My Answer To Democrats Who Blame Donald Trump For Virus Deaths


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
He's hiding behind the office..a sitting president can't be charged, but you knew that didn't you..
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
He's hiding behind the office..a sitting president can't be charged, but you knew that didn't you..

And Hiden is hiding in his basement from the Hunter/Joe scandal.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
He's hiding behind the office..a sitting president can't be charged, but you knew that didn't you..
That is a lie. The Mueller investigation dealt specifically with his guilt for collusion and obstruction of justice.Mueller said he could not indict the President because the evidence did not support an indictment.
He's hiding behind the office..a sitting president can't be charged, but you knew that didn't you..
Hiding from what exactly? Deaths from a novel airborne virus? Never been stopped before.
Russian collusion? Cleared & it was HRC that actually did that with the Steele Dossier.
Ukrainian quid pro? Nope, all Quid Pro Joe.
Please give us an example of what he is hiding from? I'm sure a great intellect like yourself can do that. What do you think he can be charged with?:oops8:
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
Lol, wait till he's out on January 21st.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
He's hiding behind the office..a sitting president can't be charged, but you knew that didn't you..

So THAT'S what saved Obama!
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.

It doesn't matter, Barr is protecting him as well of the republican senate and now the Supreme Court.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.

It doesn't matter, Barr is protecting him as well of the republican senate and now the Supreme Court.
The atty general cannot protect anybody.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.
Lol, wait till he's out on January 21st.
There are no surprise indictments. He's not being investigated.
You haven't dealt with the issue of legal liability. If Trump is guilty of a crime, call the police. If he was negligent, file a lawsuit against him for damages.
You won't do either one because your accusation is bullshit.


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