My blue wave is waving bye bye america!!

There is no blue wave. A blue wave would be every toss up going in one direction. That is not what is happening. Of course the dems would win seats, that's happened every mid term since the civil war, but it was not a wave. Even someone on CBS news said this.

That's not the case at all. In 2002, George W. Bush gained seats in both houses. In 1998, Clinton gained seats in the House.

So let's be honest, given the way that these house districts are gerrymandered to favor Republicans, the fact that the Dems managed to pick up 30 seats is truly impressive. The Senate Map sucked for the Democrats, to be certain

What does it mean for 2020? Probably not much. If the economy is doing well, Trump has a good chance of winning. If it's in the toilet, he's done.

Shouldn't be that way. But it is.

You mean like policy?

The Democratic Party won just enough to keep the bullshittery going for another two years. Why get serious now?
(sigh) sad

I’m in Michigan

1 Stabenow won
2. Democratic governor
3. Pot is now legal
4. No more gerrymandering
5. Automatically registered to vote when you get your drivers license
6. The house flipped.
7. Lots of rich white greedy racist men lost to women and minorities.
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

Look I'm not a Democrat but I keep telling all of my Democrat friends they need to get rid of that old hag or they are never going to go anywhere. She has a freaking death grip on the party. I mean there are a number of very eloquent well-qualified Democratic Congress people who would be so much better at that job than she is.

Republicans will just vilify the next person.

Why don’t republicans dump Paul Ryan?
There is no blue wave. A blue wave would be every toss up going in one direction. That is not what is happening. Of course the dems would win seats, that's happened every mid term since the civil war, but it was not a wave. Even someone on CBS news said this.

The repubs gained even more seats in the senate, which is all Trump needed to put more justices in the SCOTUS.

Some senators who voted against Kav were sent packing.
From my perspective democrats won every proposition, the governors seat, the house. We just didn’t win the senate.

Republicans will be busy between now and January passing lame duck legislation
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team. Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell. But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team.

Neither party is mine; not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell.

Hell yea they need to get rid of his scary ass, he is just a Trump puppet.

But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.

Hate to break this to you, she ain't doing a damn thing right. She is the main reason Democrats lost the house in the last time.
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team.

Neither party is mine; not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell.

Hell yea they need to get rid of his scary ass, he is just a Trump puppet.

But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.

Hate to break this to you, she ain't doing a damn thing right. She is the main reason Democrats lost the house in the last time.

Fuck that. And even if it's true, then the American people are dumb af.

We should have never elected GW Bush. He fucked up this economy. We should have voted Republicans out in the 2010 midterm. We didn't, so we got the current Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's and Ted Cruz' and Jon Boehner's in the government.

We have a fucked up country and government because the people are fucking stupid. Especially red states who cry about takers and it turns out it's the red states that are the takers.

Nancy Pelosi needs to immediately start going after entitlements that go to red states. Fuck them until they turn blue. If red necks in Kentucky who get welfare want to vote Republican then they shouldn't be getting welfare or foodstamps. Or we should go along with the Republican plan to make Mitch McConnell's constituents work 30 hours a month to get their foodstamps. I love that idea.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team. Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell. But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.
Yes, McConnell needs to thrown out with the trash... same with Pelosi
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team.

Neither party is mine; not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell.

Hell yea they need to get rid of his scary ass, he is just a Trump puppet.

But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.

Hate to break this to you, she ain't doing a damn thing right. She is the main reason Democrats lost the house in the last time.

Fuck that. And even if it's true, then the American people are dumb af.

We should have never elected GW Bush. He fucked up this economy. We should have voted Republicans out in the 2010 midterm. We didn't, so we got the current Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's and Ted Cruz' and Jon Boehner's in the government.

We have a fucked up country and government because the people are fucking stupid. Especially red states who cry about takers and it turns out it's the red states that are the takers.

Nancy Pelosi needs to immediately start going after entitlements that go to red states. Fuck them until they turn blue. If red necks in Kentucky who get welfare want to vote Republican then they shouldn't be getting welfare or foodstamps. Or we should go along with the Republican plan to make Mitch McConnell's constituents work 30 hours a month to get their foodstamps. I love that idea.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
You socialists Will never understand what the real divide in this country is, you live off of fucked up emotions obviously… You do realize you sound like a pussy whipped bitch?
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team.

