"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

What is a "pro-abort"? - oh, is this the thing where you do like the liberals do and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with your big government solution as having twisted motives???

Yeah, it is. You guys!... I tell ya.

. . . Says the guy standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those same leftists right now.

I can't help it if you guys keep changing sides.

No, but you can help being willfully obtuse and thinking the entire world must be changing, rather than just you.

Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

It means that when you suddenly find that your usual allies are now your opponents and your usual opponents are now your allies, you're an idiot if you assume that you stood still and the whole rest of the world changed position. It's far more likely that YOU moved.

In this case, that's not so - and you know it. The political principles of both major parties blow with the wind. Both parties only care about liberty when they're not in power. When they actually have the ability to force their will on others with the power of government, they're more than eager to do so.
No, it's a copout. "I'm personally against it" means you think it's wrong, and "but others should be able to choose this thing I think is wrong" is another way of saying, "I'm too big a chickenshit to take a stand that might make people mad at me."

Don't even get me started on "Passing laws against killing people is trying to force everything we'd like on society".

Do you have any conception of the fact that ill-conceived laws - no matter how pure and pristine their intent - can cause more harm than good? Because that's exactly what you're asking for. Vandalshandle joked earlier that you could have the power to force a woman to give birth if he can force them to have abortions. I don't think that's funny. Because it's something that could actually happen. And if you succeed in giving government a vested interest in a woman's womb, it makes it that much more likely.

I've always looked at abortion as approximately the same issue as suicide. Every one is a tragedy and we want to do whatever we can to prevent them. We've even tried to make them illegal. But we realized that it did more harm than good, by piling legal penalties on to those who were already so desperate. Giving government the power to regulate what goes on inside our bodies - no matter the excuse - shatters the basic concept of self ownership.

Do you have any conception that assuming a law is "ill-conceived" based solely on the fact that it doesn't agree with what you want is useless for all practical purposes? Because that's what you're asking: for us to simply accept that your worldview is reality, and proceed from that. I wouldn't go along with that even if you WEREN'T shockingly uninformed on biology.

You're quoting Vandal to me as a source you're taking seriously. Really let that sink in for a minute.
And who is this "we" you keep citing that's "realizing" all this stuff and doing all these things in your revisionist history?

"It's different when we do it."

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I'm calling you out on hypocrisy. You pretend to want limited government and protection for individual rights. Except when you don't. Except when you imagine something is going on inside another person that offends you.

You can call out until your fucking face is blue. I don't "pretend" anything, and you can get the fuck over your assumption that YOU are some sort of arbiter of what constitutes belief in limited government. I don't answer to you. Maybe next time you set out to judge someone, you should consider first whether or not they utterly reject and spit on your pretention of authority.

Should you ever decide to stop aping your new sanctimonious leftist asshole buddies and actually find out what people think and why, rather than just ASSuming the most negative connotation you can invent, feel free to come back and ASK me, like the thoughtful conservative you want to tell yourself you still are.
Do you have any conception of the fact that ill-conceived laws - no matter how pure and pristine their intent - can cause more harm than good? Because that's exactly what you're asking for. Vandalshandle joked earlier that you could have the power to force a woman to give birth if he can force them to have abortions. I don't think that's funny. Because it's something that could actually happen. And if you succeed in giving government a vested interest in a woman's womb, it makes it that much more likely.

I've always looked at abortion as approximately the same issue as suicide. Every one is a tragedy and we want to do whatever we can to prevent them. We've even tried to make them illegal. But we realized that it did more harm than good, by piling legal penalties on to those who were already so desperate. Giving government the power to regulate what goes on inside our bodies - no matter the excuse - shatters the basic concept of self ownership.

Do you have any conception that assuming a law is "ill-conceived" based solely on the fact that it doesn't agree with what you want is useless for all practical purposes? Because that's what you're asking: for us to simply accept that your worldview is reality, and proceed from that. I wouldn't go along with that even if you WEREN'T shockingly uninformed on biology.

You're quoting Vandal to me as a source you're taking seriously. Really let that sink in for a minute.
And who is this "we" you keep citing that's "realizing" all this stuff and doing all these things in your revisionist history?

"It's different when we do it."

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I'm calling you out on hypocrisy. You pretend to want limited government and protection for individual rights. Except when you don't. Except when you imagine something is going on inside another person that offends you.

You can call out until your fucking face is blue. I don't "pretend" anything, and you can get the fuck over your assumption that YOU are some sort of arbiter of what constitutes belief in limited government. I don't answer to you. Maybe next time you set out to judge someone, you should consider first whether or not they utterly reject and spit on your pretention of authority.

Should you ever decide to stop aping your new sanctimonious leftist asshole buddies and actually find out what people think and why, rather than just ASSuming the most negative connotation you can invent, feel free to come back and ASK me, like the thoughtful conservative you want to tell yourself you still are.

I'm not a conservative.
Ok, Gipper, that puts you in column c. There is absolutely nothing you can do about abortion, but bitch and moan, but it makes you feel better. You have no other answer or solution.

They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.

"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.
They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.

