"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

I spent a couple of years in Tulsa. I lived right next to Oral Roberts University. Nice people, as long as you convinced them that you are a Christian. Otherwise, get the hell out of Oklahoma....
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?
Apparently you don’t know how the nation’s court system works.

Ok, Gipper, that puts you in column c. There is absolutely nothing you can do about abortion, but bitch and moan, but it makes you feel better. You have no other answer or solution.

They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.

"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.
Question for the proaborts.

When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Lacy Peterson, did he kill one or two people?


What is a "pro-abort"? - oh, is this the thing where you do like the liberals do and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with your big government solution as having twisted motives???

Yeah, it is. You guys!... I tell ya.

. . . Says the guy standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those same leftists right now.

I can't help it if you guys keep changing sides.

No, but you can help being willfully obtuse and thinking the entire world must be changing, rather than just you.

Not sure what that's supposed to mean.
After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system."
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, it's very much a part of a women's body.

Well, thank you for that declaration of "scientific fact" from the cutting edge of 1910 or so. Also, these new-fangled automobile things are just a fad, and will never catch on.

It's a part of the mother's body until it's actually born. That's what "born" means. A fetus is not a person should have no legal rights. It's none. of. your. business.

Once again, thank you for that definitive assertion of cutting-edge 1910 "science", not to mention the "English For Morons" word definition. I'm quite sure that THIS time, when you tell us that your uneducated perceptions are reality, we'll just blindly let you dictate the debate parameters, despite having mocked your lack of basic biology the last 300 or so times you laughably tried to declare that every medical advance of the 20th century in that field was non-existent simply because it didn't fit what you wanted.

Is there an emoji for the "jerk-off" gesture? We need one of those. Born is born. Unborn is not. Sorry.
Some might say "I'm personally against abortion but for others to have the choice" but that's a copout.

No, it's not. It's a recognition that we can use law to force everything we'd like on society.

No, it's a copout. "I'm personally against it" means you think it's wrong, and "but others should be able to choose this thing I think is wrong" is another way of saying, "I'm too big a chickenshit to take a stand that might make people mad at me."

Don't even get me started on "Passing laws against killing people is trying to force everything we'd like on society".

Do you have any conception of the fact that ill-conceived laws - no matter how pure and pristine their intent - can cause more harm than good? Because that's exactly what you're asking for. Vandalshandle joked earlier that you could have the power to force a woman to give birth if he can force them to have abortions. I don't think that's funny. Because it's something that could actually happen. And if you succeed in giving government a vested interest in a woman's womb, it makes it that much more likely.

I've always looked at abortion as approximately the same issue as suicide. Every one is a tragedy and we want to do whatever we can to prevent them. We've even tried to make them illegal. But we realized that it did more harm than good, by piling legal penalties on to those who were already so desperate. Giving government the power to regulate what goes on inside our bodies - no matter the excuse - shatters the basic concept of self ownership.

Do you have any conception that assuming a law is "ill-conceived" based solely on the fact that it doesn't agree with what you want is useless for all practical purposes? Because that's what you're asking: for us to simply accept that your worldview is reality, and proceed from that. I wouldn't go along with that even if you WEREN'T shockingly uninformed on biology.

You're quoting Vandal to me as a source you're taking seriously. Really let that sink in for a minute.

And who is this "we" you keep citing that's "realizing" all this stuff and doing all these things in your revisionist history?

"It's different when we do it."
60% of the American public are pro-choice. Those that are not are mostly in the Midwest Bible Belt, and the deep South, which still longs for the good days before the 1860's.
Appeal to popularity fallacy, genetic fallacy, and strawman fallacy. You legitimately have no arguments, and I already demonstrated that earlier in the thread.

All that, not to mention it's false. Talk about being stuck in past decades.
Born is born. Unborn is not. Sorry.

Wow, I think I have to re-do my thread review. I didn't realize you were THAT blind and/or morally bankrupt. So a full-term baby minutes before delivery who is months OLDER than the premature babies outside the womb, in other words no different than a newborn, is a non-person to you, a piece of garbage that can be butchered no problem?

I'm truly amazed that some of you are THAT blind or evil. It is baffling to me, and it literally turns my stomach.
I hope someday you all can figure out how to be happy with your wonderful husbands instead of fretting and bawling over what's happening inside some other woman's uterus.

But, sadly for you, I doubt you are capable.

I'm sure slaveowners said the same thing when people objected to what they were doing. "Mind your own business, this is MY property." I guess I have to post this meme on a regular basis around here, since some of you repeat the same inane logical fallacies over and over.

The Spark of Life
"And God Said, Let There be Light"

It's there for any but the blind to see. I post this for them, not the insane leftist Science Deniers

It amuses me when a left tard male tries to argue for abortion. Well for that matter left tard females also

left tard males only care about poking women. The result, they hope, will be contracepted or killed by the sucker women they swoon.

One of the main reasons I married my husband was his wanting children and his concern for all children. He's a wonderful father...I chose well.

