a champion of Religious liberty, Religious tolerance, and Religious freedom. He wasn't perfect, but he hated religious bigotry which was why he killed so many Muslims (19 million in Iran alone).

Kahn was fine with you being Muslim, he just realized most Muslims are bigots so he killed a shit ton of them. Muslims who were okay with people being non Muslim were cool with Kahn.

The great Kahn was an escaped orphan slave living off berries and bunnies in the woods and abused. Cut him some slack. Many of his officers were his former enemies. He would make POW's his officers. One of them shot his horse out from under him. Most leaders aren't that nice to their defeated captives as was the Kahn.

But he was a sinner.

That is not what the wiki article states.
Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia
Tramp and Mussolini are two peas in the same pod.

Reminds me of all the stupid quotes attributed to Mussolini that made me think he was stupid.

I read books written by Mussolini and he sounds eloquent and intelligent.

Come to find out, those quotes probably weren't even his. The winners write the history.

The people that urinated on Mussolini, hung him upside down, and used him as target practice wrote the history on him that is found in our public schools.

Wikipedia is not infallible.

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