Neither party is mine; not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell.

Hell yea they need to get rid of his scary ass, he is just a Trump puppet.

But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.

Hate to break this to you, she ain't doing a damn thing right. She is the main reason Democrats lost the house in the last time.

Fuck that. And even if it's true, then the American people are dumb af.

We should have never elected GW Bush. He fucked up this economy. We should have voted Republicans out in the 2010 midterm. We didn't, so we got the current Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's and Ted Cruz' and Jon Boehner's in the government.

We have a fucked up country and government because the people are fucking stupid. Especially red states who cry about takers and it turns out it's the red states that are the takers.

Nancy Pelosi needs to immediately start going after entitlements that go to red states. Fuck them until they turn blue. If red necks in Kentucky who get welfare want to vote Republican then they shouldn't be getting welfare or foodstamps. Or we should go along with the Republican plan to make Mitch McConnell's constituents work 30 hours a month to get their foodstamps. I love that idea.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
You socialists Will never understand what the real divide in this country is, you live off of fucked up emotions obviously… You do realize you sound like a pussy whipped bitch?
I know what the divide is. Do you?

We have middle class people in this country voting for the Republican party over God, Gays, Guns and Racism. It's the only thing the GOP has to offer poor and middle class people. They divide us because if they didn't they'd never win an election.

They get you to vote against your own financial interests. For example look how easily under Bush they got you to defend sending jobs overseas. Or for hiring illegals to do jobs Americans won't do. Today the GOP tries to put illegal immigration on us but the fact is they loved it and we don't really. Unions hate illegal immigration. We warned you all for years. But today suddenly the racists in your party rule. In the past it was the Corporatists.

Fuck the very small minority of liberals who are pro illegal immigration. Republicans just use this as another wedge issue to try to divide us.
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

They definitely need to get rid of Pelosi.
If you aren't a Democrat, don't tell us what to do. By saying THEY I'm assuming you are on the other team.

Neither party is mine; not the Jackass or the Elephant.

Well YOU need to get rid of McConnell.

Hell yea they need to get rid of his scary ass, he is just a Trump puppet.

But the fact is we won't like who you replace him with so why bother right? You won't like who we put up there no matter what so in fact I like it that you don't like her. She must be doing something right. Standing up for the middle class probably.

Hate to break this to you, she ain't doing a damn thing right. She is the main reason Democrats lost the house in the last time.

Fuck that. And even if it's true, then the American people are dumb af.

We should have never elected GW Bush. He fucked up this economy. We should have voted Republicans out in the 2010 midterm. We didn't, so we got the current Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's and Ted Cruz' and Jon Boehner's in the government.

We have a fucked up country and government because the people are fucking stupid. Especially red states who cry about takers and it turns out it's the red states that are the takers.

Nancy Pelosi needs to immediately start going after entitlements that go to red states. Fuck them until they turn blue. If red necks in Kentucky who get welfare want to vote Republican then they shouldn't be getting welfare or foodstamps. Or we should go along with the Republican plan to make Mitch McConnell's constituents work 30 hours a month to get their foodstamps. I love that idea.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
Dude, I soooo agree with everything and I mean everything you said. I am so sick and tired of southern states, hating on the government with their hands out. Kentucky houses some of the poorest white trashy mf's in the country. But it also houses some of the worst democratic candidates the party can find. Time and time again, they get these sorry ass candidates in, who are afraid to be liberals and they lose. This last white chic, all but endorsed Trump???? Just as McCaskill did in Mo. If your gonna straddle the fence and play it safe, than leave the party...
One thing is damn certain, Polls should become a thing of the past....people lie. Also, if anything is certain, Democrats have got to come up with something new to sell the american stupid and Pelosi can not be the messenger.

Look I'm not a Democrat but I keep telling all of my Democrat friends they need to get rid of that old hag or they are never going to go anywhere. She has a freaking death grip on the party. I mean there are a number of very eloquent well-qualified Democratic Congress people who would be so much better at that job than she is.

Republicans will just vilify the next person.

Why don’t republicans dump Paul Ryan?

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