"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

It doesn't matter what it is. I don't want government claiming authority over my innards. Period.

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.

I don't know anything about you. But if you're advocating for state regulation of the womb, I think you're wrong.
"It's a part of the mother's body until it's actually born. That's what "born" means." Either show me where the word born contains ANY assertion that a baby is "part of the mother's body", or admit that you were projecting your badly-outdated and incorrect personal opinion onto the language.


  1. 1.
    the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.

Is it even worth the effort of explaining to you the difference between "physically separate" and "was part of the mother's body"? Probably not, given that you haven't learned anything newer than 1940.
. . . Says the guy standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those same leftists right now.

I can't help it if you guys keep changing sides.

No, but you can help being willfully obtuse and thinking the entire world must be changing, rather than just you.

Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

It means that when you suddenly find that your usual allies are now your opponents and your usual opponents are now your allies, you're an idiot if you assume that you stood still and the whole rest of the world changed position. It's far more likely that YOU moved.

In this case, that's not so - and you know it. The political principles of both major parties blow with the wind. Both parties only care about liberty when they're not in power. When they actually have the ability to force their will on others with the power of government, they're more than eager to do so.

I know nothing of the sort, because unlike you, I didn't jump right to "political parties". So again, you are ASSuming things. Thanks for yet another meaningless venture into the world of morons who think they're smart.
Do you have any conception that assuming a law is "ill-conceived" based solely on the fact that it doesn't agree with what you want is useless for all practical purposes? Because that's what you're asking: for us to simply accept that your worldview is reality, and proceed from that. I wouldn't go along with that even if you WEREN'T shockingly uninformed on biology.

You're quoting Vandal to me as a source you're taking seriously. Really let that sink in for a minute.
And who is this "we" you keep citing that's "realizing" all this stuff and doing all these things in your revisionist history?

"It's different when we do it."

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I'm calling you out on hypocrisy. You pretend to want limited government and protection for individual rights. Except when you don't. Except when you imagine something is going on inside another person that offends you.

You can call out until your fucking face is blue. I don't "pretend" anything, and you can get the fuck over your assumption that YOU are some sort of arbiter of what constitutes belief in limited government. I don't answer to you. Maybe next time you set out to judge someone, you should consider first whether or not they utterly reject and spit on your pretention of authority.

Should you ever decide to stop aping your new sanctimonious leftist asshole buddies and actually find out what people think and why, rather than just ASSuming the most negative connotation you can invent, feel free to come back and ASK me, like the thoughtful conservative you want to tell yourself you still are.

I'm not a conservative.

That's obvious.
"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

It doesn't matter what it is. I don't want government claiming authority over my innards. Period.

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.

I don't know anything about you. But if you're advocating for state regulation of the womb, I think you're wrong.

"It doesn't matter what it is." You should get that on a t-shirt. Proud ignorance seems to be your motto.

"State regulation of the womb" = "I'm too fucking stupid to know the difference between the uterus and the living organism inside it! Please think of me as the village idiot!"
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

It doesn't matter what it is. I don't want government claiming authority over my innards. Period.

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.

I don't know anything about you. But if you're advocating for state regulation of the womb, I think you're wrong.

"It doesn't matter what it is." You should get that on a t-shirt. Proud ignorance seems to be your motto.

"State regulation of the womb" = "I'm too fucking stupid to know the difference between the uterus and the living organism inside it! Please think of me as the village idiot!"

Nope. I just don't want government that claims the right to regulate the contents of my body.

Modern conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: the power of government to shape society. They're kidding themselves, but when they act on their delusion, and try to force their idea of virtue on everyone else via law, it creates very real problems.
Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

It doesn't matter what it is. I don't want government claiming authority over my innards. Period.

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.

I don't know anything about you. But if you're advocating for state regulation of the womb, I think you're wrong.

"It doesn't matter what it is." You should get that on a t-shirt. Proud ignorance seems to be your motto.

"State regulation of the womb" = "I'm too fucking stupid to know the difference between the uterus and the living organism inside it! Please think of me as the village idiot!"

Nope. I just don't want government that claims the right to regulate the contents of my body.

Modern conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: the power of government to shape society. They're kidding themselves, but when they act on their delusion, and try to force their idea of virtue on everyone else via law, it creates very real problems.

I'm done with you, Jethro. If I spend any more time talking to your mentally-challenged self, I'm gonna need a receipt so I can claim it on my taxes as a charitable deduction.

Happy ignorance to you.
And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.

"Contents of a person's body" = "I'm so ignorant of biology, I think a fetus is the same as urine and feces! Please laugh at me!"

It doesn't matter what it is. I don't want government claiming authority over my innards. Period.

Do me a favor and let me know now if you're planning to just spend time posting about how you're withholding your approval of me. I'd like to save some time and just scroll past it to something that matters to me.

I don't know anything about you. But if you're advocating for state regulation of the womb, I think you're wrong.

"It doesn't matter what it is." You should get that on a t-shirt. Proud ignorance seems to be your motto.

"State regulation of the womb" = "I'm too fucking stupid to know the difference between the uterus and the living organism inside it! Please think of me as the village idiot!"

