My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

MAGA is about foundation. And strength. Most if not all wrongs have been corrected. The problem is the best of the best of the best are not coming forward as others are emasculated and turned into eunuchs.

I'm going to cut your rant off right here... no, we haven't corrected racism and sexism in this country. they are alive and well. What we do have is a bunch of aggreived white males who live in mortal fear of losing their privileges. And being too stupid to realized whose been screwing them for years.
That is why we are purchasing more and more Asian designed and made products.
I don’t like the hate that comes from Republicans and so I have a really hard time thinking like them. I believe the country should take care of the elderly and children and help people get healthcare and education and I believe in good jobs.
Republicans want to abolish the EPA because they think a clean environment is too expensive.
Republicans think education is bad for America.
Republicans don’t care about healthcare because they only care that the rich are taken care of. Republicans just don’t care about everyone else.
When you point these things out they become very angry. But then as you discuss GOP policies, they will finally admit what their true goals are.

You say really stupid things.
MAGA is about foundation. And strength. Most if not all wrongs have been corrected. The problem is the best of the best of the best are not coming forward as others are emasculated and turned into eunuchs.

I'm going to cut your rant off right here... no, we haven't corrected racism and sexism in this country. they are alive and well. What we do have is a bunch of aggreived white males who live in mortal fear of losing their privileges. And being too stupid to realized whose been screwing them for years.

You're absolute right, Jussie Smollett sure proved that.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

He lost the Popular Vote but won the Election. The Nation said Yes. You sure you want to have everything be purely based on simple majority? Liberals could lose on some of their key issues if we went that route.

That's fine, but majority IS the will of the people not the EC.

Be careful what you wish for...

Ewe too!
No, you people think California is more important and most everything in between is simply flyover country.

Um, most everything in between is flyover country and not that important.

The Financial engines that drive the country are California and New York.

Thus saith a 60-ish year old "genius" renting in a trailer park.

To put things in perspective. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Wow. Read what you are saying. A single voice in Manhattan, Kansas does not carry the same weight as a single voice in Manhattan, NY. Liberals ought to run on that...... push to get rid of The Electoral College so that Elections are decided simply by the most populous cities.

Tell US, think you can sell it to the People or do you need the Courts, once again, to legislate from the Bench?

I think after Trump is done fucking everything up, there will be a move to get rid of the EC to make sure nothing like that ever happens again and it will be massively popular.

And, yes, sorry, NYC is more important than the inbreds in Kansas wondering if Evolution really happened or not.

You really consider yourself “tolerant” or are you just another corrupt liberal that appointed yourself as to what is and is not tolerant? Who matters, who does not? Perhaps you are simply an elitist.
This is real Americans according to me:

These guys fought Nazis, Modern day Democrats fight against Americans.

And funny thing.. it took another five years to desegregate the armed forces...

Today we have the same racists who wanted to keep the army desegregated being Trump's biggest supporters... You can overlay a map of slave states with a map of Trump states... and they are the same states.

Imagine that.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

This is your 'ah ha' moment that you are SOOO proud of that you thought it warranted an entire thread about it?


BTW - I don't give a shit about the MAGA hats or any other stupid political slogan paraphernalia. IMO, only ignorant ding dong's wear such things. Nothing says 'I am TOTALLY uncool' like falling for a politician's slogan. And that applies to ALL political candidates from ALL political parties.
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You're absolute right, Jussie Smollett sure proved that.

No, Jussie proved he was a disturbed person... nothing about the greater society.

The fact his questionable claims had credibility are proof of the racism in this country.
You're absolute right, Jussie Smollett sure proved that.

No, Jussie proved he was a disturbed person... nothing about the greater society.

The fact his questionable claims had credibility are proof of the racism in this country.

But halfwits like you believing his story isn't 'proof of racism', it's merely proof you're a dishonest idiot who likes to peddle trash around as long as it fits your own race baiting agenda, that's all.
But halfwits like you believing his story isn't 'proof of racism', it's merely proof you're a dishonest idiot who likes to peddle trash around as long as it fits your own race baiting agenda, that's all.