One of the reasons my husband married me was that he trusted me 100% to never want to abort his child, and to never want to make decisions about our children without him.

Excellent point. A mother's love is special...a daddy's love is simply awesome

I hope someday you all can figure out how to be happy with your wonderful husbands instead of fretting and bawling over what's happening inside some other woman's uterus.

But, sadly for you, I doubt you are capable.

I'm very happy with my husband.

With that said I'll continue to fight for the unborn in anyway I can.

You're a miserable lil sock puppet...perhaps even evil. You're definitely ignorant, lack empathy, self centered and selfish. Unable to grasp the concept of personal responsibility. In short you're beneath me and anyone who cares deeply for the most innocent of all. The same holds true for your ignorant self centered cohorts on this thread

Now resume screeching its my body you one trick evil fuck.
I like your responses.

You folks prove my points about you, every single day here.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you whack 'em over the fence for me.

You're not going to answer my clear & direct question. Okay, I get it.

"Sacred"? No. Sacred means "Connected with God, deserving of veneration". I think you chose that word on purpose Mac to give the situation as much weight as you possibly could. No, innocent human life is not "sacred".

Innocent human life is invaluably precious however. "Precious" is not "sacred". "Precious" means you don't throw it away; you don't KILL IT for convenience, but that life is subject to something else--it is not a law unto itself.
"Sacred" is a term used often by the Pro Lifers, not me. Yes, it usually has religious connotation, and if a person deems life to be "sacred", their "faith" is on very shaky ground when they start making exceptions for rape and incest. Therefore, they should be just fine with the Alabama law.

Come to think of it, I'd think so should someone who thinks innocent life is "invaluably precious".

God is sacred and He is the Author of Life. Life has a sacred purpose. We are on shaky ground when we say that all life is sacred...that is, worthy of veneration and WORSHIP. Because some people make horrid choices that are far from something we should "worship".There is punishment for the wicked. IOW life is not SO sacred that no punishment is meted out for those who inflict evil on others.
I'm talking about innocent life.

You do not get more innocent than life in the womb. There is not a question about that. They are "invaluably precious". And if you're asking ME about my personal opinion: I do not think the innocent baby should suffer the death penalty because his or her father was a rapist or committed incest. I don't think that's a just punishment. However I do see the judicial "sticky wicket" there and can see if the SC ruled abortion unlawful EXCEPT in the cases of rape or incest. I don't personally agree with it but it would be a start.

In the case of rape or incest, there shouldn't be a pregnancy to begin with afterwards right ??

It should be dealt with immediately by implementing the morning after pill in order to prevent such a thing, and this to be either given by the emergency room crew once the victim is taken there in the case of a rape (or) administered by the parents (if told immediately by their young or family member what had happened to them, and for whom their family member unfortunately may have been the victim of either a rape or incest as would be reported on by the victim (or) it is to be self administered by the poor victim's own hand (if chooses this way legally), otherwise if she decides not to wait to see if anything would result from such a thing, otherwise after being raped or was tragically a victim of incest.

She could administer the pill to her ownself in order to stop a potential pregnancy born out of the two herendous tragic situation's found in the acts of rape or incest spoken of above, but do it immediately afterwards (don't wait).

This should be the choice that a victim should be able to make freely over her body, as stated above in concerning the pill, but she should not be allowed later on down the line to just kill her pregnancy with an abortion that which removes a human being from her womb, and especially one that she wrecklacely allowed to take place within her body after knowing what had happened to her in the way that it did happen to her, yet she allows the pregnancy anyway, and then seeks to kill it by way of abortion later ???...Makes no sense to me.

Otherwise why would she allow a pregnancy to develope knowing what had happened to her, in which would have caused that pregnancy to develope if waited to long after she had been raped or was a victim of manipulative incest for more than the time that is allowed to stop a pregnancy from happening ???? Again makes no sense really.

Otherwise she waits on down the line right, and then we find out that it was only to kill the baby at a later date because of her fear or procrastination driven by fear that causes her to wait, otherwise once she decides that she don't want the baby due to the circumstances in which she may not have reported at the time, but of course she should have reported at the time, then the pill she should have taken immediately before a pregnancy could occur in that situation correct ???

Just choose life people, just choose life, and if something ain't right, then do the right thing to make it right, and don't wait if something bad happened to you, just do the right thing somehow, but don't kill your pregnancy beyond a certain point.

A baby forming in the womb (if allowed to develope after a situation like that has taken place, where as the wait created a pregnancy in which of course (the baby is innocent, within the womb afterwards), and is growing.... Next comes the formation of it's little body, hands, eyes, head etc, yet somehow the baby is then slated to be killed by abortion due to the confusion of the individual who is pregnant with the baby along that line somewhere ??

Pathetic and unfortunate is what it all is when these things occur, and especially when one thinks about the whole problem involved.

Just make abortion illegal already people. Good grief. Why endanger ones soul by being dumb about life ?? Right everyone ??
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I'm very happy with my husband.