Nope. I just don't want government that claims the right to regulate the contents of my body.

Modern conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: the power of government to shape society. They're kidding themselves, but when they act on their delusion, and try to force their idea of virtue on everyone else via law, it creates very real problems.

I'm done with you, Jethro. If I spend any more time talking to your mentally-challenged self, I'm gonna need a receipt so I can claim it on my taxes as a charitable deduction.

Happy ignorance to you.

Good deal. But if you post more hypocritical nonsense, I'll probably call it out as such.
Ok, Gipper, that puts you in column c. There is absolutely nothing you can do about abortion, but bitch and moan, but it makes you feel better. You have no other answer or solution.

They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.

"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.
Why would you equate (in a very dishonest way), that all things per government are equal (as if they are equal in every way) when they aren't ?????

This is a tactic used, and it is a tactic that is getting very old these days. Give it up already. Good grief.
Do you have any conception that assuming a law is "ill-conceived" based solely on the fact that it doesn't agree with what you want is useless for all practical purposes? Because that's what you're asking: for us to simply accept that your worldview is reality, and proceed from that. I wouldn't go along with that even if you WEREN'T shockingly uninformed on biology.

You're quoting Vandal to me as a source you're taking seriously. Really let that sink in for a minute.
And who is this "we" you keep citing that's "realizing" all this stuff and doing all these things in your revisionist history?

"It's different when we do it."

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I'm calling you out on hypocrisy. You pretend to want limited government and protection for individual rights. Except when you don't. Except when you imagine something is going on inside another person that offends you.

You can call out until your fucking face is blue. I don't "pretend" anything, and you can get the fuck over your assumption that YOU are some sort of arbiter of what constitutes belief in limited government. I don't answer to you. Maybe next time you set out to judge someone, you should consider first whether or not they utterly reject and spit on your pretention of authority.

Should you ever decide to stop aping your new sanctimonious leftist asshole buddies and actually find out what people think and why, rather than just ASSuming the most negative connotation you can invent, feel free to come back and ASK me, like the thoughtful conservative you want to tell yourself you still are.

I'm not a conservative.
That's funny, because I could have sworn you said you were one a good while back here. Hmmm.

So now you aren't one ? OK.
"It's different when we do it."

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I'm calling you out on hypocrisy. You pretend to want limited government and protection for individual rights. Except when you don't. Except when you imagine something is going on inside another person that offends you.

You can call out until your fucking face is blue. I don't "pretend" anything, and you can get the fuck over your assumption that YOU are some sort of arbiter of what constitutes belief in limited government. I don't answer to you. Maybe next time you set out to judge someone, you should consider first whether or not they utterly reject and spit on your pretention of authority.

Should you ever decide to stop aping your new sanctimonious leftist asshole buddies and actually find out what people think and why, rather than just ASSuming the most negative connotation you can invent, feel free to come back and ASK me, like the thoughtful conservative you want to tell yourself you still are.

I'm not a conservative.
That's funny, because I could have sworn you said you were one a good while back here. Hmmm.

So now you aren't one ? OK.

I've never said that.
They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.

"Regulating our bodily processes." You think poisoning or dismembering an unborn child and removing it to a biohazard bag with surgical instruments is a natural bodily process, do you?
I didn't say anything about "natural". I just said it's none of your business.

Nice attempt at dodging. You tried to defend abortion by calling pro-life positions "getting the government involved in regulating our bodily processes". Abortion is not a "bodily process".

And you can assert "It's none of your business!" until your face turns blue. Won't make it anything more than your opinion, and only a dumbass answers disagreements with their opinion by restating their opinion as though THIS time, people are going to go, "Oh, okay, since you said it ONE MORE TIME, I have to accept it's true."

And only an authoritarian statist would claim the government has sovereignty over the contents of a person's body. That's as intrusive as government can get.
Why would you equate (in a very dishonest way), that all things per government are equal (as if they are equal in every way) when they aren't ?????

This is a tactic used, and it is a tactic that is getting very old these days. Give it up already. Good grief.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
Nope. I just don't want government that claims the right to regulate the contents of my body.

Modern conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: the power of government to shape society. They're kidding themselves, but when they act on their delusion, and try to force their idea of virtue on everyone else via law, it creates very real problems.

Don't ever vote for government health care then.
Nope. I just don't want government that claims the right to regulate the contents of my body.

Modern conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: the power of government to shape society. They're kidding themselves, but when they act on their delusion, and try to force their idea of virtue on everyone else via law, it creates very real problems.

Don't ever vote for government health care then.

LOL - OK, I won't. Your stereotypes need some work.
Premie born at 24 weeks. Pro-aborts say this CHILD should be perfectly legal to kill. Sadistic fucks.

View attachment 262793

is that one of them famous blob of cells /parasites that make the leftards want to vacuum away in pieces ?

View attachment 262795
I would bet these three are still parasites living at home with mom and dad who is giving them shelter, feeding them. providing medical care and clothing them. And they should be castrated and their tubes tied.
If you do not want the unwanted visitor in your body do not let him or her move in and then complain that you want him or her removed.

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