My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

Obama spent over $1 trillion bailing out the financial sector that caused all that. You loved the guy for it. So ow you're claiming you and your ilk were opposed to the swindling and thievery??? The rest of us know real estate hustlers and lawyers are the biggest contributors to Democratic Party PACs and individual 'donations', outside of Wall Street and Red China, that is.

Okay, yeah, sometimes you have to make Faustian bargains in life. What is your point.

What was the alternative to not bailing out the banks? Watching everyone's home values and 401K's collapse into worthless paper?

Obama saved Capitalism and you guys hate him for it. Too funny.

lol he was a bought and paid for GS shill is all; he didn't make any 'Faustian bargains', he got shitloads of money for covering for the criminals, and you of course think that's okay, while sniveling along with all the other little bitches all about unproven and false charges against Trump. you faggots just need to be deported , is all; the Founder of your Party would highly approve, plus we can read all about your great improvements you make to those other countries we deport you to.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

People in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and many others said YES. Thank God LA, Chicago and New York don't run the whole country.
anyone who loves our country rejects any form of hate. in my mind, in my heart, i know this to be true. our country was founded on ideals. the moment we stop aspiring to them, we become weak! we must have honest uncomfortable conversations about hate and race.
But there were people who were screwed over. And Dodd/Frank was part of it. You smooth things over. But people who played by rules that were changed got reamed if they could not adjust. Dodd and Frank left. Pelosi stayed after Obamacare. Did you see her video at the border. Walking like she had a dildo up her azz to exchange flags. With that stupid demonic childish smile.

Naw, what screwed people over was that the one percenters fucked up the economy.

The rules we had didn't work. That's why they had to be changed.

And your bizarre, misogynistic views of Pelosi have nothing to do with the subject.
People in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and many others said YES. Thank God LA, Chicago and New York don't run the whole country.

So Trump barely won some less populated states, we should ignore the fact he overwealming lost more populated states and pretend people actually want this daily dose of insanity?

Is this what you are arguing.
Ok, I'll play along. Which of his claims were credible?

That there are assholes out there that beat up gay people all the time.

It's happened to people I know. Most don't report it to the Chicago Cops because they barely investigate the murders that happen.
People in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and many others said YES. Thank God LA, Chicago and New York don't run the whole country.

So Trump barely won some less populated states, we should ignore the fact he overwealming lost more populated states and pretend people actually want this daily dose of insanity?

Is this what you are arguing.

I'm giving you a dose of reality. The electoral college is in place to prevent mob rule. It means people in those less populated states have a say in our government. Otherwise, with a popular vote candidates would just campaign in LA, New York and Chicago, the rest of the county be damned. It's a great system that allows everyone to have say. Clearly Hillary didn't understand that when she ignored the Rust Belt.
Yup, a friend has a friend that has a relative, got it.

Actually, happened to a coworker of mine. Came in one morning, beat to shit, because three guys jumped him.

I'm giving you a dose of reality. The electoral college is in place to prevent mob rule. It means people in those less populated states have a say in our government.

why should they? Why should people in Wyoming, a plain full of shit-kickers no one would miss, get three times the voting power of people in California, which is vital to our economy?

One person. One vote. That's how it should work.

It's a great system that allows everyone to have say.

Not really. Kind of the opposite. Most states have no say at all, because they are either deep red or deep blue. The race is usually decided in about a half dozen swing states.

Clearly Hillary didn't understand that when she ignored the Rust Belt.

You mean she wasn't willing to lie to them like Trump was.

Hillary told them the truth. Your daddy's factory job isn't coming back, because it's been replaced by a robot. But Trump told them he would bring them back by tearing up trade deals, which aren't the problem.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

"When was America ever great?"

- Eric Holder -
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

It's because America represents everything NON-commie. They are all commies and deserve to die.

It really is that simple.

Yup, a friend has a friend that has a relative, got it.

Actually, happened to a coworker of mine. Came in one morning, beat to shit, because three guys jumped him.

I'm giving you a dose of reality. The electoral college is in place to prevent mob rule. It means people in those less populated states have a say in our government.

why should they? Why should people in Wyoming, a plain full of shit-kickers no one would miss, get three times the voting power of people in California, which is vital to our economy?

One person. One vote. That's how it should work.

It's a great system that allows everyone to have say.

Not really. Kind of the opposite. Most states have no say at all, because they are either deep red or deep blue. The race is usually decided in about a half dozen swing states.

Clearly Hillary didn't understand that when she ignored the Rust Belt.

You mean she wasn't willing to lie to them like Trump was.

Hillary told them the truth. Your daddy's factory job isn't coming back, because it's been replaced by a robot. But Trump told them he would bring them back by tearing up trade deals, which aren't the problem.

You do know, don't you, that those fly over states you so despise supply you with that food you enjoy eating? Ignore them at your own risk.
Ok, I'll play along. Which of his claims were credible?

That there are assholes out there that beat up gay people all the time.

It's happened to people I know. Most don't report it to the Chicago Cops because they barely investigate the murders that happen.

I'm sure there are gays that get beat up, but this particular incident was investigated. Sounds like your feel it's ok to let Smollett go free because others get beat up.
So you believe Smolett, you don’t think he paid anyone with a check to attack him?

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Are you some kind of special retard, and I need to explain thing to you in very small words? Because you don't seem terribly intelligent. Maybe you should be posting at "" with the other tards who get to use the keyboard on their special time.

You do know, don't you, that those fly over states you so despise supply you with that food you enjoy eating? Ignore them at your own risk.

I know i pay lots of taxes subsidzing the Agricultural-Industrial Complex, but most of the actual work in those states are done by undocumented immigrants.

I'm sure there are gays that get beat up, but this particular incident was investigated. Sounds like your feel it's ok to let Smollett go free because others get beat up.

No, I think it's okay to let him go because what he did just wasn't that big of a deal. The public exposure and humiliation and being the punchline of a thousand jokes is punishment enough.

Here's the the thing. Yesterday, they just let a guy out who was part of a Satanic Cult back in the 1980's in IL. He got a 70 year term and they let him out after 35, even though his little group killed and ate 20 women.


Member of satanic ‘Ripper Crew’ released from prison

THIS guy belongs in prison, but he's getting out because they want to free up his cell for some other creep.

So you put it in perspective... what Jussie did doesn't seem so bad.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious
Its not rocket science, Trump beat Hillary out of her turn.

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