If you go back to the first threads on this, you'll see that I had my doubts about his story from the very beginning.

The thing is, we really don't need Jussie Smollett to prove that America is a racist society... we can just pick up a history book or look at any statistic to prove that.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

Yes, we hear all the time all about how the Russians colluded with Trump to hack the voting system and give Hillary 3 million more votes n stuff.
But halfwits like you believing his story isn't 'proof of racism', it's merely proof you're a dishonest idiot who likes to peddle trash around as long as it fits your own race baiting agenda, that's all.

If you go back to the first threads on this, you'll see that I had my doubts about his story from the very beginning.

The thing is, we really don't need Jussie Smollett to prove that America is a racist society... we can just pick up a history book or look at any statistic to prove that.

We could pick up books, but you don't read any so why bring them up?
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

If you did not see America being great to begin with, why then get behind “Hope and Change” and “The Fundamental Transformation of America”? Those slogans and campaigns don’t suggest America being great to begin with.

Yeah good slogans when the economy is shedding 500,000 jobs a months, stocks are cratering, house values are cut in half and the economy is collapsing because of Republican policies.

Obama spent over $1 trillion bailing out the financial sector that caused all that. You loved the guy for it. So ow you're claiming you and your ilk were opposed to the swindling and thievery??? The rest of us know real estate hustlers and lawyers are the biggest contributors to Democratic Party PACs and individual 'donations', outside of Wall Street and Red China, that is.
We could pick up books, but you don't read any so why bring them up?

This was the best you could come up wiht.

You now don't like anyone bringing up the obvious? And nobody cares what you said about it; I just clicked on the side bar to get here and your gibberish was just laying there like the usual giant smelly turd your fantasies are, is all.
Obama spent over $1 trillion bailing out the financial sector that caused all that. You loved the guy for it. So ow you're claiming you and your ilk were opposed to the swindling and thievery??? The rest of us know real estate hustlers and lawyers are the biggest contributors to Democratic Party PACs and individual 'donations', outside of Wall Street and Red China, that is.

Okay, yeah, sometimes you have to make Faustian bargains in life. What is your point.

What was the alternative to not bailing out the banks? Watching everyone's home values and 401K's collapse into worthless paper?

Obama saved Capitalism and you guys hate him for it. Too funny.
Obama spent over $1 trillion bailing out the financial sector that caused all that. You loved the guy for it. So ow you're claiming you and your ilk were opposed to the swindling and thievery??? The rest of us know real estate hustlers and lawyers are the biggest contributors to Democratic Party PACs and individual 'donations', outside of Wall Street and Red China, that is.

Okay, yeah, sometimes you have to make Faustian bargains in life. What is your point.

What was the alternative to not bailing out the banks? Watching everyone's home values and 401K's collapse into worthless paper?

Obama saved Capitalism and you guys hate him for it. Too funny.
But there were people who were screwed over. And Dodd/Frank was part of it. You smooth things over. But people who played by rules that were changed got reamed if they could not adjust. Dodd and Frank left. Pelosi stayed after Obamacare. Did you see her video at the border. Walking like she had a dildo up her azz to exchange flags. With that stupid demonic childish smile.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

This is your 'ah ha' moment that you are SOOO proud of that you thought it warranted an entire thread about it?


BTW - I don't give a shit about the MAGA hats or any other stupid political slogan paraphernalia. IMO, only ignorant ding dong's wear such things. Nothing says 'I am TOTALLY uncool' like falling for a politician's slogan. And that applies to ALL political candidates from ALL political parties.
Perhaps you overlook that they wear it for Patriotism, support, actually agree with the slogan no matter what party they support, or as a symbol of having a brain and or drive & purpose to strive. Now me personally I am afraid to wear my blue hat with no logos, because I'm affraid it will be confused as a progressive's hat with nothing to say on it being the standard "got nothing" to offer stance of the party.
Dems hat should say: "Where's the Beef?"

With permission from Wendy's of course.

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