With that said I'll continue to fight for the unborn in anyway I can.

You're a miserable lil sock puppet...perhaps even evil. You're definitely ignorant, lack empathy, self centered and selfish. Unable to grasp the concept of personal responsibility. In short you're beneath me and anyone who cares deeply for the most innocent of all. The same holds true for your ignorant self centered cohorts on this thread

Now resume screeching its my body you one trick evil fuck.

I hope someday you all can figure out how to be happy with your wonderful husbands instead of fretting and bawling over what's happening inside some other woman's uterus.

But, sadly for you, I doubt you are capable.

I'm sure slaveowners said the same thing when people objected to what they were doing. "Mind your own business, this is MY property." I guess I have to post this meme on a regular basis around here, since some of you repeat the same inane logical fallacies over and over.


I can't take you seriously at all.

I already asked if you would be willing to pay $1,000,000 per fetus when the technology is available to transfer a fetus from a woman's uterus to an artificial incubator. At a yearly cost of approximately $638 billion per year (likely more) plus the newborn medical costs.

You declined to answer (correct me if I'm wrong please, I did not go back and read the entire thread). If this were only about 'SAVING THE BABIES', you would have jumped on that like a tick on a hound dog. Anything to SAVE THE BABIES. No cost is too much to save a life, correct? Instead you passed.

Your true motives are clear. Go shine your special golden whore bell.

Also, your slave owner argument might work better for you if you weren't insisting on forcing lifetime physical and emotional changes to another woman's body against her will. A woman you have never met. A woman you know nothing about. A woman you will never meet. And you don't think that looks like slavery. And you think it's sane.

Since the proaborts here refuse to look at anything that contradicts their view, and won't read anything longer than 2 sentences, I'm going to post memes. They usually work better for people who have the attention span of a gnat.

I hope someday you all can figure out how to be happy with your wonderful husbands instead of fretting and bawling over what's happening inside some other woman's uterus.

But, sadly for you, I doubt you are capable.

I'm sure slaveowners said the same thing when people objected to what they were doing. "Mind your own business, this is MY property." I guess I have to post this meme on a regular basis around here, since some of you repeat the same inane logical fallacies over and over.


I can't take you seriously at all.

I already asked if you would be willing to pay $1,000,000 per fetus when the technology is available to transfer a fetus from a woman's uterus to an artificial incubator. At a yearly cost of approximately $638 billion per year (likely more) plus the newborn medical costs.

You declined to answer (correct me if I'm wrong please, I did not go back and read the entire thread). If this were only about 'SAVING THE BABIES', you would have jumped on that like a tick on a hound dog. Anything to SAVE THE BABIES. No cost is too much to save a life, correct? Instead you passed.

Your true motives are clear. Go shine your special golden whore bell.

Also, your slave owner argument might work better for you if you weren't insisting on forcing lifetime physical and emotional changes to another woman's body against her will. A woman you have never met. A woman you know nothing about. A woman you will never meet. And you don't think that looks like slavery. And you think it's sane.


Logic isn't your forte, is it? 99% of your responses are logical fallacies.

As for the last thing you said, NO women ever regrets having her baby, whether she keeps her child or gives someone else the gift of life. Many, MANY women deeply regret having an abortion. It's something irreversible that they will carry for the rest of their life.

You live in upside-down land. Seriously.
According to dblack and others here, this child is fine to kill. "Born is born. Unborn is not."

I'm wondering if they would be able to kill this baby with their own two hands? My guess is no. Which makes them hypocrites.

Logic isn't your forte, is it? 99% of your responses are logical fallacies.

As for the last thing you said, NO women ever regrets having her baby, whether she keeps her child or gives someone else the gift of life. Many, MANY women deeply regret having an abortion. It's something irreversible that they will carry for the rest of their life.

You live in upside-down land. Seriously.

Still unwilling to put life over $$. True colors always shine through.

Stock up on that polish.
Logic isn't your forte, is it? 99% of your responses are logical fallacies.

As for the last thing you said, NO women ever regrets having her baby, whether she keeps her child or gives someone else the gift of life. Many, MANY women deeply regret having an abortion. It's something irreversible that they will carry for the rest of their life.

You live in upside-down land. Seriously.

Still unwilling to put life over $$. True colors always shine through.

Stock up on that polish.

lol. It's impossible for you to put forth anything other than logical fallacies, isn't it? The sad thing is, you appear to be completely oblivious to your many logical fallacies.

Public schools in the US have failed us, evidently.
lol. It's impossible for you to put forth anything other than logical fallacies, isn't it? The sad thing is, you appear to be completely oblivious to your many logical fallacies.

Public schools in the US have failed us, evidently.
It is impossible for you to hide your true motives.

You want women to behave themselves. To live their lives to your satisfaction. To think the way you think.

This has nothing to do with protecting life and that is apparent for all to see.

I do understand why you are so agonized. It has got to be profoundly aggravating to realize the control you wish for is out of your reach.

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